Monday, December 12, 2011

Louis Dowler Says Kate Winslet Cheated On Him And Broke Up Marriage

Kate Winslet was not very nice when she dumped Burberry model Louis Dowler. He was the guy she dated after her breakup with Sam Mendes and before she started dating her current boyfriend, the married Ned Rocknroll who told his wife he was leaving her for Kate. Remember when Kate saved Richard Branson's mother from the fire? Well, Louis was on that trip with Kate. He thought they were in love. Then on that trip it sounds like she hooked up with Ned and Louis was history. Louis says that he was in love with Kate and the pain does not go away. She went with him to visit his family and thinks Kate dumped him hard and did not much care if he was hurting or not.Oh, and on that same trip, Ned was there with his wife. Were they running around at night, hooking up and trying not to get caught and then sneaking back to their respective significant other's beds?


  1. It sucks when you break up with someone and they were clearly over the relationship before the breakup, and you just can't get over it. Probably doesn't help much when it's a millionaire that would make the rest of your life cushy.

  2. Seriously? That guy's last name is Rocknroll? That's equal parts awesome and pathetic.

  3. Lets face it, these people are different ...not that ordinary people don't cheat..but at least we can get away with it not being in the press.

  4. He changed his name to Rocknroll. Prior, it was something perfectly normal and ordinary. I can't remember what exactly and am too lazy to google it.

  5. it was a coup de foudre

  6. I guess he needed more than the 15 minutes dated KW gave him. Face it, you weren't for her.

    As for breaking up a marriage, I firmly believe that you cannot break up a happy marriage.

  7. After recently watching "The Holiday", that's all I can see when I look at her. I don't think I've watched her in anything else...never saw Titanic or Spotless Mind and I can't think of anything else.

  8. Mr. ROcknRoll was already separated from his wife, so it's wasn't stealing. Didn't know the wife went on the trip, but it could very well be a friendly relationship.

  9. i love her as an actress, but in real life, she seems to be a bit of a slut.

  10. @ nancer - with her body I would be a slut too! :)

  11. That he's the type of person to go to the media over a broken relationship tells me Kate did the right thing by breaking up with him.

    The Rocknroll guy is Richard Branson's nephew.

  12. @bits of moxy Me too!

  13. I don't think she's a slut yet, she hasn't had that many boyfriends since her marriage ended. What would that make Jennifer Aniston & Love Hewitt and Cameron Diaz then? Super sluts?

  14. I don't think she's a slut yet, she hasn't had that many boyfriends since her marriage ended. What would that make Jennifer Aniston & Love Hewitt and Cameron Diaz then? Super sluts?

  15. I love Kate Winslet but I strongly dislike her choice in men.

  16. Where is our feminism police force this AM? Watch out with the slut shaming, you might be thrown in CDAN purgatory for practicing misogyny.

  17. @ Cindy, I agree. It's sad that he had to go public with his heartbreak.
    Calling her on it won't bring her back. As for the married guy, if he was happy there would have been no reason to stray. If he was separated,to most he is fair game.

    So, not a slut yet.

  18. This gal is nowhere near Sienna territory.

  19. "Super slut" & "Dickmatized", 2011 entries in the CDAN dictionary.

    i wonder if i would be a super slut if i could afford to screw who ever i wanted and looked fabulous. humm.....

    now i'm in the mood to watch "the holiday".

  20. Feminism army sleepy this morning... but yeah, you all know I am no fan of the slut shaming. How do I throw someone into purgatory again?

    That is perhaps one of the worst pictures I have ever seen of Kate... Glad to see that she is not picture perfect all the time!

  21. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I totally believe in calling a slut a slut (both male and female). Some people are slutty, and that's nothing to be proud of. Not convinced that Winslet is a slut, however. Now, if the "Rocknrollers" (so stupid!) were still together when Winslet and Nick began bumping uglies, then yes, they both acted sluttily.

  22. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Sorry, Ned, not Nick.

  23. I LOVE Kate Winslet and have always respected her. I'm really upset that she's cheating with a married man. She's become a homewrecker. A homewrecker is a homewrecker. Leanne R., Claire Danes, Tory Spelling, Angelina. It sickens and pains me to put Kate Winslet in a category with the low lifes.

  24. Anonymous11:22 AM

    What exactly is the definition of slut and why is it a bad thing?

