Thursday, January 05, 2012

Bristol Palin Moves Back To Alaska

Since no one wanted to see her reality show, Bristol Palin has decided that Hollywood was never right for her and she has moved back to Alaska. In the past year she has been on Dancing With The Stars, enrolled for school and bought a house in Arizona, put that house on the market and moved in with Kyle Massey in Los Angeles and filmed a reality show with Kyle and his brother, got into a bar fight, moved out of Kyle's place and has now moved back to Alaska where she is working in a doctor's office and living in her parent's garage while the new house she bought is renovated. That is a busy year. If her show had been popular I bet she would have stayed here. Bristol says she wants to put down some roots for Tripp and his school and to open a beauty salon with her sister Willow. Bristol also says she is not going to do motivational speaking any longer or make any television appearances. Unless of course someone comes up with a really big check and then she will say we misunderstood her or that she owed it to her fans.


  1. Bristol, please go awayyyyyyyyyy

  2. There you go. With experience, comes maturity.

    Whatever it is, wish that girl luck. Wasn't easy being Sarah Palin's daughter.

  3. Hallelujah, the palin era is coming to an end.

  4. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Geez. When will people figure out that not EVERYONE is interested in their lives? I'm certainly not.

  5. ^excuse me. I just fell on my ass.

  6. I hope she saved some money....

  7. i know this is where we're supposed to bandwagon and slam the palins... but meh, whatever. i may not be a fan of these folks, but good for her for snapping out of the hollywood/reality train and wanting to set down roots for her child. i think it's the smartest move she could make.

  8. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I am definitely not a Palin fan, but good for her, for knowing when the 15 minutes were up and going forward with her life. Now if only the Kardashians and Lohans would follow her example.

  9. @Syko - True That!

  10. 2012 is starting off to a good start.

  11. She's overstayed her welcome long enough. I'm glad she had the sense to get out now instead of dragging us through another few years of inane not-that-juicy gossip. On the other hand, Bristol gossip is a change of pace from the steady stream of Teen Mom trashiness.

  12. What Pookie said!

    I don't hate Bristol, but I'll have way more respect for her in the long run if she goes back to a nice little boring life in Alaska. :)

    When did the reality show even air? I don't remember seeing the first ad for it?

  13. No more speaking publicly? long before we see her preggo again?

  14. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Rita, did you fall because of me?

  15. I don't really like the tone of this post. You're slamming this woman because she is trying to make a living and figure her shit out. Isn't that what we all did in our 20s?? The Palin hate is so overplayed. Get the fuck over it!!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Susan, I don't see any slamming going on here.

  18. This isn't a case of "Oh, I want to go home and put down roots"; it's a case of "No one gives a shit about me anymore and the gravy train has ground to a halt, so I guess I have to move back to Bumfuck unless, perhaps, by putting this story around I can scare up some kind of offer." I notice that there's no more mention of a college career for this girl -- like her mother, she's self-centered and lazy, making it highly unlikely that she will inconvenience herself long enough to get a degree. Frankly I'm amazed that Sarah was able to scrape one together.

  19. Ummm, I really like Kyle Massey. He's a fun, funny guy.
    Bristol may have been pushed into trying all that other stuff. I hope she has a nice life in Alaska.

    @Rita, how's your ass?

  20. To her defence Sunnyhorse, not everyone is cut out for college. Sadly there is no emphasis on the trades these days but being a hair sylist isn't a bad choice if one loves it. We all have hair and do need a trim (and color) sometimes.

    However, I do believe she had her 15 minutes of fame with her Mom and just could not take all the heat she constantly got. An abstinence teacher? Really? With a baby on your hip? Let me teach a smoking cessation class with a cigarette in my hand.

    Maybe she is ready to be out from under the microscope (cuz I think she's pregnant again).

    Stepping down off soapbox

  21. @Del Riser - Well cushioned from Christmas fat. But still a fine one, thank you.

    @Texshan. Yeah, you took me by surprise. Even you must admit, you have been a staunch supporter of things Palin.

    But no worries, my ass is fine, and to be quite honest, I didn't fall too far, for I was already sitting on a chair.


  22. I'm sure she and her sister will be a big success in the beauty salon business - because when you think of beauty you always think Palin!

    Ahhhhhh, it felt good to get some snark out!

  23. I have to say, watching the Republican Pres candidates from up here has been quite entertaining. For every Palin that finally goes away, up pops a Perry or Bachmann :)

  24. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Glad you are OK, Rita. I may come off as "a staunch supporter of all things Palin," but I'm really not. I just think she comes in for way more hate and attention then she deserves from people. I'm more interested in giving Palin a fair shake than I am in "standing up" for her.

    I don't even really identify as a Republican. I consider myself more of a Libertarian -- I think they are ALL full of shit. So when I see people dumping on one particular party and acting as if the other one is the repository of all things good and wonderful, I get pissy. ALL professional politicians suck, in my opinion. It's just that very few people on here bitch about Obama while praising Gingrich. Believe me, you do NOT want to get me started on that asshole Newt.

