Monday, January 09, 2012

Christina Aguilera Loves Her Body - Doesn't Care If You Do

On Friday, while doing promotional work for The Voice, Christina Aguilera was asked about how she deals with critics of her body. "I've been on all spectrums [weight-wise], I've been in this [business] for a long time ... You can never be too much of anything," she said. "You can never bee too perfect, too thin, too curvy, voluptuous this that. I've been all sides of the spectrum as far as any female in this business."

She went on to say that despite Kelly Osbourne making fun of her for being curvy that Christina loves her own body and that her boyfriend loves it and they are all that matter. I agree. Love yourself and love your body and who cares what everyone else thinks.


  1. Agree with love thyself, but what about dressing thybody accordingly?

  2. she loves better alcohol,awful clothes and make-up!

  3. Quite the photo, Enty. She's 31, correct? She looks way older in the face, at least here. She needs to calm down and take care of herself. And ditto Rita, dress better too.

  4. It's funny we never look down at Opera singers who are heavy but always do so when we see Pop stars who are. I do not have a problem with them especially if you can really sing like Xtina as opposed to these produced acts like Rihanna

  5. coke bloat, booze bloat and baby monitors. what a winner.

  6. Love yourself for who you are and be healthy, but dude, that dress is doing you no favors!

  7. I usually start dieting when one of my boobs is bigger than my head.

  8. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Her body is really not that bad, but her clothes are about three sizes too small. Dressed in the right size, we'd think she looks good.

  9. Take that gorgeous Merryl Streep: she's no skinny swan, but boy does she dress gorgeously and always (well most of the time) looks sexy and amazing.

    At her age, all covered up, no less!

  10. She loves it so much she treats it with a diet of meth, booze, and crack followed by the all-you-can-eat buffet and circus freak sex marathons into the baby monitor? Wow - she's practically a Mormon with all that body lovin'!

    Nothing wrong with being a size WHATEVER and proud. But she's probably doing this to earn a spot on biggest loser or a Us Weekly cover then next week it'll be liposuction followed by Xtina's Amazing Diet Tips For You!

    Just sing woman...just sing. I respect Adele and Mama Cass far more for their voices than giving a shiny shit about their waist size.

  11. No problem with the body but, in the name of all that is holy, go buy some clothes that fit.

  12. If she loves her body sooo much, why did they photo shop a skinny head onto a skinner body for her new perfume ad?

    hmmm inneresting no?

  13. Meryl Streep is all that is gorgeous and lovely - but dressing sexy and amazing? I wish... she dresses like she's 30 years older than she is IMO.

    As to Xtina - of course she's saying she loves her body as is. What else is she supposed to say to that question? "I know I'm overweight. Sorry."? She will lose 30 pounds in the next year and then be talking about "How I got my body back!!!!"

  14. I don't think she's fat, but hollywood has a different standard, they want woman to look like little girls, no curves just bones showing and the only allowable curve should be in the breast area and even that needs to look a certain way.
    Christina needs to dress a little more conservatively IMO only because her outfits make her look trashy combined with the bleached hair and clown makeup face.

  15. Rita nailed it. Dress for the body you have. And the body she has is fine. She has enough $$$ to buy a proper wardrobe. It's amazing what the correct size can do.

    However, please do something with the hair and makeup. That is just unacceptable.

  16. I agree with most of you guys. It doesn't matter at all what size she is, but this girl definitely needs to be kinder to her body, and cut out drugs and drinking. She's starting to get to the age where her body isn't going to bounce back from that abuse so easily.

  17. My doctor says find a weight that you can maintain and stay there.......the worst thing you can do to yourself is go up and down, it's murder on the skin...

  18. I think Xtina suffers from what Mariah Carey suffers from: Clothing size disorder. Neither of these two will wear clothes that fit them properly. In their minds they are size Os, but in reality they are something else.

  19. On Meryl Streep....I have a friend who knows her, and says the designers offer her everything but she feels they don't take her age and body type into the equation and says no to almost all if them.
    She is truly one of a kind...

  20. @Henriette - LOL!! Love "Clothing Size Disorder"!! Oh yeah, this fits totally.

  21. Agree with MacVixen. Of course she would say the whole "Love your body" diatribe now (which in itself would be commendable) but she used to make fun of people who were her current weight (or even skinnier) back when she was the size of straw so ...

  22. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have always thought Meryl Streep looks manly.

    Xtina, I love her, but she is looking a bit too Dee Snider with the white extentsions. Yet, I don't mind her fuller body, even in the bandage dress.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I thought the pic was of a Xtina drag queen.

  25. So, it's okay for her to be any weight, but she calls Kelly fat? Whatever, she deserved the retaliation.

  26. ^Agreed. That's how it goes.

  27. Yes, because retaliation is *so* mature. Sorry, Kelly's a mean girl and as soon as she lost the weight she started shit-talking anyone she could. Christina's no angel, but I like her a hell of a lot more than no-talent Kelly, who won't let it go.

  28. Retaliation is not mature, but it's really hard to let something go when someone's really hurt you.

  29. ^I think Christina really walked into this one. Playing mean girl and bully, when she admittedly was bullied when she was younger, is just silly. Yeah, retaliation in certain cases is well deserved, up to a certain extent. After that, enough already, get on with your life!

