Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Today's Blind Items

This A+ list movie actor has been in this space before when he has slipped. This time though it is way more than a slip. He was at one point probably the most rehabbed actor in the world and now he needs it again. Desperately. He thinks he is hiding it from his wife, but he is not. One talk show almost kicked him out of the studio because he was so wasted before finally relenting and letting him on air.


  1. I hate to say it but I think it's RDJ....hope not.

  2. If it was an ex-wife... I would've guessed Mel Gibson.

    Michael Douglas?

  3. HA! I knew RDJ was still tripping the sober spaztastic

  4. I hope it's not RDJ- he's got a baby on the way. His poor wife.

  5. My first thought was RDJ too, but would he really be A+? I'd buy A, but A+ seems a little high for him.

  6. ^oh that makes me sad! I was hoping he was really and truly clean.

  7. It really sounded like RDJ to me too :(

  8. Oh, RDJ, Why do you do that to yourself?

  9. RDJ was my first thought too, but A+?? really??

    maybe i just don't want to believe it's him.....

  10. I think he is def. A+ right now and "most rehabbed" can't be anyone but him.

  11. Co-sign RDJ guess.

    Here's my new year's resolution: I'm keeping track of my blind guesses this year so I can compare my answers to 07/04/2012 reveals. Yeah, it won't really help humanity or even myself, but it's going to be fun and smutty!

  12. I wish this person well. Kicks are kicks, and we all want what we want. Sometimes, the costs doesn't matter. If it is RDJ, he would appear to have had a good run. He can do it again, maybe longer.

  13. Yup. RDJ. I'd buy A+ for him. On his name alone, but he's had success recently with Sherlock Holmes and Iron Man.

  14. Definitely RDJ. And yeah, I'd say A+ since he's in two successful movie franchises right now.

  15. I saw RDJ for a few minutes on Letterman last night and the interview seemed a little quirky. Maybe that's just the combination of personalities.

  16. remember when we used to guess affleck for everything?

    idk if he's still that high-ranked, but i'll throw his name into the hat.

  17. Oh shit, yes I'm sure it's RDJ too. He's A+ because he's both a respected, serious actor AND brings in the big bucks with his movies.

    How very sad, if true. I wish him the best!

  18. I immediately thought of RDJ as well. This gives me the sads if it's true.

  19. I also immediately thought of RDJ (especially because of the recent blind where everyone speculated RDJ was using again), but I am really hoping it isn't him. Maybe Affleck or Douglas?

    Famously rehabbed kind of gives it away. I find this utterly depressing since he was so successful at keeping sober. Yikes.

    And @LMSM - I am down with a little record-keeping of guesses... I think I'll keep a little spreadsheet with my guesses - I'll let you know in July how I do...

  20. Oh RDJ. Addiction is such an ugly thing. He's beat it before, I have faith he can beat it again...he needs to since he has a little one nearly here!

  21. I used to be so sympathetic to RDJ. I saw him as extremely talented and the only one he hurt was himself. But lately, he's seemed a bit full of himself, he's got two franchises, more money than he could ever spend, and is far more commercial than artistic. I still like him, but if he's going down this path again, I'm a little less sympathetic this time.

  22. Probably RDJ, but there have to be other possibilities. I'd say Owen Wilson, except he's not A+

  23. *hoping Himmmmm comments on this post*


  24. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Samuel L. Jackson was addicted to cocaine and heroin. Rehabbed around 1990, never heard about him slipping off the wagon. His wife is an actress and producer, and has been very supportive of him. Just to throw out another name.

  25. chopchop, great call! Himmmmmm? Are you out there? Care to share?

  26. I totally agree with the Robert Downey Jr. guess. Last night, Letterman re-ran the recent show which had him as a guest. I wanted to chalk up the glassy bloodshot eyes and fidgety behavior to being over-tired and nervous, but it really looked like someone trying to hide being inebriated. I wonder if Dave asking about which films RDJ did while under the influence was because he knew the guy was off the wagon.

    Anyway, I hope he gets well again.

  27. @ms snarky - if luke wilson is A, then wouldn't that make owen A+? :)

  28. @KLM glad you're playing with me!

  29. ITA Elizabeth, I haven't really liked his personality for a while now. He comes off as Mr. Too Cool in interviews.

    I totally think this blind is him and it's even more sad with a baby on the way.

  30. Definitely RDJ. There was a rumor that he relapsed right after the success of Sherlock Holmes but that he thought he could handle it.

  31. I hope it's not RDJ. I was so glad when he finally seemed to get himself straightened up because he's so freakin' talented. If it is him, I hope he gets the help he needs.

  32. Oh, no. Not RDJ. :( How awful - I really hope someone can help him ASAP.

  33. There was a rumor going around a year or two ago that RDJ smokes the funny cigarettes with his teenager, and that's OK. I love him, but I thought at the time that activity will only bring him back into addiction. And that means that he never really got his mind right in rehab.

