Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Does This Disturb Anyone?

I think when you arr risking a hernia to carry your child, that perhaps it is time to let them do some walking on their own. Suri Cruise is almost 5 yet somehow she seems to be carried more than any other five year old I have ever seen. Also, when I was 5, I never had a blanket with me like she does. It is always there ready for her. Granted, my mom did not have a full staff of people and chase cars for me either, but I really feel like this is some creepy Scientology thing and that Suri is like some Golden Child who is supposed to rescue Scientology from some kind of devastation and they want to make her Xenu reborn or something. Oh, and by the way, when they got back to the car, it was no seat belt for Suri. Nope. She sat on Tom's lap the whole way home.


  1. Creepy, not so much. Spoiled, most def YES! The last part...illegal.

  2. She's almost 6, not 5. Making this all the more disturbing.

  3. I agree with Patty. I don't think its creepy. I just think she's spoiled. And I think Tom's away alot filming stuff so when he's around he babys her.

  4. I have a 6 year old daughter. Can't remember the last time my husband or I carried her around like that. And the blanket? That stopped when my daughter was too big for her infant-sized car seat.

    Maybe if they stopped letting the child rule the house, made her wear weather-appropriate attire, and acted like her PARENTS, she wouldn't be so spoiled.

  5. I have an almost six year old and I find the lack of BOOSTER SEAT completely inexcusable. As to the carrying, the blanket and the rest, without knowing the time/temperature when this was taken I have no opinion.

  6. It looks like she is nursing from Tom.

  7. I still wanted to be carried when I was 6, but it didn't happen. When your "daughter" is almost as tall as you, Tommy, she can walk on her own.

    Xenu is actually $cientology's version of Satan.

  8. I thought that was why it was disturbing at first...

  9. Honestly, I would rather see a kid loved and spoiled than ignored and raised by a team of nannies. Frankly, she is seen with her parents more than anyone else. They spoil her, ok. I did the same with my eldest as a single mom. My sister picked on me that I carried her around Disney more than I let her walk. She was right, but guess what, she turned out ok.

    @Laren - I love that book!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yeah, I wanna know where they are, how late it is and how cold...*L* I don't find it creepy per se, but I do think Suri is very spoiled.

    Oh, and isn't Xenu the evil warlord in Scientology? I don't think that's what they want Suri to...no...wait. Oh, god.

  12. She is the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. Tom doesn't just carry her. He feeds her, bathes her, does just about everying for her. Soon she will be on a Scientology throne.

  13. @Nellie
    lol the idea of tom nursing Suri is both hilarious and creepy and disgusting all at once. i truly lol at work when i read your comment

  14. Lack of seatbelt/booster seat, NO EXCUSES.

    But everything else...the more I see of how celebrities are surrounded by aggressive pap photographers, the more I think I would have any child with me as protected as possible--therefore carried--and a blanket handy to cover the child if the phtographers just won't quit. Of course that means that what the photographers see and document is a carried child with a blanket, and not real life. We don't see the cameras in the picture because the cameras are taking the pictures, and pap photographers pursue people to the point of car accidents, altercations, etc. I would become very protective of a child of mine in that circumstance too.

  15. What I find most disturbing is no seat belt??? Wow. ANother item pointing to her growing up with a bad case of self-entitlement. I don't care mow much any kid resists a booster seat or belt, that's what they need to do.

    If a kid can still be carried, let a parent carry them as long as they want.

  16. Any shrink will tell you that carrying a 5-year-old around like that (and let's face it, this is not a one-time, late-night occurrence because it's cold out) is MESSED UP. Speaks volumes about who's in charge. Poor girl needs some boundaries.

    And Nellie...haha about Tommy nursing her. Probably not far off.

  17. Yes, I saw it yesterday...Suri is 5, hell she's probably over 5....she should be able to walk on her own...and she better learn cause she's going to tower over Tom and he won't be able to pick her up..

  18. I kind of wonder if they carry her around when they are swarmed by the paps. That shit around my kid would probably bring out the insanity in me. Maybe they just don't want her to get hurt?

  19. Maybe she fell asleep someplace and he's carrying her to the car? My dad did that for me.

  20. My daughter is the same age as Suri. I think they were born a week apart. Anyway- we still carry her once in a while. She asks us to. Sometimes she gets tired of walking (we live in NYC- so there is a lot of walking). Other times, she just wants to be held. She is so big that we can't holder her for more than a block or two. But lets face it, the days are not too far away that she will want nothing to do with us. If holding her for 5 minutes a week makes her feel loved and happy, I do it.

