Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Madonna And Elton John Show You Are Never Too Old To Be Bitter & Jealous

Ahh, sometimes it is good to have two blasts from the past bickering and fighting and jealous. When Madonna walked the red carpet at the Golden Globes for the first time in 14 years, you knew the fix was in. You knew she was going to win. The HFPA was not going to give her any award that has to do with her directing because even they are not that idiotic. But, you knew she knew that she was going to get something. Listen. The show was on NBC which is why we had Katharine McPhee presenting an award. Think about that for one second. Katharine McPhee presented an award at the Golden Globes. What has she ever done?

Processed that? Good. NBC is hosting the SuperBowl. Who is spending 12 minutes and 40 second entertaining people in three weeks at the halftime show of the SuperBowl? Madonna. Suddenly she makes her first Golden Globe appearance in 14 years? Elton knew he had the award for best song. He knew it probably until Madonna agreed to appear and then was magically nominated for an award. Ernst & Young might tabulate the votes, but this is not an Academy, this is about a few handfuls of people who vote and who all know who the other voted for.

So, when Elton John said on the red carpet that Madonna had "no f**king chance of winning," he knew he was right from an artistic point of view, but not from a NBC/HFPA point of view. David Furnish told Madonna to "f**k off." The good news for Elton is that unless my boys from White Irish Drinkers somehow make it into the final group, I think Elton will win the Academy Award.


  1. Oh kids don't fight...

  2. And you can never be too old to not give a shit about two over-the-hill, over-rated peacocks.

  3. Glad David Furnish spouted about it. Not many people tell Madonna to piss off, it's nice that someone did.

  4. Both are way too narcissistic but Elton and co took the top prize by dismissing the awards show, they should have kept the vitriol directed at Madonna.

  5. it is common knowledge in the music industry that Madonna does not write her own music. But she makes writers give up 50% writing credit to her.

    I think what Elton was so upset over is the fraud that she is getting an award for writing a song she didn't write. Nor did she give the two people behind her who actually wrote the song 2 seconds to say thank you on stage for getting the award.

    Elton actually writes music and his writing partner Bernie Taupin actually writes the lyrics.

    I just love Madonna forgets she is from 8 mile Detroit and her put upon english accent is hi-lar-ious.

  6. I can't stand Madonna anymore. Team Elton!

  7. I know that Elton writes the music and Bernie writes the lyrics, but come on, man. Can't Elton and David find other words in the English language to tell off Madonna? Does Sir Elton really have to resort to curse words? A good expletive here and there has a presence to it. To just curse though - way too common for the likes of you two.

  8. Team Elton is right! LOVE him. Saw him last year and I have never seen an entertainer more gracious to his fans. Madonna may have some talent, but there is NO comparison. (And I actually do like her music).

  9. madonna has always been uncouth, so any reaction she would/wouldn't have doesn't surprise me. i do think, however, that she handled things better than elton.

    of couuuuuuuurse elton had the better song and maybe should have won. but he needs to stfu. he's been in this business long enough to know how it works...being pissed b/c the industry pulled an 'industry move'...bid deal. it isn't the first time and it won't be the last. and given his long trajectory, it's not as if he hasn't been both the good and bad ends of it. sometimes you're up, sometimes your rival is. i refuse to believe that he didn't know what was up and the reality of this yr's GG situation and how it all tied together w/ nbc and their interests (in madonna, in this case). now, if he was blinde-sided b/c of his inflated ego, and believed his own press and thought he could defy the industry gods and actually win, well then he's the idiot. his husband spouting off on twitter like a bitter, scorned high-schooler, well, that's just klassy. jesus. elton has been freaking knighted by the queen. he's a father. act like it. show a little class, for pete's sake. or at least don't be such a crass example to your child.

  10. Madonna was over in 1985 as far as I'm concerned!

  11. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Elton, act like a man. You lost, deal with it. Your new music sucks, your songs are trite and irritating and I wanted to blow my brains out everytime I had to see a commercial for Gnomeo and Juliet.

    They're behaviour is no better than Kanye's.

  12. none of the nominated songs were great, but mary j. blige should have won. mary j. and elton are great artists, madonna isn't, though I have loved alot of her songs over the years.

    elton shouldn't let it bother him. there is no comparison between the two. he is so talented and madge is just well packaged.

    I love her fake accent. tea and crumpets anyone?

