Saturday, February 25, 2012

Douglas Kennedy Beats Up Nurse At Hospital

The son of Robert F Kennedy is in a whole lot of trouble and deservedly so. The son of the former Presidential candidate and namesake of the greatest football field known to man, has been arrested for attacking two nurses. While in the hospital. While holding his two day old baby. Yeah, just imagine what he will do to the kid or his wife. He kicked one nurse in the crotch and and twisted the arm of another because they wanted to make sure the baby was not being treated roughly. Guess they got their answer.


  1. What a major dick. Not surprising, however. That Kennedy gene pool has some rotten DNA in it.

    Though there are many Kennedy tales, my favorite is the one about Joseph Kennedy bringing Gloria Swanson home with him and telling his wife to serve her dinner. Classy bunch they are.

  2. Typical Kennedy arrogance. Why do they keep getting elected?


    Camelot is dead.

  4. For whatever reason, so many of Bobby's kids turned out badly. Many theorize it's because Ethel couldn't handle having ELEVEN kids and basically let them all run wild.

    That whole generation is hit or miss. Some seem to have turned out pretty well, others, not so much.

  5. There are Kennedy family members who truly believe that "to whom much is given, much is expected," and try to live their lives that way by helping other people...and then there are abusive assholes like this scumbag. File charges and throw his ass in the pokey, the same as you would anyone else, I don't care--when you start beating up pediatric/obstetric nurses, you've just dropped yourself onto a whole new lower rung of Hell.

    (ALWAYS be nice to the nurses--they can make all the difference in how your/your loved one's hospital stay goes, and in some cases could even affect whether someone lives or dies. Not to mention, it's really good karma, and we can all use more of that... :-)

  6. The Kennedys have the morals of a red-ass baboon and they are living proof that money can't buy class!

  7. I feel sorry for the newborn. Cursed from the get-go.

  8. What a douche! It seems like the Kennedys who turn out ok distanced themselves a bit. I'm thinking of Caroline, Maria Shriver, JFK Jr., I'm sure there are others. The ones who turn out badly turn out VERY badly.

  9. Robin...True about nurses. Politeness will even get you small kindnesses like extra snacks and a prompt response when you need one. I hate when I hear nurses being abused at the hospital and I know that they won't be going out of their way to help the bastard.

  10. At least two of Teddy's kids seem to have turned out well, Ted Jr and the late Kara. I think Patrick may or many not have had some negative press in the past.

    Chris Lawford was a big time addict, but he turned his life around.

  11. The story I read was that nurses were attacking him as he was trying to leave with baby, with no explanation. I think nurses are unsung heroes, angels on earth, but I have met some nasty ones. I'd like to smack! I guess we will see how this turns out. If allegations are true, hes a loser!
    And I think Ethel is nuts, so busy praying I doubt she had active role in bringing kids.

  12. I'm no parent but taking a newborn outside for a walk in January seems insane to me. I would think their immunity is pretty low just popping out of a womb the day before.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Exposure to cold weather without proper bundling is dangerous. It also increases the risk of SID.

    He's a douche.

  15. He was going to take the newborn baby outside for a stroll? In January? Does that strike anyone as more than a tad irrational? Could substance abuse be involved.

    Not that it excuses anything, not by a long shot, but it just seems like such a bizarre thing to do that you have to wonder if the person is in their right mind.

  16. Before everyone assumes the worst, here's a quote from today's New York Daily News:

    Dr. Timothy Haydock, 62, a doctor at Northern Westchester, where the child was born, was present during the donnybrook and claims Robert F. and Ethel Kennedy’s youngest son did nothing wrong.

    “I witnessed the incident and I can state unequivocally that the nurses were the only aggressors,” said Haydock.

    Kennedy, the father of five, said he did what any parent would do.

    “We are sickened by the fact that our simple desire to take our healthy baby son out for a walk has been warped into child endangerment. Nobody should try to grab a baby from a parent’s arms, as these nurses tried to do,” he said.

  17. You don't attack hospital staff. Oh, and you don't take babies out of the ward because that is called kidnapping. Douche

  18. @Surfer, Dr. Haydock is a long time family freind of the Kennedys. So it is not like he is being impartial. He wants to suck up to them. I hope the medical board investigates him for agreeing to go along with this nonesens.

    "The nurse in charge of the unit, Anna Margaret Lane, said in a deposition that Kennedy wanted to take the child "to get fresh air" that evening. As he tried to leave, he was accompanied by a doctor from the hospital's emergency room, identified in court papers as "Dr. Haydock," later determined to be Dr. Timothy Haydock, a longtime family friend"

  19. But it still doesn't make sense. Why would you take a newborn outside for a walk when said baby is still technically hospitalized and therefore under the care of the nurses?

  20. @timebob, tht may be the case, but the truth is, none of us were there.

    It's not like he was trying to kidnap a baby from the hospital - he was holding his child, not someone else's.

    Granted, he should never have touched the nurses, but it's also being reported that they tried to
    grab the baby from his arms, which is wrong too.

    I guess now that this gone public, both sides are trying to get their version out.

    I'll reserve judgement for the time being.

  21. I think the hospital video says volumes. If securtity is chasing you around. Just put the baby down.

    It is just a simple case of a Kennedy thinking they can do what they want becuase of their last name. Rules don't apply to them like us "regular people"

  22. I am a Nurse and you would not even believe some of the stuff that we see, hear and have told/done to us on a daily basis.
    We are the ones that you want on your side. We are there to help you when you and your family when you need it the most. We are not your maid, your internet provider, your waitress, your coffee barista, and we are not there for your warped fantasy. Our attention is on the patient and their care, health and recovery. Yes, I have had family members escorted out by security when they are yelling at the patient and harrassing my staff-Yelling how they will have my license and my job and will sue me, the hospital and of course, the doctor.
    You know the sad thing about this story? It will be those Nurses who will get the blunt of bad press. Those nurses that possibly earlier that day or week, saved a Mother and her baby, or held the hand of the parents as they lost a child.
    F-ing Kennedy's.

