Friday, February 17, 2012

Four For Friday - The Orgy Film

Maybe orgy is the wrong word to describe what happened on the making of this movie, but there was certainly lots of rampant sex going on. It all started with an A list movie actress at the time who was starring in a franchise and wanted to keep her glory. She hated doing this movie, but she was committed so decided to make the best of it. For her, this meant having as much sex and doing as many drugs as possible while making the movie. Every co-star was fair game and when one actor thought he was the one she found special, he would be replaced and a new one brought in. She was the goddess of the movie and acted like it. She was a way larger star than any other actor on the film, primarily because she was charging so much to be in it that there was no budget for anyone else.

Besides having sex with the actors on the set, she also brought in an old co-star who was still hanging on to his A list acting fame at the time. An Academy Award winner he dropped by the set and the next thing you know, the pair were in his hotel room and not her trailer. He was with his now wife at the time, but he had wanted the goddess when they had last made a movie together and she had turned him down. This time he was having her, marriage be damned.

Oh, there was the B list movie actress with the alliteration for a name who stopped by one day and they reunited after a few years apart. This actress has played in some very steamy roles of her own.

There was one actor, now a B- list who claimed he had never had sex with a woman before. Men yes, but not women so our goddess had to have him. She did. Now he is married to a B list actress.


  1. Diane Keaton and Al Pacino?

  2. I can't get Elizabeth Taylor/Cleopatra out of my head. not even sure if it fits all the other clues, but I remember she HATED doing that movie and was paid a boatload of money to do it.

  3. Sharon Stone? Basic Instinct 2?

  4. So I am confused about the B-list actress with the aliteration for a name - is Enty saying the Goddess and get hooked up?

    I wish he had an acct. and would answer questions in replies....

  5. Get=her I hate my iPhone sometimes :*(

  6. But was Liz Taylor in a franchise at the time? I don't think she ever was. I keep thinking Angelina cause she was in the Tomb Raider movies.

  7. For some reason, Gina Gershon popped into my head for the alliteration name, but not she was/is B-list.

  8. Cameron Diaz was in the Shrek franchise.

  9. Liz was in those Father of the Bride movies if those count

  10. @Terri. Oh yeah, that's right.

  11. I like the Angelina / Tomb Raider guess

  12. I like the Sharon Stone guess. What other actresses were the starring lead in franchise films? What about the Lara Croft movie(s)? Was there more than one?

  13. I don't think it's AJ/Tomb Raider. Says A list at the time, as if she is no longer A list, and we all know that doesn't describe AJ. This is tough!

  14. I feel like Sharon Stone is the B-list actress

  15. Angelina and ALEXANDER...

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  17. I wanna say charlize and that new snow white movie.

  18. Nerners, your guess made me laugh, but it is intriguing ... I want to see what everyone comes up with because I'm stumped. "Goddess" has to be a clue and all I can think of is Alanis Morrisette in Dogma, which doesn't fit at all.

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  20. I get the sense that this is probably from the 70's or 80's.

  21. I think you nailed it TinselSass!!

  22. The actor who never been with women but is now married to a B list actress, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.

  23. Was going to say what Himmmm said - try to figure it out from the B list movie actress name.

  24. This has to be 80's, 90's and presently because franchises were not big before then other than the Star Wars and Godfather movies.

  25. i think angelina and tomb raider

  26. I think saying a movie is a franchise means at least three movies; to me a movie and a sequel doesn't count as a franchise. So I don't really see the two Basic Instinct movies fitting in here.

    And franchises with a woman in the lead - that must narrow the list down a lot.

    A list actress "at the time" - how long does it take to lose A list status? I'd say five years. Plus Enty has said that once you win an Oscar it's difficult if not impossible to lose A list status. Can you lose it if you won a supporting Oscar, as Angie did for Girl Interrupted in 2000? I don't know, I still see her as A list.

    I wish we had some kind of time frame on this.

  27. Ben Affleck may be many things, but gay is not one of them.

  28. All I can think of is Julia Roberts and the new Snow White movie. I haven't figured out all of the other players yet.

  29. Kiera Knightly? (Pirates of the Carribbean)

  30. Also, I read this as the A list actress was starring in a franchise at the time, but did this movie solely to keep her name relevant, as in this movie was not part of the franchise. And what female fronted franchise would have no other real stars in it? Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but I don't think the film in question is a franchise film.

  31. This can't be tomb raider, since there weren't any actresses with an alliteration for a name in either of them. Also, was Alexander even part of a franchise?

    We can eliminate the Father of the Bride franchise, since Diane Keaton did not get top billing there.