    1. Im the same way. My daughter is only 3 1/2 but I still carry her a lot. And I know ill still carry her in 2yrs. I don't see how showing her love is messed up she's 5 not 15 "/

  21. It's probably not the "tipping point" of weirdness for Suri, after all, look at everything she has been exposed to in Scientology, but yes she is big enough to walk.

    Speaking of which as Tom is carrying her it strikes me that Suri will be tall like her mom, she already looks like a tall drink of water for a 4 or 5 year old.

  22. I'm sort of with Michelle. My 6 year old son asks me to carry him on occasion and I do enjoy it. Of course he's getting so long and I'm so short that it only happens for a few minutes at a time, lol. The cuddle time like that goes away too quickly.

    Lack of a car seat/booster seat? INEXCUSABLE! Even if protected by Xenu himself, Suri could go flying thru the front window if in an accident. Not sure what Tom & Katie are thinking there.

  23. I don't think that a five year old should be carried all the time, but I also don't think that kids should be subjected to aggressive photographers who are no doubt screaming her name and taking photo after photo (with the lights probably going off, etc.) So I am willing to give them a pass on that. Who knows what they do at home when there aren't loads of people following them around.

    As for the blankie, I slept with a ratty stuffed animal from the time I was a toddler until college (and it is still upstairs in my son's room), so I see no problem with that.

    My question is, does the girl own any pants? I have never seen her in a pair of jeans!

  24. I'm looking forward to seeing these family pics when she's 16 - I guarantee they will be way more entertaining as she ages.

  25. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Yeah, Suri's almost 6, not 5, so that just makes this more ridiculous. You can say it may be because of the paps or whatever, but think about it -- do you EVER see any other celebrity kid this age get carried everywhere?

    I just think this is another indication of how Suri is spoiled beyond belief. Remember, this is the girl who was still sucking on bottles and pacifiers at 4 years old, still carries a blanket and stuffed animals with her everywhere, wears makeup and high heels with inappropriate clothing, and doesn't seem to own a hairbrush. I'll bet she is a raging, intolerable brat who would throw a HUGE tantrum if she didn't instantly get picked up whenever she fancied.

    The lack of a booster seat is criminal, literally. They should get a call from CPS for that alone. Tom and Katie are horrible parents, and it's just reinforced by the teachings of that made-up "religion" they follow so slavishly.

    Rant over. Go about your business.

  26. I don't think it's creepy. I do agree with the other posters that she's spoiled rotten. Also, you don't know the circumstances for why Tom is carrying her. They may have been getting bombarded by agressive paps and Tom just grabbed her so they could out of there as fast as they could.

    Also...I used to carry my baby blanket everywhere...and i mean...everywhere. It too was pink like Suri's

  27. The only thing I find weird is the blanket. I think it's the same one she's been photographed with many times before. I have two kids a little older than her, and once they hit age 6 they got rid of the kiddie stuff on their own. I think most of that is the influence of their classmates, which Suri doesn't have around her. I remember my daughter was one month into first grade and announced that she hated princesses. It was all Miley Cyrus and iCarly after that. She'd die than have a her baby blanket out with her.

    I think likely she's being carried because she fell asleep. I still wish they wouldn't keep her out so late all the time, but I'm not her parents. And not having a booster or seat belt is inexcusable.

  28. Suri totally redefines the meaning of the word "spoiled."

  29. Maybe if they let her wear tights with her dresses or perhaps pants they would not always need the blanket.

  30. Wow the age she is and they still carry her. Just shows you this kid is going to be so spoil that she will probably not want to walk when she is 20 yrs old.

  31. Yeah, I don't see any other celeb parent carting around their 6 year old because of paps. Not buying it. She rules that family. I bet she still drinks out of a bottle and uses a paci too.

  32. She's gonna be hell to deal with as she gets older. They are doing her zero favors.

  33. It's not the carrying that bothers me.

    It's the no-booster-seat and no-seat-belt that does.

    The first might be explained by the late night or the cold or whatever.

    The latter is both illegal and irresponsible.

  34. I'm with everyone else here-the seatbelt and car seat thing is far more disturbing! I guess Suri feels she doesn't need them, so they allow that.