  34. If it's RDJ it's really nothing new :

    From CDAN June 2008 :

    To me, this one was a little heartbreaking to hear. This once troubled actor who has peaked and valleyed between A and C list his entire career depending on his drug use was thought to be clean and enjoying some big success once again. However, it is just that success that may have caused his most recent slip. Oh, he slipped alright. Twice is what I hear. Separate nights. The question is going to be whether it was truly just a slip or if this is going to be another long, twisted spiral downward.

    I don't think it's possible to work in Hollywood and stay sober, way too many temptations.

  35. Nobody else but RDJ. I've seen recent news stories of him and Guy Ritchie going to pubs to celebrate birthdays, whatever else. No sober alchoholic would enjoy going to pubs. It was a red flag when I read that.

  36. @LSMS - okay, for this one I am going RDJ, but in the future I will count my first guess as my guess, regardless of whether or not I change my mind after the general consensus has responded. Sound fair?

  37. Yeah, what everyone else said - RDJ was my first thought. I think he would be A+ based on the Sherlock Holmes movies and name recognition. Plus he's been nominated for a couple of Oscars.

  38. ...and won a couple of Golden Globes.

  39. I saw him on Kimmel a few weeks ago and he looked. High as a kite. I still love him though

  40. I don't want to accept RDJ. Please some of you amazing experts on pop culture who post here refute this with receipts. Please...I adore him, and don't want to hear of him doing badly.

  41. This isn't new guys.

  42. I am on the bandwagon of hoping it isn't him.

  43. RDJ is definitely A+. He has two franchises (Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes), plus he's in The Avengers which is expected to be a massive hit.

  44. I will not accept that it is RDJ... others that have been to rehab more than once: Robin Williams.. yes, ben Affleck.. Ozzy.. Sam Jackson.. CHARLIE SHEEN.. Mel Gibson.. I just don't want it to be RDJ... :( Soo sad...

  45. What iheartjacksparrow said.

    I hope he doesn't f- everything up. He seems like an amazing man, talented, funny, HANDSOME... so scary when alcoholics relapse. You never know what will happen.

  46. I think it is RDJ, too. I wonder if the talk show was Graham Norton? Remember Enty posting a couple of weeks ago about Disney and Law showing up almost an hour late to do his show? That kind of behavior is consistent with this blind. Plus he seemed pretty out of it on Live with Kelly the last time he was a guest. My husband even commented on it.

  47. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/robert-downey-jr-sherlock-holmes-game-shadows-274725

    I don't know guys-he was on Jimmy Kimmel on December 16th and sure seemed sharp as a tack.

  48. Here he is on Live:


    On Letterman:


    Seems pretty spot on to me on all 3 of these!

  49. Whether we like it or not, there's no one hotter than RDJ right now--he's as A as it gets. He was my first thought; hanging around with Jude Law prolly isn't good for one's sobriety.

  50. I really hope it isn't Robert. I really like him and have pulled for him through the years.

    Who else can we toss on the sacrificial table to make this not so?? I hate to do that .. but some other A+'er has got to go down.

    Good career and baby on the way .. it can't be RDJ. Nope .. Hanks! You're done!

  51. If he got clean before, he can do it again, he just needs to get his ass to rehab ASAP!!!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. i hope i'm wrong but i have to jump on the RDJ bandwagon. I saw a pap pic of him a few months back maybe longer, he'd just gone into a liquor store I think.

    geeeeeez I hope its not him.

  54. I watched RDJ on that Lettermen link and he seemed pretty normal to me. David can be highly irritating sometimes and if anything RDJ struck me as irked at David going on endlessly about his past addiction issues. Irked to the point of wanting to kick him in the nuts. Maybe it was just how I would have felt, like, can we get past this already?
    Cute that RDJ has a black cat who looks like my Black Jack.

  55. I watched RDJ on that Lettermen link and he seemed pretty normal to me. David can be highly irritating sometimes and if anything RDJ struck me as irked at David going on endlessly about his past addiction issues. Irked to the point of wanting to kick him in the nuts. Maybe it was just how I would have felt, like, can we get past this already?
    Cute that RDJ has a black cat who looks like my Black Jack.

  56. Me beat me to it! Was going to say Robin Williams, but I don't think it is Robin because saw him on Graham Norton and he was fine plus the hear surgery. I don't want it to be RDJ. Don't want it to be either!

  57. Split personality?

  58. I agree its RDJ, I saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie and he looked tired and drawn.

  59. If Luke Wilson can be A, RDJ can be A+ I guess

  60. I HATE that this is RDJ! I've pullled for him for years! Gave me hope! Hopefully he'll get back clean soon!! I'm still rooting for him!! Xxo

  61. I HATE that this is RDJ! I've pullled for him for years! Gave me hope! Hopefully he'll get back clean soon!! I'm still rooting for him!! Xxo

  62. there is a post after mine, that is not "Me". how is that possible....

  63. RDJ - say it ain't so!!

  64. "most rehabbed actor in the world" can honestly only mean RDJ

    Sad, really sad.

