Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Demi Moore Is Embarrassed

Kneepads really went out on a limb in reporting that Demi Moore is embarrassed by what happened last week when 911 was called and she had to be rushed to the hospital. Really? You think she was embarrassed? It took you days of reporting to find a source who said that? I think all of us would have felt embarrassed to be talked about worldwide after something like that. I don't think we need a source to confirm it for us. I also am going to say that she was probably embarrassed when Ashton cheated on her and got caught and the whole world found out and I am not even going to find a source to confirm it for me. I know, I know, that is dangerous ground on my part. I can't believe Kneepads paid someone to actually go out and write this story. No wonder my cable bill keeps going up. Time Warner keeps hiring people to write stories like this and can't afford them so jacks up my cable.


  1. She married Aston Kutcher and freak danced the funky chicken on stage so I'd say that her embarrassment gene is defective.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Agreed. This is Hollywood. If people got embarrasses easily none of them would have jobs...

  2. I'm not a huge fan of Demi's, I thought the Ashton marriage was a huge mistake. But the heart wants what it wants.
    This is another celeb that needs some intervention from loved ones and a quiet time to heal and get well.

  3. I have always loved Demi and will continue to support her. I hope she is getting the help she needs...and her marriage to Ashton was a mistake because he's a douche, not because he was 2 young for her.

  4. Try mortified...that woman is fucking mortified that everyone knows what was going on that night. I hope she gets well.

  5. Yeah, Kneepads---duuuuuuuhhhhhhh.

    *letting the "duh" go on so long that I almost drooled*

    Thank you, Capt. Obviouses

  6. I do feel bad for her. She seems to have zero sense of self because she seems to be so desperately trying to cling on to her youth and until recently Ashton. In the past I would have guessed that her self esteem was stronger than this. This is what happens when you bankroll everything on your youth and looks.

    I really hope she is able to get it together and move past this. She still looks great and I always thought she was a pretty good actress.

  7. I so agree, Cheryl.

  8. this is an interview Demi & Ashton did at the 2011 SXSW and she is completly flaky and sketchy. Also trying to act like a little girl. Ashton seems complelty annoyed by the whole thing.

    part 2. she joins 5:20 mins

    part 3.

    btw Ashton loves to talk about techie but clearly is just talking out his ass.

  9. Either a) it was a slow "news" day at Time Warner, or b) they had to give the boss's kid something to do.

  10. I'm embarassed for her....does that count?

  11. LOL @BigMama! You got my funnybone.

  12. Exactly, Cheryl. Not to mention posting all those bikini pictures of herself in the mirror? Shame? Bit late for that.

  13. She's embarrassed because thanks to those 911 tapes she can't deny her hospitalization was just for exhaustion.

  14. Isn't there a special code or set of rules that celebrities follow in order to maintain anonymity in situations like this? They said her name a few times, mentioned that "there are other things going on with her that they just found out about" etc.. I dunno.. I was under the impression the 911 callers had to be discreet about certain details.

  15. Cheryl, that cracked me up...I'm going to have "freak danced the funky chicken" in my head all day now.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Are there steps for that? Lol-

  16. @timebob - Sheesh, that was embarrassing to watch. They're both idiots. Demi was pathetic playing with that monkey. At 9:06 in the first link, Ashton is talking about branding and says that, "Coke [the cola] never changes." Guess he never heard of the New Coke debacle.

    Sass71 posted a link on the BuzzFoto Blind Item page about Demi. I think the article nailed it. Ashton is absolutely a douche, but Demi's behavior is what initially rove him away, which is why he is still friendly with her daughters. The thing about her fixation on Zac Efron - WTF is that all about?

  17. I feel for her because she won't ever get past far as the media that is.

  18. Heres what I dont understand. Enty has tons of sources so he has heard the rumors about Demi for years. Enty has also allegedly been divorced a bunch of times. If he knows Demi is no angel, and he has heard the rumors about her and Ashtons sex life. If he knows that divorce is usually not due to one event and one bad guy and one good guy, why does he keep harping on Ashton cheating and ignoring her...umm... fragile state. Does he know something the rest of us dont?
    Remember when everyone thought Britney was a sane and loving Mom and that Kfed was a leach? Enty went along with that too, even though he should have known before the rest of us. Does he follow public opinion and go with the flow?

  19. I'm on team Demi, and I think she's bullet proof at this point. This lady has been through a lot. I wouldn't want to walk in her shoes, even with her fame and millions. All the best to her.

  20. why isn't she embarrassed about those ears?

  21. I know. I know. We feel schtupped for the obvious. I mean, what can you actually say? The woman had a breakdown and there it is. Good luck to her.

  22. it's a totally emabarassing situation. from being humiliated with his cheating to this phone call. But the thing is, she chose to do the drug thing. no matter how bad we have it, we make choices on how to deal with things. she chose to do all this drugs and it ended up with this embarrassing phone call. nobody's to blame for the actions we do except ourselves. with that said, i still wish her well and hope she recovers and doesn't rely on drugs and booze to deal when things get tough.

  23. I read that she's embarrassed because she's such a 'private' person... aside from posting bikini pics and her life on twitter!
