Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good Day New York Host Accused Of Rape

Good Day New York host and son of the NYPD Commissioner, you would think Greg Kelly would be a good guy. Maybe not. Greg was a no show this morning on the show he co-hosts everyday after he was accused of raping a woman back in October. The woman did not file a police report until Tuesday. I always think if you are a rape victim you should file a police report right away, no matter how painful it may be. The longer you wait, the harder it can be to prove your accusations. That being said, it is better to report than not to report.

When police started interviewing the woman and found out the name of the accuser they turned the case over to the District Attorney.

Good Day New York did run stories about the allegations, but the other co-hosts also said they believed in Greg Kelly.


  1. I give them credIt for addressing the issue on air and not leaving it an elephant in the room by pretending it wasn't happening

  2. I agree enty, in order to seek justice for your self you should file a complaint immediately (rape kit also) and seek counseling.

  3. Odd that she didn't file a police report or go to a hospital, now there is no physical evidence ...just he said, she said.

  4. I read the full story of this and it is fishy as hell. She only reported it after her boyfriend found texts or something like that. The story claimed the girl and Greg kept texting long after she says this happened. No way do I believe her. His reputation will be ruined for life. I, too, am standing behind Greg and hope this comes to a quick end. By the way, before I am accused of anything, I am female.

  5. SaintsFan...
    You're right !

  6. This situation is very unfortunate.

    Frequently in cases of date rape, the victim stays in contact with her rapist. Either out of denial of what occurred, because she is emotionally conflicted, blames herself etc. The list goes on and on.

    So this does not seem that strange to me, and I believe she should be given the benefit of the doubt.

    However, it also happens that men are accused of rape and other things to cover affairs, for media attention and for a pay out.

    If her bf did in fact find the texts and that is what prompted her accusation, then I do have concerns about this case.

    A man falsely being accused of rape is a terrible thing, for both the falsely accused and all victims of rape who will now have a harder time of being heard and believed.

    That said there is so much victim blaming and mistrust in cases of rape. It's horrible and needs to end.

    As such I am keeping an open mind and a non judgmental heart regarding this case. I will wait for the facts to reveal themselves.

  7. Joel McHale is smiling right now.

  8. Well, it's easy to say what you "should" be doing if you've been raped, and quite another to actually be in that situation. Who knows what kind of things she was told back when it supposedly happened.

  9. How sad for everyone involved.

    I'm glad that rape victims are allowed to remain anonymous, but I think people accused of rape should also be anonymous until they are convicted.

    If they are judged guilty in a court of law, then yeah, name 'em and shame 'em.

    But with the accuser anonymous and the accuser named, there's an unfair imbalance. Anyone can accuse anyone for any reason, and the accused is forced to prove himself (or herself) innocent, at least in the court of public opinion.

    It reminds me of the way things worked in the military before the end of "don't ask, don't tell." If you were pissed of at anyone, you could just claim he or she was gay and ruin their military career.

  10. Agree with Saintsfan. And agree acuser and acusee should be unnamed until convicted. And if proven acuser is lying, her name should be revealed.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Wow...was watching this morning and they talked about this. I love Greg Kelly and had no clue this was happening. To be honest, I always thought Greg was A Sexual...don't know why I felt this way. I love the relationship he and Rosanna Scotto have.

    ...and for the record, I believe Greg is innocent. This woman is looking for publicity. Also, she's coming out with this 3 months later? Give me a break.

  13. SaintsFan is right. Also, no special rules for ladies only. It's just not right that the accused gets shamed and suspected while the accuser gets to hide. Cases like this illustrate why. Waiting 3 months to report a crime is bullshit. No excuses. Equality is hard but necessary.

  14. I don't know what happened but I've always found Greg Kelly to be extremely creepy and douchey.

  15. I agree about not naming people before they are convicted. It seems like such a common sense idea, that until you are convicted you are innocent and should not have your name out there.

    On the other hand, in this case, since he was a celeb, it would have been out anyways. I doubt he would have been able to keep it a secret.

  16. Joel just made fun of him last night on the soup. I also think he is still in the military... Reserve possibly? I don't think this is legit and it gives women who were truly raped another reason not to come forwars

  17. The accuser's boyfriend found txt's between Greg and the accuser in her phone? That's when the boyfriend confronted the accuser and she accused Greg of rape. What an a-hole this chick is. She's just making this story up cause she got busted for cheating on her boyfriend. Now she's worried she's going to lose her boyfriend so instead she's ruining a man's life and reputation. Why was she in an empty law office with Greg after a few drinks anyway? Oh please...this girl and Greg slept together with her consent.