  25. I should have clarified, Sherry -- I know that not everyone's cut out for college, and that's a good thing. I just get intensely annoyed by people who keep making a big deal about going to school because they think it makes them sound better (or, in Bristol's case, less white-trashy). It's insulting to the people who actually do want to work toward some kind of degree AND toward people who know that their talents lie in auto mechanics, child care, hairdressing, plumbing, horse training, or the like. I would wager that this salon won't get off the ground (at least without help, as usual, from Mom) because she doesn't have the dedication or intelligence to pull it off.

  26. I feel kind of sorry for the child of any politician - especially those in higher office - remember how everyone criticised the Bush girls? And how about Amy Carter being constantly slammed for her (unfortunate) looks. They went after Joe Biden's adult daughter on some kind of cocaine thing right after the inauguration. Even going back to FDR - his kids were always beint criticised for something. They're in a can't-win situation.

  27. I just want to see an episode of Tabatha's Salon Takeover happen in the Palin girl's salon! Imagine that. Bitchy ole Tabatha Coffey giving them the stink eye because they don't have a passion for hair styling.

  28. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Looks like she's also been eating a lot this last year. Oh well, hope you enjoyed your 15 minutes of fame for getting knocked up at 16. Goodbye!

  29. I guess her having all that plastic surgery was her last ditch effort to make it in Hollywood. Really wish you would have used that picture that circulated after her surgery, she wasn't recognizable.

  30. I'm no fan of hers or anyone in her *extended* family, but I just saw one of her commercials warning about teenage pregnancy and it was pretty effective. Didn't preach abstinence so much as caution, so there was room for consideration of birth control.

  31. Buh-bye, now! Please stay in Alaska along with the rest of your mentally challenged family.

    I have no problem "slamming" the Palins because they sought out the spotlight, in various ways. If you want the attention, you've got to deal with the criticism.

  32. "...and not a single fuck was given".

  33. I just hope the rumors that Fox is not going to renew Sarah Palin's contract is true. Once that happens, the Palin family 15 minutes will be officially over. Which should have happened 15 minutes after the 08 election ended.

  34. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Ecua, so, by that logic, people are totally justified in viciously "slamming" the Obamas, right? Because they also sought the attention?

    Rita, see what I did there? :-)

  35. Bristol needs to lay off the Haagen-Daz. Back to that fine Matsu Dairy ice milk, girl!

    (Back in the day, the only "ice cream" available in the Wasilla general store--and there was only one store in town--was M.V. ice milk.)

    I plumbed my family connections for the latest Wasilla gossip over the holidays, but no joy. We all agreed that getting the juicy stuff would require one of us to traipse up and visit the Jesus-crazed relations--and none of us was willing to make the sacrifice.

  36. @Texshan - Obama sought the Presidency, his family stuck by him, and his wife did her First Lady duties.

    None of them preached about abstinence and the sanctity of marriage, then got pregnant out of wedlock.

    None of them sought fame on reality shows.

    None of them questioned a peers' citizenship, nationality, and right to being an American.

    None of them attacked their peers on Twitter with homophobic slurs.

    And we are talking about the President of the United States of America. The same position that about 3 years ago every Republican had declared that we owe absolute respect to, no matter our feelings, simply because one holds the title (G.W. Bush).

    I command you though on your restraint Texshan. I've been meaning to tell you this for a few weeks now. It is hard to have one's beliefs trampled on. Whether they're political, or religious. And if you compare your posts to say, 3 months ago, I personally find that you have become quite eloquent, and worthy of debate, when defending your beliefs. Gone are the days of "Y'all are prejudiced". And I really do admire your defense of Evangelical Bible. You didn't sway my beliefs, but I admire a good debate based on fact. Sincerely.

    But no, I don't get what you did there..?

  37. FWIW, my sister lives in Wasilla & has worked w/members of the extended Palin clan, and says the general attitude around town is that they were all much nicer before they "went Hollywood," as it were. No other dish, though, and she swears the persistent rumor that Trig is really Bristol's baby isn't true. Anyway, good luck to Bristol, and here's hoping she makes a good life for herself & the kidlet...

  38. Rita, thank you. That post was a thing of beauty.

  39. Rocket Queen said :

    I have to say, watching the Republican Pres candidates from up here has been quite entertaining. For every Palin that finally goes away, up pops a Perry or Bachmann :)

    ^Ah yes RQ, but yesterday Bachmann was dropped from the presidential race. :)))
    The crazy train has unhitched one of it's cars thus far, only a few more to go. Plus, let's be honest. The Republicans are so zanny and very very right wing with their beliefs this term that they are alientating too many people. Obama is gonna slide into home base like greased up in butter.

  40. *like he's greased up in butter.

  41. Alaska - the Florida of the Great White North. :-)

  42. This is a point I agree with Barbara Bush: "I thinks she should stay in Alaska." She was saying this in reference to Sarah, but I feel that way about all of them. Their 15 minutes of fame was extended for too long. Sarah kept riding that teaparty "am I going to run in 2012" past its experation date.

