Friday, January 13, 2012

Your Turn

It's Friday the 13th. There was a time in my life when I never would even go outside the house on Friday the 13th. A couple of times when I was in elementary school I had some crazy things happen on that day so it took me many years to get over it. Now, for the most part I don't notice it, but when I stop and think about it, I can definitely want to stay in and hide until midnight. The problem is then I usually end up drinking and hoping I will pass out until midnight. Anyway, has anyone had anything happen bad to them on Friday the 13th? Are you superstitious? You could also throw in your favorite horror film for people to watch tonight to add a little fear to their Friday.


  1. No this is the same as any other Friday...

  2. Number 13 is my LUCKY NUMBER!!! Very true. Will be buying lotto tickets tonight!!

    Also, twice a year, on Friday the 13h, I've implemented a Free Pizza For all day! Yep, we'll be having free pizza today. Screw law-carbing.

    Scary movie? I'm a wimp. The first Jurassic Park. Yes. Did not see any of the previews. Only saw the title trembling, and went into the movie blind.

    You know when the audience is very much into a movie? Well, I have never heard this much screaming in my life!!! the guy behind me was praying "ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygo" during the WHOLE movie. I squeezed the shit out of my date's arm. We were all afraid to get out of the movie theater. T-Rexes were waiting for us outside, we were positive of that.

    Oh yeah, we had smoked bad weed.

  3. My dad died on a Friday the 13th when I was 10, so yeah, I'm not really a fan.

  4. Friday the 13th is just another day for me. I'm superstitious about putting my purse down on the floor. Allegedly if you do that, you'll go broke. Yeah, it sounds stupid, but I do it anyway.

  5. Sorry Redhotpepper, loses like that never heal

    I met my ex husband on a Friday the 13th. Months later we had our first date on a Firday the 13th. He proposed on a Friday the 13th. I wish I could say that I asked for a divorce on a Friday the 13th but sadly no.

    Movie - in vein with what I wrote above I would have to say just about any unrealistic Romantic comedy.....which is all of them. ;)

  6. Today, our little Moose turns 10. We are celebrating by going out to eat at his favorite restaraunt and then going to get a bike. this morning, he got to have his favorite breakfast in his room while watching TV. Happy Birthday Bubba Moose!
    ps-we also own a black cat!!!

  7. I was born on Friday the 13th, so not a big deal for me. Pretty much like any other Friday.
    Besides when you think about it, in the universe, there is no such thing as "Friday" or the "13th" - those are things that were invented by man to keep track of what the solar system is doing. Just like time.

  8. I'm a little superstitious. I don't put my keys on the table, I don't walk under ladders, I spit three times if I see a black cat cross the road. But Friday the 13th isn't a big deal...I find MONDAY the 13th to be a lot worse *L*

    Nolachickee, I hadn't heard that one before. Henceforth, my purse will always go on a chair!!! *L*

  9. I think there is a little something to it, because people freak out about it being fri the 13th and act different than usual.

    Did I imagine seeing a full moon last night? That also brings out the crazy in people.

  10. Maja - why don't you put your keys on the table? I had heard the one about the purse though.

  11. Today has been the worst/craziest Friday the 13th for me - I woke up to find that my ENTIRE CITY is out of water. The whole city has shut down, people are fighting over bottles of water, and I'm starting to smell bad. I live in the Canadian Arctic, there is no way to get away from it, the only way in or out is by plane.

    I really need to use the bathroom.

  12. I was born on Friday the 13th. So I've always embraced the number. Got married on the 13th. Our house sale and our house buying both closed on the 13th.
    I don't usually watch horror films. I can watch aliens and that kind of gruesome, but when it's things that could actually happen with real people sawing up others etc. I cover my eyes and try not to have bad dreams.
    Except for Dexter! Of course I don't have to watch the cutting up part.

  13. @Jessica

    What you just said up there is the thing that comforts me the most when I get all crazy about how old I am getting.

  14. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Today is my wedding anniversary! No bad luck here!

  15. I'm so sorry RedHotPepper
    Happy Birthday to little Moose!

    The only superstitious thing I used to do was stupid. Not even sure if anyone else has heard of it. It's the 'kiss your hand and slap the interior roof of your car when you beat a yellow light' (stupid, see..I warned ya :D)
    I don't do it anymore, it was a college thing.