  30. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Ok, first I'm not a toothpick but...
    A. Wearing clothes that are too small and too short for you make you look like a whore. Also wearing clothes too young for you. I have noticed the women who do wear shorts that give muffin thighs ( when the shorts are soo tight at the leg opening that the fat squishes out around the shorts on the bottom) and super tight short bandaid dresses are larger/curver women generally. On some it works, like Sophia Vegara, but she generally doesn't combine super tight and cootchie baring short. You need to dress for your age and your body type and size. Having clothes that are too small or too large are equally unflattering.
    Yes, I know that can be hard to do. I'm 5'7" and i swear 5 feet is legs on me and I have one inch between my pelvic bones and rib cage.

  31. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Yes, I know that can be hard to do. I'm 5'7" and i swear 5 feet is legs on me and I have one inch between my pelvic bones and rib cage. I would never ever wear anything tight or binding on my stomach area because I have no waist..just ribs and hips and a good meal makes me look two months pregnant because it has no where to go but pooching out because of my short short waistline. My sister who also has twenty miles of legs and no waist looked like she was 17 months pregnant with triplets by the time birth. people with long torsos do not show nearly as much.

  32. I'm with you RocketQueen! Kelly is a bully and how on earth can one break their arm "falling out of bed?" Come on.... Something more to that story I think.

  33. She's just really, really in need of a good girlfriend or gay guy friend to tell her that it's time to UPDATE the platinum hair and carmine lips.

  34. I couldn't really care less what she weighs, but I just kind of don't approve because by all accounts this gain is the result of hardcore drinking and such. She's depressed or something. I hope things get better for her.

  35. Her weight isn't as much of a problem as the fact that she has been having substance abuse problems and has a child. That's the real issue, for me.

  36. She loves her alcohol more than her body...that's obvious.

  37. She's so talented, I really hope she quits the drugs and works her shit out.

  38. But SEM - she's doing the exact same thing she complained about. How does that make her any better? I just can't stand Kelly. At all.

  39. She looks like the love child of Kenny Rogers and Eric Cartman...

  40. I agree with Himmm. I think she's looking for a weight-loss deal. What better way to get her back on the cover of magazines?

    That being said, I don't think she's that big. Granted, I live in Wisconsin so my body image ideals may be a bit "off". She's short so an extra 10-15 pounds on her seems like a lot. She does need to go up a size or 2 though.

  41. I don't think she is that big, and I don't think she "looks like a whore". I'd go up a size or two if I were her, but she can make decisions about her own clothes, I'm sure. And she clearly does.

  42. "Yes, because retaliation is *so* mature. Sorry, Kelly's a mean girl and as soon as she lost the weight she started shit-talking anyone she could. Christina's no angel, but I like her a hell of a lot more than no-talent Kelly, who won't let it go."

    I agree with Rocket Queen.

    Also, retaliation becomes pathetic once you pass the age of thirteen.

    Either way, Christina has actual TALENT. Kelly confuses her status as celebrity spawn with being artistic and useful.

    I do think Christina has the telltale bloat of a drunk, though.

  43. I don't get where Kelly Osborn gets to talk sh*t about anyone.

    I'm sorry, but what and where would she be without her parents $$$$$.

    Off topic, Kingaroo Beyonce is now saying she pushed that baby out. Guess she realized she'd HAVE to change her story to make her coming out at the Grammy's (or whatever's coming up) believable.

  44. she just has to remember what RuPaul says.. "What other people think of me is not my business" just keep doing her and let people think what they want.

  45. I don't think Christina is fat, but like most everyone else, I do think that she should dress differently and in clothes that FIT. I've also wanted to wash her face and deep condition her hair for about 12 years now.

  46. There's nothing wrong w/her size (at least not here in the civilian world, as opposed to the showbiz/media one), but that dress just isn't flattering, and the whole effect is that she's trying waaaaaaaay too hard to be sexy. Wear the correct size, pick one exposure (boobs or legs, we don't care, but both hanging out in a too-tight dress is just tacky), calm down the hair & makeup a tad, and for God's sake stop shoveling all those illegal substances into yourself--you're a MOM, damn it, and you've got a responsibility to your kid to at least be alive as he grows up, not to mention being a good role model. Sheesh!

  47. I'm not Team Kelly at all, I just think she and Christina are the pot and the kettle, and they both need to shut up.

  48. I don't believe a word of it, and I think she'll be thin again in six months after a crash diet and massive work-outs. It will be just like when people made fun of Jennifer Love Hewitt for being "fat" (which she wasn't, but that is neither here nor there) and then JLH went on a huge rant about how she loved her curves- then promptly dropped a shitload of weight and was all over the tabloids doing HOW I LOST THE WEIGHT! stories. I think this will end up exactly the same way.

    I can't really think of any celebrity who has said she likes being curvy and then STAYED curvy. Maybe Kelly Clarkson? But you don't see much of her nowadays.

  49. Anonymous5:19 PM

    "I agree. Love yourself and love your body and who cares what everyone else thinks."

    Then please stop the comments on body weight (including telling women to eat).

  50. I wish she would love her face, and quit putting some much damn slap all over it.

  51. I don't have a problem with what she said. I bet she won't be making any public comments about someone's weight after the Kelly backlash.

  52. Krissie, Kelly Clarkson was just on SNL and has a car commercial too. She's still curvy, but she looks healthy. Go her.