  32. @melissa, Pirates had other big names in it....Johnny Depp

  33. I'm not sure about the "goddess", but I think the B-list movie actress with the alliteration for a name that had played in some very steamy roles of her own is Sharon Stone. You don't get much steamier than "Basic Instinct".

    Were Sharon Stone and Julia Roberts ever friends? I could see Julia behaving like this and she used to command upwards of $20million a movie. But she was never in a franchise. Unless, you count "Valentine's Day" as part of a sort of franchise of Gary Marshall romantic comedies. For a while, Julia was in every one of his rom-coms. I remember what a big deal was made of how Julia made something like half a million dollars a minute for her screen time on "Valentine's Day" and she was certainly the biggest star in the movie. And if Bradley Cooper really is gay, he might be the B lister who claimed he'd never had sex with a woman. I can't remember who else was in "Valentine's Day". There might be another actor who would fit better.

  34. A list at the time: Sharon Stone
    Movie: Basic Instinct 2
    Old Co-Star hanging on to A, Oscar winner: Michael Douglas
    His now wife: Catherine Zeta Jones
    B List movie actress: ??
    B List actor now married: Hugh Dancy (was in Basic Instinct 2)
    B List actress he's married to: Claire Danes

  35. Alien Resurrection? Sigourney as the A and Winona Ryder as the B?

  36. How about Kate Beckinsale in the Underworld movies or Milla J. in the Resident Evil movies?

  37. I like the Cameron Diaz guest, since she was in two franchises, The Charlie's Angels series and Shrek. The movie in question could have been Any Given Sunday since Enty states the movie he is referring to is NOT the franchise but just her trying to continue her A list by doing another movie, that is what I understood it as.

  38. Never mind Winona's name isn't an alliteration. :(

  39. There aren't a lot of franchises with female leads:

    The only ones I see with female leads are Resident Evil, Underworld, the Alien movies (Sigourney?), the Scream movies but Courtney Cox is bigger than Neve Campbell, maybe Halle on the third X-Men movie but Hugh was as big as star as her at the time. This is a puzzler.

  40. It does not say the actor is gay but that he has only had sex with men at the point he met the "goddess". Evidently it took because he is now in a hetero relationship.

  41. Halle Berry in X-Men?

    B list movie actress with the alliteration for a name would fit Rebecca Romijn (sp?)

  42. I'm on the Alexander train, Rosario Dawson for the B list actress with the alliteration for a name.

  43. Maybe I should have asked this sooner, is this movie part of the franchise or a movie she committed to just to keep her fame going?

  44. Meant to add: did Sharon Stone play a goddess in the movie "Muse"?

    A list at the time: Sharon Stone
    Movie: Basic Instinct 2
    Old Co-Star hanging on to A, Oscar winner: Michael Douglas
    His now wife: Catherine Zeta Jones
    B List movie actress: ??
    B List actor now married: Hugh Dancy (was in Basic Instinct 2)
    B List actress he's married to: Claire Danes

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  46. I may be wrong, but I took the franchise and the movie that the actress hated to be 2 separate movies (not one and the same)

  47. @Montana, yes that's what I think is the correct line of thinking, but Cameron did Any Given Sunday before Shrek or Charlies Angels came out, so I don't think it's that particular film.

  48. This is tough.

    Its not AJ and Alexander. That movie had Colin Farrell, Val Kilmer, Anthony Hopkins. And it says she was the major "big name" because she sucked up all the money. That movie was littered with big stars.

    I wondered if the Oscar winner is Russell Crowe. He's only been married since 2003 so if it happened right before that it would fit. And he's the type to be all "marriage be damned".

    I also wondered if its Neve Campbell during one of the Scream follow-ups. The later ones didn't have many big names. She was A-list at the time, but not anymore. Aliteration name, Courtney Cox and Parker Posey were both in them. But I can't get anything else to fit real well. In those movies there's tons of "smaller" stars littered in but no one that AT THE TIME would have a bigger name than her or no one that has a prominant role like she did that would suck up a lot of money. Joshua Jackson, Patrick Dempsey, Scott Foley, David Arquette, Timothy Olyphant, Jerry O'Connell, it goes on and on. All people we know now, but at the time its few big big names that would command alot of money. The only big name would have been Courtney Cox.

    idk, this ones hard.

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  51. For the alliterative one - Rebecca Romijn?

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  53. This is one of those where I need to break it down in order to solve soooo.....

    1. A list movie actress at the time - starring in franchise, wanted to keep glory, "goddess."

    2. Old co-star who was still hanging on to his A list acting fame at the time, Oscar winner, with the woman who he is now married to.

