Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mel Gibson Is $425M Poorer

I hope that Oksana was worth $425M because that is what she ultimately cost Mel Gibson. The divorce between Mel and his wife has been finalized and Robyn Gibson got half of Mel's $850M in the biggest Hollywood payout ever. The crazy thing is he can't even stand the woman he left his wife for and the reason he is having to give half his money away. He should have tried to reconcile, but I guess the lure of dating European porn stars and reality stars was too much for him. Wow that is a lot of money. The couple were married for almost 30 years and have 42 children together.


  1. They have 42 children?

  2. HOLE. LEE. SHIT. $425 million? I don't think I can even wrap my mind around that number.

  3. Many years ago I loved Mel Gibson, if you've ever seen a movie called "Tim" you'd know why. He was a beautiful young man.

    Robyn probably earned every penny of that money. You know Mel wasn't home helping to tend the kids.

    She didn't seem to be in it for all the perks as to my knowledge she mostly stayed out of the limelight.

    Drink and believing your own press will ruin you every time.

  4. I always wonder what Robyn is really like. I mean, she was married to that jerk for almost 30 years. She stays out of the limelight so I really can't figure it out.

  5. Lol, he's kidding. But they have seven children. Is there really a difference?

  6. "The crazy thing is he can't even stand the woman he left his wife for and the reason he is having to give half his money away."

    It's a crazy little thing called Karma. She's a bitch with a long memory, my friends.

  7. Mel and his wife were room mates and then they got together and he got her pregnant. Shotgun wedding. Apparently he was very controlling of her. Glad she is out of it.

  8. Forgot to let you know. It is 4:35am on Christmas morning here in Australia. Santa is on track for delivering all the presents. Merry Christmas!

  9. Good for her she earned every penny. They met when Mel was in acting school and she was a nurse I think they shared an apartment with a few other people...

  10. Gah for a second there I was thinking "they had those Duggars whooped!"

  11. Its like 10 mil per child

  12. I was not Oksana it was Robyn and her 30 years, which were worth that money! Wish her happyness and all the best. She deserves it

  13. Clearly he put her through emotional hell when he was drinking. He only had a few years sober when he fell of the wagon. She earned every dime of that money, plus I'm sure no book deals are written into the divorce decree. I wonder if his adult children will have anything to do with him now. I think his youngest with Robyn is 13. Looks like the baby with Oksana is the only one he spends time with.

    I'm sure Oksana is seething over this payday. Seeing she got the shaft by the judge in her own case against Mel.

  14. Kinda begs an inneresting question, would you rather marry a guy and put up with his volatile insanity for 30 years if you'd get $425 mil out of it one day OR would you rather have not wasted your youth on a total jerkoff and live a more modest life? I refuse to believe he wasn't an ass for most of their marriage.

  15. he didn't "give his money away". 1) its half hers. if he took nothing, THEN he would be giving 1/2 his money away. 2) the cost to mel and his family cannot be measured in money. his actions are wat he will be remembered for and his children lost an intact family.

  16. That's a lot of money for a regular person, and because she stayed out of the spotlight I think of her as a regular person. She probably has no want or need of all of that but will give most of it to the kids more than likely.
    Would be interesting if Robyn set up Mel with Oksana knowing full well how it would play out, LOL.

  17. @Me. Thank you. I was thinking the same thing.

  18. The best part of the settlement is that Robin will continue to get half of his earnings. I do hope Oksana was worth it.

  19. Aoife - Where are you getting that information? Because I've never heard of a settlement structured like that.

  20. Does anyone think Osanka was the first? I don't. And that's one of the many problems I have with Mel. The money he made from the Passions crowd makes his supposed piety appear completely calculated. His own church? Likely tax dodge. I'm glad we saw the unvarnished Mel because I would never have guessed he could sound like that.

  21. "Among Gibson's estimated assets: more than $600 million grossed by The Passion of the Christ alone; $100-plus million in real estate investments worldwide (he bought an island in Fiji for $15 million in 2005); and $75 million for film and TV projects for which Gibson, 55, executive produced.

    It appears some of his wealth has already been transferred to Robyn, in particular two Malibu homes worth a combined $22.5 million. As for film residuals, Robyn is entitled to half of every future check Gibson receives for the rest of his life.",,20556666,00.html

  22. This story makes me smile. Way to go Robyn!

  23. Let me get this straight...poor Mel only gets to keep $425,000,000 of his money after the divorce? Awwww...!

  24. @Aoife: She gets half of the residuals from projects he completed while they were married. She won't get any $$ from any future projects he has.

  25. Which, if he made $600M off of Passion alone, those 1/2 residuals checks are worth quite a bit.

  26. Yes @mazemerizing. I did slightly misspeak but don't you think his best earning days took place while he was still legally married to Robyn? Like you say she makes out like a bandit.

  27. The beach houses are a compound...I don't think they lived in the same house for a very long time. Robyn probably feels like she's been divorced for many years.

  28. I love this story! Robyn earned her money and karma is a b*tch.

  29. @Electric Warrior
    I never could understand women who put younger men through law school, acting school, medical school, etc because most of those men dropped those wives when they "made it." I went to school with a lot of guys like that, and I'm sure it was one of the reasons I put off marriage for so long.

  30. If you stick around a nutcase for 30 years, I can't imagine you'd come out of it unscathed. I'm glad to see Robyn's payout and hope she's ok.

  31. Robyn's photo is sitting atop the shrine of many a golddigger tonight. Bow down, Vanessa Bryant, for this is your new God.

    And, no, I don't think Robyn is a 'digger in any way, shape or form, but bitch got PAID! Good for her, and fuck you Mel.

    -One of those Jews that caused all the wars

  32. Just came here to say....Hahahahaha!

    @ Me: WORD!

  33. One million. One million dollars is all I need. Well, not NEED, per se, but how about "would like"? It doesn't even sound like a lot of money after reading this! Come on, Mel! One little measly million for Maja?

  34. @Princepssa: I would def NOT call her a golddigger..She grew up with him, raised his children and endured a 30 yr marriage. She earned every penny IMHO.
