Thursday, December 29, 2011

NASCAR Driver Kasey Kahne Is An Idiot

No one ever accused NASCAR driver Kasey Kahne of being smart. His recent Tweets would sort of confirm that. Apparently Kasey is disgusted by breastfeeding and wants the entire world to know it. Despite the fact that many of his probably nor former fans have also breastfed their children, Kasey can't stand it. He also believes the only way to have sex is missionary with the lights off and believes his birth was via stork.

After witnessing a woman breastfeeding her child in the grocery store, Kasey started Tweeting away at how disgusted he was. After numerous complaints about his remarks, and his name calling to women who disagreed with him, suddenly they were gone. After more complaints Kasey went to his Facebook page and kind of apologized, but not really. His sponsor, Great Clips was the most ticked off and said Kasey's remarks were uncalled for and do not reflect the opinions of Great Clips. Kasey might be looking for a new sponsor next year. I heard that the Le Leche League was looking to get into NASCAR. This could be perfect for them.


  1. "Le Leche"!! is genius!

    Seriously, I know that all that is normal is into breastfeeding, but personally, it feels weird to go to the supermarket, and right there in isle 9, in the middle of the produce section, you do a double take, and see one free boob hanging, and the other one being suckled by a babe.

    I find it beautiful when a woman has a baby under a nappie, sitting down and breastfeeding. I also don't stare. Find it normal. However, with the boobs hanging in the grocery store, in the words of Allan Harper "we live in a mammary-obsessed society" and as long as boobs are considered as sexual material, they shouldn't be just hanging out clear and proud in aisle 9 of the supermarket.

  2. Chances are good he was exagerating the "boob hanging" bit. While I am sure there are women who let them hang out in public, I have never seen it. I nursed but did so privately or with a blanket. It is hard to understand the uproar because when you are nursing, your breasts cease to be sexual (at least during the act) and I would forget that some people have a hard time seperating the two. It only took a second to drape a blanket, so I did. Regardless, his comments were idiotic. Maybe the nursing women of American can do a sit in during a race like they did at Target. ;)

  3. Couldn't of said it better, @Rita.

    I'm nosy so I went to @KnittingRad's Twitter page and it seems this woman is over it & accepted the apology.

  4. You know what bothers me? He spelled "you're", "your".
    Pet Peeve! :)

  5. Whenever I have a comment to make, @Rita has always said it first, and always so much more eloquently than I could have. Love seeing you here and also over at Blind Items Exposed :)

  6. Thank you @.debbie, that is very sweet!

    It is fun to comment here, the other readers keep you on your toes, and give you a good mind-flex! Cheers to all!

  7. ITA @Rita! Very well said.

  8. I have no problem with breast feeding in public, what I do have a problem with is breatfeeding in public a child that goes to school as in 6, & year olds and up which I have seen.

  9. "NASCAR driver" --- that's all you have to say, dear.

  10. I bet he would have complained about the screaming baby too, had she not been nursing it. As a nursing mom, I try to keep it all under wraps, so to speak, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Usually though, it isn't obvious what is happening, even uncovered.

  11. Also, the your/you're drives me insane.

  12. Reno, that is just what I was coming to post. I strongly feel if you are going to insult someone, your grammar should be correct.

    Babies need to eat, sometimes they get hungry when they aren't at home. I'm guessing this jerk would have complained about a screaming baby in the grocery store.

  13. One time I was in a shoe store and this woman was sat there breastfeeding without a blanket. Boobs hanging out all willy nilly like. And the kicker? She was wearing a hijab, which almost blew my mind. I couldn't understand why she'd give a shit about covering her hair when her nips were out and proud.

    Then last week I was underground in the PATH system when I saw this lady walking around wearing a shirt that was too small for her, sans bra, and her breasts were hanging out the bottom of her shirt.

  14. @MontanaMarriott - Imagine my surprise in HS, I went to study at a friend's house, simply to find her very tall younger sister stuck at her mother's breast... For a moment, I thought "well maybe it's an unusually tall baby", and asked my friend " I thought your sister was 7"

    My friend deadpanned "She's 9".

  15. As a breastfeeding mother, i never cover up. If that makes someone uncomfortable, then that's your problem, not mine. Sure, my boobs don't "flop about" but i'm not going to drap a blanket over my baby's head just because a stranger is uncomfortable about it. Let them put a blanket over their head.

