Thursday, January 05, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Meryl Streep looking amazing at the premiere of Iron Lady.
Ryan Gosling is really serious about this MMA stuff. He has been going everyday.
So, what do we think Selena Gomez got? It looks small. It looks light. Not a salad though. No one craves a McDonald's salad. You might get one if you are there, but that is not the reason you go.
Oh, she got a drink to go with it. Always a good idea because of the salt.
Well, we know fries are part of it.
Snooki in a boxing ring would be interesting. She is small, but is a fighter.
Back to domestic bliss. Sinead O'Connor and her husband haul in the trash.
This man has a 190 pound tumor in his leg and doctors are going to try and get it out. That is basically two Snookis.
Vanessa Hudgens obviously wants Van Halen to break up again.


  1. Maybe Selena is having cravings? you know re: blind on being preggers.

    Enty, I HATE seeing shit like that. I take breaks at work to read your blog, WHILE EATING. Please, no more tumors. I beg.

  2. Anonymous12:07 PM


    That poor man. :-(

    Ryan Gosling. *drools*

  3. Yes, I too was having lunch...*L*

  4. I could have gone the rest of my life not seeing that picture.

    Thanks Enty.

  5. How do you let a tumor get that big before operating?!

  6. My thoughts exactly, seachica. Wasnt he annoyed enough by it when it got to 5 pounds?

  7. McDonald salads are served in plastic bags so they are easier to carry and are separate from the hot food.

    While I don't crave their salads, I am a good eater on occasion.

  8. I, on the other hand, LIVE for shows and articles about stuff like giant tumors! ;-P Too cool.

    I also wonder how it got that big. On the TLC shows, though, often people like that live somewhere very remote in a 3rd world country, etc. OR, they just have a fear of doctors.

  9. Seachica...that was the first thing that went through my mind...

  10. Meryl Streep is our own Helen Mirren...wonderful..

  11. Did NOT need to see the tumor photo!

  12. I vote for no more pictures of tumours, please. I was just about to reheat my leftovers for lunch but now I think I'll give it a while.

    I find Meryl just gorgeous, for some reason. In a kind of clinical, ethereal sort of way, if that makes sense. In fact, I find her more beautiful the older she gets.

  13. But best wishes to the poor guy with the tumor.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I looked around for more info on the man with the tumor. HuffPo is reporting that the surgery today was successful, so far. Post op is a very important time for such a high risk surgery. The man lives in Viet Nam and the tumor has been growing since he was 5 years old. His family used what little money they had to amputate his leg at the knee to try to stop this tumor but it came back again higher up. The American doctor waived his fee for the surgery and donations covered the rest of the costs. He is basically bed bound and his 61 year old mother takes care of him, so here's hoping the surgery works and he can get out and have something of a more normal life in a few months.

    More info, with lots of photos so be careful:

  16. Oh I have the same bins as Sinead... yeah for Irelands rubbish! lol

  17. Snookie - they could pound on her for days and still not hit flesh, just layers of makeup

    Ryan - I know someone who is into that, it apparently is quite addicting

    I'm glad the surgery was a success but man, I could have used a warning. That kinda stuff freaks me out.

  18. haha - as I was scrolling through the pics I thought the pink boxing gloves were snooki's boobs! lol.

  19. No more tumor pictures please! I had just eaten, too.

  20. Snooki's picture reminds me of Holly Madison's Butterballs, Heidi Montag's melons, Tila Tequila's balloons; she "just happened" to be caught in that pose...!
    I'm glad Tumor Man's doing better, but Good God, that was a shock!
    And I hope for the female readers here that Ryan Gosling doesn't go all Mickey Rourke on us.

  21. I think they use a laser for that kind of a tumor...

    RocketQueen, I think you described Meryl perfectly, I've seen her in person and she even lovelier.

  22. On Selena - maybe a kid's meal (I do that as damage control -- 300 cal. vs. 760 for a full-size meal.)

  23. Iron Lady looks SO good!

    "Please get out of my Van Halen t-shirt before you jinx the band and they break up!"

  24. @Monsters...any tumor surgery needs to be precise. There are blood vessels involved that all need to be dealt with properly to avoid bleeding.

    Poor guy. It must have been excruciating to live like that.

  25. Snooki kind of looks like that Palin offspring, I forget her name, now that she's lost weight.

  26. But man, do I love Meryl Streep! I can't wait to see that movie!

  27. I'm guessing Selena had a McChicken, small fries and large diet coke...

  28. Meryl is super nice and sweet. We lived in the same neighborhood. I was strugllng with my grocery bags and my bike when someone came up to help me. It was only after I caught my breath I realized it was her, and she flashed a goodbye smile.

    That tumor, oh that tumor very gross that poor man. Glad to learn more of the story.

  29. Anyone else notice Sinead STILL has her hallowe'en decorations up????

  30. Anonymous3:35 PM

    The tumor picture is more palatable than the one of that poser ass Vanessa girl wearing a damn Van Halen t-shirt.

  31. I love the Onion story that Meryl couldn't go to trial because they couldn't find a jury because she has no peers.

    Gosling's MMA training is for a role. But still, good for him for being so committed.

  32. @BigMama - I'm on that drug, and won't be quitting anytime soon. Unless he does something A-Rod douchey.

    @Mooshki - Forgot to tell you that yeah, if you want to sell sexy, panther-like Ryan, Crazy Stupid Love is the way to go. Found though he had more cuteness with Emma Stone, than hotness with Rachel McAdams.

  33. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Jesus Christ, do you want to lose readers? I would stop visiting a site if I thought there was a chance I'd see pictures like that? Think first.
