Saturday, January 21, 2012

Heidi Klum & Seal Divorcing

In probably the biggest news in a couple of weeks, Heidi Klum is filing for divorce from Seal next week. The pair did not go to the Golden Globes together, but they do not usually do that kind of thing together. Considering how everything was pretty good, I think Heidi found out something to make her file. Hmm, I wonder what it could possibly have been. Do you think Seal was not being faithful? I know Heidi's father of her girl was never faithful so maybe she has a track record of finding these kinds of guys. Also, Seal does not have the best temper in the world. The guy can be a serous ass and Heidi has put up with some really outrageous behavior in the past. There are a whole lot of kids involved in this and I wonder if Halloween will ever be the same for them.


  1. This is sad. Call me silly but I thought they'd be together forever.

  2. I never saw this one coming from a mile away! O_o

  3. what DixieTheNoble82 said...

  4. Wow... hmmm back to old blinds...
    Did not see this coming...

  5. Wow, I don't think anyones marriage in Hollywood will last, but I really thought they would. I hope he wasn't abusive to her.

  6. This makes me so sad. I alwaysthought Of the
    As the perfect loving couple. I guess once again it goes to show-- you just never know what goes on behind closed doors.

  7. Wasn't this a recent blind item...?

  8. I was going to go look for blind items too, but the way I read this post Enty might be just as surprised as we are? Or am I missing some sarcasm in there? *need my morning coffee*

  9. He mentioned halloween which is weird maybe a blind item on that date.

  10. Wow. On one hand, I didn't see this coming. On the other hand, I felt like they've been trying too hard.

    How? One, it seems she's been knocked up more during the marraige than not. Two, they made such big productions out of anniversaries and Halloween. The uber wonder couple. At times they've just exhausted me by reading of their antics.

    Didn't know he has anger management issues. I'm kind of shocked that she tolerated that issue on account of her German engineering. Germans are typically practical, low key non-divas that don't tolerate that kind of bullshit. If this is true about him, take the children and run, Heidi.

  11. Kim's world - I thought he wrote that because they were famous for throwing really elaborate Halloween parties, and re-newing their wovs every year... around the same time or not, I dont know.

  12. Anonymous9:12 AM

    i knew this one would NOT last. the entertainment industry will always be the island of temptation. date or marry someone in the public eye, the chances of infidelity go way up. imho.

  13. I thought a first it was a fairy-tale love story; he married her prego with another man's child and raised the child as his own(not too many men would do that)and she overlooked his appearance and they seemed so in love but later I saw she had black eyes she tried to hide under sunglasses and I wonder if he beats her up, esp. after his scuffle with photogs and now I wonder if I was right?

  14. Weren't they making snow angels in Aspen recently?

    Maybe they are better friends and co-parents than a couple. It happens and it can work.

  15. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Do you need 6 divorces if you renew vows 6 times???

    I am so shocked by this I thought they were the ones who would make it

  16. Anonymous9:16 AM

    pogue, i would love to see those pics. to be fair, someone can have a temper and not be abusive. but many abusers have tempers!

  17. I don't think this is an old blind. I think Enty is just as surprised as us.

    I also find this sad. I've read interviews with both of them and they sounded genuinely in love--not so fakey fakey jumping on Oprah's couch in-love shit, but with genuine affection for each other.

    Maybe Heidi finally figured out that Tim Gunn is actually the world's most perfect man and she decided to leave Seal for him.

  18. I'm so shocked! This is the couple who renewed their vows every year. I wonder what happened?

  19. Something had to happen, and suddenly. I thought I read that they were together in Aspen just a month ago, posing for pictures with each other.

  20. Noooooooooooooooooo!

  21. Yeah this makes me incredibly sad, sadder than I expected for celebrity news and divorce. For me they represented the dream of making a true relationship work.

    It's also interesting - the 7 year itch is notorious. I know I went through that something fierce, but held on and I'm glad I did.

    Let's hope they divorce with the kids in mind by staying amicable.

