Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Anthony Bourdain Slams Paula Deen

Anthony Bourdain was in Grand Cayman over the weekend at the Cayman Cookout and was asked his thoughts about Paula Deen and her diabetes announcement. He basically ripped her. He thinks she is a hypocrite for having people cook her signature dishes of doughnuts as a hamburger bun while at the same time knowing she has diabetes. He thinks she is even worse for positioning herself to make millions off the disease as a spokesperson for a drug company of the drug she is taking for her diabetes and she waited to make the announcement until she could profit off her announcement.

Anthony has never held back in anything he says or his disdain for many of the chefs or "cooks" on Food Network. It is odd that Paula waited three years to tell everyone while at the same time still cooking up dishes that are clearly not in the best interests health wise. That being said, I still love her food and have a had a few Krispy Kreme hamburgers in my day. I had to try it. Even I know it is horribly bad for you, but sometimes you just have to go for it.


  1. I don't remember exactly how it was worded now, but one of my all-time favorite National Enquirer headlines was that Giada, Rachael, and Paula were feuding and were out to get each other. The headline said something to the effect of Giada's a bitch, Rachael's a drunk, and Paula's a hillbilly.

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  3. It's not the first time he's had something to say about Paula, and a few others he doesn't think of as Chef's..
    But I love him and if you watch Paula cook you know exactly what he's talking about....a heart attack waiting to happen.

  4. For the most part, I agree with Bourdain, except for this: Most everything cooked and celebrated by chefs and gourmands -- even Bourdain himself -- is bad for you. Anything that involves pork, for example, or French cuisine (Bourdain's speciality). Or the exotic foods such as those touted by Andrew Zimmern, Bourdain's counterpart on the Travel network. Hell, add in the poisonous Puffer fish (likely to kill you if not cleaned properly of its natural toxins) and you are talking about everything including many vegetables. So honestly, there isn't a chef on the planet that isn't touting something that is bad for your health, be it in small doses or in large portions as Deen does.

    Ultimately, Deen's done plenty enough damage to her brand. She can't eat the very foods she cooked, and she never transitioned into healthier versions as she could have done in the run-up to this announcement. Add in her proclamation that nothing will change about her cooking (which says nothing about her own eating habits, which had to change because of being a Type 2 Diabetic), and she comes off badly.

  5. I agree with Bourdain, but I don't think Paula is to blame for the disgusting food choices people make.

    I love how my coworker can't understand why she's not losing weight when she stuffs her face with crap.

  6. I don't blame Paula for keeping her diabetes to herself. I DO blame her for coming out about it now ONLY because she's getting paid to do so.

  7. I can't believe it's news that someone publicly got called out for being a hypocrite. No one else was going to comment on the fact she's now got a huge endorsement deal with a diabetes drug? I love Bourdain, the end.

  8. Paula Deen is full of sugar shit, but Anthony's a self-righteous asshole. They're even!

  9. Anthony's a dick, but I completely agree.

  10. I love Tony, even though he is a self-righteous asshole. Paula Deen has always come off as seriously phony to me. Can't like her.

  11. Anthony B is fun to watch and secretly snark with, however, Paula Deen is pretty fun as well. I do think she needs to back track, but knowing her, she probably will in her own way in her own time. Ultimately, they are business people. It's hard to forget that when you are "invited" into their houses (as in Paula's case) so it feels like you are seeing them as they are. The reality is that it is all one big show, as is his calling her out about it.

  12. sorry, it is EASY to forget that....*more coffee, more coffee*

  13. I agree with Grape (mah favorite flavor) and Mama. Paula's accent gets on my nerves and so does Bourdain's self-righteous attitude.

    That being said - who wants to join Anthony in the Caymans? It's cold and blowing like a bitch where I am.

    Enty - I waiting for an invite...

  14. Even though she's type 2 diabetes she still might be stupid enough to eat her food. She would not be the first diabetic that eats. In fact I could name five diabetics that I know that do that. One of them even is using a pump. As for Anthony Bourdian, I have nothing bad to say. He amuses me.

  15. We all need to start calling out folks like Paula who are putting profits over people. Like she doesn't have enough?!?!?!?! She should be ashamed to show her face anywhere, much less TV.

    This world isn't so hard that people can't create win-win situations for everyone.

