Wednesday, January 18, 2012

US Weekly Jumps On My Rihanna/Chris Brown Reveal - Claims An "Exclusive"

US Weekly put their entire staff of reporters to work to find out what I already told you. Chris Brown and Rihanna are together as much as possible. I felt like reveals day was all about Chris Brown. I think I revealed two of them and there was a third too, but like Ben Affleck used to be the standard answer for all blind items, I did not want Chris Brown to be the standard answer now. Anyway, US Weekly has a bunch of sources who do not reveal their names who say that Rihanna and Chris Brown hook up whenever they are in the same town together which would lead to the third blind item reveal which you can find and says something like Chris is cheating on his girlfriend. Not just with Rihanna. I man he will cheat on his current girlfriend with anyone who happens by and is not repelled by the mere sight of a guy who beat a woman and tried to chew her ear off. Speaking of which, why would Rihanna be with the guy either?

I love how US Weekly also calls it an exclusive. Seriously? WTF is exclusive about stealing my story and claiming it as your own?


  1. Sue them, Enty. SUE THEM ALL.

    Happy Wednesday!

  2. He's an ugly motherfucker.

  3. Sad for her. She needs to study-up and learn about sociopaths and psychopaths. They're not all serial killers. They're out here with all of us.

  4. She is as repulsive as he is now. She is the newer version of Whitney Houston.

  5. What's he got that Rhianna can't give up? Girl needs to look elsewhere.

  6. You are a lawyer. Do something about it!

  7. Rihanna's lost any sympathy she had with me. If you return to your abuser (especially in her case - no children involved, she is massively financially independent), you cease to be the victim and become an accomplice.

  8. Just read about this somewhere else, but I knew YOU SAID IT FIRST, Enty :)

    (I believed that blind, but sure didn't want to!)

  9. Having children is even more reason to not return to the abuser....

  10. I'm surprised JayZ lets this go on. As he said to Howard Stern, "That's my ahhhtist." He should be protecting his investment.

    Also, she's clearly a big fat mess in that head of hers.

  11. ChasingHeaven, I totally agree with you. However, if they did have children together I would at least understand why she would ever have to have any contact at all with him. Plus, sadly I know some women who seem to think their kids "need a momma and a daddy" when daddy is a grade-A psychopath! I don't understand it, but I have seen it.

  12. Scum of the earth that guy!

  13. Genuinely sorry, Enty. Drudge has done the same thing to the entire national press corps, taking their headlines and running them in real time to compete against the people who actually get the content and break the news. Has made the entire public think information just magically appears with no effort online and takes no work and will that this will always be the case.

  14. Sorry they stole your story Enty, but isn't it better that it gets more exposure? The more exposure it gets, the more pressure she's under to drop his ass for real this time.

  15. Perez Hilton has a story on it also. Way to go Enty!

  16. Can she really be that stupid ?

  17. Anonymous9:19 AM

    @ Ms Snarky: I get the impression that Jay-Z may be close to washing his hands of Rihanna. Just a hunch, but I can't remember I've seen him attend one of her concerts or her attending one of his parties.

    If Jay walks away from her, Rihanna's career will be over in two years, tops.

  18. Cathy - It's not giving Enty exposure if they don't give him credit.

    Does anyone know what the third blind it?

  19. Interesting theory, Layna. Rihanna sure does make some stupid personal decisions, but in my opinion she is huge right now, and that means dolla signs for Jay Z. He seems to really just be all about the mighty dollar, so as long as Rihanna's bringing him bank, I think he'll be loyal to her.

    Yes, her actions scream stupidity. But she's young. She probably thinks this loser is her one and only.

    I think Eminem really did capture the nature of these situations in the song he wrote about it with Rihanna singing. It's sad, but what are you going to do? So many women do not know what it's like to have a good man. Sad.

  20. That is pretty cheesy & low. I know I've seen other sites discuss this but every single one gave credit to CDAN with a link.

    Hopefully the people that pick up US Weekly will remember they've already read this story somewhere else... oh yeah, on the best website ever.

    I also hopes this shakes Rihanna up enough to leave that stupid guy.

  21. The young are so stupid when it comes to relationships! Rhianna is probably being histrionic about the whole thing and romanticizing their relationship as some sort of forbidden love "No one understands"! Hopefully she comes to her senses before he beats the hell out of her again. He's not even cute and seems dumb as a rock!

  22. come on. As if no one here ever had a fist fight with their teenage years boytoy. Sh*t gets real heavy during those years. You still believe in "forever," etc.

