Thursday, December 22, 2011

Madonna Song Leaker Arrested

A Spanish man who calls himself one of Madonna's biggest fans was arrested in Spain yesterday for posting an unreleased Madonna song to the internet. Last month, a demo of the song Give Me All Your Love was put on the internet and Madonna's lawyers were out for blood. They tracked down the poster to Spain and had him arrested. Madonna will personally administer the flogging and the begging of forgiveness. What can I say? She cares. She likes to feel a part of the justice system. Do you think Sean Penn cheated on her? Do you think she cheated on him? How often do you think they fought? I think everyday.

My question is how did the Spanish guy get the song? Hacking? Did someone else give it to him?


  1. Super curious how he got the song... And OH to have been a fly on the wall to the Sean Penn and Madonna madness. So much broken glass.

  2. I'll bet they had explosive sex too. Sometimes it really isn't worth it.

  3. that is a gorgeous photo.

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    The computer used for the Photoshopping of this photo blew up from overuse.

  5. Dear Madonna: Put. On. Some. Pants. The leotard thing is so tired, it needs a nap.

  6. So what, are we going back to the black bustier / leather jacket / True Blue days? I thought she didn't like her music or image back then?

  7. I bet she acts like such a royal bitch in the studio that the poor people subjected to Her Madgesty during the recording session couldn't wait to screw her over by making sure the tape got leaked.

  8. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Preach it, Sister Sunnyhorse. When will these entertainment people realize that pants are not an optional article of clothing?

  9. Madonna probably set the whole thing up for publicity. I think she was behind her brother's book as well. She is SO from the bad publicity is good publicity school of thought.

    Not looking forward to her Super Bowl performance. I wholeheartedly believe Bon Jovi should be the performer.

  10. susan....I am with you on her bro's book (and her pos pr motto), but not with you on the JBJ halftime. I am actually looking forward to seeing her thrust her geriatic crotch during that Booooring game, IF I can remember to watch.

  11. I'm sorry, but what has the leaking of the song to do with her relationshop with Sean Penn? And I think it's not really a question of how often they fought, but how often she got beaten up by him.

  12. Penn was fighting with anybody he could back in those days. He was a dick to everyone on the set of "Casualties Of War." Which could also be a good name for their marriage actually.

    That photo looks like a 90's Herb Ritts pic.

  13. I think Vadge is going back in time to 1994. She must have liked herself a lot back then.

    I was always curious about the Poison Penns. It was such a weird coupling. I would bet they cheated on each other. I would still love to know if he really beat and tied her up for days in the mansion.

  14. I love Madonna -- LOVE her -- and in fact we share a birthday (though she's eight years older than me). So, as a woman in her 40s, I just wish I could tell Madonna that it is OKAY TO AGE. Really. You don't have to keep singing songs like the ones you were singing in your 20s. You don't have to keep posing in these getups. You're veering dangerously close to latter-day Mae West territory, and that was not pretty. I miss your Ray of Light philosophy!
