Saturday, January 21, 2012

Big Ben Settles Sexual Assault Claim

The woman who accused Steelers quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger of sexual assault in a Reno hotel room has settled with the athlete. Back in 2008, the woman accused the quarterback of raping her. I remember at first no one believed her, but then as the other stories came out about Ben and the woman's story kept coming up solid it shows you what a tough time you can have getting yourself heard.

Throughout the past three years, Ben has tried everything he can to just delay the inevitable but now has settled. It also settles the claims the woman had against her employer, Harrah's for covering the incident up. Originally the woman had asked for $500K plus punitive damages.


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    We all give Tebow crap, but this guy somehow gets a pass. At least it's resolved in some way.

  2. I hope she got PAID. BUT, I'd rather his ass be in jail where he belongs, plus she got paid.

  3. @mbagrrrl - thank you. Leave Tebow alone, everyone. Jump on this loser's crap. I do not understand why this piece of garbage doesn't get the full amount of bad press that he deserves. I don't think he should be allowed the privilage of playing in the NFL. Sorry Steelers fans, but he doesn't deserve it.

    @strawberrygirl - Rapistberger indeed.

    Same goes for Kobe. He shouldn't have the ability to stay in the NBA. At least he will be taken to the cleaners in the divorce. Karma is a bitch.

  4. And the Mum doesn't understand why I'm no longer a fan...

  5. I just got an idea from his shirt in the photo. How about an unholy union of Rapistberger and Kelly Osbourne? They deserve each other, and they can drink like champions together.

  6. Count me as one of those who is still pissed that Michael Vick is allowed to play, and he actually DID serve time.
    Ben should as well. Money doesn't make rape any less of a rape.

  7. ^^This.

    @nolachickee, as much as I dislike Kelly Osbourne, I don't think ANY woman deserves to share the company of a rapist.

  8. Personal knowledge of the accuser. She is a pathological liar who destroyed a friend's life. An no, I am not a steelers fan;)

  9. Whoops, sorry, hit reply before I checked spelling and finished. I'm not saying other accusations against big ben aren't accurate. But this woman needs serious professional help.

  10. I just Ben turns out like other players have after retirement. Bankrupt after a few years of bad/dumb investments.

  11. This guy is a REAL piece of shit! He should be banned from playing in the NFL along with that hoodlum/murderer Ray Lewis but that will NEVER happen! Each time they take the field I hope for a career ending injury to happen to them but I'll have to wait for Karma to step in. COME ON KARMA!

  12. It REALLY infuriates me that in our society, you can rape or abuse any number of women and never go to jail, BECAUSE YOU PLAY A DAMNED GAME!!!

    And until this changes, I will NEVER spend a dime to support the industry. Not one red cent.

    1. Wow, nicely put! U seem fed up and I understand. These men are making a living off of playing a game. Thats bad, but even worse is the value that is placed on their contributions to society, especially when they commit crimes against society. But, we live in a capitalistic society, so...

  13. That photo is priceless. Says it all.

  14. I love Tim Tebow. People need to look past the politics and look at who he is as a person. And if you can't look past the poltics, look at Big Ben..........and know that I would choose Tim Tebow any day

  15. ENT Don'T GOOOOOOOOOO, keep on blogginnnnnng!!!!!!

  16. Thank you to all the commentators that pointed out how abuse towards women is still hard to prove and easily dismissed. I am not at all surprised that he is still playing as Roman Polanski is still making films AND he was found GUILTY!!!! We can help change this. Every time we post, every time we don't go to see a Polanski film, every time we refuse to support a sports team due to outrageous and illegal behaviour, we contribute to changing society. Please don't stop speaking out, it takes drops of rain to make an ocean.

