Thursday, February 16, 2012

Derek Jeter's Decorator Murdered In Bangkok By Boyfriend

Wendy Albano was a celebrity decorator. I should clarify that. Only very rich celebrities could hire her. As much as I love Mischa Barton, she was not going to afford Wendy Albano's prices. Her most famous client was Derek Jeter and she helped him and Alex Rodriguez too. Wendy was murdered by her Indian boyfriend in Thailand about an hour after they checked into a hotel together. The man was spotted on a video camera leaving the hotel with his luggage and within three hours was on an international flight out of Thailand and has yet to be caught. A maid found Wendy the next morning. She had been repeatedly stabbed. Wendy left behind two daughters. Wendy was 52 and her boyfriend was 26 and people are whispering she was going to break up with him, but I think they just had a fight and he killed her.


  1. Those poor girls.

    I'll be shocked if they find him.

  2. Um, blind item reveal??

    Mischa as the Backpage ad girl?

  3. Is she the woman in the middle? Wow, I hope I look that good at 52.

    I hope they find this guy. What a sad situation for the daughters.

  4. I could be stretching, though. In any case, I feel very sad for that woman's family.

  5. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Wow, she was gorgeous. Her poor girls.

  6. Those poor kids..

  7. Lately there have been so many killings within families. Whether it's your husband/wife, children, boyfriends, etc....

    Very sad to come to an end like this.

  8. Such a tragedy. I doubt he'll be caught, either. :-(

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  11. "Her most famous client was Derek Jeter ..." I thought he meant Mischa Barton! Or maybe he did?

  12. I hope the punishment for murder is more harsh in Thailand than the US (probably). IF they catch him and IF they extradite him. I think he is going to commit suicide somewhere on the run.

  13. ITA Sylvia, the sad fact is you're far, far more likely to be beaten or killed by the man in your life than some random criminal. I swear I read this kind of thing daily! (Not to mention the people I've personally known that have been victims...)

    Just another benefit of staying single!

  14. @yourfaceisamess I'm quite certain Thailand still has the death penalty.

    This is the worst, what a weak human being he must be.

  15. There is no way a 52 year old woman in a relationship with a 26 year old man is ever going to end well.

  16. I wonder if she was responsible for that massive picture of ARod as minotaur that hangs above his bed. Nah, that was probably all him.
