Friday, January 20, 2012

Octomom Says She Was Offered $1M To Name The Baby Daddy

I don't know whether to believe Nadya Suleman or not, but she told Wendy Williams that within a month of giving birth to her octuplets that a tabloid offered her $1M to name the baby's father. She declined. I wonder if she even asked the guy. I mean we are talking about $1M here and you have a million kids. She would get like $10 now. She also said she made an agreement with the father that he would never have to pay support. You would think the guy would have come forward by now. I wonder if it is someone who is married or like the doctor or some other person who has to stay hidden.


  1. I remember her saying that all the kids have the same biological father- so it's just one person she has to name.

    Also that sperm donor knows their his kids and he was upset that she had so many kids.

    For the sake of her kids, I hope things have settled down and she's more financially stable.

  2. Ha ha When I first read this I took it to mean the tabloid wanted her to literally name one the children "Daddy"! Before you judge, it's because of the goofy world we live in that this even crossed my mind as a logical possibility in the first place! lol

  3. I call bullshit. Why would anyone pay her a million bucks to hear the name of someone no one's ever heard of? It makes no sense. Octo's just trying to stay relevant.

  4. If she is collecting any kind of government support for her spawn, then said government will force her to name a father because they do not foot the bill unless they absolutely have to!

  5. Suuuuuuuuure she was.

  6. @Chasing Heaven

    Me too! I was like "Shit, I'd totally do that for $1 million." Muahaha. (Really, I would.)

  7. Clearly it's Brad Pitt. Or Ben Affleck.

  8. She was just on Dr. Drew's show this week and sad to say she's not financially stable. Au Pair gave her a year of child care and Dr. Drew paid for her to study to be a Personal Fitness Trainer. She was seemingly reluctant to accept the child care.

    This crazy nutbag would name Bill Clinton as babydaddy if she could save 15% on her car insurance!!

    For a million dollars she's say it was Benjamin Button!

  10. Or Benjamin Franklin, for that matter!

  11. Greaaaat. She made a deal that the father doesn't have to pay support, so the state does.

    Thing is, if she'd been given the $1 mil, she would have probably have blown through it by now. Octo has a proven track record of making the wrong decisions.

  12. @Chasing Heaven - I read it that way too. For 1 million I would have named those kids Daddy #1 - #8 like George Foreman does with his kids. They can change it when they are 18 if they want.

  13. I doubt she could name all of her children, let alone the guy who fathered them.

  14. Did she know the donor? There was probably an agreement where the guy said, yeah you can use my sperm but I will NOT be financially responsible for them. That's the more likely scenario.

  15. Oh and you cannot reveal the donor either. This woman is a hot mess.

  16. I don't know how it is in California, but in the two states in which I worked for a domestic relations/adoption attorney, a mom cannot just make an "agreement" with the bio father which would let him off the hook for child support. The child has independent rights to both support and nurturing from both parents, irrespective of what those adults say. She doesn't get to give him a pass or prevent her children from access to him/his financial support. Ironically, though, if we introduce commerce/profit into the equation, and purchase sperm from a certified sperm bank, then the sperm donor has no obligations, the sperm bank makes money, and all is good.

  17. 3culprits, there are many states in which parents can make an agreement not to pay one another child support, and it is legal and court sanctioned. I think you are thinking of the case when a parent uses public aid to support a child, then niether parent can waive those moneys used...the State wants to be paid back. Now as to Octo Mom, I think she is full of it, there is no way girlfriend turned down that kind of money.

  18. A person can also make a promise to someone and actually keep that promise.

    I definitely think Octomom has some mental health issue(s) to have had all those kids in the first place, but I see no reason why she couldn't remember the names of her children. That's silly. She also hasn't demonstrated an "anything for money" attitude. I don't get where those comments are coming from. If anything, she needs to give in and take the money more often.