  17. just a reminder for everyone to follow enty on twitter @entylawyer

    once he gets to 10,000 followers he tweeted this is the blind item he said he would reveal

  18. juxtaposing tebow and roethlisberger is completely pointless.

    tebow, essentially, believes that women shouldn't have the right to choose to have an abortion, and he believes that gay people shouldn't have the right to be married. so he isn't exactly pro-rights of women or pro-equality for all. as such, he is an asshole.

    roethlisberger is (apparently/allegedly) into forcing himself on women. as such, he is an asshole.

    and i would leave tebow's politics and rampant christianity out of the argument if he shut up about it for a long enough period that i could actually forget how ignorant he really is.

  19. ^^^Well said, and I completely agree.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @Krystal, I think it's the direct comparison between Ben R. and Tebow that rankled some of us. Granted, Tebow isn't a rapist. But he DOES think that a woman who gets pregnant as the *result* of a rape shouldn't have the option of seeking out an abortion. He might not be a sexual offender, but he is HARDLY a champion of women's rights.

  22. @krystal: hence why i said they shouldn't be compared (re: your last sentence).

    and regardless of your views on abortion, denying people equal rights (i.e. gay marriage) makes a person an asshole. i shan't waiver on that argument and i haven't a care in the world if it offends anyone.

    i am deeply offended at having to listen to christians (let's be honest, any religious person) voice their opinions in the public sphere and expect me not to be offended when something completely rude and ignorant comes out of their mouths.

    so have your opinion that gay/ muslim/ black/ poor/ immigrant/ etc. people are less equal, but please do others a favor and keep it inside your church or your home.

    considering the fact that christians vocally espoused anti-segregation during the civil rights era, your peeps don't really have a track record for supporting anything but those who do, say and believe exactly as they are instructed. the reason the fight for civil rights held on for so long was BECAUSE christian conservatives were determined to keep blacks beneath them. (yeah, they did. look it up).

    and if tebow was muslim and sang muslim songs and constantly touted muslim beliefs, i hardly believe that people wouldn't be outraged.

    all signs point to tebow being an asshole, if only because he can't bother to think for himself.

  23. and krystal apparently deleted her comment...

  24. This guy and Vick are both disgusting people.

    I hate that they make millions and that so many people actually love and respect them.

  25. Tim Tebow the Christian beat Ben the rapist. That is all.

    And for all you fucking liberals who think being a Christian means you want to "prevent a woman's right to choose" and "stop gay marriage" than you need to get off the internet and get a life. Fucking libtards.

  26. @brakewater - I haven't slightest idea what your comment contributes to the discussion above. But, perhaps your intent was lost on me.

    What is not lost on me, however, is that you are an idiot.

  27. @brakewater: um, did anyone say that this is what christians wish to "prevent"? no. learn to read and not jump to conclusions (or, the classic christian argument of arguing against things that were never said in the first place).

    i said that tebow BELIEVES that abortion and gay marriage are wrong. that is a tenet of christian faith, and something that tebow has stated publically.

    so perhaps you should get off the internet, learn how to read, then learn how to read critically, and then learn to phrase an argument that actually addresses what was said, not what your lazy christian ass finds convenient to believe.

    and we "fucking liberals" are the only saving grace of this ridiculous country filled otherwise with ann coulters, newt gingrichs, michelle bachmanns, sarah palins, george bushs, dick cheneys, and on and on and on.

    i am excited for the day when tebow finally admits what his constant christian pandering is really hiding: that he is gay.

  28. in ref to the whole tebow thing, doesn't anyone find it amusing that in a telephone polls taken, 59% of black america believed tebows power of prayer helped him, 80-something % of hispanics concurred, and only 33% of whites believed.

    My point is, wasn't it whitey which went all over the globe saying you had to pray their way? Top quote a line from Lynn Cherry's The Shaman's Apprentice, "They made them cover themselves with their clothes, replaced their herbs with little white pills, and their gods with their one God and bible." Now I'm not anti bible, just anti this colonialism/hypocritical way.