    3. B list movie actress, alliteration, has played in some very steamy roles, "reunited after a few years apart" <-- does this mean that the two actresses had a previous relationship or that they worked together on something?

    4. Now a B- list who claimed he had never had sex with a woman before, slept w/ #1

    5. B list actress, now married to #4

  54. I am thinking Basic Instinct 2. I don't think AJ would have been wanting to "keep all her glory" when filming Tomb Raider. I also think the B- list actor who claimed to be a virgin to women and is now married- was probably young at the time of filming....No ides who that is. I also like the idea of Michael Douglas as the old A-list co-star..Now married to CZJ. Just seems like something he would have sone years ago.

  55. OMG I think Halle fits, the movie, CATWOMAN, the A List actor who is married now, Warren Beatty who she starred in BULWORTH with and rumors abound that he wanted her. The actres who wanted her I don't think was Sharon Stone but they were in it together.

  56. Or Rebecca Romijn could be the actress that stopped by for a visit on the catwoman set.

  57. Kathleen Turner - Romancing the Stone movies
    Angelina Jolie - Tomb Raider
    Julia Roberts - Oceans 11
    Sharon Stone - Basic Instinct
    Halle Berry - X-Men
    Reese Witherspoon - Legally Blond
    Cate Blanchet - Elizabeth (maybe?)
    Rene Zelleweger - Diary movies

    that's all I have at the moment

  58. I like the Halle guess by the way. Plus Enty has been sour on her lately so.....

    I forgot a few (dozen) in the list above

  59. SNAP! I think the B-list actor was Hugh Dancy (costarred with SS in BI2) and Claire Danes as his now B-list wife.

    Also BI 2 is considered a franchise by many - after some google research, I guess there was maybe going to be a third one.


    I misunderstood and thought that the A-lister wasn't married yet but is now. Now I see that he was married then ("marriage be damned") so I am TOTALLY on the Halle Berry/Warren Beatty train.

  61. I am with you on that one CattyCat!

  62. I think it's Halle Berry - she played Storm who was kind of a goddess.

  63. And if it was Halle, I'm also on board with Rebecca Romijn.

  64. I like Melissa's guess of Keira Knightley.

    Orgy movie: Domino
    Franchise: Pirates of the Caribbean
    Old co-star who hanging on to A list fame: Orlando Bloom
    His girlfriend/now wife: Miranda Kerr
    B list alliteration actress: Laura Linney (who Kiera worked with two years earlier on Love Actually)
    Her steamy roles: More Tales of the City, Kinsey
    B- actor who claimed he never had sex with a woman: Brian Austin Green (who was in Domino)
    B list actress he is married to: Megan Fox

  65. Orlando Bloom does not have an Oscar, as the haning on to Alister does.

  66. The franchise movie and the orgy movie are two different films.

    If it's Halle Berry would it be:

    Franchise film: X Men
    Orgy film: what would this be? Things We Lost in the Fire? I don't think Catwoman was a movie she was pissed about being in.

  67. @ Melissa,
    I totally did not even think of that, the character of Storm in the comic books was considered a Goddess, and Halle played her so, yeah I am so on the Halle train.

  68. I guess Halle/Storm is linked to goddess....But Halle doesn't strike me as the type to load up on drugs, booze, and sex because filming was a drag. I have the feeling that she is a bit more professional than that...could be wrong of course.

  69. For Enty, an Oscar means permanent B or above.

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  71. Okay...Does Halle have much of a drug history?

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  73. Sigourney Weaver...Aliens.

  74. The only problem with the Catwoman guess is Ben Bratt. He was already married beforehand, and not to a B list actress.

  75. It can't be Pirates. Keira was a nobody in that movie compared to Johnny Depp. That franchise would have been dead if johnny left. No one cares about Keira's character.

    Also, can't be Sharon Stone. She wasn't the biggest actress in that franchise. She wasn't even known. Michael Douglas was bigger than her.

  76. @crila she was my first thought, since she had two franchises in the 80's, Aliens and Ghostbusters, and had other random films as well. I went over her filmography though and failed to make anything stick.

  77. I don't think any of the three described actors she slept with (the A list oscar winner, the alteration named actress or the currently married to a B list actor) were in the orgy film with her.

  78. Cattycat got it--it's Sharon Stone.

    The wording of the blind does NOT say the movie was outside her franchise--it implies it was a crap film, that the actress was committed to (actors always have to sign contracts that lock them into potential sequels)---Basic Instinct made Sharon Stone into a goddess, and her arm didn't need much twisting to keep up that sexy image.