  16. I agree with Grape, mngddess, and Mama. Don't like either of them. Dean is a big phony. I am born and bred Southern, as is she, and she MISPRONOUNCES pecan, saying it the way Yankees do. The word pecan should be pronounced Pah-KHAN, not PEA-can. Pah-KHAN. Any Southerner knows this. Any Southerner who says PEA-can is a totally sellout and is pandering to the same people who call grilling barbequeing. In the South "barbeque" is usually used as a noun and "grill" is usually used as a verb.

    Bourdain is a pretentious ass who also promotes extremely unhealthy eating and smoking, but at least he's not also taking money from some drug company to be the "face" of high blood pressure or high cholesterol. To me it's extremely unethical for Dean to take money from a diabetes drug when she helps contribute to the rising numbers of people developing the disease with her extremely fattening food.

  17. No way, I completely disagree. Paula does not need to disclose her personal health conditions to anyone, period. It would be different if she was advertising her food as healthy dishes to lose weight with, she didn't. I'm responsible for what I put in my body and anyone with common sense knows her dishes aren't the best choices. I'm not entitled to her personal medical info.

  18. The thing about Anthony Bourdain is, yes, he's a asshole with an attitude, but he OWNS it, he would totally be the first person to say "hell yeah, I know I'm an asshole. I smoke and I did drugs for years. I'm no one's role model." Y'know? So I can't fault anyone who's honest about who and how they are.

    Plus he's so hot that I think my uber-str8 husband even has a crush on him. We'll watch his shows for hours on end, :-P

  19. Off topic, but @ChasingHeaven I love your profile pic!!

  20. figgy, my husband has a total man-crush on him, too. Watches all of his shows and has read all of his books.

  21. I don't think Paula Dean is any more or less at fault than any other chef or restaurant that hawks shitty, unhealthy food. She's not sitting there saying EAT THIS EVERY DAY. Paula Dean is not responsible for the obesity in this country. HOWEVER, I think it's incredibly unethical to profit off of being the face of a diabetes medication when she is doing absolutely nothing to help the cause by continuing to make that shitty, unhealthy food. I think she should either keep her mouth shut, not disclose her diabetes, and not be a spokesperson for the medication OR disclose it AND do something by starting to make healthier foods. If you're going to go out there and be the face of a diabetes medication, you can't sit there and eat the same old shit. You can't have it both ways.

    Bourdain is a jackass, but the man can cook. He's right about the profiting part, but with the rest he should just shut his mouth. People who can't figure out that Paula Dean's recipes should only be enjoyed every once in a while is the problem, not Paula. They'll find unhealthy crap to eat to keep themselves morbidly obese with or without her.

  22. RJ - I gotta tell ya, I am only about 2 1/2 hours from Paula in the Low Country and they say Pea-can out here. It actually surprised me when I moved here, because I had the same notion that you did about southerners saying Pawkawn.

  23. Wow, maybe they do say it differently in the Low Country, but everywhere else I've ever been in the South, even New Orleans where they seem to say everything differently, we natives all say pah-khan.

    I especially hate the way Rachel Ray says pecan. Like fingers on a chalkboard.

  24. I'm from NC and there are so many regional accents and pronunciations. She very well could have grown up saying it the way she does.

    I like Paula.I think she is funny and has a sense of humor about herself. But I LOOOOOOVE Anthony. He is such a snarky asshole and I like that in a man.

    And news flash...While people enjoy watching these cooking shows studies show that it does not get people cooking any more than did before. People view it as pure entertainment and not as instruction.

  25. ^ I'm from NC and there are so many regional accents and pronunciations. She very well could have grown up saying PECAN the way she does..

  26. I'm with Bourdain on this one. He's made some good points, and is not afraid to say what he really thinks. Besides, I have a crush on him.

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  28. Totally with Bourdain - it is completely unethical to posture herself as the face of diabetes while doing nothing to help others (except use the word "moderation" and be the face of a pharma company already profiting off of the disease). That is total bullshit. Yes, Bourdain drinks and smokes and cooks with butter. He's not a spokesman for diabetes or lung cancer or whatever. He is a chef on a TV show. I personally think there is a big difference between the two.

  29. Ha, I say "peh-kawn" because I thought "pea-kan" sounded too Southern. Also, nasalized "an" sounds just sound awful to me. Like "puh-JA-muhs" instead of "puh-JAH-muhs". Ugh.