    As far as movies, I love the cheesy 'make you jump' movies like Friday the 13th and Halloween. Never been a fan of Nightmare on Elm Street though...hmm, no idea why.

    Really scary? Well you could always go with classics like Shining or Salem's lot.

    Good thriller? Silence of the Lambs or (classic) Rear Window. I LOVE that movie.

  16. Happy Anniversary Mama Mia!!!

  17. Considering that Friday the 13th is only a unlucky day for Templars I think I'll be just fine.

  18. Also, sorry to hear that The Help. That's scary in and of itself:( Hopefully emergency supplies will be flown in soon

    (sorry for all the posts guys)

  19. @Mama Mia - happy anniversary!

  20. First off, 13 is a LUCKY number and considered by pagans to have magical tendencies. IMO since religion loves to castigate all things pagan, they lucky 13 which meant good became unlucky 13 which means bad now.

    Second, I get that superstition exists but having worked in a animal shelter I get really really pissed off when people take it so seriously becuase believe it or not black cats year around (but especially on days like this and Halloween) are abandoned, tortured, and more simply because of their fur color. It's true. We saw so many black cats come in it was insane.

    SO yeah, I'm not really a fan of treating this day like some scary big deal.

    That being said, a good movie to scary the crap out of you is always the first Hellraiser shivverrrrrr.

  21. @redhotpepper So sorry for your loss.
    My daughter is with her boyfriend at this very moment to say goodbye to his dad, who is dying of cancer. It should be today, they think. Her boyfriend is only 16.

    Usually it's a pretty lucky day for me, but not this time.

  22. Happy Anniversary @Mama Mia!

  23. 13 is also lucky in the Italian culture, so says my almost FIL.

  24. @BigMama, I don't even know *LOL*. It's just bad luck in general, I think. I cannot bring myself to put my keys down on a table and I cringe when somebody else does it! I know it's silly.

    A friend of mine was just given a black kitten for christmas - apparently the shelters are full of them, people don't want black kitties. I was mostly concerned with the fact that she was given the cat. It's bad luck. You should always pay for a cat, apparently. Even if it's just a penny.

    Dude, I am too far gone.

  25. @Reno - Sorry for your daughter, must be hard on her bf!

  26. nolachickee - I hadn't heard that - the second I read your post I got up, picked up my purse from the floor and put it on my desk. Another thing to worry about!

  27. Nope, not really superstitious despite the fact that I wear my late father's gold mano cornuto and cuornuciello on a chain around my neck.

    I don't like horror/slasher movies like Friday the 13th but I really love zombie movies, from Shaun of the Dead to 28 Days Later/28 Weeks Later and stuff like District 9, 'tho I guess that is more of a thriller.

  28. Has anyone ever heard the "No shoes on tables or the bed or you'll have bad luck" superstition? Or is that something my grandmother made up so my dad and his siblings wouldn't do it lol? Either way, if I walk into a room and see shoes on a table or bed I gasp and put them down lol!

  29. Didn't know about purses on floors or keys on tables (thinking, where else do you put them? Does a counter count as a table?) but I just picked my purse off the floor :)

    Never had issues with the 13th but once - got really hurt at a Replacements show in Portland way back when - spent most of the show outside in agony, because my lameass boyfriend didn't want to leave and take me home. I blame that on the jerk, not on Friday the 13th.

    No, no full moon last night.

    @Mama Mia, happy anniversary!

  30. Also, like many other people, we have a black cat named Lucky. Maja, we got him from the shelter and we paid for him!

  31. I'm very superstitious about lots of crazy stuff, yet I think the number 13 is lucky and black cats are cute.

    I don't do horror flicks.

  32. ??? What's that thing: Don't put keys on a table??

  33. I was born on June Friday 13th two minutes after midnight. My mother has always said that she tried for Thursday the 12th but no luck. My two fav horror films are The Frighteners and Arachnophobia. While neither are your typical slasher horror movies, they are both pretty damn good.

  34. I have always had the best luck on Friday the 13ths and today is no exception. Had minor computer (and some major) issues and I finally got a technician here to fix them all. Rather than dragging 3 computers to the shop I got it done without that for $85!

    I too have heard don't leave the purse on the floor..That would 'splain a lot..No it wouldn't, it was the job loss that did that.

