Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Note To The World - The Artists Is A Silent Movie

Does anyone not know The Artist is a silent movie? I mean that is the hook. That is the reason the lead actor did the silent mouthing thing at the end of his acceptance speech at the the Golden Globes. I'm sure some people thought he might have just got bleeped, or said something bad in French, but he was paying homage to the movie. If there is something movie goers hate more than subtitles though, it appears that silent movies may be top even that. Movie goers are buying tickets to the movie, but according to the Telegraph, people are not expecting the movie to be silent and are complaining because there is no dialogue. In fact, many people in London are actually demanding their money back.


  1. f-ing pendes...just watch the pinche movie and learn something-it's called ART!

  2. Maybe if The Tourist woulda been a silent movie I'd have gone to see it ;-P

  3. They are idiots who can't be bothered to pay attention to the screen and read. Maybe if they called the subtitles text messages, the mouth-breathers would be happier.

  4. Anonymous10:34 AM

    People are the worst.

  5. Gee Wiz....stupid

  6. Ah, Unknown, Spanish curse words, love it...

    Enty, honestly, not everyone is as educated as you. First off, I don't know anyone in my circle who has even heard of this movie. I saw the poster at the theater a while back and did a little research just because the lead characters were so darn cute and I loved the B&W, and costumes.

    These days the only thing I get to see is the latest 3D kid thing.

  7. It's kind of funny that people would go to a movie but not read about it's subject matter before going. And THEN get all butt hurt about it. I love foreign film so have zero issues with subtitles. Can't wait to see this movie.

  8. i knew it was silent, and when i heard this i thought they have to be idiots.

  9. It's almost the same as people who complained about Pan's Labyrinth, people read up about the things you go see especially if you have kids!

    I can't wait to see this, it is finally arriving in my Emerald City this Friday.

  10. Agree with kltx. I don't see how this movie will do well in this day and age. But maybe the world will prove me wrong.

    Is it really good? Any of you know?

  11. SAG sent me the screener for it and I still haven't watched it, silent films died in the the 20's for a reason!

  12. This is not a new trend. Some people think when they buy a ticket that it automatically guarantees them the right to like the film or they get their money back even if they watch the whole thing. If someone is going to spend money (and a couple hours of time) watching a film, I don't understand why one wouldn't at least read a quick synopsis. It's not the responsibility of the theater to make sure people are educated on the ins & outs of the film. I remember something similar in the 1990's, where refunds became such an issue that each week we had to create a handout that gave the description, major stars, director & rating for each film, making it very accessible for everyone who walked in the door in an effort to limit the number of refunds we were giving out to people who claimed misleading advertising or whatever lame excuse they had. Ridiculous!

  13. Oh sad sad you are and those that agree with you too! A silent movie is Art with a capital A. I've not seen this movie yet, but sure intend to and I'm sure it will be awesome!

    Give ART a chance!

  14. LOL Sorry Sadie, different strokes for different folks, lol I have never been a fan of silent films, now B&W MGM, Warner, etc movies, I LOVE!

  15. When I saw it, someone from the cinema came in and made an announcement beforehand to remind people that it was a silent movie.

    Also, I think it may have been noted at the box office.

  16. Why is a silent movie 'Art' in itself? I can mute any movie, does that somehow make it magical?

    I don't mind subtitles or some of the better silent films but they aren't all special.

  17. Pfffft, please. They did a silent episode of Buffy 10 years ago and I believe it earned the show it's first Emmy nomination. That being said, people are morons, and many of them can't stay off their smartphones for the 2 hours most movies run for. Hard to read subtitles while you're tweeting.

    "OMG this movie is silent FML xoxo"

  18. This movie is supposed to be excellent. Get over your high tech crap and learn to enjoy other art forms. There is a reason this movie is silent and the director is brilliant.

  19. To answer Enty's question about if anyone was left that didn't know this was a silent movie, I raise my hand. I don't watch much tv and have never heard of the movie. I mainly stick to documentaries from Netflix. I only know who celebs are because I like to read the gossip about them but I have never seen most of the people I read about in any of their work. I'm strange I guess.

  20. Stupid idiots (said in french please) wanting their money back for not having done a little IMDB reading before seeing the movie. I thought it was genius when the lead actor did the silent mouthing thing at the Golden Globes at the end of his speech. Took me a minute I have to admit to figure out what he had just done, but it was genius! LOL - This is entertainment people, so be entertained. Don't complain about the things you didn't do and should have! Geez.

  21. Personally I'm not a fan of silent movies, but three friends on my FB have now said this is EXCELLENT, and I trust their judgment. And with all the accolades, I'd say it's definitely worth viewing, so I will.

  22. Maybe they should change the title to "The SILENT Artist". ;)

  23. I worked in a movie theater a few years ago, and some dumbass requested a refund because the movie she had wanted to watch was "too depressing." That movie was Roman Polanski's The Pianist. DUUUUUUH.

    And don't even get me started on the assholes who wanted their money back because they couldn't handle subtitled films. Or the rednecks who brought their toddlers to see The Passion of the Christ and probably traumatized those kids for life.

    People really are such fucking morons.