  30. I don't blame her for being quiet. She's gotta make a living, and her job just happens to be extreme chef-ism. At least she is attempting to transition. I think 3 years is okay....number one, to deal with the diagnosis and get blood sugars under control, the rest of the time to transition...I mean, she's gotta come up with something to keep peoples' attention, what will she offer that 10,000 other sites don't.

  31. "I especially hate the way Rachel Ray says pecan. Like fingers on a chalkboard".

    Everything Rachel Ray says souhds like fingernails on a chalkboard!

    I like Paula's personality and love to listen to her talk. Most of the food she cooks I probably wouldn't eat, but to each their own. Like someone already said - TV chefs are not responsible for our eating habits. They're there for tips and entertainment. Many things are to blame for the obesity epidemic that is happening, but I don't think we can blame this one on Paula Deen *L*.

    And no, I am not a big fan of Anthony Bourdain. Great chef, miserable person.

  32. I wish someone would approach me to represent PMS and cramps. I should own stock in Midol. Also, I don't think SHE is making herself the face of anything. She could've said no, this is a private thing and not signed with the company but she did. Obviously, she is someone the company felt people identify with. Hell, I use her pots and skillets [which are amaze-balls] and even made her spiral sliced ham for New Years [more amaze-balls]. The point is, she's not bad mouthing anyone and not hurting anyone or using anyone. Much better than most of the peple we read about here.

    I do like the new show she's producing "Not My Mommas Recipes" with her son Bobby turning her recipes into healthier options. It gives people the option to go healthy if they want and she still has her show. If not her, you can check out the Neelys (sp) for more deep fried scheisse.

  33. Also, my husband eats her style of food daily, no instruction needed, nd I eat it maybe once a week. Hehas never risen above 230 while I've ballooned to 326 and I'm more active than he is. And he does have type 2 diabetes. Everyone has different metabolisms. They also have free will and can choose whatever they want, with or without cookin shows. I don't need a recipe to make a salad.

  34. I love bourdain, used to watch his show no reservations and it was amazing. he's down to earth, smart and open to cultures and foods. paula deen scares me, not even oprah could get me to embrace her

  35. Hate to say it but she's on the same level as Jamie Lee Curtis. Its an endorsement for a product she actually uses [much better than Kardash trash]. Jamie Lee has jumpedout of planes and killedpeple but it was all a show. Paula cooks in a studio and it was all a show. We don't know what she puts in her mouth when she sits down to eat. Stones and glass houses peple. Come on. We're supposed to be nice here.

  36. They say PEE-CAN here in Eastern NC too. I say pah-cahn being raised in NV though.

    My mom met Paula in one of the casinos where she has restaraunts and shops and she said she was the most genuine, sweet lady.
    This doesn't really bother me, because her health is her business. We have to look after our own health and make our own choices. Nobody is forcing us to eat that stuff in huge amounts or daily. Moderation is key.
    Anthony needs to mind his own beeswax IMO.

  37. @Maria, Oprah couldn't get me to embrace Oprah. Talk about phony *hiding behind chair*

  38. And just to throw a couple pennies into the pronunciation discussion, I'm in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan--about as far north as you can get in the US--and we pronounce "pecan" as "puh-KAHN".

    speaking of which, I bake like a fiend, and those damn tasty nuts were $17(!!) for a small bag the other day at the grocery. No matter HOW you say it, I'm not paying that, no matter how delish.

  39. I don't love Bourdain but I have read all his books and have watched No Reservations. He's now a clean and sober drunk and drug addict who tells it as he sees it and you don't have to agree with it. He will give credit where credit is due and has retracted statements he's made over the years after being proven wrong.

    He flat out admits he hates vegetarians---my whole family is veg--but I don't take it personally. I don't have high cholesteral or diabetes either.

    I don't eat his food because it is meat based and I don't eat Paula's because I am grossed out by all the amount of animal fats, butter and dairy she uses in so many of her recipes.

    I do find Paula's revealing of her situation offensive and unethical since she will make millions by waiting three years for the deal to come thru.

  40. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I've only seen her when Kristen Wiig does her on SNL.

    I have some questions and pardon my ignorance. Type 2 diabetes is the type you get because of a bad diet, correct? She's had this type of diabetes for years but continued to cook very bad food, correct (again, I only have SNL as a reference but everything has a pound of butter in it, right?)? And she has said she won't change her style of cooking, correct?