    It should also be noted that at my daughter's high school, even though everyone save for her is pro-gay marriage (I'm pro civil unions, my child is not. I can only do so much) and yet when the class was polled on how they felt about abortion, my daughter said not only was she the only one PRO-abortion, but everyone she said, "went off on her" about how "it (abortion) was wrong." Sounds like media brainwashing to me. And these are the same kids popping Adderall and yet spewing anti marijuana propaganda at me!!

    I fear for us.

  29. i'm just glad jesus is clearly a patriots fan.

  30. @Brakewater -- "Fucking libtards," huh?

    Now, I'm not devout, but I'm *pretty* sure Jesus wouldn't condone that phrase.

    @OMAMA -- Why are they asking high school kids those questions, anyway?! I'm all for philosophical class discussions, but it seems as if teachers who engage their students in controversial dialogue are pretty much asking for attention from pissed-off parents and administrators.

  31. @ida: haven't you heard? most christians get do to and say whatever they want because jesus forgives them at the end of the day.

    the rest of us just go to "hell".

  32. @erin z -- You know, a very sagacious man once said that he'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

    When I was about six, I asked my Southern Baptist Grandma if Hell would be more fun than Heaven, since some of the bad (i.e., fun) activities are supposedly what lead you to an eternity of fire and brimstone in the first place. When I mentioned that Heaven sounded boring, she looked as if she was going to have a coronary. I've spent over thirty years freaking her out. :-)

    Honestly, I'm bemused by most religions -- Christianity certainly included -- but I'm not offended by them, either. It just irks me how intertwined faith is with politics. Can you imagine the ensuing shitstorm if an Atheist were to run for public office?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. @ida: i don't actually have an issue with all christians, or all religious people for that matter, and i used "offended" in a half-facetious manner because some people are just too darn "offended".

    when i speak of "christian" i am actually speaking of "(hypocritical) christians". these are the folks such as my brother, who is anti-gay rights, anti-abortion, yet is somehow pro-premarital intercourse to the point where he managed to impregnate his girlfriend of two months prior to his divorce being finalized and prior to her divorce being finalized. now my 18 years of biblical teachings (until the forced component of attending church was lifted) taught me that thou shan't stick an unmarried penis into an unmarried vagina, though i suppose in my brother's case they were both technically "married", you other people.

    so goes my issue with organized religion.

    i don't have a problem with hassidic jews because they, for the most part, actually seem to adhere quite strictly to their rules.

    i think elizabeth smart is a dandy girl, mormon and all!

    so it's not all christians, just the liars, cheats, homophobes who are actually gay, regular homophobes, pedophiles, and so on.

  35. I don't and never will support an organization that employs or advertizes with this rapist.

    I love all the brilliant comments on this post !!

    On a side note ... One of my all..and this is not lightly said.:ALL time fave movies is Rosemarys Baby. I can't begin to describe my love affair with that film. However after a few years ago when I read about the horrific Polanski case I boycotted all of his films ( The Ninth Gate Oy Vay! ) including my beloved Rosemarys because I can't in good conscious support such a man. If I can give up Polanski then America should give up this piece of dung. Only until the big corps lose our all mighty dollar will any change in this backwards misogynist system occur.

  36. @erin z:


    The last time I heard that much hatred expressed, I was 17 y/o and at a Southern Baptist tent revival.

    Their message and yours? 180 degress apart. The hatred and judgement? 100% in common.

  37. @k: you're right: i dislike and freely judge hypocrites and pathological liars and homophobes.

    shame on me.

    oh, except that i believe in equal rights for all, as well as the separation of church and state.

    and i also don't actually use any hateful words, nor do i express any "hate". so feel free to point out any phrasing or words that i used that display this hate you seem to be misreading and i will provide you with a detailed response that will highlight that i am free to dislike the behavior of people without being called out for hateful speech.

    methinks you misinterpret the tone of my comments, especially considering i clarified/specified that my comments are directly related to hypocritical religious people.

    i may throw around the sass (partially for comedic effect), but i don't necessarily hate. i am actually tremendously tolerant of any and all people who live their lives for themselves, don't pass unnecessary/ignorant judgement, and don't vote to keep certain populations of society in a subversive position.

    what i refuse to tolerate are hypocritical organized religion folk, and otherwise ridiculous people.