  22. @Kim's World. They are known for their lavish Halloween parties and costumes.

    I, too, was surprised even with the expiration dates on Hollyweird marriages.

    I think that Seal was on a TV show recently -- Ellen? I wonder if he was asked about Heidi and said anything. I didn't see the show.

  23. Didn't they just renew their vows? I could swear that was only a month or two ago.

    Wow. I didn't see this one coming, either!

  24. It seems as if they have been together forever. I feel sorry for their 4 kids. They looked like such a happy family.

  25. Gladys - you nailed it! No man can ever measure up to Tim. :)

  26. is it me or have they been much lower profile than usual since the whole Chechnya debacle. While Seal wasn't called out anywhere near as much as Hilary Swank, maybe the occasional references to his refusal to apologize and the possibility of PR problems started arguments?

  27. Is this the blind about the deeply closeted father of the bride?

    1. Isn't that supposed to be Katy Perry's Dad?

  28. I rarely give a shit about celebrity splits anymore, but this makes me REALLY sad. For some reason, I thought Heidi looked a little depressed at the Golden Globes. Maybe her understated attire reflected her mindset.

    After Susan and Tim ended, I sort of lost all hope, to be honest.

    Who's next? Barack and Michelle?

  29. I think that if it got physical, she would not look back for a second. She is more successful than he is, and there really havent been that many photos of the whole family together in the last six months like before. Is it surprising that their marriage didnt make it? Somewhat. But seriously, the odds of any marriage working, regardless of zip code, isn't all that great to begin with. Hope that the kids are okay and that Seal will coparent as well as the first dad does. But it complicates things when there are two dads who then split the kids in order to have their time.

  30. Nobody else has mentioned what was my first thought: her career has been on fire, while he hasn't had a major hit since 1995.

    That's got to be rough on a guy's ego.

    Maybe he took his frustrations out on Heidi, either verbally, physically, or by screwing around.

  31. black eyes? what? when? Missed that

  32. Bridget, they did just post pics of their ski trip (not even a month ago)!/heidiklum/status/151388493799628800/photo/1

    Weird, I am not going to give this (or TMZ) cred until/unless she actually files.

  33. Does anyone remember a few years ago, the grocery employee's in malibu or where ever the celebs shopped (out west) dished on which celebs were kind and which weren't?? These two, especially Klum didn't get raving reviews at all. I for one think the way one treats the "little people" always speaks volumes.

    I don't care for either one of their pompous arses.

  34. @kj -- "Hope that the kids are okay and that Seal will coparent as well as the first dad does. But it complicates things when there are two dads who then split the kids in order to have their time."

    Seal is Leni's ONLY dad. Heidi was pregnant with another man's baby when she and Seal began dating, but Seal was present for the birth and adopted Leni soon afterward. I don't think there's any coparenting involved in terms of the biodad. From what I've read, he's stayed away and let Seal do his thing.

    I always thought it was awesome of Seal to take on Leni as his own. I feel so bad for the kids. They're certainly old enough to be affected by this split.


  35. @Nutty_Flavor - I don't get the sense that HK would be they type to ditch the guy because of a slower career than her.

    I'm with those thinking that something sudden & awful must have happened. :(

  36. I feel awful for mentioning it, but remember the blind about the husband beating the wife so badly, that everyone was shocked she could have children?

    I hope to everything holy that I am wrong about that. But it popped up into my brain.

    Like everyone else I am really bummed about this, but if he was abusive, I am glad she is getting out. (hoping and wishing I am wrong about the abuse)

  37. @OMAMA is BROKO - I always thought Seal and Heidi treated their employees with a lot of respect and kindness. I believe there was a reveal where they wrote weekly letters of praise for their staff saying thanking for all your hard work and we appreciate everything you do.

    @NuttyFlavour- I've read, while Heidi is big in the US, Seal is still pretty famous internationally and he makes more money than her, especially when he tours. But who knows?