    If the answer to everything above is yes, then she's a fucking idiot.

  41. Gee, Tony, are you still smoking cigs all the time on YOUR tv show?

    Lighten up, Francis!

  42. that dude smokes and drinks up a storm, all the while judging everyone else.

  43. "Sometimes you just have to go for it"? No, you don't. Idiot. That's what's wrong with all the elephant-sized people in this country: that mentality. "It exists, therefore I must eat it." you end up with what you deserve.

  44. Oooooo. I love this post.

    I am a huge LOVA of Anthony Bourdain and Paula Deen.

    I do not care that Paula Deen has kept her personal health situation quiet or that she is the spokesperson for diabetes. How do we know what she's doing with the profits from her new job? Maybe she's donating it, and if she isn't, who gives a shit?

    Not only does she eat really poorly, she's also a huge smoker - another factor, not boding well for her health.

    I love Anthony Bourdain, I've read all of his non-fiction books and I thoroughly enjoy No Reservations and I love love love when he's on Top Chef. I do not care so much for his new show, The Layover. It's ok, but not my fave.

    I think he needs to watch when he throws around his label of, "hypocrite," because you could say he is also a hypocrite, now that he's living large as a celebrity chef, the very people he has mocked on his programs and in his books. In fact, I've heard him say since having his daughter that he's taken a more laid-back approach to criticizing the chefs. He's made fun of Emeril and Rachael Ray over the years, and then when he finally got to meet them, he said they were swell people. He probably would do the same thing regarding Paula Deen.

    She's not making people eat copious amounts of fatty food. They choose to do that themselves.

    Her son's new program makes sense to me now regarding this announcement.

    I hope she gets healthy. She needs to move and exercise! Food is only half the problem.

  45. People need to take responsibility for what they decide to eat. As Jolene mentioned above, Paula isn't telling people to eat what she cooks EVERYDAY. She cooks southern food. That's what she does. When I watch her show, I don't want to watch her make an egg white sandwich and steamed veggies. Screw that. I want food porn. I want to see her throw a stick of butter in something and fry it. Then, I'll suck it up and go prepare my own steamed veggies. :-(

    That Bourdain guy seems like a condescending douche bag. At least Paula's nice and respectful to people when talks about them.

  46. bourdain is a smoker, and from when I partied with him back in the 1990's, is known to dabble in the coca. That said, I cannot ever eat where obese people are serving up food. I know sue me. But seriously, Paula Deen makes me ill at the sight of her, so I personally wouldn't ever eat anything she serves up. Nor if I were to smell tobacco on anyone.

    This is why I prefer to make my own goddamn sandwiches and call it a day (or call up a man who cooks well. That works too).

    People are distgusting

  47. I agree with Tony & Enty. Paula Dean is just as bad as.. ANYTHING Kartrashian & probably helped a few fans get the disease she is now making a profit from.

    Tony may be a pompous ass but I absolutely love watching his show and love him. He seemingly keeps it quite real so it's hard to dislike the guy, for me at least.

    I don't care how nice or pleasant you seem - if you have an obvious agenda and no problem putting on an act to cover up who you really are, I can't like you or respect who you are.

    She says she waited so long to tell people because she wanted all the facts, lady please. You needed to make sure the next check was lined up.

  48. **disgusting

    my bad. And I repulse people ALL the time too. Thus, I remain a recluse.

  49. ** To be clear about others possibly getting diabetes because of her - they are idiots if they didn't consider this food just might be really bad for you.

  50. Oops - I just saw @Susan said a lot of what I was trying to say, just better.

  51. @figgy - my in-laws have a dozen or more Pee-can trees at their house. We literally had bag and bags of the things over the holidays. I told them they need to sell them at a farmers market. They are pretty good too, some are kinda grainy. Yummy in butter hahahaha

  52. Thanks - Dixie.

    Also, Bourdain has quit smoking. Don't know if he's relapsed, but I've heard him say in interviews that he's quit. Again, prompted by the birth of his daughter.

    And southern peeps with your accents - Go on with it!!! I love a good accent. Fuck. I'm from Jersey - South Jersey - I screw up everything I say.

    I'm so bitter because every time Anthony Bourdain has been to Philly, I miss him. I so want to get my drink on with him. Ha ha.

    I've made two Paula Deen recipes: One is a baked french toast that I rock out on Easter. That shit is AMAZING. But yeah, we eat it once a year.