  38. @erin z: I admit it is entirely that I misinterpreted your comments here tonight. I will confess that despite my posting at "9:15" server time, your post of "4:17" server time did not appear until I had posted and later forced a screen refresh.

    Quite simply, I spoke without complete understanding of your true position in this matter.

    I apologize for my earlier statment. Reading the post you made that I missed somehow, I find you and I actually agree on many of the same exact points.

    While I vehemently disagree with organized sanctimoniousness, I do also take umbrage at statements made against such which are simply for the sake of argument.

    I as well hold in disdain those religious individuals who live as if attending a service on Sunday morning absolves them of all guilt from their actions for the other 167 hours of the week.

    Please accept my apologies. I spoke out of turn, without knowledge of all you had stated of your opinions here.

    That said, Ben R is a wretch and a cretin. I do believe we both would agree with that statement. :)

  39. with such a fantastically crafted comment/post, how could i possibly not accept your apology!?

    we could be besties!

  40. Good grief how did this become about religion? Please stop lumping all people of a belief system/political affiliations together. That's like saying all blondes are dumb and they most definitively are not.

    So back to topic- Ben is a jackass and that poor girl in Georgia was raped and nothing was done. And this guy is revered and will probably make the Hall of Fame one day. It's sickening.

  41. I live an hour away from Philly - but I'm a die hard Giants fan. Have been for 25+ years.

    I haven't been to a home game in a while. The hubs and his brother have season tickets, though, and when the Eagles come to town, the tauting is relentless.

    How they could even think of giving an admitted dog killer a star QB position is something that will always elude me.

    That's why I will cheer for Tebow instead of Vick or Big Ben, regardless of his religious views.

    BTW, I'm against abortion in general, and I'm more than aware there's a lot of gray areas involved in coming to such a decision. I'm also a cradle Catholic that tries to live what's said at church (the Beatitudes, etc.). Not all religious people are hypocritical assholes, even though some of my fellow Catholics embarrass me - they ignore "Do unto others" especially.

  42. Vick's an Eagle - hide your beagle.

    Roethlisberger is going to spend his life a brain-damaged asshat with no impulse control. Some of that was always there and is now exacerbated by on-field concussions and a ridiculous refusal to wear a motorcycle helmet. His behavior will continue to deteriorate as he continues to get banged up and as he continues to act more and more recklessly with little consequence.

  43. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? A settlement does not guilt prove.

  44. Agreed, scotch. Jesus, never thought i'd see the day where I'm defending an nfl player:(

  45. I've never met anyone pro- abortion although most of my circle of friends and I believe a woman has the right to choose. However myself being raised baptist and believing that stuff until I grew a brain and realize its Ok to make decisions and conclusions for myself, has a dad and stepmom who are born again Christians. They believe talking shit about Tebow amounts to blasphemy. I still can't believe in 2012 we still believe its ok to discriminate against anyone and that the fundys don't believe in their love one another tenet. I want to. Bang my head on a Brick. Wall!!

    Funny story. My friend is an English professor in Virginia beach. She has students write an article on a social issue and why they are for/ against it. However they are no allowed to use religion or te bible as documentation or reasoning for the beliefs. Fun times ensue!

  46. This guy belongs in jail. The end. When that many women come forward something is wrong. Looks like the loudest one was who got paid.

    I think lots of this comes down to more people effected with ASPD in society these days. There have been many warnings and still society isn't paying good attention. Something needs to be done.

    There was a Romanian ruler who was against abortion, and birth control, in the 1980's. Remember how that worked out????

  47. One thing I love about The Superficial (add it on fb if you have it, guys), is that Fish NEVER gives Rapistberger a break. Like, NEVER. It's awesome.
