Friday, January 20, 2012

Woman With Two Vaginas Gets $1M Porn Offer

This week, Hazel Jones shared with an television audience that she was born with a condition which gives her two vaginas and two cervix's. There is a fancy medical name for it, but with those things I can never pronounce them. I think they do the same thing at certain restaurants just to make you feel inadequate. I also appreciate when a restaurant has the name for something that is truly bizarre and of which you have never heard so you have to ask a waiter for a description of what the item is and they look at you like you have the IQ of LeAnn Rimes.

As you know Vivid is in the business of porn and making crazy offers so they offered Hazel $1M to star in a porn. She said no and I said good for her and it seemed like she was saying no because she was disgusted by doing porn. Now, I am not so sure. I decided all of this before actually reading the background and it turns out that she and her husband go to sex clubs all the time and she loves showing off her two vaginas so I guess maybe she wants more money? I don't know. I do know that I need to shower now which is tough to do at work. People stare. Probably because there are not actual showers per se, just sinks in the bathroom so it looks kind of strange to see a naked fat man using sink in the bathroom as a shower.


  1. I wonder if she gets money for showing it off in the sex clubs?

  2. Huh. I'm trying to picture what that would look like, despite myself.

  3. $1 million?!?!!? It's TWO vaginas, TWO. That sounds like $2 million to me. It just does.

  4. I actually think these offers are funny. Steve Hirsch knows no one is going to take him up on the offers. He gets tons of free publicity out of it for Vivid.

  5. @RQ, when I read about this I thought the same thing. I can't help but wonder what that looks like, how they are situated, etc... is that wrong?

  6. If it's true she already shows them off in sex clubs, then one day she'll regret not taking the money. $1 million. Even if she just puts it into savings and not stocks she can live off the interest every year -- it's about $40K after taxes.

  7. Enty, I think that you should take a picture of you sink bathing and make that your profile photo. Oh, and be eating some bacon at the same time.

    Is she really that special? I mean, I'm not an expert on the matter, but Vivid films typically make use of both inputs in that region. Holes are holes. Just saying.

  8. Lol RQ. I did the same thing.

  9. Add me to the group trying to figure out what it all looks like. I'm thinking it's getting crowded down there.

  10. Does she pee out of both?!
    Do you use 2 tampons?!

  11. I read something about a woman with this condition and they were stacked vertically but only one of them was really functional vaginally speaking. She got periods and had a vaginal birth out of only one of them. I don't know how it worked sexually for her.

  12. Glad I'm not the only one :)

  13. Ha haaa, nolachickee--

    "both inputs in that region" cracked me up!

  14. Yes okay, I am curious as well *blush*

    Okay, horrible of me to say this but... if she is showing off her lady bits in a dang SEX CLUB.. (only showing.. yeah right!) why not make some bank and trot it out for special occasions?

  15. Count me in as one of those that immediately wondered what it would look like. I also wondered if she has deal with her monthly out of both holes. What a pain in the butt!

  16. If she is already showing her stuff why not take Vivid up on the offer, she can choose her husband as a sex partner.

  17. Showing off your two for one vagina at sex clubs for the enjoyment of you and your partner is really different than getting gang banged on video for the world to see. I do not see how her enjoying certain things sexually automatically mean she is up for porn or at the least that she should be ok doing it. and I think it's shitty that this assumption seems to be have traction.

  18. Anonymous11:11 AM

    This is called uterus didelphys, and actually isn't that uncommon -- about one in every few thousand women are born with some form of it. It occurs when two tubes fail to fuse in utero. Normally, the tubes fuse and form one uterus, one cervix, and one vagina. This woman's two fuses never joined, leaving her with two of each. I don't know what her specific anatomy looks like, but most of the time it's a largely internal anomoly. Many women never even know they have this until childbirth, when uterus didelphys can result in breach births and the doctor only then finds a double uterus or cervix when performing a C-section. Most of the time, only one of the systems is in working order. However, since she says she asked a friend "which hole" to put a tampon in as a teen, that leads me to believe that she does actually have a visible second vagina.

  19. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Breech, not breach. My bad.