  24. Any titles should have been in txt format, it's the only thing people seem to be able to read..


  25. P.S. Is it just me, or does that actress look just like Corky Sherwood?

  26. Anonymous12:34 PM

    How people go blindly to the movies, I'll never know.

    I remember seeing the Blair Witch Project in the theatre and I was sitting beside a dumbass on what had to be his weekend with the kids. He and his two young boys sat beside me and never shut up with asking questions. "Where's the ghost?" was the main question. At least the movie didn't scare them because they lacked the ability to imagine the unseen ghost but they did keep farting throughout and that was worse than the question asking.

  27. See it for the dog. He steals the movie!

  28. @msgirl, hope you're staying warm.

    It bums me out when friends/dates don't want to watch a movie with me if it's subtitled. If you only see American movies, you're missing out on a lot of great stuff.

    Haven't seen the Artist, but I will.

  29. @econeywaa: the dog stole the the attention from their acceptance speech also. Cutest dog since Frasier. Watch, now everyone will be getting a dog like that. Look for a surge in popularity.

  30. Please don't rush out and get Jack Russells...they're HIGH maintenance

    Saw the movie this doesn't need the few dialogue cards. You can follow the story without them

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. The main reason why I'm waiting for this movie to come out on DVD...I'm afraid I will start screaming at the screen for one of the actors to say something...anything...

  33. @Hannah -- Uh, well, at least you know what to expect.

  34. Don't people research the movie they want to watch before they actually pay to go see it?
    I always read the synopsis and check reviews before I pick a movie to see at the theater.

    I'm not a fan of silent films but I will rent it when it comes out on video because I LOVE Jean Dujardin, he stared in the OSS117 films in France and they were really funny, I highly recommend them even though you will have to read the subtitles, in the first film his co-star is Berenice Bejo who paired up with him again for the Artist.
    YouTube has a great clip of them during a Tango scene.

  35. The movie was GREAT!!! :) I highly recommend it. I thought I was going to be bored, but it's captivating.

  36. The movie was GREAT!!! :) I highly recommend it. I thought I was going to be bored, but it's captivating.

  37. I still remember watching The Great Dictator in a college class. I was laughing my ass off, and everyone else just sat there looking bored. Do. Not. Get. It. It's not the same experience as a talkie, but classic Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin movies are absolutely wonderful. I loved when a local theater did a Keaton series, and brought in a pianist to do the accompaniment like they did in the good ole days.

  38. Well, the people of Earth prove themselves to be morons on a daily basis, so this doesn't surprise me.

    I love foreign films so it always irks me when people complain about subtitles. How lazy are you that you can't read and watch?? ;)

    I plan on seeing it based on all the reviews.

  39. It has practically no plot at all and the lead actor sulks pointlessly for a very long time before behaving like an idiot. And the ending doesn't make sense (apart from anything else they've dressed her for the 20s but it ends on a decided 30s note). I wouldn't trust the reviews - a lot of bandwagon-jumping going on. You may be distinctly underwhelmed - all four of us who saw it were.

  40. I saw this last month & loved it. I was nervous about going to a silent film (that I would be bored) but my lovely sister-in-law talked me into it. I thought the movie really kept one's attention & was extremely well acted (of course, silent films have to be well acted to be any good).

    And the theater was packed.

  41. Ida, your anecdote about The Pianist KILLED me!

    When I first heard of this movie I thought it was a great idea. No fx, just a visual effect. I haven't seen it, but I'd like to just to see a movie that concentrates on set design and acting for a change.

    lollydarling, I get what you mean - whenever people are nuts over a movie and gush about how I HAVE to go see it, I'm usually underwhelmed as well. I hope I'm not with this one.

  42. Totally agree Robert. Silent films are art the same way regular films are. I'm not a fan of silent/subtitles but I can guarantee not they aren't all great and just being silent doesn't make them better than movies with sound. There are also a lot of crap films that have sound and some that are art. It is just the way it goes.

  43. You can't fix stupid.

    Speaking of which, Jack Russells are very smart dogs that need to keep active. If you don't give them enough to do, they'll think of something and probably something you don't want.

  44. God forbid you have to use your brain every once in a while. It's sad. Generally speaking, audiences want everything explained to them. I think it's much more interesting when you have to figure stuff out for yourself.

  45. I'm not a fan of older movies and silent films, but I'm obsessed with the Oscars. Since this is a presumed front runner, I went and saw it. I have to say, one of my faves this year. It's a simple story to follow, and there is a great amount of emotion from the actors who don't say a word. I really do recommemd it. And the theater I was in was pretty full a month ago, and people actually applauded at the end, so seemed to go over well here.

  46. I love how people don't pay attention and then they look stupid lol

  47. I just noticed tonight (19 Jan) that they are blasting short commercials for the movie and after a quick sequence the dog is shown barking.

    Are they trying to trick people into thinking it isn't silent?

  48. Haha Robert, I just saw that same commercial. I know what movies I am going to see, but I could understand based on that commercial and somebody who was out and needed to pass the time picking it without knowing it's silent.

    Before the internet, all you got was the previews before movies and commercials. There are still a few people out there who don't use the internet and that doesn't make them stupid. For all the stupid THAT are out there, no one gets a refund for not liking a movie for whatever reason.