    Bourdain actually claims that he's a shit chef, he's just gotten a really good gig later in life based on his amazing writing skills.

  53. I love watching Paula's show (butter and more butter) and the Neely's (where everything is deep fried). People like watching the hominess of the shows and I'm sure they do not expect them to eat that kind of food all of the time. I once prepared the Neely's grandmothers Red Velvet Cake that was absolutely delicious!

    Paula has already said she does not eat what she prepares on her show every day. Her medical issues are hers and it does not bother me in the least. In a positive, maybe people will go get checked out or not be afraid of diabetes, like one of my friends who let it go until she really needed help. If it helps one person than it is worth it, imo.

    As for Boudain, he is a snarky opinionated sad guy. I tried to watch his show a couple of times but could not get through his disdainful voice.

  54. I feel like Paula is exactly like the ex-politicians who become lobbyists to make obscene money. I find it completely unethical.
    I also think that this article shows how being super politically correct can make us afraid of the truth. Truth is many Americans do not have healthy dietary routines, our country is hemorraghing health care dollars caring for medical issues that are the consequence of lifestyle choices.
    We need more Tony's calling people out for spreading bad habits and profiting from them. What he said is simply the truth.

  55. Like Enty, I will admit when I am wrong. There is no "right" pronounciation for pecan. Say it however you want, the suckers are delicious!

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  57. @Susan - Ha, you sound like we could be good friends, lol. I was born in & raised in the deeeeep south but oddly enough I never picked up a southern accent.

    Since I moved to VA about 10 years ago I've only in the past few years stopped saying "fixin to" instead of "about to" and that pecan is pronounced 'pee-can'. That's about it though.

    @BigMama - that is so cool about the pecan trees. I had a lot of family in Cairo, GA when I was a little kid and there were pecan trees EVERYWHERE. We'd pick up bags upon bags and my dad would make the most amazing pecan pies with them. (using clear Caro syrup, no doubt!)

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Tony Bourdain isn't "calling out people for spreading bad habits and profitting from them" nor is he "telling the truth." Bullshit to that. YOU are in charge of YOU. TV is not responsible for YOUR eating habits or anyone else's either. Sorry to break the news, and also sorry that this comes as news, but you're just going to have to be in charge of you, mainly because no one else wants to be.

    Tony Bourdain being a whiny little attention whore. He used to have a good show, too.

  60. I have this sudden urge to eat pecan (pawkahn) pie. . .

    I think part of the reason Bourdain is calling her out: she has known for several years about her diabetes, but waited till she orchestrated a business deal out of the situation and is now "promoting" it. Her new website and show is sponsored by a company that makes diabetes medicine. It will be interesting to see how she mentions it during her show.

  61. I was raised by southerners, far away from the South. That being said, they taught me to cook exactly like Paula Deen. I gave up cooking like that years ago but still developed Type II diabetes because of the damage my early years did.
    I despise Paula Deen. She is such a phoney and such a damn BUFFOON. Several years ago she did a show on her first trip (evah!) to Paris and London. She clowned her way all through the trip and the episode. It was so embarassing. We Americans don't need help looking stupid to the rest of the world, but she sure did her part to exacerbate the stereotype of the dumb, ignorant American abroad.
    I also despise her for hypocrisy. I was one of the first ones among my circle to slam her for waiting until she had an endorsement deal to go public, and plenty of my family and friends let me have it for insulting their beloved idol. So be it. She is a damn hypocrite and that is it. Period.
    Team Bourdain! Love him! He is so sexy in such a rumpled way.

  62. Is ANYONE autonomous anymore in this country? Jesus.

    If you willingly follow her recipes, Paula's about as responsible for your coronary as McDonald's, or Krispy Kreme, or Hostess, or Little Debbie. Take responsibility for what enters your mouth.

    I also think Anthony Bourdain is an asshole, but that's besides the point.

  63. Team Bourdain.

    @sevenmack, we may as well all give up on food, since it's all bad for us!

  64. One of my friends is an insulin dependent diabetic. She was diagnosed late teens and it is genetic. She has taken 20 years to come to terms with it and has done damage to her body because she didn't look after herself properly. Paula only taking 3 years is quite a short period of time to deal with a chronic illness.