    Aww man, I know TMZ is usually on target when it comes to divorces- but I hope they can work something out. :(

    If someone as sweet and gorgeous as Heidi has trouble finding her soul-mate, how will I ever be able to find mind?

  38. @ida. thanks for the information. i just assumed that when i saw heidi with leni in europe they were visiting her bio dad. now i am very curious as to what happened and have to google the hilary swank chechnya thing. i miss a lot during football season.....

  39. We certainly did not see this coming

  40. This is the last divorce I thought was coming next in Hollywood! Sad

  41. I am hoping it isn't true. If it is true, I hope it isn't because of abuse.

  42. I hope TMZ's wrong on this one, because they always seemed like such a devoted couple and loving parents. If this is unfortunately true, may they at least stay on decent terms for the sake of their children. :-(

  43. I was gobsmacked by this one

  44. This makes me so sad. I really thought they'd make it.

    @Omamo is Broko -- I've only read how wonderful they (especially Heidi) are to everyone.

  45. This sure effed up my weekend. I really loved this couple and thought they were one of the few who would go the distance.

    Once during Project Runway they played "Kiss From A Rose" and Heidi said something like "nice song" and she smiled so sweetly.

    Damn, I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

  46. I'm not surprised. They were inseperable for a long time. In the last year, she has been photographed and attended a lot of events solo and it made me wonder if something was going on.

  47. Is this some kind of a joke? I really thought they were for real. I am truly surprised.

    Is it true he is abusive?

  48. Surprised, indeed.

    But I will say that I think Seal has an ENORMOUS ego, and I can see where he would be uncomfortable with her success overshadowing his own. Thoughts? Or am I way off base?

  49. I noticed her being photographed more alone also, but lets hope this is a mistake and she changes her mind

  50. This isn't the most riveting celeb story of all time, but once my good friend told me that she was in LA traffic one day and had to stop fast for some reason, and the car behind her nearly rear-ended her. The next thing she knew, Seal got out of the car that almost rear-ended HER and started SCREAMING at her in the middle of traffic that she was an f'in idiot, etc. He sounded like a man with a lot of crazy pent-up rage ready to boil over at the drop of a hat.

    So, I have been dubious about him since then. Heidi seems awesome, though.

  51. Let's not put the cart before the horse, folks. Abusive is quite a term to label someone.
    I'm doubtful because she has been on TV for what seems like..ever with her shows.
    Don't you think it would have leaked if she showed up battered?

    Seal was homeless when he came up with the music for Kiss from a Rose.
    He was probably the only homeless guy in London with a cassette recorder, but there ya go.
    He came up with the music (da da da da da da da da da...da da da..) sounds simple but it made the song. I don't know the guy and for all I know he's an asshole, but let's not jump to conclusions and label him as such just yet.

  52. @ABlake -- Um, where did you hear that story? "Kiss from a Rose" came out in the mid-nineties, and Seal had already had a couple of hits by then. It was a big hit, but it was hardly the start of his career.

    Seal has also never been homeless. He went to college, and has a degree in Architecture.

  53. Gee Ida, oddly enough I heard that from his record rep.
    Just because it didn't come out at the same time as "Crazy" doesn't mean he didn't have it on tape, no?

    No idea over here.

    At the same time, point stands. Until she accuses him of abuse, let's lay off the blame. Who knows? If it's true (still doubting over here) maybe she found someone else. Maybe SHE'S the cheater. Who. Knows.

  54. I know it's stupid, but this leaves me feeling a bit bereft. I rarely love a couple but they were great!!!

  55. @ABlake -- Sorry, but I doubt the validity of that story. You might have heard it from a person claiming to be his "record rep," but I'd think that a simple google search (which I performed) would pull up a few links proving your point.

    Reps are known to lie, you know. And he may have been really poor at one point, but poor doesn't = homeless.

    One thing we DO agree on: I don't think it's fair to automatically assume he's abusive, either.

  56. I am holding judgement until there is an actual divorce filing.

  57. that is sad. I heard that seal had been a foster child because his bio parents left him in the uk so that he would have a better life than he.

