Thursday, January 26, 2012

Armie Hammer Arrested For Pot - No One Notices

I thought I would start off today by finding new people to talk about. There will be plenty of time in a few minutes to talk about Demi Moore, but lets talk about Armie Hammer. He is an up and coming actor who has had some great roles, but apparently no one notices when he gets arrested. Over two months ago he was stopped in Texas at a border patrol checkpoint. OK, note to everyone who reads this site. If you do not live close to a border here is the deal. Generally about 15-30 miles inland from a border crossing there will be a border patrol checkpoint. They like searching for drugs. Armie was arrested for basically having a joint, some cookies and a brownie and it took him all day to post the $1,000 bail. No love from anyone? The DA decided to not prosecute and nothing is going to happen to the guy, but I'm sure in the back of his mind he would like to think he is a big enough celebrity where people would notice he got arrested. Don't worry Armie we noticed.


  1. He's lucky he wasn't tased and beaten to death after he was thrown in solitary.

  2. Thank you Vicki! There are serious reasons why you don't break the law. Basically the above, and jail food.

  3. No border checkpoint 10-15 miles from the Canadian border (unless I completely missed it last month). They seemed to have an area to stop you at the crossing itself, though they didn't stop anyone Christmas weekend. I guess they are less worried about Cuban cigars and oranges than Mexican drugs.

  4. It took all day to get someone to post his bail? Armie, honey, I'll hook you up.

  5. I still can't get over this dude's name.

  6. So cute *and* smart?

  7. I've never heard of him.

  8. @ Ida - I think he's the grandson or great-grandson of Armand Hammer, philanthropist, art collector and general all round rich guy. How unfortunate that his name sounds like Arm & Hammer. Like in baking soda.

  9. He's married... where was his wife to bail him out?

  10. Note to travelers from a Texan: Do all your drugs before you get within 50 miles of the Texas/Mexico border. I promise there's plenty of pot to be had elsewhere in Texas. And it's a lot cheaper than posting $1K bail.

  11. And taking all day to post the bail was probably due to the painfully slow booking process. He can't be bailed out until he's seen a judge and that could take hours. Depending on what time it is, it could even be the next day.

  12. "They like searching for drugs."



  13. Stupid. Yes. But my thing is you are really going to do all that paperwork and runaround for one joint? I say just legalize it already and go after people that really need to be in jail!

  14. @Mango, you are correct, the Hammer's are originally from around where I live.

  15. I totally agree with you, Jessi. Want to balance the budget? Legalize pot, reallocate resources, stop paying to prosecute users, and tax the crap out of the drug.

    Didn't we learn anything as a society from prohibition?

  16. @Seachica-

    A few friends and I tried to go to Canada a month ago and they stopped us. It was the pits!!! Took hours and they ended up denying entrance because one of my friends has a conviction for a wet reckless from 6 years ago. When they turn you around, you have to go inside on the US side to explain why you were denied entry, which also takes hours. It was a looooong horrible day.

  17. I'm w/Jessie.

    I'm SURE there are many more humans being trafficked and smuggled going across the boarder every day (ah, hello, just watch TRADE w/Kevin Kline. It's horrible but spot on). There ARE other things to keep the fuzz busy with, it's just a bit harder to catch these crimes, as opposed to finding HERB on someone. Especially inlight of that we're the most legally doped up nation in the universe, thus this faux war on drugs is just that, a farce. Cricky!

  18. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Don't be a fucking idiot and have drugs on you at a border checkpoint.

    I've cross the Canadian/US border tons of times, sometimes it's a quick pass, sometimes you're sitting there forever. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has twitter feeds for its crossings to tell you how long the wait is.

    Last time I crossed back into Canada, me and every other Canadian were coming back from buying winter tires from the States because they're way cheaper. One idiot had his winter tires installed in the US and didn't declare them. The border agents were not pleased with him. Rather than paying $80 or so in taxes (still cheaper than buying them at Canadian Tire), he's looking at getting his car impounded.

    Lesson: Don't be a fucking idiot at the border.

  19. Sorry that happened, Lori. And if I may be so bold (having been an Cdn immigration officer for a couple of years), it's best to say you don't have any convictions. We'll only check if you give us reason to. And even if you do have a conviction, the agents have discretion as to whether or not to let you in. If they don't like the look of you or your group, you can forget it. Same goes for Canadians crossing down south.

    With regards to this guy, he was terrific in The Social Network. That's all I really wanted to say. Terrific.

  20. If you're desperate to cross the Canadian border, may I recommend Northern Minnesota? People who hunt up there go back and forth all the time without even realizing it. Of course, you'll probably have to hike for days, because there ain't much in the way of civilization on either side.

  21. Armor Hammer is fucking HAWT. I don't say that about too many actors because I generally find most of them to be cocky little twerps but I could stare at this guy all day. And the fact that he's a pothead? Be still my heart, I have a new fav.

    Living in Toronto, I cross through Niagara Falls or Buffalo (occasionally Detroit) pretty frequently. I myself am never hassled, and I hate to say it but I've had the biggest delays anytime I travelled with a visible minority. Once I was with 2 friends who are Chinese and Philipino, respectively, and they kept us for maybe 10 minutes asking questions about the purpose of our visit before letting us enter back into Canada. Maybe a month later I went back with another friend (both of us blonde, white girls) to do cheap christmukkah shopping and they didn't bat an eyelash as we smuggled in over 20 watches, as well as Victoria's Secret goodies, cigarettes, booze, you name it.
    Probably the biggest hassle I ever had returning to Canada (I've never had any issues entering the US) was when my boyfriend and I and another couple were coming back after an Olive Garden/Target run and my boyfriend got diarrhea at customs so while he was using the washroom they decided to search the car because we were just sitting there anyway. They took issue with my friend bringing back Ballpark Franks of all fucking things, and grilled us mercilessly on our intentions with the hotdogs. We were like "we were thinking about um, eating them?" (ironically I'm a vegetarian) and they eventually let us go through, but it took over an hour before they decided we weren't going to perpetrate any hotdog-related crimes. The impression I've gotten every time is that they were more interested in any alcohol or tobacco or declarable items than drugs. I've actually brought a joint over a time or two hidden in my bra and never had myself or the car searched. Wow I was a brilliant kid.

  22. I love how many Canadian CDAN readers there are! I sometimes get the impression that Enty himself is a fellow Canuck as well.
    Speaking of Canadians readers, I really miss Rita! Hope she comes back soon.

  23. I like this guy more now! He was awesome in TSN, he's super-rich and a bit famous and yet didn't pull any "do you know who I am" bs while waiting for post fricking a grand in bail or you know that would have been on here... and he's clearly very laid back! Points scored, Mr. Hammer.

    And I usually avoid the political stuff here but this is a ridiculous waste of money... waging a war on weed for f*cks sake. I can't go so far as to say that about all drugs because some are really life destroying... but this is not really the same. Where I live (Boston) you have to have like a half ounce or more on you to catch a criminal charge, otherwise it's just a $100 civil fine. Seriously, who thinks that this drug should remained criminalized to the level it is currently? Out of curiousity, I would love to know what the argument for the status quo is other than it opens a can of worms.