  18. Agree, Maja. Those have been there know it's not so cut and dry. There is an overwhelming instinct at first to not want people to know what happened.

    I will always wait this stuff out to see what falls out before calling her a liar or him a rapist.

  19. I was a victim of rape, so stories like this always bother me. I did not want to report mine, but friends and family insisted I do so. My brother threatened to call an ambulance for me if I didn't go to the hospital willingly. Not sure if he could have or would have done that, but it worked.

    I lost my case even then. He said it was consensual. I had no proof that he strangled me (possible love bites according to prosecutors), brusing all up and down my legs (possible rough kinky sex) and the fact that they actually BELIEVED ME!!! They just felt that a lawyer could chew me up on the stand and they couldn't prosecute without an airtight case.

    So now, however, women need to educate themselves more and take more responsibility for themselves. This is 2012 and women should know to be careful when alone with men and what can happen. They should know that going home and showering after being raped destroys evidence. They should know that they should take note of every detail of the encounter. They should know to do their best to try to fight back and make a mark on their attacker, scratch them, get DNA.

    While rapists are monsters, they often get away with it and while many rapists are successfully convicted, most are not. The law and society cannot do more for us than we can do for ourselves. And yes-trust me-I know how difficult it was to go through. I know how scary it was. But I am stronger for at least TRYING to do something about it and hopefully put others on alert to his behavior (he had lots of friends.)

    But with a case like this where you wait 4 months to report it-after a fight with your boyfriend? Really? Even if he's guilty of anything, she should know better than to even try. I will eat my words if she has texts from him stating-I am sorry I raped you-but without any physical evidence, she is just destroying a man's name-guilty or not.

  20. @IceAngel How awful! So sorry you had to go through that.

    I sincerely hope your attacker got the fear of God put into him by the fact you reported it. I hope you saved him from attacking another woman.

    And you advice is valid. There is no excuse for what that man did to you - AND women need to take care of themselves. Not "but", implying that the situation is somehow the woman's responsibility - but AND women also have a duty to themselves.

    It's what I teach my daughter. Don't get so drunk/high you can't take care of yourself, don't walk around with earbuds in, you are in charge of you.

  21. Can a person be charge for making a false claim like that?

  22. @Sylvia, I think if he is not found guilty he can sue for defamation like what Justin Bieber threatened to do to the girl who claimed he is the daddy but not sure if it would do him any good. His name has been associated with rape and suing can't take that away.

  23. Ice Angel, Im angry for you. How appalling, I cannot imagine how crazy making and infuriating that would be, to have someone else decide whether or not they should pursue justice for you, or just let it go. When you look at it that way, you can ubderstand more fully why rape victins dont go forward...knowing they'll be put through hell, seeing people without discernment come forward against you, having explicit evidence of your life changing trauma yet no one willing to say publicly in a court of law, that was wrong, she didnt deserve that, he shpuld pay. Thats as big a second victimization as actually going to trial and annihilated on the stand. I agree witg the anonymity for both, but I bet most people believe the man over the woman in general anyway. I usually always beliece the woman until I have no faith in her credibility. I
    not apologizing for that and I dont give a shit how people see that. Being a woman in this country is fraught witg peril. Men largely dont even try to relate to that. Im sorry you went through that.

  24. Sorry for the typos. I'll never love my touch screen phone.

  25. None of you should think anything about whether or not this victim has credibility. How dare you.

    Enty why do you give a sexual assault victim a timeline to file? do you understand what being a victim is like? you are a horrible lawyer and I hope youre disbarred soon

  26. Unknown- Enty is just stating a fact- report it ASAP so the evidence has a better chance of being gathered. Chill.

    Reading the facts of this case, we are stating our opinion only. The accuser doesn't seem to be telling the truth. It's our opinion and we're allowed to have it. Just as you are allowed to state yours.

    If it's not true, it burns my butt because it lessens the chances of real victims to be believed. If it is true, I hope he's convicted.

  27. shaking my head... 'Science'.. "The Soup" watchers will get that one.