    Happy Anniversary and birthday to all who are celebrating. @Help- Hope you get relief soon!@ABlake..I still put the finger up on the roof when going through a yellow lite as security. It's not just for college! @BigMama: So very very true! *L*

  35. @Mama Mia, Happy Anniversary!

    Like I said before, born on Friday the 13th, you kinda have to go with it. I will walk under a ladder, love black cats.
    I will not put my purse on the floor. When we first moved to Vegas a woman told me that if I did that all the luck would run out.
    Not to mention I don't want floor germs all over the bottom of my purse. I have a habit of wiping off the bottom of my purse when I am in a public wash room after washing my hands.

  36. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Let's see. I graduated from high school on a Friday the 13th. Got my engagement ring on a Friday the 13th. Love black cats (and all cats), my purse is on the floor right now, and maybe I'm tempting fate, but I'm just happy to be alive.

    Scary movies... I don't think you can top the original "Psycho", but I remember seeing "Return of the Fly" at a drive-in movie and being pretty damn scared, especially when someone on their way to the concession stand stumbled against the car. Mostly scary movies don't scare me. I'm more scared by real things.

  37. My mother's mother was Spanish and she veered between staunch Roman Catholicism and all sort of superstitious beliefs, like opening an umbrella in the house causing bad luck (which makes sense because you're bound to knock something over or poke someone in the eye!) G'ma had a West Indian nanny who was really quite into all that stuff and one of the things I remember is the "jumbie pinch" (pronounced "joomby"). When you find an explained bruise on your body it's a jumbie pinch, or a pinch from a spirit. It's kinda eerie because I have two that look like fingermarks on my right forearm right now and have no idea how I got them. Yesterday was my late parents' wedding anniversary so if I were superstitious I could really go out on a limb with that, however I think if they were trying to communicate they would rather nag than pinch.

  38. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I got a lottery ticket for $25,000 dollars on Friday the 13th. Turned out it was a fake. Whatever.

  39. Friday the 13th makes me a little nervous and I have heard that alot of buildings built in the 50's and 60's don't have a 13th floor, not sure how true that is, but one of my friends who lives in NYC told that. Scariest movies-definitely the original psycho and a made for TV movie from the 70's, The House on Greenapple Road, the opening scene scared the SHIT out of me!!!

  40. If Halloween didn't just occur a few months ago, I'd totally be up for the a viewing party of the first 3 Friday the 13th movies. Oh Jason Voorhees, you old so and so!

    My Grama thought of this as her lucky day, but nothing special has ever happened to me on this day in particular. It's turning out semi-shitty today; had a doctors appt today and see that I have gained 10 pounds...ack! :::sweat drops:::

    Then when I got home, there was a letter from my dentist insurance saying that they are not covering any part of the last bit of work I had done. Eat my ass, Anthem Blue Cross, you piece of shit.

    On the up side; I got one of my dogs teeth cleaned today and she's all more bbb (bad breath bandit)!!

  41. I was told about the purse staying off the floor thing a few years back by a dear friend who about panicked when she walked into my office and saw it there. I found a box and have put my purse on that box under my desk ever since.
    My husband thinks I'm crazy because I'll keep my purse on my lap if we're someplace I cannot hang it from the back of my chair or put it on the table in front of me.

  42. A scary movie, to me, would be something like "Buried." That movie freaked me out! Also, I refuse to watch "Contagion." There's just something about that movie that seems "too real" for me to sit and watch.

  43. Ha! This thread is cracking me up! I am superstitious and now I have some new things to add to my repertoire.

    Mango - my BIL is from Tobago, so I know all about the jumbies. My sister was looking at an apartment near a cemetery with him and he wouldn't do it - afraid the jumbies would come out at night.

    As for me, I am a sucker for a shitty horror film. I own every Friday the 13th (not the remake), Halloween (originals and remakes), Nightmare on Elm Street (same), and a bunch of other cheesy slasher films. I don't know why, but one of my favorite things in the world is on a Friday night, plopping in one of my DVDs, opening a bottle of wine and cooking a great meal. Tonight will be no different (except that probably one of the movie channels will be showing slasher flicks so I won't need my DVDs and I am pregnant, so the wine won't be a-flowin')...