    Boobs are for babies. Period. Not for selling chicken wings or muscle cars. Breastfeeding SHOULD BE as normal as eating a sandwich. I wish as a society we weren't so uptight about nudity when it involves a baby eating. :(

  16. @Sue Ellen I swear I read that as "boobs hanging out of the bottom of her skirt"

    I'm all WTF??

    Hooray for reading too quickly :D

  17. ^Honestly, they were pretty low so that is not far off.

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  19. @shehla

    Thank you so much for answering that. I would have never thought that was acceptable. The more you know.

  20. I have to agree. If the woman had been topless, or wearing a see-thru shirt and posing like Playboy, I bet this jackass NASCAR driver would have been whooping it up and tweeting how excited he was. Apparently babies ruin boobs for him.

  21. He didn't say baby, he said "little kid", so I'm wondering how old the child was. Either way, I'm a woman,and I don't want to see other women breastfeeding in public. Sorry.

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  23. Kahne should hook up with Kim Kardashian, who also tweeted about how disgusted she was with breastfeeding.

  24. It appears I am in the minority on this, and I hesitate to post this because of the backlash, but I think it is ridiculous when women do not cover up while breast feeding in public. I should be able to eat my lunch or shop or sit on the subway without having to see your tits whether you are feeding a baby or not.

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  26. Oh and a question to the people grossed out by public nursing -- do you have kids and did you nurse them? I'm just curious.

  27. @shehla

    I think anyone would assume that it wasn't o.k. I had asked some Islamic friends of mine at the time about it and most of them were convinced that it probably wasn't o.k. It feels like a religious loophole.

  28. I feel sorry for @KnittingRad, the person he started flaming on Twitter because she had the audacity to publicly disagree with him. She's become the target of rage for Kahne's klassy Nascar fans. Her twitter feed exploded.

  29. I'm in the minority here. I would have been grossed out to see a mother breast feeding her child in the grocery store aisle too (especially if the child and boob weren't covered up. First of all I would have thought that it would be a bit uncomfortable for the mom. Wouldn't it be more comfortable to be sitting somewhere and not standing around with a shopping cart and people walking around? And for the record - yes I'm female, but no I've never had a child and just don't have that maternal feeling at all. I also get pissed when people leave their carts in the middle of the aisle so I can't get around them or stop and visit others and block the way. Grocery shopping isn't that fun of a thing to do and I would rather get in, get my stuff and get out.

  30. Yes...the main purpose of breasts are for feeding, not for fondling...though true, a supermarket isn't the place for it.

    Also, what Kasey needs to understand is that women get periods too. Let me tell you, breast feeding isn't as gross as periods are.

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  32. Bethany: You are encouraged to say how you feel whether anyone agrees with you or not. I personally do not understand why other women are ARE offended by seeing breast feeding. I guess I think hey, we're all the same but guess not. I don't find women uncovered breast feeding unusual or offensive but the rampant misspelling of YOUR vs YOU'RE does offend me ...Go figure!

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  34. From my hilarious experience, some of my new mom friends, who were very much looking forward to having children, feel empowered and somewhat at times (hilariously) superior for giving life, and flaunt their breastfeeding... To their families squeamishness.

    At the other end of the spectrum, my other mom friends who are at breastfeeding baby #3, are so f-cking tired all the time, that they JUST DON'T GIVE A SHIT! It is hilarious, you have 2 other screaming kids, your baby demands feeding, you just pop one out and into his mouth, while yelling at the other 2 to keep it down.

    And yeah, I understand, for all these mothers, their breasts have stopped being a sexual object, and had become feeding tools... Or miraculous life-giving ones:) Oddly enough, a good portion of them used loooove showing cleavage.

    But like I said, as long as we have Playboy, breast implants, and are still a "mammary-obsessive society" (Oh, Alan Harper), people will still stare at your breasts, and judge them!

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  36. I'm a mom too, and yeah, we're all the same, but that doesn't mean I want to see your normally covered up body parts hanging out naked in the grocery store. Nothing wrong with a little modesty.

  37. @shehla

    Are you Iranian? I am only asking because most of the Persians I know are super western and don't strictly adhere to Islamic traditions.

  38. @Sherry - I'm not offended by breast feeding in public, at all. I just don't want to look at boobs while eating lunch. That's all.

