Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kim Kardashian's Best Friend Is The Other Woman In Kobe Bryant Divorce

Apparently when Lamar Odom married Khloe Kardashian, Khloe started bringing to Lakers games Kim's best friend Carla DiBello, who is also one of the producers of all Kim's reality shows. One thing led to another and now Carla is being blamed for breaking up Kobe Bryant's marriage. I think Carla might have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but how often was Vanessa supposed to forgive Kobe for cheating? How often did she not even catch him cheating when he was? What probably happened is that Vanessa got used to Kobe cheating but those women were probably just sex and Carla was something more. Kind of like when Elle found out about Rachel Uchitel and Tiger so took a golf club to Tiger's car. I suppose now Carla will get famous off this and demand her own reality show.


  1. Who cares? Honestly?

  2. Like hangs with like.

  3. birds of the same feather flock together!

  4. Personally, I think Vanessa was just waiting for the 10 yr mark.

    But the fact that a friend of the K's was fucking Kobe is no surprise. Shit, I hate to admit it, because he is married, but I'd fuck Kobe in a heartbeat. With 3 condoms on of course.

  5. she kinda looks like Rachel Dracht...with big boobies.

  6. He was probably cheating with countless women, so the fact that one of Kim's friends just happens to be getting publicity for the break up is very suspect.

  7. This is totally true! I was wondering when it would come out to the public.

  8. Hell yeah, she had her 10 year plan. No prenup! Golddiggers everywhere will have a framed picture of Vanessa next to their nightstand.
    Also, it's Elin, not Elle.

  9. Hell yeah, she had her 10 year plan. No prenup! Golddiggers everywhere will have a framed picture of Vanessa next to their nightstand.
    Also, it's Elin, not Elle.

  10. why is the wife hated?

  11. These people are repellent.

  12. Vanessa forgave him for being a rapist, so why not turn a blind eye to all his consensual transgressions?

  13. Vanessa is known to be a queen bitch and the fact she stayed with him after the rape accusations. She is also very bipolar

  14. THANK YOU trollslayer!!

    And yes, lol, she DOES look like a slightly hotter Rachel Dratch.

    Isnt it funny how men cheat so often on their smoking hot wives/gfs with average to ugly looking women???

    BTW- I've never had an alien stick it's tongue out at me before- whoa.

  15. I think something bigger happened. It can't be THIS girl that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I think everyone is dead on in saying the 10 year mark had a lot to do with the timing. Was Vanessa on Basketball Wives and was any of this ever addressed?

  16. Probably the bigger story has something to do with there being tapes out there or Kim planning on running this on her show somehow (by talking with her friend about Kobe cheating with her or showing it) or something along those lines. I can see how if Kim's fat ass somehow were exploiting anything in a woman's life that would be the last straw when it never mattered before.

  17. I think there was a prenup, but it was destroyed during the rape allegations in exchange for not leaving and talking. And staying at least 10 years was probably part of the deal.

  18. Anonymous1:59 PM

    There's more to the story than this. Rumors suggest that Carla has been in the picture for years. Unless she stepped way out of bounds, I don't see her being the reason that Vanessa is divorcing Kobe.

    Kobe is no saint, but neither is Vanessa. She and her mother of gold diggers of the highest order. She's been counting the days to the 10-year mark and now she's cashing in. She deserves it, in a way. But her intentions were always to get her hands on Kobe's cash.

  19. I love how all the blame is on her. It takes two to tango! I personally don't give a crap about these two idiots...

  20. Is Carla prego? I can't see why one woman would be different than his hordes of others. Vanessa stayed with him through a rape trial, so unless Kobe gave her HIV or his side piece is prego, I can't see this really being the reason. I think she went just a little beyond the ten year mark and that's it. It would have been WAY too obvious if she filed on her ten year anniversary. Much better to start the new year off rich.

  21. i read some other sites, and the hate on the wife is big. but she was a teen when they met & married. how savvy could she have been?

  22. Are you kidding me? There has been bad blood between V and the Cuntrashians ever since CloHE stepped onto that court. It's quite documented. So to say she sat if out is bullshit. Kolbe jumping to the Cunts was probably the last straw and rightfully so.

  23. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Maybe this woman is the final straw, maybe she was just waiting for 10 years, maybe he did something we don't know about and she had enough.

    Why does it matter? Bitch or not, she's had enough, she's taking half. It's not our money.

  24. If I remember correctly Kobe got involved with Vanessa when she was underage and her father was going to bring stat rape charges if he didn't make her an honest woman. Keep in mind that at that time Kobe was just about engaged to a young woman in Philly who found out she was dumped when Kobe and Vanessa's impending nuptials hit the papers. Kobe was routinely booed in Philly because of this for awhile.

    I don't give a rats ass about either one of these people but I don't understand the 10 year thing. Is that a benchmark for gold diggers or something? Doesn't she automatically get half?

  25. 10 year thing, in CA you can get permanent spousal support after 10+ years of marriage. If it's under 10, you get spousal support for half the length of the marriage. Assets accumulated during the marriage are usually divided 50/50 regardless of length of marriage.

    Plus, 10 years is a nice number to shoot for in these marriages where the spouses have some sort of agreement about how long they have to stay together. In the case of this marriage, I have no doubt that this was agreed to years ago.

  26. Aoife - In California, once you get to ten years of marriage, the assets are split 50/50 (assuming there's no prenup).

  27. So she was waiting for the 10 year mark huh? GOOD! Fine she's a gold digger. But he's a WHORE. He kept betraying her over and over and over and over again. And no she didn't have to take it. But hey why not do it how it hurts the most for him??? Hey, he hurt her where it hurt the most for her. If he couldn't keep his dirty filthy paws off other women's cuchies then he should have left her so he doesn't keep hurting her. But no, he did the opposite. So basically, what I'm saying is eye for an eye and good for her. I say wipe him. God knows how many STD's the pig's given her...

  28. A bunch of classless people with more money than brains and probably more germs than both. Plus they pay less taxes than us.

    The wife did what we all do at some point - stay in a shit job long enough to be vested for her pension.

  29. Oh good lord, I just realized that Kim Kardash was in my dream last night. How odd.

  30. in CA, if there's no prenup you get half of everything (incl. his social security support) plus spousal support. And don't forget child support! Player got PLAYED. Ha!

  31. after 10 years, that is.

  32. As soon as I read that it was just over 10 years I instantly thought of Tom and Nicole. I don't know if this was something that was necessarily planned and agreed upon by both parties but I think Vanessa knew what she was doing.
    I knew the big purple diamond wouldn't really fix things.

  33. The funniest part in all of this is Carla is getting a looser. Ha!

  34. @Dishtlk
    I thought about them too! Tom dumped Nicole right before the ten year mark and everyone talked about it.

    Ten years is big in Cali because it constitutes as a "long term" marriage and the spouse gets dibs on retirement and social security benefits of the larger spouse. I dated a guy who got divorced after twenty years, and it was not pretty.

    Whoever, if ever, Kobe gets married again, the second gold digger will just get Vanessa's leftovers.

  35. OMG...It's not just the other woman's fault when a man cheats on his wife. It's also the man's fault. They're actually both at fault. He's just as much of a homewrecker as she is.