    One thing I liked about Bachmann was she took the glow from Sarah a bit.

  43. Thank you @Sunnyhorse & NYC Girl.

  44. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Rita, "what I did there" was in reference to my earlier post to you that I think ALL politicians, not just those in the GOP, are worthy of our scorn. Ecua commented that "if you want the attention, you've got to deal with the criticism" regarding the Palins. I was pointing out that the Obamas also seek out attention, yet for some reason no one is supposed to say anything bad about them, ever, and if you do, you are automatically a racist or an idiot.

    Regarding your specific arguments:

    1. Obama sought the Presidency, his family stuck by him, and his wife did her First Lady duties -- um, so has every other presidential family. So what?

    2. None of them preached about abstinence and the sanctity of marriage, then got pregnant out of wedlock -- nope, but Bristol Palin wasn't the one preaching it before she got pregnant. Who says her parents' views are also hers? Do you share all of the same views as your parents?

    3. None of them sought fame on reality shows -- no, they haven't. Yet. But also, and I'm just throwing this out there, the Obamas are rich. The Palins were not. Bristol had a kid with a worthless schmuck and had to earn money to support herself and the baby. Was going on TV the best way to do it? Hell, no. But I'm sure it beats working in a grocery store. Put yourself in her position, 18 years old with a kid. Would you rather work 40+ hours a week as a cashier to support your kid, or go on TV and make a shit ton of money? I know what I would have chosen. Also, does that mean that, since she was on reality TV, one gets to say all kinds of horrible things about her now, and that all bets are off? Does that hold true for everyone on TV? Because Chaz Bono went on reality TV -- the same show Bristol did, in fact -- but if anyone ever dares to criticize him for anything, they get attacked for it because they are supposedly "homophobic" (a word that is criminally misused, by the way).

    4. None of them questioned a peers' citizenship, nationality, and right to being an American -- so what? What does that have to do with anything? This falls into the whole "no one is allowed to question Obama" thing I wrote about earlier. I am not necessarily a "birther," but I do wonder why Obama spent literally years and millions of dollars in order to avoid releasing something as simple as his birth certificate. If there wasn't something shifty about it, why all the subterfuge? Why give your opponents any ammunition? Just release it straight away and tell them to shut their pieholes. Problem solved.

    5. None of them attacked their peers on Twitter with homophobic slurs -- as far as I know, none of the Obamas have personal Twitter accounts. So that's kind of a non-starter. But I sincerely hope you don't fool yourself into thinking that the Obamas have never called anyone horrible names. If they haven't, they aren't human, and if that's the case then we're dealing with a much bigger mess than the whole "he's an African" thing! :-)

  45. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Finally, I appreciate your feedback re: my "restraint." Granted, my thoughts on arguing on the Internet are akin to coming in first in the Special Olympics. Frankly, I do think that a lot of the people on here (and all over the Internet) are prejudiced. They have knee-jerk reactions to things without thinking about them first, they parrot stuff they've heard other people say without understanding them, and they too often resort to personal attacks and name-calling rather then engaging in a frank but cordial discussion, i.e., "Texshan objects to me calling Palin a stupid bitch, so she must be an idiotic Southern cousin-farker with six teeth and a banjo." Not hardly. For all I know, Palin is a stupid bitch. But that doesn't mean that conversely the sun shines out of Obama's ass. It's the people who direct their rage at one group while failing to see the crap put out by the other that annoy me.

    My personal belief is that good, decent people can disagree about things. Disagreeing with someone doesn't make one an idiot or an asshole. What infuriates me is when people absolutely refuse to respect the opinions of others as valid and worthy.

    So there, in an extremely long-winded message, is my response. Cheers!

  46. @Texshan: I've noticed that you are always keen to start fights on these boards. Getting "your panties in a wad" over every little post cannot be good for your blood pressure.

    That said, if the Obama children seek out celebrity as adults, then yes, they will be inviting criticism, too. For now, of course the Obama parents are open to criticism; and from what I've seen and heard, they receive more than their fair share every time any Fox News host or Republican presidential primary candidate opens his or her mouth.

    Happy? Now you can move on to your next venemous, overly dramatic post.

  47. PS: Ending your posts with, "Cheers" doesn't make you any less obnoxious.

  48. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Wow, ecua, I think you are the one who needs to calm down. My post wasn't obnoxious, venomous, or dramatic at all. Not only that, but it wasn't about you. So cool your jets. I'm not interested in starting fights, I'm interested in pointing out that there are two valid sides to every story. I know you would love it if everyone thought like you did and no one ever challenged you, but we don't live in that world. I'm not going to shut up just to placate you or anyone else.

    OF COURSE the Republican presidential candidates are going to criticize the Obamas. It would be stupid not to, in their position. Do you think the Democratic candidates didn't criticize Bush in 2008? That's the SOP. And for every time Fox dumps on the Obamas, MSNBC is there to toss their collective salads. So it all evens out.

    Oh, and since you love it so much, cheers!