  39. I'm sort of embarrassed by the ignorance or maybe just opinions in this thread. I know that is not a popular point of view, but to say it's ridiculous not to cover up or that you're a woman and you don't want to see it as if that gives your opinion more weight.

    We are animals, we feed children the way cows do.

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  41. @ShehlaS - thank you;)

    But aren't we going into dangerous territory here?

    If a woman's breasts are now considered life-giving tools and should be whooped out anywhere, anytime to give life to her child...

    Well doesn't it mean that men are allowed to scratch and massage their balls in the supermarket, isle 2, as well?

    Ha, sorry, the thoughts that go through my mind. But hey fellows, why don't you chime in!

  42. So I was way off with my guess. Nevertheless, it's interesting to hear your perspective.

  43. @Bethany...I agree.

  44. How often do you see women breastfeeding Rita? I don't think we're sliding into dangerous territory just yet. ;)I vary rarely if ever see a woman breastfeeding unless it's someone I am with. My sister and my friends that have breastfed have all done it discreetly, some with a blanket and some not, some bring a bottle of breast milk if we are out. I never see their boob just hanging out though.

  45. Courtney Stoddens breasts offend me.

  46. @ShehlaS: How about There, they're and their...Lordy that seems to throw people all the time.@Bethany: Perhaps "offended" wasn't the correct word and disturbed doesn't seem to fit either. I guess bothered would have been more appropro.

  47. I have no problem with women breastfeeding in public. I have never encountered one where her breasts were blowing in the wind however.

  48. Also, what Kasey needs to understand is that women get periods too. Let me tell you, breast feeding isn't as gross as periods are.

    Crila: word. I'm in peri and just had my grossest cycle yet. Honestly, most of the men I know, if they got this even once, would be begging for Lybrel.

    I didn't breastfeed, but if I did, it would be in private. For me anyway, that's a special bond between mom and child that I don't want to broadcast in a supermarket.

  49. @Feraltart - LMAO on "blowing in the wind"! Now I have a mental image I can't get rid of.

  50. Yeah, there are so many things I find offensive in public arenas - people wiping snot on their sleeves, making racist comments to each other, protesting with signs that infuriate me... but that is what it is like to be in a public space. People are going to annoy you. Breastfeeding doesnt irritate or bother me, but even if it did I would fight for women's right to do it wherever they want.

  51. Adding my two cents... I am female, early twenties, and have yet to find a maternal bone in my body. Even childbirth seems unnatural to me, therefore I can't fathom the want to whip your breasts out publicly, even if it is for breastfeeding.

    Urinating and defecating is natural function as well, but we still close the door to the bathroom.

  52. I don't think you can compare breastfeeding to defecating. Would you eat a meal on the toilet, a public one no less? It's so unsanitary in the bathroom and what is done in there isn't the same as a mother feeding her child.

  53. You said it all with "...Kasey Kahne is an Idiot" .. yes he is .. and he probably doesn't like to see boobs because he is rumoured to be gay. So .. there's that.

  54. All that breastfeeding talk reminded me of this scene. Watch it, and tell me how comfortable everyone was:

  55. Lol timebob!

    Monica I love your comment " boobs are for babies not for selling chicken wings and muscle cars "

    I am so going to share that sentiment with my six year old son!

  56. Anonymous1:52 PM

    As much as I hate Twitter, I should be grateful to it for exposing true idiots. You (intended to no one in particular) may find it disgusting but keep it to yourself. I want to punch anyone who blows their nose at a table but I keep my disgust to myself. I always wish Seinfeld had done an episode about that, they brought an end to double-dipping, they could have ended open nose blowing.

    As to breastfeeding, I don't care. The woman can decide how she wants to do it and I'll adjust.

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  59. Ladies, you can breasted any dang place you so choose, but use your discretion and cover it up in public.

    Leaving one hanging out all willy nilly like is just inappropriate. I understand it is natural, and you are feeding a child and that is fine. However, we are a breast obsessed society, whether you like it or not, and it is bound to make others uncomfortable or upset.

    Besides, do you people have any idea how many major CREEPS are in the world? Do you want those guys looking at your unmanned tit? That alone baffles me.

  60. This incident just proves my case that Twitter is the fall for celebs! The smart celebs don't use Twitter for just this reason.

