Tuesday, January 10, 2012

k.d. lang Splits From Her Domestic Partner

Eight years after meeting, k.d. lang has filed the paperwork dissolving her domestic partnership with Jamie Price. I really thought this one was going to last forever. k.d. lang is a great person, but she can be a tad difficult to live with on a daily basis. The fact that she found someone who could put up with the divaness and do it for so long was I thought a recipe for a lasting relationship.


  1. Last straw, meet camel's back.

  2. All of the famous are hard to live with....it comes with the territory...

  3. How do we know she's hard to live with? I have never heard she was a diva. Hmmm..Maybe I've found my roomies next girlfriend. How cool would it be to have k.d.lang over for dinner? Oh wait, after the second date my roommate would have moved in with her. STILL.....

  4. Am I the only one who didn't even recognize k.d. lang in the picture? Looks like she's had some work done...

  5. That's sad. Jamie Price is a cool person in her own right. She runs a Buddhist camp for disadvantaged kids and I believe she's an attorney. They had spirituality in common. My guess is LBD. 8 years is just about the time that can hit.

  6. ^^Little black dress??

  7. Thank you, RenoBlondee. I have no idea either.

  8. I'm not familiar with Jamie Price, she sounds nice. I don't go a week without listening to the "Crying" duet of k.d. Lang with Roy Orbison.

    I hope all goes well for them both.

  9. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I think they broke up because....what does it matter what we "think".

  10. I have to say, that living with ANYONE on a daily basis can be a tad difficult, whether it be kids, hubby, SO or even a pet or plant.

  11. Guess her constant craving for attention was too much.

    Yes, I went there. :P

  12. Totally clueless about lbd...exactly what is it? KD looks great to me...I don't think she looks any different at all.

  13. Didn't know KD was married.

  14. Gladys has explained the acronym - Lesbian Bed Death but I am still no closer to understanding what that means... I guess they stop having sex?

  15. Maybe she had a Chaz affair.

  16. I had no idea that K.D was a diva..

    Whats the scoop on that?!

  17. @Del Riser, I love KD Lang's "crying"! and Hallelujah too. Just chills, and so much yearning in that voice.

    KD is one of the first lesbians to put it out there that it is very ok to just be, who you should really be, and how God had intended for you to be.

    She's this side of cooky, but in a very good way. Love her!

  18. Lesbian Bed Death means just that, Jaded. No sex. No testosterone in the relationship can lead to Very Good Friends who share a bed but nothing in that bed. Pretty common term in lesbian circles, didn't realize it was not universally known! I wouldn't have been so casual if I'd known that---apologies. Wasn't trying to show my superior skills in the Lebianese language! kd herself wrote about LBD in "I Dream of Spring.". "This world is filled with frozen lovers/The sheets of their beds are frightfully cold/and I've slept there in the snow with others...."

  19. ^This so reminds me of that Golden Girls episode, when Blanche did not understand Lesbian at first.

    "Well Marlo Thomas is Lesbian too, nothing to be ashamed of!"


  20. Could be LBD, could just be the seven-year itch that many couples go through. Whatever caused the split, I'm sorry to hear about it (although I must confess that until Leisha Hailey got into that tussle on the Southwest flight last year I assumed that she and K.D. were still together).

  21. I think the 8-10 year landmark in ANY relationship, hetero or not, is a rough time. I think it depends on the couples level of commitment to each other whether they will last or not.

  22. @Chrissy
    You are so right on with that.

  23. Gladys: I thought LBD usually hit a lot sooner than that--I've heard some people say it kicks in after the first 6 months to a year. What's your take on that?

    It does seem as if a lot of long-term couples of any orientation go through spells of little or no sex, or sometimes have it stop altogether--I wonder if it's too much familiarity breeding not contempt per se, but boredom? Your partner feels too much like family and not enough like a lover? You're both so busy w/your daily lives that no one has energy to get busy anymore?

  24. Sigh, I thought she was so dreamy when she started out. The cowgirl dresses and the Orbison show... so dreamy. Such a shame. Hope the best for her.

  25. I think that true LBD comes after a long haul with a woman has reinforced the friendship or ruined the friendship, but left no room for passion. When people lose their hots at six months or a year, it's just kind of a natural progression of things. My partner and I talk about this all the time because we swore to each other that we would never allow LBD to creep into our relationship. Sometimes it takes a real commitment and a lot of work to figure out how to keep that portion of our relationship alive. But we've had friends who broke up after 15, 20, even 25 year relationships, and I have no intention of being another statistic. In straight relationships, lack of sex is often the RESULT of other problems---with lesbians, it is often the CAUSE.

  26. Anonymous7:22 AM

    @Gladys- Are you a misogynist gay man, or a lesbian?

    "No testosterone in the relationship can lead to Very Good Friends who share a bed"

    You think it all comes down to no testosterone in a relationship?

    I don't know about this from personal experience, due to the fact that I am strictly a girl who likes the dick and the testosterone, but a quick google search tells me that there is as much "gay bed death" as "lesbian bed death." I won't bother cutting and pasting the URLs, you can look it up yourself, if you care to learn something.

    I don't believe you are a woman. Your gay male misogyny is so blatant. You sound like a Datalounge bitch.

  27. @Sophia: I have to agree with Gladys. I have many lesbian friends who say the same thing she has said. However I also must agree that it is also an issue in any relationship especially,and I don't have them, when kids are involved. They take away that romantic feeling often due to fatigue and also a focus on their needs above one's own. I did not find her statement mysoginistic at all so I feel the need to defend her. But then that is my take on it. I am curious why you felt that way though. Help me understand your side. Thank you. I mean that sincerely.

  28. Anonymous6:31 PM


    Blaming the death of a relationship on lack of testosterone is silly. If more testosterone = longer lived better relationships, then wouldn't gay men have the longest lived relationships?

    Studies show that they mostly have relationships that are fleeting, and even during supposedly monogamous relationships, they cheat around a lot.

    I don't believe in arguing via the "a lot of my friends" method. Look up some statistics. It's fact.

    So if lack of testosterone is a factor in marital death, maybe too much, is also.

  29. Anonymous6:34 PM


    I didn't really explain why i think that her comment was misogynistic.

    I think it's almost self-explanatory.

    Women LACK testosterone - that's the problem.

    I've noticed that when discussing lesbians, there's always a snide contempt involved, whereas with gay men, everyone seems to be so jealous of their supposedly wonderful lifestyle.

    If you are going to argue the "my friends" route, most of the gay men aren't exactly role models of adult behavior. But it's not just "my friends." Look up statistics of STDs in the US - the rates of men who have sex with men are staggering.

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