Friday, December 30, 2011

Russell Brand Takes Off His Wedding Ring

Now that Russell Brand has taken off his wedding ring, which matches a move Katy Perry did earlier this week, I think the last sign we need to officially call their marriage over is a visit by Russell to the bathrobe warehouse. Have you ever seen the place? It has bathrobes and nothing but bathrobes. They are from all over the world and feature different colors and sizes. While wandering through the aisles you see Hef who has his very own VIP section in the warehouse. Various porn stars are usually there to offer selections about what works best on film sets for maximum coverage while also allowing for easy access to fluffers. When Russell was having sex with up to six women a day and giving them a complimentary robe he was one of their best customers, so I am sure they too are awaiting his return to the single life.


  1. As long as they don't breed, I don't care.

  2. I can't decide whether he looks like a total tool in this pic or if I should admire him for his whimsical taste, or if I should just get the hell off the internet.

  3. Meh, I'm always leaving the house without my rings.

  4. Whimsical my arse, all the indie kids dress like that.

    (And tbh, I haven't worn my wedding ring for 3 years and am still married.)

  5. It's weird. I'm not especially crazy for Katy Perry, nor have I ever considered myself a fan of Russell Brand, but I've always liked them together. I really thought they'd enjoy one of those rare long (3- or 4-year) showbiz marriages. Huh.

  6. I kinda liked them together. They are both annoying but each has their own charm. In fact, I was surprised at how good he was in Get him to the Greek. Regardless, sounds like just another celeb relationship.

  7. I often leave the house without my ring on. Sometimes I forget, and sometimes I just can't stand the feel of something on my hands. Doesn't mean I'm no longer married, and it doesn't mean I don't love my husband.
    With these two, however, it might be more telling, but only when you combine it with all the other little clues they're giving out.
    I don't really care for either of them, but I liked them together.

  8. Was enty writing these while doing some early new years celebrating? They are hilarious today

  9. We rewatched GHTTG last night on HBO. He's hilarious in it. Sorry to here they might be done for.

  10. I don't think it's about the rings.
    Who spends Christmas apart when you're still newlyweds? And she jut finished a world tour so it's not like they needed time apart. No, she ran to the other side of the world with her friends and paraded around in a tiny bikini to make him jealous.
    I think the dumping's being done by jolly ol' Russ.

  11. ^Agreed. Who spends Christmas without their significant other unless they have no choice?

  12. Considering Katy's ultra religious background I'd think not wearing her wedding ring is a big fuckin deal....especially since she's only been married a little more than a year. In that same vein separate vay cays, at Xmas of all holidays, does not bode well for a couple who could never get enough of each other......handwriting's on the wall.

  13. These two never had a chance. Only Annettte Bening can tame a womanizer and I suspect they just met at the right time when he was ready for a change.

  14. TMZ is posting they are denying divorce just that they are having problems. Which means they totally going to get a divorce.

  15. @Brendalove...I saw at least 20 guys dressed like that on BART this morning. SF Bay area hipsters...meh.

  16. He is wearing THE most ridiculous ensemble of clothing and accessories I have ever seen on him. Truly abominable.

  17. He looks like he needs de-lousing in this picture. Actually in every picture

  18. our local abc news just reported that russell brand announced that he and Katy perry are getting divorced

  19. Yup, it's on TMZ now. He's filed for divorce.

  20. UK Daily Mail in the process of changing the story. The front page says Breaking, Russell filed, but they haven't updated the actual story yet.

  21. You know, he was the one denying the rumors, yet he is the one that filed, possibly blindsiding Katy. It almost feels like he didn't want to divorce but maybe her lifestyle pushed him into a corner. Which is odd since I would have thought his cheating would be what did it. Could it have been her drinking? Too bad, I liked them together.

  22. Aw, dammit. I'm not fans of either one but I did like them together. I was kinda hoping thoze crazy kids would beat the odds and make it.

  23. @rareavis
    I think you nailed it.

  24. aaaand it's official.

  25. Yeah, i think it must have been the drinking and the religion probably didnt help either.

  26. ^ Yes, I had read he expected her to turn vegetarian and study Buddhism when they married, but she couldn't stick to it. I have a feeling, much as I like his movies, he's a my way or the highway, sanctimonious ass.

  27. Wait, sorry, not Buddhism, I was just reading up on him and he does Hare Krishna.
    Anyway, boy does he have problems from what I read. He's bipolar, a self harmer, bulimic, right along with his addictions and all sorts of messed up. Poor guy, he had a hard life!

  28. I find him very attractive. She looks like an anime cartoon.

  29. Ahh, I knew what he said in that Ellen interview was the kiss of death.
