Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Barbara Walters Says She Won't "Pay" For Interviews

Barbara Walters got on her high horse on The View yesterday and rambled on about how the rumors she is willing to pay for an interview with Pippa Middleton are false and that ABC News never pays for interviews. She then said Oprah might pay for interviews because she is not a network and kind of ran Oprah over with a bus and then took another dig at her as she made sure all four wheels hit Oprah by making it clear that she felt Oprah's network was lesser than Barbara's network.

Let me be very clear. Until six months ago, ABC News paid for tons of interviews. Tons. They just hid it by calling the payments licensing fees. In fact, Barbara your network paid $200K to Casey Anthony back in 2008. As recently as this past summer, ABC paid money to the man who found Caylee Anthony's body and paid money to several women who had relationships with Anthony Weiner.

Oh, and Barbara, you might want to talk to the head of ABC News because he said that payments might still happen if approved by top managers. Huh. So why don't you get off your high horse and tell the truth about paying for interviews and not make it seem like you are not just a tabloid like the rest of them. At least they are honest about paying for interviews.


  1. Oprah has always been very open about not paying for interviews. she has said several times on the show that she just won't do it. No one is that important.

  2. Why would Anyone care about watching an interview with pippa? All she has done is dress well for a wedding (in a dress her sister probably picked out) and have a sister. I don't see any sign that she is using her fame for things worth discussing, nor that she is particularly engaging or has anything interesting to say.

  3. So what this sounds like is Oprah got the interview with Pippa and Babs is now trying to spin it and make it sound like she paid for it. Oh Babs, it's OK, you can still interview the Kardashians!

  4. And Seachica. Totally agree! Why would anyone ever pay to interview Pippa?

  5. Pippa = fame by association.

  6. It's time for Babs to retire. She's insufferable.

  7. Am I the only one that wishes Oprah would go away...
    I can't stand her!

  8. Am I the only one that wishes Oprah would go away...
    I can't stand her!

  9. Who care about Barbara anyway ? I haven't watched since I got an earful of Right Wing Elizabeth.....it just makes me too angry...

  10. Barbara Walters is so over. So's Oprah. Can't stand either.

  11. Oh Middle aged Diva...I'm with you all the way.

  12. Anonymous8:35 AM

    BW has been doing this since the Mesozoic era, but isn't nearly as important as Oprah has become. Jealousy at her age. It's embarrassing.

  13. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Nothing more annoying that someone who is holier than thou. Babs, you interviewed the Kardashians, for fuck's sake. Take it down a notch.

  14. I remember when Monica Lewinski was going to do her first interview, she had agreed to talk to Oprah, but Oprah wouldn't pay her. If you recall she did her interview with Barbwawa.

    BW may not pay, but ABC does.

  15. I always hated the way Babwa would link her arm with the arm of her interviewee as they walked the grounds of said interviewee's home. Like they were best friends or something. Please bitch. Just ask your questions and get the fuck out.

  16. Exactly, anita_mark. Exactly. The fucking kardashians.

  17. Why would they want to interview her at all much less pay for one? She is not that interesting to me. She has a famous sister and she wore a great dress to the wedding...that's it!! What would they talk to her about?

  18. Cat fights are not fun to watch and here they aren't even fighting over a real mouse.

  19. I agree with Hannah, Middle, Crila, and Reno.

  20. Every FREAKING time I see Barbara I think how Gilda Radner would be playing her. (and making Ms. Walters cry again)I miss Gilda Radner.

    Barbara is an ass kissing troll who wouldn't know a real news story if it bit her in her boney ass.

  21. Oprah's so called not real network is her network. Bab's you're just an employee; albeit high profile one of ABC.
