Friday, December 30, 2011

Ted C Blind Item

You'd think that buckets of moolah, tons of adoring fans and a hot chick at your side would be enough.

Not so for Lesley Grotto, one of those swoon-worthy rock star types with the slick moves and killer abs. See, Les has all of that (including a knockout gal most dudes would kill to canoodle with) but—surprise! surprise!—he wants more, more, more.

Especially when it comes to chicks. ‘Cause let's be honest...

Lesley is a straight-up dawg!

You wouldn't know it, though, because when he's around his "special" lady (especially when there are cameras around) Lesley is the image of a doting boyfriend—ya know, lovey-dovey kisses and all the "awwww"-inducing crapola.

But when she's out of sight, she's definitely out of mind too.

Which leaves Lesley to do what he does best: sweet talking the panties off of any (and every) chick in sight.

"He's a total d-bag," one of the pretty party gals who attended one of the many booze-soaked events that Grotto frequents bitched to us. "He's all over chicks at these parties and flirts with everyone."

Continues our blabbermouth babe: "But as soon as he's with his woman he's a whole different man, all committed and monogamous."

Sounds smarmy. Well, actually, that totally sounds like half the other dudes in Tinseltown.

Here's the real Q, though: If his lady found out would she really even care? We kinda think not.

AND IT AIN'T: Jason Mraz, Kanye West, Bruno Mars


  1. Um. Are we repeating posts now?

  2. LOL - I've done that on my blog, too. Scheduled the same post twice.

    Screw this crap - let's see some reveals!!!

  3. Dang - I went in to this thinking it was a reveal. :/

  4. But it's so Adam. Him & his lady were in the photos yesterday (or the day before?), also.

  5. Levine is the only person I can even think of.

  6. Sounds like the douche known as Adam Levine.

  7. it's like deja vu all over again.

  8. off topic but TMZ is reporting Russell Brand just filed for divorce. Happy New Year!

  9. Really? I was thinking it was Paula Patton and her skeezy man... whats his name?

  10. Wait, I just checked TMZ on my phone app and the latest said NO plan to divorce yet.

  11. Why is everybody so focused on Katy Perry and Russell Brand divorcing?

  12. refresh Reno TMZ just posted it now. Seems this migh tof blindsided Katy.

  13. @Timebob - JUST saw that. :(

  14. @Timebob
    Thanks. Refreshed and saw it. :(

  15. @Vickie, because we have no life. Sad but true.

  16. The only connection I see with the "aint's" is 5 letters, 4 letters for the name. Other than that, i'm out.

  17. Enty will never reveal this because it's a Ted blind. Enty doesn't know who it is. I know, I's easy to not recognize this as a Ted blind, because it features heterosexuals. However, the incomprehensible language should help guide you to the right gossip columnist.

  18. Isn't this from last week ?

  19. @Terri - the 5 letters indicator would be for Moron 5. Meant Maroon.

  20. I was expecting dear Ted to tell us Adam was gay.

  21. ^won't be long. Fist the womanizing, then apparently they start batting for the home team. Expect it from Ted in 2012;)

  22. hello justina boba LOL!!