  25. Anonymous11:37 AM

    To me, a slut is someone (male or female) who is either promiscuous and/or someone who doesn't respect relationships, i.e., cheats with/on someone. I don't think either of those are good character traits.

  26. I have no problem with people having sex with other consenting adults. I don't like the term slut, particularly when the connotation is women are 'bad' when they are sluts and men are 'legends'. One persons promiscuity is another persons happy lifestyle choice. I don't think people should be condemned for having sex or for not having it.
    Don't like Kate's ex speaking about their relationship, hope that everyone was broken up when Kate and her new guy got together.

  27. You know, I get sick of hearing people, women usually, excuse their promiscuity on being open minded or their choice. It's just a different way of acknowledging they are sluts. Most women don't want to behave like that but they feel pressured or feel there is no other way to get a man to stay with them and they can't bear the thought of being alone.
    If you're the kind of person that will fuck anything that moves, you are a slut regardless of gender IMO.

  28. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Feraltart, I made it perfectly clear that, in my mind, both men and women can be sluts. I don't think that a woman who has slept with 100 people is any sluttier than a man who has slept with 100 people. In my opinion, they are both slutty and need to reevaluate the choices they make with their lives and their bodies.
    I don't have a problem with adults having sex with other consenting adults, either. But I think that people who sleep around, especially with people they don't even know or like, are making choices that they will come to regret.

  29. I don't care if people decide to sleep with one or a hundred people. It doesnt make them bad people in my opnion.

  30. I think both men and women can be sluts. Also, I think there are physical sluts, who sleep around, and emotional sluts, who emotionally use people. Having stated that, I think due to the nature of Winslet's life, a movie star, she probably feels a bit entitled to treat people like this.

    Yeah, I think she is a slut and the Burberry model was her rebound guy after finding out Mendes was cheating her. It sucks to be the rebound person.

  31. Its disappointing that someone who professed to loving her and having his heart broken then turns around and tells the tabloids that she was sleeping around. I dont think thats the best way to show your love, or get other celebs to date you. Looks like she made the right choice.

  32. Ugh, remember there are always three parts to a story, person A, person B, and the truth.
    I am sick of people being called "home wrecker" when it is just speculation. Unless there are pics of "happily married" (in quotes because as a previous poster stated you cannot break up a happily married couple) people boinking another, single person, who they then leave their significant other for, ther is no proof of "home wrecking".
    Both home wrecking and slut are words used with venom behind them to belittle and cut down, usually women. Words that are potentially so venomos should be used
    carefully and only in light of proof (pics, vid etc).
    Frankly, i would be slutty if i were eve single again and i was a hottie! I wish i had, had more sex before i got married, tasted ALL the dishes, so to speak ;)

  33. Texshan, I was writing about the word slut in general. I still don't think it is anybody's business how many people anyone is with. Not everyone who has multiple sexual partners will regret it. Pretty sweeping statements being thrown around & women are still judged more harshly than men, even by the erudite posters on CDAN.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Why did i post twice? Weird.

  36. You really, really wanted to get your point across?

  37. I must be missing something. This post mentions Kate dating two guys. How does that make her a slut? Also, I agree with those who said you can't break up a strong marriage. She can't be held responsible for someone choosing to leave his wife.

  38. There was only one time that I was really hung up on someone after the relationship ended and I remember the most important thing to me was that he didn't know I was still pining away. This just seems so pathetic on Dowler's part.
    That said, changing ones last name to Rocknroll would also seem pathetic to me, sooooo.... awkward.

  39. The problem is marriages aren't 100% strong and 100% happy all of the time. We're human and it takes work. It's never ok to interfere with a marriage, wait for it to entirely dissolve first. Sheesh.

  40. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I'm with ChasingHeaven. No marriage is 100% happy and strong. People who screw around with married people, and the ones who screw around when they are married, are scummy and slutty. If you try to tell yourself, "I'm not a homewrecker; his wife didn't understand him or give him what he needs," you are lying to yourself. Lots of guys will screw around if there is sex on offer. It has nothing to do with their marriage or their wives. This whole "you can't break up a happy marriage" thing is bullshit and just a way for people to feel better about themselves and to try to put some of the blame on the other spouse.

  41. I totally agree with Chasing Heaven! Even the best marriages are a mix of good and bad. I think making moves on married people is still not ethical. When I was single and I guy told me he was married, I disappeared. I do believe that a lot of people in Hollywood do not think this way though.
