Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Brooke Mueller Is Out Of Rehab

Brooke Mueller got out of rehab yesterday and flew back to Los Angeles. For now, in addition to outpatient therapy she will also have a sober living coach 24/7. I think that is a brilliant idea and I think she makes plenty of money to pay for one herself, and if not, Charlie Sheen should want the mother of two of his kids to be sober so should help foot the bill. A sober living coach for a month costs about as much as one of Charlie's hookers for the night. That was a long time for Brooke to be in rehab and I really hope it sticks for her this time. She is still due in court on the drug charges and she still needs a family that will not make her be a bartender at their booze parties.


  1. Wish her all the best.

  2. Don't know why but I can't help but like her... Hope she stays clean for those boys!

  3. Um, why should Charlie foot the bill at all? That's Brooke's responsibility.

  4. it was a long time for her to be in rehab?? how long? a month? i don't think that's long enough. i also think 'sober coaches' are bullshit. it's just a babysitter. if she were really ready to leave rehab and commit to staying sober, she wouldn't need a babysitter.

  5. I thought she had already had a sober living coach? Or was that just Charlie?

  6. @Mother Campfire: You are correct. Her sober coach came up in Paris' reality show so her having one isn't new.

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    @Michael, I would say it's the right thing for him to do as she's the mother of some of his children and he's rich.

  8. And wasn't there also a sober coach with her & Charlie when he attacked her in Colorado? A lot of good that did.

  9. I think she's a piece of shit. She'll fuck up again, because going out and partying are more important to her than her children.

  10. Good luck to her. Addiction is a monster whether yr rich or not. Those twins need her...or maybe Denise should be the boy's gaurdian. I cannot believe Denise R. is the responsible person in this clusterfuck. Who'd of thought?

  11. I actually like her so I hope this takes.

  12. @anita_mark: I'm sorry but he pays her quite a bit in child support AND spousal support. She can use that money to pay for her rehab treatment. He has no further obligation.

  13. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I bet LiLo is bulk buying cocaine to.assure that Brooke.doesnt clean out all her.favorite.dealers