  13. Annabella, just don't bring hydrangeas. Madonna loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooathes hydrangeas.

  14. @timebob - Madonna is NOT from "8 Mile Detroit," she's from a plush suburb a good 20 miles north of the city.

  15. I love Elton John's music and think it stands the test of time. I like Madonna fine but her lack of self awareness is surprising.

    Watching the GG, I could FEEL the lack of Madonna love in that audience and her acceptance speech was painful. I was cringing as she said in faux British "When they asked me to write a song, I said but I couldn't, I must focus on my directing!" OMG. This is an industry audience - Spielberg must have chuckled so hard under his breath Madonna could hear.

    So Elton and David, yeah she won but no one thinks the Golden Globes wins are based on talent - The Tourist got nominations last year - but you should have said nothing because that audience would have said it for you and you would have looked better for it.

  16. Madonna is such a snob. It must hurt to kiss you own a$$ from so many angles. Nothing Elton does as far as divatude surprises me. He's been this way all his life. Madonna on the other hand is a poser hanging onto any coattail she can for attn. Her own daughter isn't excluded. I can't remember the last time I saw a pic of her alone. Elton reacted the way he always has and for that, I say thank yu for being yourself. He refuses to change for anyone and so be it but Madonna demands people kiss her a$$ and accept her "accent" and all the faux changes she makes in her life. Ugh! She just annoys me. At least Elton was born and raised in England. Madge will NEVER be on his level or have the love and respect that he and even her ex husband have overseas. She's a poser. A fake.

  17. Duh team Elton, Madonna is and has been unlikable for years. Yeah he might be a narcissist but he has the right to, can't really compare them musically and I've owned much more Madonna music in my lifetime than Elton's.

  18. Anonymous8:54 AM

    So Elton is ok being a bitchy drama queen because that's who he is and he's just being him but Madonna being a bitchy drama queen makes her awful and horrible?

    I find him more loathesome because of his behaviour. She's not calling anyone out but he has no problems with it.

    Also maybe I'm being naive but isn't it the song that is up for the award and the writer is secondary? Either way, sour grapes Elton. You lost. Either to a better song or a bigger star.

    As for her accent, she has lived in London a long time. When you spend a lot of time somewhere, you can pick up the speech patterns, slang, etc.

    I'm not a huge fan of either, both have songs I don't mind and both have tons of songs I hate. I just don't get why his diva behaviour is ok and hers isn't. Especially since she didn't do anything here but win.

    Seriously, he's an old, bitchier Kanye.

  19. The fact that I LOVE hydrangeas gives me that much more reason to think that Madonna is a bitch, ha.

    Coupla crotchety old queens, the both of them. At least Elton's English accent is real.

  20. I think Elton was right to call the baby ugly.

    Madonna knows how to promote herself. Can she sing? No. Can she act? No. Is she a celebrity? Yes. What is the difference between her and Lady GaGa? GaGa can actually sing but has now become trapped in her persona. Madonna is her persona.

    As you get older you are less able to deal with bullshit. I think Elton was totally within his rights to call it as he saw it.

  21. Frankly I think the win should have gone to Mary J. Blige. Madonna's song was in a movie no one watched and Elton's song was a recycle of songs he's already done.

    The Academy Awards are no different. Every year they nominate Randy Newman or John Williams and lord god almighty are they derivitive if their own past. Ugh why even bother people?

    Still no reason for David to lob insults at Madonna. She can make herself look bad, thankyouverymuch!

  22. Can someone tell me how the Elton/Madge feud started?

  23. No, Madonna shouldn't have won, and her speech was...ugh, I can't even describe it. It was rude and ungrateful. But Elton John annoyed me just as much, with the bitchface he wore all night at his table. You know Elton, if you didn't want to be there, you could have given your seat up to someone who wanted it. I know you thought you were going to win, and perhaps you should have, but nobody is forced to attend these functions, I'm sure.

  24. I posted for Mary J. Blige during our live blog Sunday night. I sat through the entire closing credits of The Help just for that song.

    Madonna's ABC interview was friggin' hilarious and her speech at the GGs just iced the cake. The previews of her movie look awful.

    Ya, it's mean and bitchy, but if Elton and David wanna call her pretentious ass out, then I say good job fellas!