    I'm at the end of my breastfeeding with my twins, and I rarely do it in public. That's what breast pumps are for. If I do have to breastfeed, I do it far away from people gawking. I don't feel comfortable with people watching me breastfeed.

  61. I breastfed both of my babies. I doubt anyone saw nipple, since baby's head covered it. But even so, I didn't give a shit. I've seen lots of other moms do it in public, which I think is great. The more normal breast feeding becomes, the more moms will do it.

  62. To clarify my comment on the breastfeeding/"using the bathroom" - it has more to do with privacy then sanitation. We all know what someone is doing when someone says they are going to use the bathroom, but we close the door anyways. Yes, you can breastfeed and we know you're doing that and you certainly are putting the breast in breastfeeding, but you can keep it classy and be modest about it as well, especially in a grocery store, restaurant, etc.

  63. Go, Monica! The fetishization (is that a word?) of breasts is all tied up with implants, plastic surgery, eating disorders, and the general treatment of women as sex objects. Yes, it is uncomfortable for most of us to see women breastfeeding in public, because we've been brainwashed into thinking breasts' main purpose is for men's pleasure. The more women who breastfeed in public, the more these archaic social constraints will be challenged. You go, mammas!!!

  64. Rita: Breasts are life-giving, balls are life-making. ;-)

    One I don't have a problem w/seeing in public, the other ought to be covered up, along w/everything else below the waist. I don't care who you are or what you've got; I don't want to see it, unless I've already communicated to you privately that I want to see it, AND we're somewhere suitable private!

    Anyway, add me to the list of those who don't give a rat's ass about nursing in public; whipping out the milk bar & opening it for business in the middle of Stop & Shop, while tacky, isn't offensive to me, and hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Most mothers I know, though, would prefer somewhere quiet where they can sit down and be comfy, preferably other than the restroom (hey, I wouldn't want to eat my dinner in the john, either!). Too bad more restrooms don't have those areas w/couches outside the main toilet area; those might work pretty well...

  65. ^^suitably private. (Crimony, where's spellcheck when you need it?)

  66. Yup...nothing like calling someone dumb when you yourself are oblivious to proper spelling and grammar.

  67. I wasn't going to comment, and since I've waited so long this may not be read anyway. However, it's still on my mind so I will.
    I breast fed, kept it private, I have no problems with public feeding.
    I can't recall the last time I saw tits hanging out or blowing in the wind, well yes I can, I do live in Las Vegas, but they did not have kids attached.
    I am a NASCAR season ticket holder with my husband. He is from the south and grew up watching the races. He goes to bead shows with me and I go to the races with him.
    Being affiliated with NASCAR as a driver or fan does not make you an idiot, any more than sitting in church makes you a Christian, or standing in your garage makes you a car.
    Alrighty then, that is all.

  68. Thank you Del Riser for your comments about NASCAR, I couldn't have said it better myself. Personally, I'm disappointed in Kasey, I thought he had a little more tact and thoughtfulness than what he displayed. I definitely don't think that he's in too much danger with his sponsor (State Farm) since his team is so reputable. No one advertising on a Hendrick Motorsports car with the kind of buzz Kasey has would walk away from that opportunity.

    I've never encountered a woman who did not cover up while breastfeeding in public, so I can't really determine whether or not I'd be bothered by it.

  69. I have an issue with people who have an issue with women breastfeeding in public. When I was growing up, breastfeeding was very common. In church, in ladie's rooms, in the park - pretty much everywhere, and it was the most natural thing. I find it so incredibly sad that something so primal, beautiful and nurturing would disgust someone. I mean, WTF? :(

  70. I have to agree that I know many enlightened NASCAR and Monster truck fans. It's too bad there's a rep with NASCAR, country music and The South, but the truth is, all of these venues contain some of the most noteworthy and bigoted assholes on the planet. That doesn't mean that everyone affiliated with all three should be lumped in with them.

  71. Some babies do not like a blanket over their heads. Covering is not always an option. It can still be done discreetly.

    One woman at my church will breastfeed during the service if her baby gets fussy. No problem. No one has to turn and LOOK. (The sound bothers me more than the sight, but that's my issue, not hers).

  72. Kasey Kahne has momma issues and I'm surprised he isn't still breast feeding from his mom. He is also from enumclaw, wa. Check out who else is from there... A guy named Kenneth pinyan.

  73. I'm more offended by him calling that one poster a dumb bitch (and saying your, instead of you're).