  58. Damn. I just saw the news at Google News .. my home page .. and was like, "I have GOT to get to CDAN!"

    All I can really add is my shock at this. They seemed like a happy couple and I hope perhaps this is just like the "Will/Jada" stories of this Summer .. except .. ya know .. not really true.

  59. Sad, sad, sad. I, too, thought they would make it. Was surprised at the length of their marriage, thought it was many more years than that.

    Someone else mentioned Susan S. & Tim Robbins. That one really bothered me, thought they'd be together forever. Then Vanessa & JD, too - I hope everyone is doing okay.

  60. I'm going to, after much thought, throw out a kind of personal point-of-view on the whole abuse thing:

    @solarpower - Thanks for sharing that story. It made me think of someone who is VERY close to me.

    If Seal has some temper problem, perhaps the abuse was verbal & never physical? Maybe they had one too many heated arguments and she'd had enough?

    The person close to me has some temper issues and I've seen them (in my opinion) completely snap over (again - my opinion) bizarre incidences that have in turn lead us to some very intense & heated arguments.

    Those arguments to me are always super frustrating and the temperamental person always shuts down the argument after finding any and every reason why my side of the argument is invalid and/or wrong.

    Blah, blah, blah, point being - I could see how 7 years of that would make someone walk.

  61. ^^Intended to type 'I could see how 7 years of *SOMETHING LIKE that would make someone walk.'

  62. This is my End Of The World for 2012. I thought they would be forever.

  63. Fellow commenters, please get a grip! This is going to sound harsh, but it seems like a message needs to get through to you. This is a pop culture news/gossip site. Read it for humor, curiosity, fun--- but under no circumstance should you let it ruin your day or weekend.

    Would you be this upset if it were a neighbor or co-worker breaking up? It happens all across the world. And no, you do not know these people. They may not be what they portray to the public. They might be worth rooting for, or they could be nice people. You have no idea.

    So.... please do let this affect your mood. Go and live YOUR life and make your own news and treat this as

  64. just another news story. Weekend are your time to enjoy all the fun things in the world!

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. I change my mind. I don't want to go there this weekend.

  67. @flip -- With all due respect, if we didn't care a little bit *too* much about celebrities, I doubt we'd be reading this blog in the first place. That goes for you, too. ;-)

    I know they're rich, famous, and beautiful (er, at least, Heidi is all of those things), but it's still a broken family and they've seemed pretty loved up for the past few years. Will and Jada? They've probably been done for ages. Russell and Katy? THAT was inevitable. But this particular split is a shock for those of us who are gossiphounds.

    Divorce rates are astronomical everywhere, especially in Hollywood. There's nothing wrong with rooting for a likable couple to beat those odds and feeling bad for them when things don't work out.

    Yeah, it's not a tsunami, or an earthquake, or a wrecked cruise ship, but it IS a bummer.

    It just seems really patronizing to inform us all about perspective. We KNOW we don't know Heidi and Seal. But many of us *do* care about them, and we feel as if we *do* sort of know them and can relate to their relationship difficulties, even though most of us will never come within five hundred feet of them. Obviously.

    Do you want to tell the people who are happy for Elizabeth Smart to "get a grip," too?

    Why confine your sympathy and goodwill to the people you only know personally? Seems kinda narrowminded to me.

  68. @flip I don't know how long you have read CDAN or comments. But just know we are a very sarcastic/funny group.

    No one is jumping off a bridge over a Seal divorce. So stick around and relax, people are just being snarky. So step down from the soap box and enjoy YOUR day.

  69. I'm going to back track my statement. No I hadn't heard about the Klum/Seal household staff's statements. but all of that doesn't matter.

    I've been trolling around reading other commments left on random sites and found more than I would have liked. Seal manhandling Lou, Leni sporting a dour face and a black eye and TONS of rumblings about this infamous temper of Seals.

    If any of you can lead to this video I keep hearing about where Seal yells at Klum, I'd be thankful.