  25. IMHO Elton is okay because he's not pretending to be something he's not. He's not fake. There was a time when Madonna shopped at thrift stores even when she had money. Now she wants to act/think like she's better than everyone. Also, she had the accent long before she moved to London and she's been living back in the states for quite some time. She moved back when she got divorced.and ifthe accent was natural, it wouldn't change and shift so often. Also "There is nothing foreign about a foreign film to me." Sealed the deal. She's a grade A wannabe. either she was faking nice to get her fans or she now thinks she's above us peons, either way, its just off. And rubs me the wrong way. I don't like fakes. Maybe its just me.

  26. I agree with tempestuous grape! I was over Madonna after the second album.

  27. Why don't they like one another? And I was pulling for Mary J. Blige's song any ol' way.

  28. Oh, and her English accent grates my nerves...

  29. Madonna's song was 'reductive'.

    Elton is an amazing entertainer and he makes everyone in his audience feel like he is sing to them.

    There is so much screeching and talking and walking around during a Madonna show.

    So, yeah, we know who wrote a better song deserved to win but hopefuly, like someone said earlier, he'll win the Oscar.

    Elton and David, public bitch fights are not very attractive, leave them to M.

    Gaga is Elton's baby's godmother.

  30. OMG. I agree with like every single post. Is that even possible?

    First of all, I'm not exactly a supporter of Elton John spouting off his bitchy opinion about every topic under the sun. He really is an older British Kanye. Hee. But at the same time, I feel like when Elton John does give his unsoliticed tell-it-like-it is statement, he's earned the right to do so. Kind of like, your 85-year-old grandmother who has no mental filter can say whatever the hell she wants, and the whole family just needs to suck it up and respect that. I think it would have been WAY classier to just let this one go because, really Sir Elton John, you have SO MANY THINGS to be happy about in life. Losing a bogus award to an uppity delusional box-office poison Madonna should be the LEAST of your worries.

    The NBC/Superbowl connection makes perfect sense to me, Enty. I didn't even put two and two together that this is the network the SB is going to be on. So, thanks for that.

    I loathe Madonna with all of my being. That accent is so fakety fake. And thank you to the poster for reminding me about her deep thoughts on foreign films and how they're not "foreign" to her. I think I gulped down my entire glass of wine in that moment to drown out her pretentious, elitist, faux words.

    The bottom line is, it sounds like it's common knowledge in film circles that the Golden Globes are a bunch of bs, so really, why should Elton John get his panties in a bunch?

    I agree with the poster who noted how the same two old bags of wind always win the Oscar for best song as well.

    Team Mary J. Blige for reals. I hope she gets to perform at the Oscars. That would be fab.

    I still get chills when I see her performance of No More Drama at the Grammys from back in the day.

  31. Team Elton. And anyone brave enough to call out Her Madgesty publicly gets an extra slow clap from me.

  32. Susan, how I have missed your posts.

    Honestly though when Madonna said something about the movies she watched as a child all I could do was scream at the TV and say, "Bitch Please!". I'm not sure what's worse, that she may have actually scripted that for herself or that someone else did and thought we would believe it.

  33. I'm on Elton's side if for no other reason than that HORRIBLE acceptance speech Madonna gave. She seriously acted like she'd won for best director!! Bitch, please!

  34. For the record, David Furnish posted those comments on his private facebook page and someone leaked them to TMZ (not sure if David gave them permission or not). He does not have a twitter.

    Madonna's speech was pretentious and horrible, and she looked terrible in that dress. I'm tired of her fake, affected way of speaking on camera. You know she must sound like Detroit truck driver at home when no one is around. Yeah, she's sold a lot of records and concert tickets, but that's just great marketing.

    As for Elton and David, yes, after the length of his career and everything he's been through he's damn well earned the right to be himself and say whatever the hell he wants to, but that doesn't mean he should. Taking the high road is its own reward, which Madonna did in this 'feud' and unfortunately, she comes out looking better on the day.

  35. Anonymous12:07 PM

    There's nothing private about Facebook.

  36. Elton is a real artist. Madge is just a trick that got lucky.

  37. OH how I wish Celebrity Death Match were real. Could you imagine these two in the ring scratching each others eyes out??? It could be a pay-per-view with all the money going to an AIDS charity. Come on-- you know you'd watch.

  38. OMG, Thanks Sherry. I'm so honored.

  39. @Susan Holy Shiyy that Mary J Blige video makes me wanna get up and holllla! Damn. She is the queen. Thanks for reminding me of how much I love her.
