Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Joan Rivers Says Chelsea Handler Is A Drunk And Slept With Everyone

When Joan Rivers was on Howard Stern yesterday morning she did not really say anything that no one knew about Chelsea Handler. I think Chelsea has been pretty forthright that she used sex to get ahead back in the day and it was just like a year ago or so that she broke up with her boss who she had been living with. I also think she has been pretty candid that her best friend in life is liquor. Oh, except for Jennifer Aniston who she name drops every chance she gets. So, when Joan was on Howard and accused Chelsea of being a drunk and sleeping her way to the top I felt like it probably did not affect Chelsea. I am not a big fan of Chelsea. I have seen her show, but it is just not something I watch everyday. She can be funny, but I also find her annoying in how much she name drops. Perhaps if she and I went out drinking for a night or two and she explained to me again why she made an audition tape that featured her naked and what she found attractive enough about 50 Cent to sleep with the guy, and if she negotiated her contract while naked next to her boss I could get to like her better.


  1. and this is news? Joan, tell us something we don't know.

  2. Chelsea needs to fuck off, or at least acknowledge the path that women like Joan have paved for her drunken, trollopy, overrated ass.

    Chelsea is just about the unfunniest "comedienne" out there. I've caught bits and pieces of her shitshow, and I've never even cracked a smile.

    Her new sitcom is horrendous, too. An idiotic title, and Laura Prepon is a DREADFUL actress. God.

  3. I can't stand Chelsea Handler.

  4. I don't mind her. She's not my favourite, but she can be pretty funny from time to time.

  5. I used to really like her alot before she became a more well known celeb. She can be funny now, but something changed and she's just not the same.

  6. Chelsea is ugh. Did you read her interview about 50 Cent?

    On Why They Broke Up:
    think I called him the worst thing you could say to a black person short of calling him the N-word. I said something like you’re like a street person basically. Something along the lines of being a gangster, and it was really, really offensive and I hung up and I’ve never spoken to him again.

    Did you say he was ghetto?
    I said something like that. I said, "You have no business even talking to someone like me,"

    It says a lot about a person whose first instinct when they are upset at someone is to attack their race.

  7. I agree that this is what Chelsea says about herself so I don't see the big deal here.

    I actually liked her 1st show on E. The new one I never watch (and I've tried). Her sitcom is meh...will probably get cancelled, anyway.

  8. Everything Ida said.

  9. Haven't seen the sit-com. I like her comedy. But, then again, I like vodka too.

  10. Totally agree Chris. My boyfriend and I have been in an interracial relationship for 10 years and we have never said (or wanted to say) anything about the other's race when in an argument. I don't get people like that.

  11. ITA with RenoBlonde...something happened when she got famous. It's like she's scared to talk about any of her "friends" now, but is too self-centered to realize that it (as well as the constant name-dropping) impacts her comedy. At least Kathy Griffin isn't scared to talk about her celebrity friends.

  12. She just comes off as too mean to be funny to me. Mean humor is great, but she just comes off as too bitter.

  13. Anonymous8:05 AM

    She seems so unlikable and vile. Like she'll say hateful things to you just to get a rise out of you because she's bored.

    I'm sure her sitcom sucks, she's horrible and Laura Prepon is such a terrible actress.

  14. I can't even listen to her. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

  15. Oh, and if she's still in her 30s, I'm still in teens... I don't care how hard she lived.

  16. To Joan: "Are you there, pot? It's me, kettle."

  17. I was wondering how Laura Prepon keeps getting work because she's awful. Maybe she's following Chelsea's "career path."

  18. Enty - please don't go out drinking with Chelsea. She might talk you into marrying her or!

  19. Chelsea is the mean popular girl from highschool that everyone was a little scared of because she was so loud, mean, self serving and unpredictable.

