Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ke$ha Starts A Beard Loving Fetish Site

Ke$ha has always made it known she liked guys with beards, and she is not talking about guys with fake girlfriends to hide their sexuality. Instead, she actually likes guys with a lot of facial hair. So much so that she has pictures of herself eating guy's beards, wrote a song about it and has started a website for people who share the same fetish. For right now the site primarily consists of Ke$ha eating guys beards but she wants other women to send in photos of them eating beards too. I can't decide if this is some kind of publicity ploy or if she just really enjoys eating leftover food out of guy's beards.


  1. She's such a moron. Bitch tries way too hard.

  2. Its so sad that someone that has an IQ at genius level is wasting her time doing shit like this. It really irks me!

  3. Her IQ is genius level?

    This is so weird to me. But I'm glad to see some Ke$ha gossip. I always wondered why there wasn't more out there about her, given the lyrics she sings

  4. Another fetish I wish I had never heard of.

  5. this actually kind of annoys me. in the indie pop/rock/folk world beards have been super popular for years. people say the bigger the beard the better musical talent. see artists like iron and wine, ray lamontagne, william fitzsimmons, bonnie prince billy, etc.

  6. That makes me wanna hurl. I don't like hair in my mouth! LOL

  7. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I like Kesha. She just doesn't seem to give a care what anyone thinks. It's refreshing, in a way. And she doesn't get into trouble, so good on her for that.

    I've heard she was really smart, too.

  8. @RenoBlondee - Eww, me either! I gag just thinking about it.

    I don't get the chewing on the beard part but I think it's actually hilarious she started this site.

  9. I would just like to say....ewwww

  10. My stomach does a flip-flop when I look at that pic. "Eating beards?" I just gagged typing it.

  11. For some reason I have always liked her. Perhaps, it stems from her puking in Ebola Hilton's closet.

  12. Good, thanks. I needed something to take my mind off of food for a few hours...


  13. Yeah, in a strange way I like her too, especially after she did that video with James Van Deer Beek (sp?).

  14. I love Ke$ha, she is just so ridiculous.

  15. Well, my husband is growing a beard. Now I guess we have a use for it, finally.

  16. That is all kinds of nasty! UGH!

  17. I tried to give her music a chance, but...nah. I don't dislike her or anything, but that pic of her biting some guys beard completely grossed me out. I, too had a bearded man thing until I actually dated one. I won't even go there, but needless to say, I'm over it. I still blame Jesus for my beard thing, though.

  18. My old man and I were at a RRE show and this dude came up to him and asked to take a pic of his beard... from below. He then handed us a card for this site...


    I love facial hair BUT I would ne'er chomp on my guy's beard (and believe me, I buy him NICE toiletries to make his beard silky and soft). But ladies... to feel that soft, silky beard rubbing my thighs, yowza!
