Monday, December 05, 2011

Kudos To Demi Lovato

When Demi Lovato has messed up or done something scandalous, I have been right here telling you what she did. I think it is fair that when she does something good, that gets attention too. Over the weekend, Demi went back to the treatment center she spent a great deal of time at in Chicago. She was a speaker at the center and hopefully shared her story and her journey with the women there. Hopefully she was honest with them and spoke about all her demons and not just the ones she likes to put out there publicly. I don't think partial sharing does as much good as full sharing, but I will say that she has not shied away from discussing most of the reasons she was at the residential center and I think it is great that she found time to go back. That has to bring back a lot of memories and moments that she probably did not want to face again so great for her. Now just dump Wilmer Valderrama.


  1. Yay for Demi! I hope she has the support she needs...she's young, plenty of opportunity to turn her life around 180 degrees.

  2. I watched an interview with her when she discussed her, ahem, "eating disorder," and kind of how that made her punch someone in the face, but it was all better now, and I still couldn't get over my being creeped out by her. She makes me sad for some reason, and that's a bitter pill for a singer/actress to force onto the public.

  3. she looks enough clever and strong to understand that she has/had troubles and she needed help
    i hope the better for her , that her bad days are behind her and i hope also that someone like Lindsay Lohan finds the same way

  4. She has not been honest about her demons. She has totally left out the fact that she has a drug problem. I am glad she is doing well, but I do not like that she has totally omitted that part of her problem.

    If you are going to be honest, don;t leave shit out.

  5. I'm with Barton. The girl makes me sad. Because you know that she has no other choices, and people (including her mother) depend on her financially.

    And we all know that a lot of actors and has beens are douchebags, if she's still with Wilmer and doing better, doesn't that mean that he is actually supportive?

  6. Will never respect her for lying about her reasons for rehab. And I don't care what they say, with her post-rehab body, most likely due to the absence of cocaine, she is over. Which is probably exactly why she had time to go back to rehab and speak.

  7. Holy shit, Demi's now a size 4/6 -- she's so fat & disgusting, her career is over!!!1 ZOMG!!!!1 *smdh*

    She looks fantastic in that photo.

  8. I was just asking myself who the snitch in that rehab facility is that tells people what she talked about in her speech? So not cool! I think that's why many celebrities refrain from getting treatment if you can't be sure that an employee or a fellow patient is selling stories about you. I would feel so damn helpless and would never dare to speak up in group therapy.

    Apart from that, it seems that Demi still socializes with the same group of people she used to hang out with before she had her breakdown. I don't think that this is good for her.

  9. To be fair, the coke issue may have been a way to control the eating disorder, which is what happened to me. I did time in rehab for coke (against my will) but it's not where I belonged - the coke was a means to an end. When I got out I received treatment for an ED, and that's really what I needed. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt on this one. Go Demi.

  10. I think it's great she went back, and I hope it at least helped someone there get better. I also hope it served as a reminder to her to stay away from the behaviors that landed her there in the first place.

  11. It's good that she went back but I agree with Mina - these programs are supposed to be anonymous for a reason.

  12. When she got out of rehab & appeared on Ellen, drug use WAS brought up and she didn't deny it. She admitted it was an issue. She was kind of glossing over it, but she wasn't denying it. I just wanted to point that out. I have no clue what she said in other interviews.

  13. I don't think we have seen the last of this train wreck. Now, if she went back in 2 yrs time & was still clean I would shake her hand & congradulate her, but right now I will wait & see.