    I'm not saying I condone, just that I understand.

    (and this is why I tell my kids, you guys can f*ck, but remember, there are far worse things than STD's you've got to worry about, like killing yourself when the relationship ends, getting pregnant-dealing with having an abortion, and all that jazz, cheating partners-and killing yourself over that...suffice to say, I've got the only "chaste freaks" in the 'hood. They say I've shared too much of my "story" and have repulsed them for good.) -but believe me, they're no angels. Just not sexually active. And I've said, truthfully, 16yrs and above is when sex, if you must, should begin. Anything before that is just not right.

  23. Eeeh yeah, no I can definitely say that I never got into a fistfight with anyone. Ever, actually. And I don't have any friends who have, either. Is it really that common?

    And I thought that Jay Z had dropped Rihanna /she fired him (different versions) in the fall of 2011?

  24. We know the story is yours!
    Like I said yesterday at the basketball watching picture, I think she is kind of trashy now. Chris is not a good man, she likes it rough.

    They obviously have some appeal for one another, You wouldn't think it would be worth losing a lot of your fans over though.

    I think they both have serious problems. They both have to have been told that a hundred times.

    I will no longer care much what they do or don't do.

  25. @Karmen - I didn't mean that it was good to give enty exposure... i meant that it's good for the story in general to get exposure so that she has no choice but to leave his ass for real.

  26. No, I have never been in a fistfight with a boyfriend. I don't think it's par for the course when you're young, or at any age really.

    And I don't think enty could sue, because his identity might have to be revealed and that would bring about a whole new mess of problems I'm sure...*L*

  27. I co-sign everything Susan said. If this is true, she will look back at this time in her life when she is in her 30s and feel sick. I know I do, and I did exactly what she's doing right now - went back with a guy who smacked me around. I was in my early 20s and so, SO dumb.

  28. I have never hit or been hit. My daughter called me once while her SO was throwing her into a wall. She clocked him with the phone. When I got there he was long gone and she never saw him again.
    It had been a "love match" up till then. She was smart enough to know that once is enough.

  29. "come on. As if no one here ever had a fist fight with their teenage years boytoy. Sh*t gets real heavy during those years. You still believe in "forever," etc"

    Sorry Omama, never got into a fist fight with a boyfriend or anyone else for that matter... I did however punch a mirror when I was 16 when I found out that my (older) boyfriend was sleeping with someone else cos I wouldn't. So I do agree with your second sentence

  30. I think the people condemning her are disgusting as if anyone here is exempt from making bad decisions. I remember reading once that Rihanna has the hallmarks of someone suffering from trauma caused by abuse. I mean the signs are there- A drug addicted violent and emotionally abusive dad, one of her first BF's in the industry (a dancer) allegedly treated her like dirt and of course her attraction and relationship with the psychotic Chris Brown. All anyone should really hope for is if this new info is true, that she has the strength to finally see sense and walk away.

  31. "As if no one here ever had a fist fight with their teenage years boytoy."

    Damn. That's sad.

  32. Love means respect at any age. I don't care if you are 16 or 60, if you LOVE someone you don't hurt them.

  33. beginning to ponder if the guy who chewed her head off was also a publicity stunt? you know makeup artist? this could all be to create a bad boy image for chris brown? while in the meantime this is a way for riri to get some acting chops as she is entering the feature film world after the wheels fall off in the music business? i dunno just a thought?

  34. I kinda figured they were back together for a while. All the pap photos of her the last couple months show a whack of bruises in various spots:(

  35. "As if no one here ever had a fist fight with their teenage years boytoy."

    Are you kidding? This is not normal human behavior. If this happens something is bad wrong. No I have never hit ANYone. It's just wrong. The people who DO hit have a severe problem. These people are the gutter trash, like Chris Brown and Amber Portwood. They need to be kept away from all of us.


  36. well my teenage years boyfriend and I had many a fist fight. We also did a lot of cocaine together, and LSD...which I'm sure added to the fights, as well as had two abortions (w/one pregnancy being created from a "rape," I said no...we didn't have protection).

    But yes, it happened. No I'm not proud of it, but hey, I've learned a lot from all my stupid behavior and bad mistakes and I'm not afraid to share the lessons learned.

    If you're wondering the ages, 16-18. (and we were the "rich" kids. he even lived across from Dottie Bush, Bush II sister) So don't think it's only the "poor" uneducated kids doing these sort of things. Just sayin'

  37. That last part was really for those who think "not my kids." Because you'd be surprised.
