Monday, February 06, 2012

Courtney Love Is Going To Sue Someone Again

Apparently Courtney Love does not like to hear people talking about how she killed both of her family's pets because of her drug use so wants to sue the person who is responsible for leaking the deposition testimony she gave when fighting for Frances Bean Cobain. I'm guessing The Bean might be the one who leaked the information. Yes, the documents were sealed, but don't you think the odds are good that Frances got herself a copy? Plus, it is not like she is huge fan of her mom so maybe she wanted the rest of the world to know what her mom did and said during Frances' life.


  1. Killed both the pets? Isn't the rumour that she killed Kurt too?

  2. How did she kill the pets? Neglect or what?

  3. What????? she has always been a nut job, I am glad The Bean is out of there. Hopefully she will be able to forge a life for herself that is light years different from her parents in so far as the destructive behavior goes.

  4. Forgot to add, holy cow does her daughter ever look like Courtney did back in the day!

  5. The documents also talk about how one night she made Frances get into a cab with her and go over to an ex's house and she started screaming at him in the front yard while his own kids were asleep inside.

    I know one of the animals died from eating Courtney's pills.

  6. One of the cats died due to Courtney's hoarding of papers I think a pile of papers fell on top killing it.

    The dog was killed by him getting into Courtney's precription drugs and OD'd. Or killed itself to get away from Courtney aka Kurt II.

  7. I would like to know why the court sealed Frances' medical records. I understand the HIPAA thing, but I strongly suspect Courtney physically abused her somehow, even if only once.

  8. Of course, Courtney would have had a copy too. Frances Bean doesn't exactly court publicity. I'm just saying -- if Courtney wants F.Bean's money, this is one cracked whacked way to have an excuse to try to go after it.

  9. Off topic - FB's lip job is one of the few I've seen that looks good on someone. She was kinda unfortunate looking befoe she had that done. (Did she get a nose job, too?) She's positively gorgeous now that she's had them plumped. I wonder - does one have to keep going back to the doc to have it re-done? Or do they stay that way?

    @RenoB - there's an article on TheFix if you want to know a little more about the animal deaths & such.

  10. Bean 100% got a nose job, she had her mothers real nose. They did a good job and just shaved down the bump.

    I do think it is interesting that her current boyfriend has a strikingly similar appearance to Kurt.

  11. How horrible that she can't even care for an animal and wonders why FB wanted to get the hell away. After that story I have zero sympathy for her.

  12. I'm happy for Frances that she is away from her bat shit crazy Mom. I hope the courts can keep Courtney away from FB's money.

  13. Frances looks especially gorgeous in black and white and sepia toned photographs.

    How sad to read that her pets died from neglect. Courtney may have moments of brilliance but she's a whack job. I'm glad FB got away. No one should have to live with that.

  14. I wouldn't blame The Bean one bit if she DID leak the documents. Her mom is nutso. Poor girl.

  15. Anonymous4:17 PM

    MIK -- you have to go back to the doctor every six months or so to get your lips re-plumped. It's not permanent.

    Why the eff hasn't Love been charged with cruelty to animals? At least two animals (and one husband) have died as a result of her neglect. Yet another example of how we don't take animal cruelty seriously. Bitch.

  16. You can get permanent lip implants as well.

  17. @Timebob @Texshan @Mooshki thank you!
