Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jenelle Evans Arrested Again

How many times can you get arrested in a week? Teen Mom Jenelle Evans has now been arrested twice in a week which breaks the recent record of Michael Lohan who also is the clubhouse leader with about ten arrests in the past few years. The only reason Michael is eligible for the crown is because DMX has officially been named world champion and no one else was ever going to win so they stopped counting DMX arrests.

This time, Jenelle was arrested for violating a domestic violence protective order. Once again, Jenelle seems unconcerned about the arrest as her smiling mug shot shows. What does she care? She knows she has bought herself another season on Teen Mom and a nice six figure salary. The thing is if she would stay out of jail, then when she turns 21 she could probably earn some bucks promoting clubs and set herself up for life. But, she won't. By the time she is 21, she will be washed up and not famous anymore and will wonder what happened to all that money she made from the show and how come she still is living with her mom. Of course, I am still living with my mom and dad, so I guess I should not be throwing rocks.


  1. I do not know much about these Teen Moms, since I will not watch the shows. But all these girls seem like such fucking losers.

  2. Why is she always so happy in her mugshots?

  3. Where is her child when all this arresting is going on?

  4. I don't watch these shows but damn if I can't escape all the losers exploits ending up as front page news or tabloid blogs.
    She's trash end of story.

  5. DMX should be murdered in cold blood. I don't understand how that guy can walk this Earth and get any love from anyone.

  6. Enty, there is a big difference between you and this reality show bimbette.

    it is sick that she is smiling because she just got herself another season by committing a felony.

    the only reality show I watch is rachel zoe. say what you will about the woman, she has talent and is respected by designers and has magnificent taste in gowns.

    actually, I stand corrected, I watch this reality show as well:

    its of a bald eagle nest in iowa. no eagles are currently there. last night it was two mice scurrying around.

    the eggs hatched last april and you can find that video here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/06/eagle-cam-decorah-iowa_n_845635.html

    the eagle/mice reality show stars don't have drug or alcohol problems, no fake marriages, no history of whoredom, no botox and no fake collagen lips.

  7. The weird thing to me is that the mugshot isn't even 24 hours old. Gotta love the internet!

  8. I actually snorted laughter when I read this headline. Man, you gotta be a natural born fuck up to get arrested so many times in one week.

  9. Throw the rocks, trust me. It's been said that because of this show and girls like her that makes some teenage girls want (and try) to get pregnant to be on this sick show. Promoting this is sickening. Giving her any attention whatsoever is clearly not the way to go, given how she responds.