    If my just turned 7 daughter wants me to carry her because she is sick or something fine, but that's about it. Besides, she is just getting too big for me to lift. Suri looks huge in that picture and the blacket looks like it makes it much more awkward.

  35. My father used to carry me up to bed every night until I was 6ish. He would tuck me in and say a spell to make the bad dreams go away. Awesome memories! But it stopped when I was 7, I just got too big. Back to this photo - who knows what just went on? Perhaps she was very upset and wanted to be held by her dad? The no sea tbelt thing is a little unsettling, but a lot of us survived without wearing one our entire childhood.

  36. This kid has never heard the word no told to her. She will be 100x worse than Paris Hilton as an adult.

  37. Another vote for:
    - No seat belt or booster = INEXCUSABLE.
    - Carrying a 5 or 6 year old = do it while you can and if it keeps her safe from the paparazzi.

    You never know what threats they may have gotten from weirdos. It could be why she's always right at hand (or in arm).

    Also, the blanket is often strategically placed to cover her little bottom. She's often in dresses. Again: there are weirdos out there who may like shots of Suri's underpants. I'm not trying to be gross, but as a mom I'd protect my kid from that possibility. It's also a great shield from the nosy public / photogs in other ways, too.

  38. When you can afford the best child car seat in the world and you ignore it, that is just bad parenting.

    On blankies, when I was little I had one, my Mom must have decided I was getting too old for it. Every time it went in the wash it came out half it's size. I finally had a two inch square I could keep in a pocket.

  39. good call on the blanket, *jen. And it's a lot less creepy than the masks Michael Jackson made his kids wear.

    I had a blankie until I was 12. I just preferred the feeling of having it when I was going to sleep. It drove my mom nuts, and when I hit 12 she "accidentally" forgot it after I had a sleepover at my grandma's, and darn it, just didn't have time to go get it. And a couple of days later I didn't miss it anymore. (memories...sniff)

  40. I think the most disturbing thing is the way Tom is carrying her. More like a girlfriend over a puddle of mud or something. I usually see children being carried where they are "riding" on the parent's hip, with the parent's closest arm under the child's butt, and the child's arms around the parent's neck. But I guess that wouldn't work if Suri is wearing a dress all the time.

  41. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Do you ever watch TMZ and you see a Z-list celebrity coming out of a bar and there's a swarm of paps screaming out the loser's name? Now picture that at Tom Cruise's level. How in the world could a little girl handle the yelling and the flashbulbs?

    And I am definitely not going to judge a little girl or her parents because she has a blankie.

    The carseat thing is bad blah blah blah, but everything else.... no, I just don't have that much judgementalness in me.

  42. I held my kids until they were too big to pick up, and then it was piggy back rides.

    And Daddies are supposed to spoil 5 year old girls. That's why Daddies exist. Don't you people know anything?

  43. my dad carried me when I was her age, and he's only 5'4.

  44. @Trixie, apart from when I was a baby and couldn't pick out my own clothes, I wore a dress every day until I was 8. I hated wearing pants. Even now I prefer a dress to pants. Just a personal preference.

  45. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I have a little cousin who I have never seen wear pants. She gets upset with her mother for not wearing dresses all the time.

    Also this is one picture. It looks like he just grabbed her quickly and his goal is to make it to the car.

  46. Not just a seatbelt, but a carseat at that age and size. Every time I think Katie, Tom and Suri can't get any weirder, they top themselves. That kid is a nightmare already, can you imagine how bad she'll be in ten years from now?

  47. I used to make me dad "carry me like a baby" down the stairs in the morning until I was about 7. He was also quite tall so not so awkward as Tom. Maybe he should carry her on his hip.

    Having no car seat is so neglectful.

  48. Not sure why its surprising. Until this year, she never even wore a coat in the winter, wears high heels, and Katie has pretty much said Suri makes the rules (She will only wear dresses!)

  49. There is no way that Suri is not going to be an asshole when she's older.

  50. What time was this taken? I do recall times when we had the kids out late for something where we brought along a blanket and let them doze when they got sleepy, and would carry them to the car. My son was dead to the world when he fell asleep -- nothing could have gotten him up & walking. I think if this was a non-celeb, no one would question it. However...my kids never, ever, ever rode without being properly strapped in. That's criminal stupidity.