  44. Well, today has been a real shitshow. Stuck at LaGuardia all day trying to get home to Buffalo. Four USAir flights in a row cancelled. Now at JFK giving Jetlue a chance to get my fat ass home. So sad.

  45. LOVE Friday the 13th! 13 is my lucky number and day of birth.

  46. I'm not superstitious about Friday the 13th but today was crazy at school working with the 3rd graders! I have weird little superstitions that probably more like OCD problems. Favorite horror movies include The Ring, Salem's Lot (made for TV movie) and Jaws (I know the shark looks fake but it still scares the crap out of me). As a kid, these movies freaked me out: Burnt Offerings (Bette Davis), Night Walker (Barbara Stanwyck).

  47. When I was 3, I tried to put on a sweater myself, which unfortunately was still on a WIRE coat hanger. My Mum found me screaming with the sharp end through my eyeball.
    My Mother freaked the heck out, pulled it out, screamed down the neighborhood. At the hospital the Dr said two things:
    "you're very lucky she won't lose her sight"
    "do you know todays date is Friday the 13th"?
    Ps) I still have a tiny scar on my eyeball.

  48. today, within a 30-minute period: a) was waiting at restaurant for friend, who called & couldn't make it; b) then, hubby calls & says he locked his keys in the car; c) grand finale: 'check engine' light comes on as i go to bail hubby out.

    only good thing: we both got paid, so i was able to get lunch to-go, & have $ to pay for whatever the d*mn 'check engine' light signifies... car dealers aren't known for their generosity. :(

  49. @Kerri!! Great story! love it. I would've freaked out with hanger through my eyeball.

  50. @ Danielle - I cannot believe what you just said about shoes on the table!

    A few hours ago I was talking to one of my friends who was relating a story about how she had asked her husband to take out her winter boots (they were leaving for their house in the country). When she walked into the kitchen, she flipped because he had put them on the kitchen table. She started barking about how it was bad luck, and he was all, blah, blah, blah.

    On the drive to their house, along a winding road, a rock hit their windshield and cracked it, leaving shards of glass all over the front seat! Unbelievable.

  51. The gang of guys I ran around with in college always threw a blow-out Tequila party (ta-kill-ya, get it?) on Friday the 13ths. And most of them who are on Facebook still pay homage to it.

  52. I hope everyone who has had a shitty day, has a better weekend. Yikes!

    1. No
    2. A little. My grandmother was VERY superstitious.
    3. I still kind of love Scream. I re-watched all the Halloweens this fall and just got pissed off.

    @skeeball - My husband has told me the same before re: the 13th floor.

  53. It's been a crappy day at work, crappier than usual.
    I watched Jacobs Ladder last night and that was kinda scary but kinda sad too but kinda incredible overall. They sure don't make movies that that anymore it seems.

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  56. @Mango

    I love that! Jumbie pinch, I'm gonna use it.

    Add me to the list of those born on Friday the 13th. I find them to be generally mediocre days for me, usually nothing overly bad and nothing especially good, just boring.

    I am not superstitious at all, in fact I try to challenge common superstitions at times.

    Naming a favorite horror movie is difficult, but I have to go with The Exorcist.

  57. My brother was born on a Friday the 13th, so it's supposed to be good luck for him. I'm not superstitious at all, but it is fun to blame everything that might go wrong on the date.

    Poltergeist is my go-to horror movie. Still scared the bejesus out of me to this day.

    To The Help: That SUCKS!!! I hope you get your water back soon!

    To: Hogfan - it really is too close to reality. I was listening on NPR today about a breakout of antibiotic-resistant TB in India. Now that is scary.

  58. @Hogfan, I keep my purse in my lap also. In this town hanging your purse on the back of your chair is asking to have it stolen.
    I was at the Palms and saw a girl sitting on a stool watching her boyfriend play blackjack. Her purse was on the floor with the handle almost in the aisle.
    I started to go over and tell her she would lose it if she left it there, just as a guy came by, hooked the strap with his foot and started running toward the door with her purse. Security grabbed him, she lucked out.

  59. I turned 13 on Friday the 13th. My friends and I went to the boardwalk and I found a $20. I've loved any one since.

  60. I'll have you all know that I just got home, and almost put my purse on the floor but because of this thread, changed my mind and put it on a chair instead.

