Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Made A Lot Of Money In 2009

I'm not all that interested in the fact that Lindsay Lohan has a tax bill from the IRS. That kind of thing is pretty common. What shocks me is that it is for only one year of taxes and that she owes over $93K from the year 2009 in taxes. As TMZ noted, she was in one made for tv movie and made a couple of other appearances on television yet managed to haul in enough dough that she owes $93K in taxes? If you figure a 30% tax rate she got paid about $300K in 2009 for working about a month, but then you have to assume that she didn't pay anything at all. What if she paid some of her tax debt and the $93K is what is left? This also does not include how much she made from her trips abroad. Looks like she might need to take another one to pay off this bill.


  1. 2009 was the beginning of the end for Lohan. She was still being paid for appearances, and a lot of people were still supporting her.

    I remember Tina Fay and Jane Fonda were still hoping she gets her shit together.

    I'm surprised though it's only $300K. I think $93K in taxes, your net income must be much higher. Don't forget, the richer you are, the more loopholes your advisers find. Many rich people pay less taxes than the less fortunate Enty. Sadly.

  2. For a "has-been that never was" the chick still can pull a buck or two

  3. Why be surprised ? People are still wasting money on her.....

  4. I see a trip overseas in Linnocent's future. Tax bill paid in no time. Although it would be funny to see her sent away Wesley Snipes style! Feds don't play the celeb game.

  5. I forgot she was ever beautiful. If this pic is from 2009, the before and after's should be on every drug PSA they can make.

  6. I don't know what movie that still is from, can someone tell me?

    God, can you imagine if LL got PREGNANT?!

  7. As for the amount, that was three years ago, so add in penalties and fines, and bingo! $93000.

  8. When thenirs assesses you, they go by the rate and no loopholes/deductions. So $300k is what she made (at least earnings that were reported to the IRS). She may have made more under the table for appearances and/or other "services". And I don't know if she just underpaid her taxes on reported income (in which case she officially made more than $300k) or if she simply didn't file at all that year.

  9. I know first hand how the IRS operates. They will come after her like a rabid dog. She's pulled off a lot of bullshit stunts in her day but the IRS will win this one.

  10. @Seachica - thanks, good to know!

    @EmEyeKay - it's that movie where she pretends she's pregnant, that went direct to video. Will have to google the name.

  11. The movie was Labor Pains, which was originally scheduled for theatatrical release, but instead was shown on ABC Family.

  12. Thanks Rita & Megley. Oy, LL on ABC Family... hah!

  13. What's disgusting is that Hollywood pushes this cr@p down our throats and people actually watch it. Jersey Shore, The Kardashians, Lindsay Lohan. The fact that that other piece of ---- Paris isn't in any of the columns hardly, is because people woke up. Lindsay and the Kardashians are still in the gossips, it's because there are people out there who still pay attention and want to read about them. Why?

  14. idk any one in any facet of the entertainment industry that owns up to full earnings. anyone. i don't expect that she'd be any different. not dogging her, but that's just how it rolls. i hope she lands a real job soon. :(

  15. You just can't screw around with taxes - ANY taxes - property, state OR federal! Pay the taxes as you go, don't put it off like so many people seem to do. It's just not worth the aggrevation. The Government always gets their money in the end.

  16. It would be amazing though that LiLo, after getting away with everything but murder, and having treated the justice system as a joke (in her defense, turns out she was right!), serves jail time for tax evasion.

    Not one-hour in & out though for tax evasion. If I'm not mistaken, you ALWAYS serve REAL time. Just ask Snipes!

  17. @Rita - remember, the IRS is what did in Al Capone! haha!

  18. I know someone who was taken to task by the IRS before they became "kindler and gentler" and it is NOT pretty. They will come after you like a rabid dog and will put your ASS in jail without question. If she ever felt like she had to humble herself NOW would be the time.

  19. ^That is so true!!! No matter the killing, the pimping, the drug pushing, they finally got him for tax evasion! Thanks for the reminder Ms Snarky!

  20. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Oh please let this happen. For whatever reason, she's the only trainwreck I never get tired of. I think because she's just so stupid, I can't wait to see what she'll do next.

    The taxman and the student loan people are the two you don't mess with.
