Tuesday, January 31, 2012

OK Go And Sesame Street

I'm not sure I could come up with a better band to make some music videos for Sesame Street. I would love to see them make a whole lot more, but for right now the group has completed one called "3 Primary Colors." That is similar to the three main food groups. Bacon, booze and fruit mixers. If for some reason the video does not come up, click here.


  1. That was freaking awesome! My three year old is going to love that!

  2. More OK Go fun with treadmills:


  3. Fun, but enty - PLEASE share videos with the auto play set to off. I can't have people in my office hearing this suddenly blare from the speakers each time I reload the site!

  4. I loved this! I'll bet it cost as much to make that video as an entire episode of Sesame Street!

    Lol kids tv is wasted on kids sometimes

  5. So there's no way to turn it off?

  6. Ditto that, Seachica. I opened the page and hadn't scrolled down yet. It scared the eff out of me, I didn't know where it was coming from because I thought it was some virus/ad.

    I bet kids love this, I'm just not a huge fan of this kind of stuff.

  7. yup. exactly what seachica said.

  8. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Ugh. Cute video, but I'm on and off this site through the day, I'm not sure how many times I can hear how blue and red make purple without barfing.

  9. OMGGGGGG!!! That was soooo cooooooooool!!!! Love stop motions.... Loved the song!! =D

  10. Anonymous10:02 AM

    This reminds me of the old Sesame Street shows when I was a kid. Loved it! But yeah, Enty? Do turn off the auto feature. I jumped out of my chair for a second before I scrolled down. :-)

  11. This IS GREAT!!! Totally Shiite day and this has turned it around

  12. Damn you spell check!! Shitty shitty shitty day

  13. I love their videos. This reminds me more of the old school Electric Company.

  14. No auto play, please. Scared the crap out of me.

  15. LOVE their videos. The treadmill one never fails to brighten my day. They also have a great Rube Goldberg video, too, called "This too Shall Pass".

  16. This is so awesome!

  17. It looks like this is based on the band's "End Love" video.

    Damian Kulash is SO CUTE. I have a thing for tall, thin, artistic guys.