    And let's just say, I'm gonna be team Klum here. Above all else, she seems like a loving, full time, hands on mom. I hope Klum and the kids are ok.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. I gotta say I audibly gasped when I read this story. I truly thought they had staying power. Something IS amiss and I will not speculate that it was abuse or cheating. It is personal to them.

    Off the subject where has Rita been? I really hope that the instance with Vinbelle did not deter her from joining it. I hate to see anyone go and am glad that Ida is back. Also RQ. I don't recall any comments from her in a while. I know she is due soon. Damn! We need role call.

    On that note though..I am offically employed so I will be restricted to lurking. Nice reading all your comments and for giving Flip the lay of the land.


  72. I told my 87-year-old grandmother this news today and she was so disappointed.

    So I poured her another glass of wine.

  73. @Sherry -- I was wondering about Rita, too. She might just need a break from CDAN. I know exactly what that feels like. ;-)

    I still feel as if the way she was attacked was pretty vicious. Rita seems like a sweet person. If I were her, I would have been pretty hurt, and I'm glad so many people stood up for her.

    And congrats on the new employment! I'm currently waiting on news about my dream job. If I get it, I'll be limited to sneaking peeks on my phone throughout the day. That's partly why I'm gorging on CDAN now. :-)

  74. Don't worry Flip, I managed to pull myself together and make a trip to Wal-Mart so my weekend wasn't a total bust.

    But, if New England goes down tomorrow that may be another story.

    While I don't know if Seal was homeless, I do remember reading about him having a hard life. Wasn't he adopted into a happy family only to have his bio Mom come back and take him?

    Ida, if he had hits before Kiss From A Rose, I must have missed 'em.

    I do remember reading about Seal being pissed and telling (yelling) Heidi "get in the car!"

    I'm still bummed, but I'm also still bummed that Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton couldn't make it work.

  75. @Sherry & @Ida (my phone wants to call you 'issue') - I've been wondering about Rita as well. I must of missed something in ones of the comments sections?

    Hope you are well if you are reading, @Rita. Miss reading what you have to say.

  76. @califblondy -- Dude. You don't remember when "Crazy" was ALL over the radio? That was in '91 -- a few years before "Kiss from a Rose."

    BTW, "Kiss from a Rose" is one of the (many) reasons why I stopped watching American Idol a few years ago. I couldn't bear to listen to another overwrought karaoke version of a song I never liked all that much in the first place.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. i usually don't care too much about hollywood break ups, but this one is a real shocker. i honestly thought they made a great couple.

  79. Now THAT is a shocking split.

  80. @Ida: I write down all the things that I want in my job and it helps to manifest the reality. It has always worked for me. I highly suggest doing that if you have not already.

    Yeah Rita seems like such a sensitive soul so I hope she knows we all miss her. Her perspective is refreshing and I hope she's okay.

  81. Aw flip, it's just a bit of fun. What's life with a hyperbolic statement now and then?

  82. Anyone remember the blind last year about the wife doing a magazine photo soot and the hubby being controlling on set? And there was whispers of abuse?

    Please Heidi, protect yourself and those kids...

  83. I also hope Rita wasn't scared away. Asking someone to tone it down a bit is different than asking them to leave.

  84. @Mooshki, I agree. There's room for everyone here.

    Rita was coming on pretty strong, with several comments on nearly every post, and I didn't think Vinballe's initial comment was vicious, just questioning.

    Perhaps there were comments later that were more unkind; I left the thread at that point.

  85. People were mean to Rita?! Well that ain't nice :(

    Ida glad you are back!

  86. I'm not surprised by this for one reason only: Oprah. Did any of you guys see when Seal and Heidi were on her show a few years ago? For some reason their interview really stuck with me. It was very clear that he was the boss and she would defer to him constantly. He came across as having a GIANT ego and seemed very controlling. I remember being surprised that he wasn't cooler and was, in fact, an ass. Also, I was really taken aback that she seemed much more shy and almost weak compared to him.