  23. Now there's a gene pool that could use a little chlorine....

  24. Regardless, physical violence is never the answer, especially when there is a baby involved.

    If he's that volatile in this situation, one can only wonder what he's like at home. This can't be an isolated incident.

  25. Donnybrook? What the heck is a donnybrook? And who uses it regularly? Is it a regional thing like "bruhaha"?

  26. Patrick Kennedy was a major drug addict. I think he wet to rehab again recently

  27. I just looked up the etymology of donnybrook - I incorrectly thought it came from a battle in Irelad. It actually refers to an annual fair in Dublin in the suburb of Donnybrook that is famous for getting out of hand. By the way it's Brouhaha and is of French origin.

  28. (ALWAYS be nice to the nurses--they can make all the difference in how your/your loved one's hospital stay goes, and in some cases could even affect whether someone lives or dies. Not to mention, it's really good karma, and we can all use more of that... :-)

    Exactly! A simple thank you goes a long way! When I was in the hosptial having babies, (3 kiddos) I always brought 2 boxes of See's Candies to share. It wasn't a bribe or anything, just something nice I wanted to do. I always brought in a huge stack of magazines to share as well. And always said thank you for anything they did. So did my side of the family to. Hubby also!

    Thank you Nurses, you have been lifesavors for me and various family members, we are always greatful for what you do <3

  29. One thing is fishy for me about this. If DK had a doctor beside him advocating walks in the snow for papa's and newborns, why would the nurses override his decision? The only thing I can think of is that Dr. Feelgood wasn't part of the hospital or staff and thereby had no authority to make such decisions.

    ETA As others have said, thanks and please remarks are the very least a patient can do to the nurses whom they see more of on a day to day basis cleaning their little messes up. Did you know patients get flagged? Depending on where you are, your chart is either at the door of your room or on the end of your bed. And it most certainly does contain notes that nurses has made about you. They use proper grammer and don't swear, but they make it perfectly clear to the next professional dealing with you if you are a good patient or an asshole. Thanks god I got the green flag because my mother would have been deeply ashamed to know I treated staff like sub-humans.

  30. I've delivered four children in hospitals, one particularly recently. You are not allowed to walk the halls carrying the baby ... baby must be in the portable bassinet AT ALL TIMES when baby is not in your room or the nursery. This is to ensure the child is (a) safe and (b) not being abducted. You are also not allowed to leave the maternity ward floor with your newborn infant. The child has basically what amounts to an invisible fence-type bracelet on the ankle, prompting an alarm should baby leave the maternity ward. When it comes time for baby & mom to leave the hospital, baby MUST be in a proper infant car seat/carrier that has been inspected by hospital staff. Even Kennedys must abide by these rules.

    Poor baby has a major asshole for a father. What a way to kick off a newborn's life!

  31. Good to see the Kennedy's keeping it Klassy.

  32. If the nurses had let him take the baby and anything had happened to it, they would have lost their jobs, and probably faced huge lawsuits. For all they knew, there could have been some custodial issue and he could have been kidnapping the baby. He's at fault for not following the rules. Asshole.

  33. It sounds like he had a reason to take the baby out of the hospital. Maybe he was trying to sell photos of the baby and was meeting a photographer. It makes no sense. Also, why was the baby still in the hospital? Unless there is a problem, usually they are released within 48 hours of being born. If the baby was being kept longer for health reasons then this guy is a major asshole for risking the baby's health.

  34. Thank you Chop Chop,
    No matter what your last name, no matter what your relationship to the newborn, you are not to wander off with said baby. Using violence to try to get around these rules just makes you an ass.
    Not only are these rules perfectly clear, I really question why someone would want to take a newborn outside in January, either from the hospital or their own living room. I know its been mild but not that mild.

  35. Bobby, Jr. spent some time in Alabama in his early 20s. He was there long enough to make a number of friends. He had some hair-raising things to say about his mother, Ethel. She is not a nice person to say the least. His siblings range from being completely entitled brats/monsters to honestly wanting to work for the public good; most are some combination of the preceding.

  36. Anonymous1:52 AM

    If a nurse tried to snatch my baby out of my arms, I'd kick her ass too. The doc was with him. Nurses have no right to override what the doc says. If nurses want to be big and powerful, they should've gone to school for a few more years. The baby was bundled up and wasn't in the NICU or anything like that. It's probably safer for the baby to be out of the hospital than in it. And how do you people propose that the baby would never be exposed to cold weather? Considering Douglas Kennedy is only wearing a sweatshirt in this pic, it probably wasn't that cold outside. Apparently, there is video and we'll see what happened. If those nurses tried to snatch and grab, they deserved everything they got. They could have hurt the baby far more than a stroll outside.

  37. That is such a douchey thing to say Therealjaded.

    There are some people out their that actually choose to be a nurse over being a doctor. If newborns can't be taken out of the hospital before discharge there really isn't any good reason to take them out for a walk unless the building is on fire.

    He could have called for security rather than attacking two nurses.

  38. Clearly, Enty, you haven't been to RFK in a while. I went to two DC United games this past year and it needs a major facelift.

  39. He kicked her in the crotch?? F**k this dude. Seriously. You could not pay me enough money to be a nurse and put up with this behavior.
