Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sam Shepard & Jessica Lange Split Two Years Ago - No One Notices

After almost 30 years together, Sam Shepard and Jessica Lange have called it quits. The couple were together from 1982 until about two years ago. At that point they split, but because no one actually noticed until this week when someone told Kneepads. I think it would have probably gone unnoticed longer but Jessica Lange got nominated for a Golden Globe and is probably going to show up to the event sans Sam Shepard so wanted to preempt the announcement now. Her publicist probably asked if there was anything they should know and this one came out so a call to Kneepads was made who made it a story today instead of a month from now at the show. I thought they were always so good together, except for that period in the mid 90's. Oh, and about six years ago.


  1. Isn't that about the time he got his DUI in Illinois (2 years ago)?

    I wish I knew the blinds you are referring to.

    Jessica looks better now than she did in that picture. She is awesome on American Horror Story.

  2. Spill it Enty. What you got?

  3. I wonder what that is?

    Jessica Lange has always been a feisty female, and a bit cookie on the side. But I like her on Horror. And I like the tidbits I hear about behind the scenes: friendly, and cool. Hope Enty spills soon.

  4. She has quite a resume with Sam Shepard and Baryshnikov! Back in the 70's Sam Shepard was with Patti Smith for a bit.

  5. Leaving us hanging, Enty. You big tease!

  6. he's a big drunk. she probably got sick of dealing with it.

  7. Love Jessica Lange, especially in AHS. She looks gorgeous for her age. You can tell she had some work done, but it's softened a little bit.

  8. Even I knew they were no longer a couple.

  9. Enty please do tell!!

  10. If Jessica is a bit kooky then that may have helped her deal with him. I know people who have worked with him and he is stuck up on his celebrity. Just not a real nice guy. And he only talked to his co-stars on "Steel Magnolias" when they had lines together.

  11. There's been some talk here in NYC about Sam being seen canoodling with young (20's) women over the last couple of years -- it was assumed they'd broken up or were on a break.

    Drama teachers here love to use his plays in class; he may be "coaching" young actresses in their scene work. As it were.

  12. I don't know what Enty is referring to, but I do know they moved away from Minnesota a few years ago because their daughter got in with a bad crowd and was using drugs heavily. That's gotta put a strain on a relationship.

  13. Sam Shepard is one of the greatest American playwrights of the 20th century. He's got a right to be snooty.

    But...it's his own damn fault for abandoning the theatre to phone in schlock performances in third-rate thrillers. If he'd been a little more picky and classy ala Mamet, he'd be much more respected today.

  14. I loved them together.

    I remember many years ago before Jessica was with Sam she was interviewed and she was asked about how she got so lucky being with so many handsome A-1 men and without a beat, she says, who says I'm the lucky one. "How did they get so lucky as to be with me."

    At the time it was kind of shocking and just tickled me pink. Go Jessica!

  15. It just proves a celeb can live outside of the spotlight.

  16. I have faith in Enty. Faith that this will be revealed in 12 days :)

    I can't freaking wait for the reveals! Hey, I'm pregnant. It's not like I can look forward to champagne...
