Monday, January 23, 2012

Jim Carrey's Daughter On American Idol

I remember seeing Jane Carrey performing with her band several years ago. She was not big on fancy names or anything. I think it was called the Jane Carrey band. Might as well get it out there who you are. Apparently she has not had the success she was once hoping for because she was on American Idol last night. The best part about her appearance was when she told Jennifer Lopez she did not remember her when they met because she was just 2 at the time. Sucks to get old doesn't it Jennifer. I think Jane's child is not that much younger than Jennifer's twins. Jane starts about 2:30 in.


  1. i saw this, and thought she was cute and unpretentious...what was really funny to me was when jho mentioned the fly girl bit...and jane said she was only 2...and jennifer being does know her boy toy is the same age as jane, no? #headdesk

  2. I had to DVR most of AI last night because of the game running long. Can't wait to check it out!

  3. She comes off as very unpretentious as well as articulate.

  4. I thought she was a sweetheart. I still don't think she would have been put through if she wasn't Jim Carrey's daughter, but she seems really sweet. She doesn't have an amazing, idol voice though.

  5. hahahahaha what she said to J Lo.

    But I did not watch.

  6. I kind of love it when the contestants say things like "I grew up with your music" or "I had a celebrity crush on you when I was in high school" and J-Lo tries to pretend it doesn't upset her when people remind her of her age *L*. I haven't been watching this season, but you all know how I feel about Steven Tyler. I will probably catch an episode or two.

  7. Huge huge fan of Idol here. But I'm not watching the auditions this year for the first time ever. It's such a waste of time -- either they replay the shit out of the sob story auditions during Hollywood week or you never see some of the kids that got profiled ever again. I'm tired of the dicking around, Nigel!

  8. I only got the football game recorded, my DVR didn't adjust for the game.

  9. I haven't idol'd in years...but I'll say she was only given the golden ticket due to who she is - not for how she blows.

  10. Good for her. She's actually trying to make it on her own, and not relying soley on her dad. Yes, she may have been put through because of him, but she'll have to earn it to keep progressing.

    Some of the celebriturds out there should take notice. You talentless offspring know who I'm speaking of. Oh yeah, you're talentless, so you have to ride on your parent's backs.

  11. Her voice was better than ok and she gave me a bit of a Kelly Clarkson feeling in the looks department (cute girl). I wish her much success because she seems like a genuinely nice person.

  12. I'll bet JLo went home after this and hate-fucked Casper.

  13. Aww i really like her!! She was cute and had what could be a great, bluesy voice. I do think they expected a bit more of a Jim Carey-esque reaction from him, his "yay" seemed to be met with a bit of an awkward pause... but then he gushed, which was so sweet. I've always loved Jim Carey.

  14. I wish she would have told JHo, "Uhm you looked a whole lot different then, did you have work done?"

  15. They're apparently re-running the post-football episode on Tuesday for the people who missed it.

  16. @MontanaMarriott--Exactly! "I didn't recognise you with your new face."

    I'd have paid money to see JLo's face after that.

  17. LOLOL RQ- love it~

    And I actually think she has a waaay above average voice. I will admit that when she said she's had to waitress on and off through the years to get by with singing being her main career (which obviously doesnt always pay the bills) I was a tad surprised.

    I get that Celebs shouldnt have to pay their kids way all their lives BUT damn. Jim is a multi multi millionaire and his youngish daughter who has a child of her own has to fucking WAITRESS to pay the bills???

    Seems a bit shitty. Humbling for Jane (which is a good character building tool, but shitty nonetheless)
