Saturday, December 10, 2011

Keanu Reeves On The Subway

Even though this video was shot back in August, I have never seen it. It is surreal, but nice. Yeah yeah, my mom had Notting Hill last night and now I am quoting lines. I couldn't help it. She made Christmas crack which involves crackers caramel and chocolate but would only let me eat it if I watched the movie with her. Blackmail I say. What I should have done is start channeling Rhys Ifans and walk around in my tighty whities and then I could have escaped. Anyway, I have never seen this video of Keanu until today, but it is a really interesting 44 seconds. He is Mr. Fidgety the entire time but does give up his seat to a woman.


  1. Nice guy. He looks really good, too.

  2. He does look pretty good!

    It's interesting to see a celebrity in the middle of us "normal" folk and watching genuine reaction and such. You can tell he doesn't know he's being taped.

  3. People are making a big deal out of this, but the sad truth is, this is not a common occurrence. Human beings, male and female, should show more common courtesy. There is no reason to let a door close on someone behind you, or sit comfortably on a bus or subway, leaving a less able-bodied person standing. You offer your seat, and you hold the door out of respect for your fellow human beings.

    I open the door for the person after me, even if I have an armful of packages. I have to say that in my experience, white males 50 and under are the WORST at not having common courtesy. I don't know if it's a backlash against feminism or what, but I am not impressed. Good for Keanu! I love this!

  4. it looked like he kept waiting to be noticed and then just calmed down when nobody really cared. Most people are used to him with long scraggly hair. He hasn't had his hair that short since Speed.

    i live in nyc, see famous people but other then stare at them most of us are too caught up in our own busy world to care about an actor or actress walking about.

  5. What a gentleman! LOVE him!

  6. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I'm with Madlyb. It's nice what he does but it's really not the sort of thing we should be high-fiving. People should be courteous. This reminds me of an Onion article about an NBA player being honoured for being a decent human being.

    And in my opinion, if someone is going to let the door close in your face or pushed past you to get on the elevator first, it's a teenager.

    That said, he looks like he did in Speed. He was at his finest in that movie.

  7. He is so good looking, but he just didn't want to sit next to the brutha...hahaha just kidding.

  8. It is not normal behavior on the subway for a man to get up for a woman on the subway.

    That said all kinds of famous people ride the subway in NYC and just like this no one gives a flying f**k.

    Bravo to him.

  9. He doesn't look fidgety to me at all. He was raised in Winnipeg and you can't much more down home than that.

  10. Madlyb and AnitaMark: I too will keep a door open for people but the worst offenders I have noticed (in CA) are women. They very rarely say thank you, just push right past you as though you were there for their convenience. On a bright note, I have noticed teenaged boys holding doors open and that gives me much faith in the younger generation. Ooh boy! Now I sound really old. Pretty soon they'll be helping me cross at stop lights.

  11. Sherry - You're probably right. I probably notice men more because of my upbringing. It was rather old-fashioned and even though I'm a self-described feminist, it's hard to let go of the old ways of thinking.

    My statement was flawed because of my prejudice. My experience has been that a lot of white men between 25 - 50 are dicks. Not all, of course, but a good number. I don't know if it's because caucasian males feel more entitled or what. That likely says more about me than them. Obviously I have issues with white males. :(

    I do love the younger generation, and my experience with them is through meeting my daughter's and nephew's peers. Fantastic kids! Then again, my daughter and nephew tend to hang with kids raised with manners like they were. Both would give up their seat or hold a door for someone. I work with some young white guys who are very sweet, but then again, they're under 25.

  12. I lived in NYC for years and can agree that it's a rare occurrence for men to give up their seats, unless it's a pregnant or elderly woman. I don't think I've ever seen a man give up a seat for a random woman who's neither pregnant nor elderly. Way to go, Keanu!

  13. I think he should be commended. It's rare nowadays for ANYONE to give up a seat on the subway, let alone a man who has been pretty famous for over two decades.

    Sure, manners should be ingrained, but let's be honest. They aren't. I saw an able-bodied young woman take up two seats on the subway a few weeks ago while a little old lady feebly held on to a railing right next to her. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

    Teenagers really are the absolute worst when it comes to pisspoor manners. The majority of them are such assholes. Whenever I encounter a polite one in public, I thank his/her parents profusely if they're around.

  14. There was a period of time when I didn't offer up train or bus seats because I thought it implied that the person being offered the seat was somehow less capable of standing than I am. But I got over that! You go, Keanu.

  15. Love him. He's such a good guy. I always thought he would be the perfect "new" Mr. Spock.

  16. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Madlyb and Sherry, we'll chalk it up to a regional thing. Of course I'm in Canada where we're teased about being very polite (unless we're driving, then all bets are off). I find men are great, it's rare that they let the door close on me or push past me to get on the elevator, etc. Women too. But teenagers... good Lord. And yeah, the parents of the polite ones deserve high fives.

    I'm all about equal rights and feminism, etc but I can't help but notice a man's manners. Whenever one exhibits bad manners in front of me (i.e., letting the door close, etc.) and I think if he and I were the last two people on earth, the human race would die with us.

  17. Wow does he look great with the shorter hair! Yummy Keanu is back!

  18. It's total bullshit for a man to give up his seat to an able-bodied woman. It's not manners, it's condescending. It's a tradition that needs to die asap.

  19. He's doesn't look extra fidgety to me either. The train is moving so that obviously causes some movement by default.

    When I was 7 or 8 mo. pregnant nobody gave up a seat for me on the metro as it is known here in DC. I made it out ok, I survived. My beached whale ass was a little miffed but glad to say: large ego still intact.

  20. I always appreciate seeing anyone with manners, so good for Keanu. As for how he looks...he's close to 50 years old and is still slim, fit and attractive. Good for him all around.

  21. btw, does anyone know the recipe to Christmas Crack?

    sounds yummy!

  22. he looks very good!! I dont think it's bullshit for a man to give up his seat for a woman, at all. It's not necessary, but it's always nice. I'm a woman and I give up my seat for people too...especially of the elderly, overweight, or pregnant variety.

  23. Anonymous3:03 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I sold Kenau some socks in 1999 in SF so I think I know him very very well. We are practically soul mates. I am sure he thinks about me every day. I asked him, "are the socks for skating?" (I worked in a skateboard shop), and he said, "no, they are like, for running". I suggested some socks we had and he hesitated and I said, "yes, they are expensive", then he went through with the purchase. Now this is the good part...when I went to give him his receipt, he hesitated again and I said to keep the receipt for his records. He then took the receipt and said "thank-you". I mean wow, we are practically married after that.

    3:03 PM

  25. I want to try some Christmas crack as well!

    I don't know what to say about this video other than Yay, Keanu?