  20. Chelsea probally sent Joan a big bundle of flowers. Joan is old school. She has been there done that.

  21. since I am a devout Howard Stern fan and listened to both interviews in full. They were just being catty to each other. Joan's ego was hurt becuase Chelsea was being praised at a Comcast event for helping women in comedy and is getting Conan's old studio for her talk show.

    Joan got no love from the executives and took some shots at Chelsea saying, "Thanks for helping me break in to comedy" and "you have a new stage at E! and I don't even have a dressing room for Fashion Police". All petty jokes.

    She called 50 a sweet black teddy bear and the argument was over Ciara being on her show and him saying she was still in love with him and wanted to 3way call to prove it to her. Chelsea said this is 8th grade stuff and didn't want to deal with it anymore. So she said the shitty thing and that was the end of it.

  22. This is NOT NEWS. Chelsea is VERY VERY open about her drinking and sex life. Hell, she's written 3 bestselling books about it. I love her stuff. She can be hilarious and mean but alot of times she says what I am thinking and what no one else will say. She makes fun of everyone on her staff but I know she takes care of them.

  23. Apparently it started because Chelsea was on Howard Stern the day before Joan, and Howard asked her about Joan. Chelsea replied something like "why would I care about Joan River? I don't give a fk about her, I never think about her"
    Or something like that.
    2 bitter mean-type commediennes with different styles.

  24. Chelsea can be funny, but I can see why her type of humour isn't for everyone. And Joan's been calling people sluts for decades and it is getting tired.

  25. Anonymous9:40 AM

    ...and joan's offeneded by what again? indeed pot calling kettle black. remember your past joanie dear, and lay off the plastic surgery!

  26. and.......................?

  27. Don't care for either of these tricks. Next.

  28. I can't stand Chelsea Handler. I think she's a pig, an alcoholic and sleep around. I guess I agree with Joan.

  29. Chelsea needs to fuck off, or at least acknowledge the path that women like Joan have paved for her drunken, trollopy, overrated ass.


    However, I will say that I do like how Chelsea is unashamedly known (and promotes herself as) sexual and strong at the same time. I think there has always been this weird offbalance thing where women who are sexual/have unencumbered sexual relationships, are women to be pitied or that they are being taken advantage of or they just arent strong in general.
    I like that Chelsea IS strong and dominant while being a very sexual person. In a weird weird way this can be looked upon as sort of good for women as it's boundary expanding as far as allowing for those two descriptions-strong & sexual- to be seen more mainstream.

    But Joan is my girl and she did pave the way and Chelsea may be strong and sexual but the woman seems unappreciative and quite mean at times.

  30. wasn't there a rumour Chelsea was having sex with Rihanna lol?

  31. I can't think of any other way she could of gotten her own TV show.

    I'm a bit hard-pressed to believe that even that worked.

    I don't have anything against boozy, floozy chicks, I just don't think she has any comedy talent.

  32. Enty, maybe you SHOULD go out drinking with her. ;)

    I watch her show every day and I really don't think she does THAT much name dropping. Rachael Ray is a MUCH bigger name dropper (and more annoying). I love the round table discussions (it isn't anything bitchier that is said EVERY DAY here) and she has interviewed a ton of really big celebs. I've watched a few After Lately eps & don't really enjoy it as much. I wouldn't dream of watching her sitcom b/c it looks awful.

    If she is this horrible of a person, why do people continue to go back on her show? She is no more mean than Joan Rivers is and has been about celebrities.

    Would also like to point out...everyone's sense of humor is different.

  33. Chelsea is AWFUL, from my POV...nasty & crude.

    I thought this gossip was her whole quite intentional, quite un-amusing schtick?

  34. I gave her show a chance and first if she wasn't in it, it would be funnier and second, she makes women who enjoy alcohol and sex look bad.
    Look at her, she looks like she has had a hard drunken life and screwed her way to the top. I have no problem with doing that especiallysince she is so open about it but take care of yourself, keep up appearances and don't look like a used towel. Does this make sense to anyone?