  65. The one thing about RDJ is that he can't hide it very well during interviews. His eyes get a really distinct shine in the studio lights. I noticed it years ago before he ever got into trouble the first time. His eyes actually catch light in a way I've never seen in any other celeb.

  66. (Please excuse the run-on un-spellchecked writing - I'm not on a keyboard:-)

    Sorry I'm late fellas...I'm on a short "vacation". Wow, It's good to know that so many people like this RDJ actor person and are pulling for him. I'll bet if he knew that - it would really warm his heart and make him feel very touched. All of you are so wonderful and kind, I'm sure he would THANK YOU EACH AND ALL SINCERELY if he read these.

    Anytime an actor/actress is on a talk show, it can be disorienting. Imagine your normal holiday rush and bustle, PLUS trying to do press and open a big movie with all the junkets and meet-ups, etc. Covering 16 states in USA then 12 foreign countries - each with their own languages and challenges - all the while trying to finish up TWO MORE movies and begin a THIRD. THEN flying back to USA from London on a LONG, LONG flight (and you cannot even drink - because anyone seeing you with a wine glass assumes you're off the wagon and tweets it to a nosey nelly who posts it as a blind item). Sorry, I digress...

    Anyway, yes - recovery is a lifelong process especially when you have tried every drug created - and found your brain receptors enjoy most of them! All it takes to slip up is one sprained ankle from a stunt on a shoot in the woods, and the medic or doc gives you some painkillers - just a few prescribed so it's legit right? - and your brain says: "AH-HAH! That feels GREAT ALL OVER!". Next thing you know, you want to feel good again, repeat, rinse, repeat. THEN guess what? You're going - HOLY SHIT! I'm off the wagon again! So you have to go take a little vacation and get back on that wagon because you have an amazing wife and an incoming child/existing child/children whom you would never want to disappoint or hurt! Not to mention you don't wanna jeopardize your insurance completion bond and risk being unemployable again (esp. when 100s of people depend on you for THEIR jobs!).

    So you go, get smart again, find your center, and life goes on. But we never truly beat the demons of addiction, just keep them at bay and stay on our "diet from destruction" because some things mean more to us than ourselves (those we love and love us).

    So yes, everyone is human and fallible. Meantime, I hope all of you AWESOME people are safe, well, healthy, and are blessed and blissed. Remeber that EVERYONE is important to SOMEONE and you're all HEROES just for staying with the grind! I'm POSITIVE this actor you discuss would be humbled at your kindness. Totally positive. That is...IF he read it. Happy belated New Year!

  67. Thanks for posting, Himmmm!

  68. Awww, Himmmm, I teared up a little reading your comment, hate how people assume the worst.

  69. I don't think this Himmmm character is RBJ. Though I'm with the majority, I think this blind item is him :'(

  70. Ohhhh, Himmmm, thanks for posting! Can't help it, but we miss regular posters when they don't post for a while and then worry about them w/o taking into account that they have other "real" lives that might be occupying their time 24/7.

    People wondered about several regular posters who haven't logged on here recently, and we heard from some of them during the year end recaps.

    It was great to hear from all who chimed in, and as far as i'm concerned the others are either at a hot beach or on a cold mountain or someplace that keeps them busy and happy. They'll drop by when they can.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Actually, I think Himmmm is him. And I thought it was a very lovely note. Thanks for making it. Most people touched by addiction (my son kicked heroin) consider RDJ one of our own. We're always happy to see him going on and getting stronger. Forget comic book heroes, the real heroes are the people who struggle against their demons and win the battle in the end.

  73. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Am I the only one who thinks ” most rehabbed” could refer to not public drug.rehab but public image rehab??? I think it's Johnny Depp. He went from bad bad boy to disney darling. Kate Mosses partner in crime to.Vanessa Pardelies angelic husband. Dont tell me their was not a ton of drug use in the.Kate/Winona years...and one could go to rehab out,of the public eye

  74. Wow...if that is you RDJ what a beautiful sentiment. If not, then Hmmmmm sure hit the nail on the head as to why so many people pull for him.

  75. Anonymous9:58 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Because I love RDJ oh so much I've been trying to think of other possible people. Go easy on me I never publish my guesses but what about:

    Kiefer Sutherland

  77. It's not RDJ! His wife and handler have him on a tight watch for that. He's always a bit quirky on talk shows and always manic! As for going to bars, my father in law and sister in law sadly both duff elected through sever alcoholism. Happily they are clean now and they come to all bars and restaurants with us. Seeing him in one means nothing.

    Also RDJ's wife is one pretty tough ass woman and has Said repeatedly she would leave him if he relapsed and man having known her for a bit I do believe it. She is strong and baby or no she would go.

  78. Even though this blog post is over a year old, I'm going to comment. Its defiantly Ozzy Osborne because he had to go back to rehab around this time and admitted back in April of 2012 that he fell off the wagon again. We all know about his battle with drugs, which was much worse then what RDJ went through back in the 90's and 00's. In fact doctors actually speculate how Ozzy is still alive today. Luckily as of now he is clean once again.