    I take umbrage at the assumption that Paula doesn't exercise. We don't know that. I exercise 5 days a week and see a personal trainer twice a month. I am fat. Not everybody is stuffing their face with unhealthy food and being fat, some people are skinny, some slim, some plump, some fat. Commenting on people's 'health' when discussing fat people is just a way to say that your prejudice is justified. Substitute skin colour for body size and see how it sounds.

  65. Excellent points, Sevenmack.

    And joymama, we have much in common. I read Bourdain's "Kitchen Confidential" and enjoyed it very much, and I really do like his no-nonsense style of speaking and writing. He has a way with words. That being said, his stance on vegetarians irritates me - if you think we're all idiots and you don't get why we don't eat meat, then fine....keep it to yourself. No need to be so fucking insulting.

    On this though, I'm team Bourdain. It does seem a bit ridiculous to continue to tout an unhealthy way of eating while simultaneously promoting a drug to control the effects of your own eating. The whole thing is wtf.

  66. Actually he tweeted yesterday and said those were not his words, they came from TMZ. He doesn't like her, for sure though.

  67. I agree w/bourdain. she should have been honest about her diabetes and she should make much healthier food that she does. people trust her and follow her and she should be more responsible.

  68. She spent the last 3 years hiding the fact she was a diabetic while touring and pimping her HIGH FAT recipes and now wants the world to know you can eat whatever you like but in moderation!

    uh no, major fkn fail, Paula.
    She may not be responsible for people's bad eating habits but she IS guilty of trying to put the dollar first before considering how dangerous her cooking can be to certain people.

    that is shitty.

  69. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I agree with what Jax wrote.

  70. @RJ - I grew up in SC, now live in NC and I've only met a handful of peeps that say "Pah-KHAN". I'm with ya on the BBQ thing though. ;)

    I like/watch them both. I don't know who in their right mind could watch anything Paula makes and think "Hmm, I think I shall start cooking like her every day." Hell no. You save her recipes for "once in a while." It's like the people that sue McDonald's for getting fat. Moderation and common sense go a long way. Besides, have you ever tried to make a "diet" cake/dessert? It usually ends up tasting like crap. "Butter is everything, bitches." ;)

    I don't really care about the diabetes announcement b/c I've never EVER looked at Paula for diet tips.

    Bourdain, as much as I enjoy his shows, seems like kind of an ass. Based on the stuff I've seen him eat (and drink, hello!?), I wouldn't say he's the healthiest person in the world. I don't get his hate for vegetarians, either.

  71. I'm close to 2 people with type 2 D.
    One monitors what he eats and has done so for years (ever since the diagnosis) he's fit as well.

    Another is currently in the hospital because they had to remove his big toe a couple of weeks ago. He has known he has it for over 10 years but never really changed any of his eating habits.
    It's some serious stuff if you don't listen to your doctor.

    Don't really care for either chefs one way or the other. I love Alton Brown, though

  72. Tony Bourdain is an ass, but I absolutely love him.

  73. @flip and @jax I agree.

    To those who say take responsibility for your own self behaviors. True but when people are role models and influence poples opinions they should be ethical about what they do & say.

    Obviously both of these people have influences ALL of us because we are posting comments about them.

    That said in almost every episode Tony says something like "Folks do not try this at home" about something- yes even the bad habits.

  74. Love Paula but don't cook anything like her (I'm in the south, too). Anywho, her Gooey Pumpkin Cake is divine...we have it once a year for Thanksgiving.

  75. East Texas. pa-khan. I was always taught that pe-can was an outhouse, based on a joke my father told about a yankee asking for a pecan.

    Also came in to say I view Bourdain as a GOD. Second in my pantheon only to Alton Brown. Sigh.

  76. Team IDA! You said exactly what I was thinking.

    I watch both Bourdain and Deen for ENTERTAINMENT. I have made dishes I've seen on both show for SPECIAL occassions. I'm Southern, and I do like cooking with butter, but being reasonable about it makes the difference. I will admit I do love to go to Memphis and eat at the Neely's establishments. Their potato salad is worth an extra gym visit or two!

    Also, I think the real problem with the American diet is that 90% of everything we eat has some form of wheat in it....

  77. I'm glad to see my boyfriend isn't the only guy with a man-crush on Bourdain!

    And his comments pretty much align exactly with my thoughts on the matter. It's so messed up she hawked those recipes (bacon cheeseburger between 2 doughnuts!!) while she knew she had diabetes.