  51. Well, maybe something's wrong with Suri. Maybe she was born with a health condition that leaves her legs weak and she can't walk or stand very long. Or maybe she's mentally still at only two or three years old. I can see parents being extremely protective and indulgent of a child who had a health condition. Especially if they didn't want it to be obvious to the public.

  52. Sorry, I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, but I see nothing wrong with carrying a sleepy, or sleeping, kid under 10. Don't all parents do that? On the other hand, what kind of creepy parent doesn't buckle the kid in?

  53. Maybe she threatened not to make homophobic Tweets if they stopped carrying her?

  54. I find the child on the lap beyond stupid. TommyBoy should have to go watch those drivers ed movies I was forced to watch in high school.

    The ones about car seats and kids on your lap will stick with me FOREVER. The mother was in the passenger seat and crushed her baby into the dash. The one where the baby went thru a windsheild and was part of a chainlink fence.

    Be her damn parent and put a seatbelt belt on her.

  55. This picture is nothing more than the monthly "look we are still a happy perfect family" photo op. They put out the pap invite a week ago but Whitney died and some of the photographers had schedule conflicts. Later that night Katie and Suri went on their way until their next scheduled "family time"

    The way Tom is carrying her does look weird but the truly creepy stuff is well hidden from public view.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. I don't think it's weird to carry your 5 year old to the car. Esp when you are being followed by a bunch of strangers with cameras. I think this is completely normal.

  58. Hell, Suri is old enough to pick me up and carry me around. I'm almost 36.

  59. Hell, Suri is old enough to pick me up and carry me around. I'm almost 36.

  60. Hell, Suri is old enough to pick me up and carry me around. I'm almost 36.

  61. Hell, Suri is old enough to pick me up and carry me around. I'm almost 36.

  62. The seat/seatbelt thing is law, and they should abide by that.

    Aside from that... Look, I'm not a parent but if I was, the last thing I would need is everyone in the world picking apart every little thing. I buy my niece heels and makeup (all available from every toy store) because she loves girly things and dressing up. Sometimes she wears them in public. What's the big deal? It's natural to want to give your kid what they want, and these two have the means to do so. I don't particularly like Tom or Katie, but seriously, attacking them because he's carrying her? Or because she's got a blanket? Gimmie a break - it's good to see a dad care for his kid, and it's good to see parents who are prepared for the cold and (in their case) the photographers.

    There are a lot of reasons to pick on them - scientology, demonstrated craziness, awful dress sense, but because they love their kid? Come on. Gather up your pitchforks and go find something appropriate to get your judge on.

  63. I think it is more disturbing that Suri is never with any kids. Just Tom/Katie. At that age my kids went everywhere with a friend. I have yet to see her doing anything with someone who wasn't an adult.

  64. I'm not going to complain about them spoiling their child. It's not against the law, and it's their choice. but endangering her life by not putting her in a booster seat and seat belt is just wrong. Why didn't any of the paps call the cops? I would have. Pull them over and give them a ticket every time they do it. Maybe they'd strap her in just to avoid the hassle.

  65. No booster seat? No seat belt?? I can't think of another child who needs to be pushed down on the cement to get bloody knees as much as Suri. I think we all know she'll never be allowed to fall on her own.

  66. Suri is the answer to a recent blind, about friends not inviting the parents over unless they're sure the child isn't coming with them.
    She's a major monster.

  67. If these two are so concerned about the paps swarming around Suri, maybe they should stop calling them for preplanned photo ops.

    I don't believe for a minute she is carried because of the paps. She's carried because she's spoiled and because it's one way to ensure that Tom and/or Katie is in the pap shot.

    I don't think this is the first time Suri has been in the car without a child seat, booster seat and/or seatbelt. I remember her being in Europe when she was younger and papped in the car without any type of restraint. (Restraint is one word she will likely never hear, along with "no").

    She should be in a booster seat. She should be in bed at many of the hours she's photographed. She should be dressed appropriately for her age and the weather. She should have her hair brushed and not be wearing heels and makeup.

    This kid is going to make Paris Hilton look like a walk in the park in about 10 years.

  68. I can't hate on Suri. If she's a brat, it's Tom & Katie's fault. I totally get carrying her IF the paps are around. The sitting on the lap thing without a seatbelt is disturbing. What is most disturbing is how dependent this child probably is because the adults around her do everything for her.

  69. Anonymous6:59 PM

    This is the same child that was sucking a pacifier when she was 4 so it doesn't surprise me. She probably still shits in her pants too.
