Thursday, January 19, 2012

Zoe Saldana Helps Out Woman Injured In Accident

If there had not been some paps already following Zoe Saldana, this would have been a kindness blind item. Zoe was in Culver City yesterday when she witnessed a car accident. Zoe jumped out of her own car and went to help one of the victims. Zoe then helped the bloody woman out of her car so she could wait for medical attention. I am assuming the woman knew her own body and knew it was ok to move, but you really have to be careful about moving people when they are injured. After getting the woman out of her car, it was Zoe who called 911 and stayed with the woman until an ambulance arrived.


  1. Wow, that poor thing, her face looks like hamburger...hope she's O.K.

  2. Zoe had to call 911 because the paps were too busy taking pictures.... nice.

  3. I've always liked Zoe, and this story only makes her even more appealing. That's awesome.

  4. I like her, always have.

  5. That was a wonderful thing for her to do. Even everyday people tend to just drive on by when accidents happen right in front of them; it just boggles my mind that some people can't even stop to make sure everyone is ok.

  6. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I liked this! What a great thing for her to do.

  7. Brownie points for Zoe. That poor woman looks like she's in shock.

  8. Dig it and while all this occurred the paps just kept snapping away, not one of them helped??? SMDH

    Love me some Zoey even if they are tying her to Bradley Cooper

  9. That lady doesn't look good. How nice of this girl (no idea who she is) but good on her for helping!

    Yesterday I had an emergency vet appt for one of my dogs. While we were checking out, this older woman came in, and after they took her pet, she was crying uncontrollably. You would think someone from the fucking place would console her but no, they just asked if she wanted tissues and left her alone. I will not stand for that...I paid the vet and then went out the front so I could hug her and give her kind words. I'm so glad I did, because I could tell she needed it.

  10. Props to Zoe! A bit off topic but a lesson to be learned for anyone thinking of helping out at a road accident - my husband stopped to help an elderly couple injured in a car accident on christmas eve on a busy motorway.. they couple had gotten out of their (smoking) car and were standing in a very busy road on a very cold night, so my husband offered them shelter in his car until the ambulance could arrive. When they did arrive, they had issues getting the old guy out so ended up cutting the roof off of his car and it's now scrap metal. We still dont have a new car as it will take 3-6 months to go through the legal department and figure out who's claim this should be. Madness! So if you do stop and help (which you absolutely should) direct the injured party to the side of the road or another safe place, not your own car :)

  11. unless a paramedic or 911 operator directs you to move an injured person, you should never ever move them. There could be neck or back injuries that you are unaware of and could make things worse.

    But adreneline is pumping and you just think you are helping or worried the car could catch on fire.

    I do hate paps that will sit there and take pictures and not lift a finger to help. They are a special kind of low life.

  12. Zoe is just so cool and this confirms it.

    She shouldn't have moved the woman, but as others have said, in that moment you just act on instinct. Poor lady is totally in shock there.

  13. Just because their job is acting doesn't mean they are any different. It just means that their act may be perceived as either heroic or not. Not to slam Zoe. What she did was nice but it looks like there are others there that are helping too.

    TG: How kind of you to comfort that woman. Losing a beloved pet is so hard because they cannot talk and we aren't sure they know we love them.

    Meemmog...I cannot believe they had to cut your car. Wow is all I can say and I hope they figure it out soon. You should not be penalized for your kindess.

  14. @ Grape... when I got the terrible news that my Henry's cancer had metastasized, I was left sitting in the waiting room, crying. Someone came from the office and moved me to a basement room to keep me from the other patients. I guess it was helpful because then I could more openly wail, but it didn't feel that good. A hug would have been better. Wish someone like you had been around back then.

  15. Tempest, that was really kind of you. Celeb or not, some people just don't seem to have the compassion gene.

    I like Zoe, she seems normal and low key. That poor woman looks like she is in shock.

  16. Zoe had to call 911? What about all the paps? They couldn't put down their camera for 5 min to help out. Paps are horrible. I feel bad for this women. She looks like she's in shock.

  17. Timebob - our local paper ran a story recently about a fellow in a motorized wheelchair that got hit by a car and overturned while he was crossing the street. He couldn't get out of the chair, and people came to help. He asked that they just set the chair back upright and help him back into it. Everyone refused. In the meantime, he lay on the frozen street in cold weather because everyone thought they weren't EVER supposed to move an accident victim. The story was run to explain to people that Good Samaritan laws protect people who use their common sense to get people out of a dangerous situation. In other words, yes, move them if leaving them where they are would cause continued harm. In his case, he wasn't hurt from the chair overturning. He was exposed to freezing weather and at risk of being hit by other cars because people refused to get him out of the street. Their intentions were good, their inaction was wrong.

  18. Squeezebox - "Good samaritan" laws vary from place to place, to the extent that they penalize exact opposite things in various jurisdictions. It can be really confusing. If anyone wants to know how it works in their country/region/whatever they really need to look it up.

  19. @Tempestuos Grape - Your story made me tear up a bit. I'm sure your kind actions made a world of difference for her.

    Good for Zoe. As far as the paps? Not surprised.

  20. Aw Grape...that's nice. I've been actually pretty upset the last three days - there's something wrong with one of my beloved kittehs - I think he's having mini strokes and I"m absolutely terrified of losing him or having to put him down. He's only 5. I will make sure to take along my own support to the vet. I can't even think about losing one of my loves without tearing up.

  21. You'd be surprised how many people DON'T help when theres an accident! My brother and I witnessed a horrible accident where a mom and her baby got plowed by street racers .. Her car was completely torn off on one side and started to smoke up and she was trapped .. My bro and I ran over and helped her and her baby out while about twenty people just stood there ..

    Good on you Zoe!

  22. It's so hard to know -- the reason people are advised NOT to move a person who was just in a traffic accident is because the untrained movement of the injured person is often what paralyzes the person for life.

  23. In my State the "good samariton" laws in my state cover people for helping. I was in a accident going up a hill in the middle of a blizzard. A lady on the side of the road had just enough gas left to pull back on the road. We were the only ones hurt. I ran up the hill to flag down traffic so no one else got hurt, by the time the Troopers got there, the whole front of me was covered in blood as was my mitten from my nose and the stirring wheel. One Trooper took me in a bar across from the road and had them give me a shot of brandy for shock. He thought my leg was broken and couldn't understand how I was walking on it. Just the tissue swelling in a large lump.

  24. The scary thing about L.A. is you have to get people out of the road so they don't get hit. Even after an accident, the other drivers honk and flip you off. It's incredible.