  20. I suppose I see your point, nellie, but she IS already showing her lady bits to people other than her husband, letting them gawk at it and whatnot. It's not such a huge stretch to think she might decide to make a cool $1mil off the dang thing on video...doesn't mean she has to get gang-banged on film, per se.

  21. I have 2 vagina's. Its really not that uncommon. My gyno has 8 other patients with the same condition. They are side by side and I use 2 tampons. Although I never knew until I had an ultrasound done in my early 20's.

  22. It only states she has two vaginas and two cervix, she may not have two wombs. @sarahhh, I just had a hysterectomy because of severe endometriosis, the fact you have to use two tampons at a time is mind blowing to me. Do you have two uterus, or is it one uterus and two exits for the blood? Hope I am not rude to ask.

  23. Hannah Palindrome: You don't pee out of your vagina. Urine comes from the bladder out the urethra....a different hole entirely.

    But like sarahhhh said, two vaginas and a double uterus means that you could have to use 2 tampons during a period.

  24. @sarahhhh, thank you for your information. I'd heard of this condition but did not know it was this uncommon.
    May I say in advance that I wish you well when menopause arrives.

  25. Count me as another curious about what this looks like.

    Would I want to see this woman being gang banged in a porno? NO

    But some still shots? Maybe :)

    Btw, I skimmed this post (cause I noticed Enty was babbling about unrelated things again) and saw something about IQs and LeAnn Rimes...and now I am confused and intrigued about how this relates to 2Vaginas.

    Now if Enty said something about two assholes relating to LeAnn Rimes, this would make a lot more sense.

    The woman talks out of her ass a lot, is what Im saying.

  26. LeAnn, not the two Vadge lady

  27. This cleared up a few of my questions about this post and sarahhhh's comment:

  28. I found these images:

  29. @ selenakyle :) I was just being cranky. Weird day. I think 1 million dollars could make a lot of things palatable for a lot of people. Plus she is experimental it seems like, so who knows. :) i just think that with the main attraction being her two vaginas, they (vivid) are gonna want their money's worth, which to me says minimum of two guys.
    And honestly I think my perception of this story is being strongly tainted by a documentary I watched that followed women getting into porn. It was brutal. Which raised my ick factor considerably.
    Lastly, I have nothing against porn and think if she is ok with it she should go for it!
    Ok and a question... No, it's too embarrassing lol

  30. @nellie: At this point we've all shared quite a bit. I cannot imagine your question would be all that embarrassing. Truly this fascinating. I have never heard of this and like everyone else wondered, is it side by side, one on top of the others? The pictures iheartjacksparrow linked us to offered zero help for me. I do know someone born without one. sigh..

  31. Bahaha! I'm so glad I came back to see what everyone had to say. This site is a veritable wealth of fascinating knowledge and commentary.

  32. Another thought I just had..... If she has two sets of overies, could she get two periods in the one month? Would she ovulate twice? And could she get pregnant, be six months along, then get pregnant in the other uterus?

  33. I know a bit about this, because I have a septate uterus, which is another kind of Mullerian duct issue. Basically, the Mullerian ducts are 2 tubes that normally fuse and which create the vagina, cervix & uterus. A septate uterus means that the tubes fused but the septum in the middle didn't disappear (which is what they're supposed to do); sometimes the septum is just a depression at the top of the uterus or a small barrier, but in my case, it extended all the way down to the cervix--you can get pregnant, but it would be virtually impossible to carry long enough, and if things went that far, there's a definite risk of uterine rupture, which can be fatal very quickly. They can do what's called a metroplasty, in which they snip the septum off at the bottom; theoretically it should "roll up like a window shade," as I was told, but apparently my shade got stuck about halfway. (Why yes, I AM a freak of nature; I've even got an accessory nipple as well...)

  34. I can't read any more comments past my tears of laughter, thanks @RQ!

  35. Showing select people at sex clubs is not the same as filming porn. Glad she isn't trying to make money off of this, but is still managing to enjoy herself.

  36. I'm dying over this comment on TMZ...
    i would use one for teen years and college and save the other one for when i got married to someone special

    I've heard of having a double uterus, but not a double vagina. This site surely is a wealth of knowledge!
