Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Antwaun Cook Cheating On Fantasia

So, Fantasia should not be surprised that the father of her baby, Antwaun Cook is cheating on her. The couple started out when Antwaun was cheating on his wife with Fantasia. That was a marriage, this is just a baby mama so you know cheating is not a problem. The thing is Fantasia must not have that much money. I think most of the times in this kind of thing, the guy will not cheat because he is afraid of getting cut off from the money, especially if he has not married her. Apparently Fantasia knows all about the cheating but does not really care. Great, so show all your females that look up to you that is great to stick with a guy when you know he is regularly cheating on you and disrespecting you. (Thanks Christina)


  1. omg who freaking CARES! Easily the most unlikable and boring female Idol contestant.

  2. Did she ever finish her GED? I feel sorry for this woman. She just makes one bad decision after another. I liked her Aunt Bunny on the show, she seemed to be the only person who would speak frankly to her, and more than once Bunny told her to leave that man alone. Too bad she didn't listen.

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Fantasia needs serious therapy. All that talent and moxie, but she keeps repeating the same mistakes regarding men and holding on to a worthless relationship. It's sad to watch.

  4. Oh please Enty. She wasn't a role model. Just because people are famous and are in the (slight) public eye - does not automatically make a role model.

    On a side note, some people just don't know how to live unless their life is a hot mess.

  5. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

  6. I feel sorry for her too. She has talent and just cannot make her life happen. Shame.

  7. Fanny has some serious issues but I think she kind of likes being a hot mess.

  8. I don't feel sorry for her in the least. She creates her own situations. She's just another classless ho that found some fame (Yep, I'm talking to you Kim K.)

    Who's the big oof in the middle of the two of them?

  9. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Wow, she's gross.

  10. Hey, if they'll do it WITH you, they'll do it TO you... Just sayin'