  61. Since Chinese New Year is next week (Year of the Dragon on 1/23)and shoes are mentioned, in Chinese culture it's bad luck to give someone shoes at Chinese New Year. It means you are wishing them to die.

  62. Not afraid of Friday the 13th but I try to ignore/hide from January 17th. It is the day we burried my grandpa(my dad's dad) then 4 years later my Dad died on the January 17.
    I try my best to ignore the date.

  63. Scary movies aren't all that scary to me. I hunt ghosts as a hobby. :)

  64. Whoa, ardleigh, tell me some stories about THAT...

    Judaism also considers 13 to be a lucky number, not sure why though.

    My fiancee is the superstitious one (his mom and sister too! It's a...bit annoying occasionally), he hates keys on a table, thinks it's bad luck to go back into the house once you've left if you forget something (eg: "Aw babe, do you REALLY need your cellphone and wallet?" "um, yah"), didn't know about the purse on the floor but he doesn't like purses on the bed (that may be a hygiene thing actually), always makes a wish at 11:11, every time his mom has given me a pair of shoes as a gift she makes me give her a dollar back because it's bad luck to "give" someone shoes (stop buying me shoes FFS!I have 100 pairs!), the list goes on but it just gets weirded so I'll spare you the rest of them.
    The only really weird thing I do is what Ablake used to do, kiss my cars ceiling when I blow through a yellow. Hey I haven't gotten a ticket since I started doing it, why fix what ain't broke? ;-)

    Love love LOVE scary movies, unfortunately very few movies are genuinely scary, too often the "surprise plot twist" is either not a surprise, or so implausible that I can't do anything but laugh at the rest of the movie.
    The first movie that ever scared me was Little Shop of Horrors. I was 4 or 5 and I was terrified of the big plant in our hallway after that, I gave it a wide berth for a few months. When I was about 8 or so I saw Phantasm and it was a bit creepy, and then after Jurassic Park I spent a few weeks

  65. Eep, I cut myself off!

    I was saying, after Jurassic Park I Would imagine that cups of water were trembling ominously and that meant that all manner of T-Rex sized scariness must be nearby. Since then, I really can't think of too many horror movies which genuinely scared me. Ususally the surprise plot twist is either not a surprise, or so ridiculous that the movie becomes unintentionally funny after. We did watch Insidious last night, and I'll tell ya, it creeped both of us out. I slept like crap, although I can probably thank being very pregnant for that. If you really want some next level shit creepiness, I suggest Japanese Horror films. Not one in particular, the entire genre is creepy as fuck. The original versions of the Ring and the grudge? Holy crap!

    Finally, black cats are wonderful creatures! I have the sweetest, poofiest, purring black monster curled up at my feet right now. Adopting a black cat, so many of whom have been abused or abandoned, is a great thing to do.

    Sorry for the length of my posts, and a happy Saturday the 14th to you all!

  66. Every building with more than 12 stories has a 13 floor. Just because they call it something else doesn't stop 13 from coming after 12 and before 14.

    And putting shoes on a table or bed is bad luck; for the person who put them there. Especially if they're not new. Who the hell puts shoes they've been wearing out in the streets on a bed or a table? That's just disgusting. And your bad luck is a good cursing out and possibly I may throw one or both of the shoes at you.

  67. Well, my favorite (and only!) sister was born on Good Friday the 13th. I teased her for this growing up but I would have to say, if anything, Friday the 13ths are lucky days for my family!

  68. I've just gotten over my fear of Friday the 13th in the last few years, but now it's just like any other Friday to me.

    I am somewhat superstitious - I won't walk under ladders but other than that, it's mostly just OCD type stuff like another poster mentioned. Shoes on a bed or table would freak me out because it's gross and I usually put my keys on the hallway bookshelf but occasionally on the kitchen counter. For the keys thing, do counters and desks count? LOL. I never put my purse on the floor because I have 5 cats lol.

    One of my cats is a 22 lb, very loving, black cat and I never felt superstitious adopting him. Jasmine and other posters are right, people have such prejudice against black cats and I just don't understand that. He's actually a LUCKY black cat too, because I've taken him to the vet three times now because of my concern over his weight and finally at the last visit, the doctor said he was the healthiest obese cat he had ever seen and showed no signs of obesity related illness :D.
