Monday, January 30, 2012

Nick Stahl Gets Arrested For Not Paying Cab Fare

I'm not sure what makes you take a cab when you cannot even pay for the cab. Do you think when you call a cab that you will be able to find the cab fare in the seat cushions of the cab while it is driving to your destination? What would make you dig through the cushions of a cab anyway? At what point do you hit that level of desperation in your life? Nick Stahl, who was in Terminator 3 and not much else was arrested over the weekend after he took a cab, got to his destination and told the driver he did not have the $84 fare. The driver called the police and Nick was arrested. I'm assuming that Nick's offer of an autograph was probably laughed at. Do you want Nick's autograph? Nick made the $500 bail and you have to wonder if he was able to make bail, then perhaps that is the person Nick should have called to avoid getting arrested in the first place. The picture above is from a night Nick would probably rather repeat than the night he spent in jail.


  1. I don't know who this guy is, but it's sad that he can't cough up cab fare. Did he have the dough and is just stingy/"better than that", or did his movie earnings go the route of Whitney Houston's money, ie: through his nose?

  2. I just blew through both seasons of Carnivale recently, so that's where I know him from! That was a great, weird show.

  3. He is a very talented actor and was awesome in Carnivale. Looks like has some demons. He is recently married and has a child. Wonder if things went sour at home. At least he didn't try to ditch the taxi or play the don't you know who I am card to get out of it.

    He has done a lot of B movies and was in a series Pilot that got passed over last season Locke & Key.

  4. I once walked out of a cab, and refused to pay the guy in Vegas. He purposely took us down the STRIP, instead of the service road. I yelled at him to pull over, and told him to go fuck himself when I got out. Trying to take advantage of me being a tourist, but I am not stupid!

  5. I'd LOVE his autograph, Enty, he's awesome! Have watched Carnivale four or five times, I own both seasons. He completely freaked me out in Sin City. His background is pretty interesting, in general.

    Don't be mean to the Stahl ;)

  6. I loved Carnivale! That was a great show!!

  7. As a NYer, I have totally had that happen to me. Unfortunately on more than one occasion I've accidentally left my wallet at home, discovering it only when I arrived at my destination. Once I've borrowed from a friend, but other times I've had to have them take me all the way back home to get my cash. Sucks.

  8. He is a very good actor. Even as a boy...remember "The man Without A Face" with Mel Gibson?

  9. i've never heard of this nick person (and at first glance, i thought that was perez hilton in the pic)...but if he can't or isn't willing to cough up the fare...why not seek alternate modes of transportation? it's not rocket science. and if he's trying to continue life as a working actor, surely he's smart enough to know this isn't the type of publicity you want.

  10. Enty, he's a fantastic actor and has been in a lot more than just Terminator 3! He was awesome in the lead role of Carnivale, he held his own against Mel Gibson in The Man Without a Face, and he was even great in Martin's Room with Sissy Spacek and Marisa Tomei. (and no, I'm not his mom or his agent, lol).

    But acting skills aside, you're right -- whoever he called to bail him out he should've called for the cab fare.

  11. Loved him in Carnivale. I wish that show had lasted. It was so good.

    Since Nick is a celebrity, he'll get off easy. Just ask Lindsay.

  12. I am curious as to what his side of the story is.

  13. Where I live you can go far on a $84 cab ride

  14. LOL @ Pookie! He does resemble Perez!!

  15. He really is a fantastic actor... loved him in Bully, Carnivale, Sin City, etc. I think he had some addition issues in his earlier youth, hope he hasnt relapsed.

  16. Seems crazy that he allowed himself to be arrested, but made a call for the bail. What was he on? Why didn't he run? I admit I ran from a couple of cabs in my time.

    In agreement with my fellow Carnivale fans - that show was great. I really felt let down when it was cancelled.

  17. I loved Carnivale too! Anyone know why they cancelled it?

  18. Lori -- apparently his 'addition issue' is that he can't add enough money to his wallet to pay a cab fare, lol. Just kidding, I think he probably didn't have cash and the taxi driver didn't want to take credit (probably what he paid his bail with). Other than that -- he doesn't sound like a deadbeat imho.

  19. _-_=_ according to wiki it was due to lack of ratings.

    "Early reviews praised the style of Carnivàle but questioned the approach and execution of the story. Carnivàle's first episode set a new audience record for an HBO original series,[2] but the show was unable to retain its ratings in its second season. Carnivàle was canceled after 24 episodes, cutting its intended six-season run short by four seasons. The show won five Emmys in 2004, was nominated for 10 further Emmy awards, and received numerous other nominations and industry awards between 2004 and 2006.[3]"

  20. (In my Bugs Bunny voice....) "What a ma-roon...

  21. Even I have $84. Terrible. Must be some other issues going on.

  22. Nick is a high-quality, under-noticed actor who has done award-worthy acting in many independent films. Serious, thoughtful, creative, independent and mostly a nice guy. There has to be more to this story.

    Just for fun, lets say he was researching a role. (Yep, I'm all set for my PR job.)

  23. @Cindy- lol!! Too much bio-psych on the brain. Apparently something had to go and spelling was left holding the short straw:)

  24. Anonymous12:00 PM

    "Nick Stahl, who was in Terminator 3 and not much else was arrested over the weekend after he took a cab, got to his destination and told the driver he did not have the $84 fare."

    He's 5 million times more talented than most of the boring fucks you write about on this website. And he's been in plenty of shit. He was amazing in Carnivale, kicked ass as an evil fuckhead in Bully and delivered a fantastic job for In the Bedroom.

  25. ooohh...i loved in the bedroom!

  26. Wow, you guys are harsh!

    Like I said, I've accidentally left my wallet at home and not discovered it until I arrived at my destination. At that point, the cab driver is within his rights to call the cops, and of course many of them do so at that point. But because I am a girl (and not ugly) they don't call the cops on me. At that point, Nick could have EASILY left the scene. Now that I've done. The driver isn't going to chase after you for one measly fare. The fact that Nick stayed for the cops to arrive says to me that it was probably an honest mistake, rather than wilfull fare-hopping.

  27. Twice I've jumped out of a cab, without paying. Once I was loud drunk yapping with my friends in the backseat, and the cabbie couldn't take it anymore, so he started yelling at us, that we should shut up, or get out. So we told him to fuck off, and left the cab, without paying.
    Second, I told a cabbie how to get to my place, he didn't listen, and got me on the other side of the park I lived at. So when I told him, that he had to stop the clock, and take me to where I told him to take me, he refused. So I jumped out, ran down the steps, through the park, and walked home.
    But neither rides, were $84, not even combined.
