Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Nadya Suleman Says She Didn't Know She Was Going To Have 8 Kids

On Sunday, Nadya Suleman did another one of her chat shows. In it she called her 8 youngest children pieces of poop, but I think she was referring to their bathroom habits and having to deal with all their poop rather than her feelings towards them. What I found most interesting if you can call any time you spend watching Nadya interesting is when she said that she did not know she was going to have eight babies and that she signed some form under serious medication and did not know it was a double transfer and that she is the victim here in all of this. Somehow she said 12 embryos were transferred instead of six and she said something about how she was told none of the first six made it so they were hoping for one baby out of the second six, but instead, somehow she ended up with 8. Her math seems fuzzy.

She did admit she was wrong to have IVF after already having six children so she is making progress here. Small steps, but progress.


  1. Oh, please. She would admit to being D.B. Cooper, the Lone Gunman and the Lindbergh baby if you waved a check under her nose.

  2. She has hoarders of the womb syndrome.

  3. um..first of all, when they do the transfer you are completely lucid, and it's 3 days after the anethesia, so i'm pretty sure she was coherent. Also, they tell you how many eggs are good and you then decide how many you want. I don't believe her for a second.

  4. In her defense, she really didn't. She was actually hoping for more so she could have more attention.

    I can't stand this woman. She's a liar. Another perfect example of someone unworthy becoming famous and getting a reality show for being a selfish biatch.

  5. I love that she's calling herself the victim. Actually, the kids are the victims, and she's the piece of shit.

  6. Lies, or she went to the world's most unethical fertility clinic. In this case, most likely both.

  7. lol @ Ms Cool!

    I think we should just stop giving this woman attention now. She clearly courts it.

  8. Lies, lies, damned lies!

  9. Hoarders of the Womb! You guys are all on fire today!! Thanks for the laughs.

  10. I do believe she's not being truthful here. I could swear that when she first became "famous" that she stated she intended to have that many babies. Because she wanted to top Angie Jo, or something.

  11. My. God. Who. Cares?


    I'm calling shenanigans.

  12. I seem to remember numerous articles telling her side of it when the brood sow first revealed herself. She had no problem screaming to the roof tops that it was her choice and she wanted all of them..she's lying, but I'm not surprised as this woman

    One of her kids ends up being a serial killer...guaranteed.

    If ever within distance, I'm punching her in the back of the head--all the better if she happens to be standing beside Paris Hilton, then I can get a twofer.

  13. I bet she would get along well with Mrs. Dugger. They both have some strange pregnancy/baby addiction, but not so much the child raising addiction. Leave it to the older kids.

  14. Do you smell that, folks? It's desperation.

    How about a ban on this fruitcake, too?