    Plus, Sharon & Gina Gershon ARE friends:

    If that doesn't work, do a google image search with their names. They look pretty familiar in the pics.

  79. Crila--Sharon was the ONLY big name in the 'orgy' film--MD was NOT in #2. But can't you see him visiting the set?

  80. All I can think of is Julia Robert, Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz esp because of "his now wife" part. They weren't married when Javier and Julia worked together of eat pray love but they are married now.

  81. I think the board and Himmmmm have reached a conclusion-- Halle & Catwoman. Beatty and Romijn for the co-star/A-lister and B/alliteration name. Now who is the actor who claimed to have never slept with a chick but is now married to a B lister??

  82. The movie that she was the biggest star wasn't the franchise. The movie she hated doing was the one where she slept with all her co-stars. "She was the goddess of the movie and acted like it." This is describing the non-franchise movie.

  83. Sigorney Weaver, Alien franchise

  84. I was just going to say what LeeLee said--Besides have sex with actors on set, SHE ALSO BROUGHT IN Academy Award winner, B list movie actress with alliteration, then the now B- actor (who may have been a nobody at the time of the film), who claimed he hadn't had sex with a woman.

    SO, there isn't anyone famous in the orgy movie except for the star of the blind...probably people she's worked with, but not necessarily. That's why nothing fits, folks. We need more clues!

  85. I definitely read it as the current movie being filmed (orgy film) is the franchise film. I'm sticking with Sharon Stone.

  86. My apologies for the unrelated comment...

    Himmmm, is Bryan Lourd still at CAA & repping Clooney? Thanks in advance.

  87. I don't but Halle being the "Goddess" Enty doesn't call her a goddess because she played one but because, "She was the goddess of the movie and acted like it". It doesn't have to do with her past films but with her behavior on this films set. So it has to be someone with a tendency to be a Diva in my mind.

    I agree with Jolene Jolene that this film ISN'T a part of the franchise AND there isn't really anyone famous or even well known on the movie set. Although I am reading the B-list who never slept with women as having been on the film since Enty says he is "now B-list".

  88. Allison--English IS my first language, and the wording can be read that the orgy film was in the franchise, she didn't want to do it (BI2 script was hella-crap), but was committed (committed as in contracted) & loved keeping her glory (as the sex goddess BI1 had made her).
    See? Read it again, and we'll just agree to disagree.

    (btw, I should have mentioned earlier that ONLY stars of Michael Douglas' stature [at least at that time] don't have to necessarily sign on to sequels in their film contracts.)

  89. Julia Roberts in the Ocean movies.

  90. Without any of the other factors, this does fit Julia Roberts and the franchise she was in was the Ocean movies.

  91. If it were Julia Roberts, wouldn't Enty mention that the A-lister was married?

  92. Ok...then if it's Sharon Stone, what was the "orgy" movie outside of the franchise. It said she was currently starring in a franchise and wanted to keep her glory I'm assuming it means the franchise movie was just out (Basic Instinct). The next movie she did after that was Sliver with Billy Baldwin who was pretty big back then. Then she did last Action Hero with Arnold who was bigger than her. Then she did Intersection with Richard Gere who was bigger than her too.

    Also, I think Halle Berry is still considered an A list actress, so I don't think it's her at all.

  93. I definitely read this as the franchise movie(s) and the "orgy movie" as two separate things. I think the actress is the lead starring female in the franchise, but not necessarily the lead star (so not AJ in Tomb Raider). She is the goddess of the orgy film because she used up the budget and no one else has the same name recognition.

    Other than that, I'm stumped although the Halle Berry guess does intrigue me.

  94. Farah Fawcett
    Lucy Lui
    Parker Posey
    Rene Russo
    Holly Hunter
    Susan Sarandon
    Laura Linney
    Marilyn Monroe

    Sharon Stone and Gina Gershon...are they considered alliterations? The S and G's are pronounced differently.

  95. Here's a list of franchis emovies:

    There aren't many on there starring a woman: Alien, Scream, Basic Instinct, Lara Croft, Sex and the City (SJP? Yeah right!), Resident Evil and one or two others. So I'm thinking that the woman isn't the main star of the franchise, only that she had a substantial role.

    And that makes me think that the wording here - "She was the goddess of the movie" - should be taken literally. Melissa noted Halle Berry as Storm. Other candidates?

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  97. How about Catherine Keener for the alliterative actress who has had some steamy roles of her own? Not spelled the with the same letter, but the same sound. Is she B-list?

  98. I agree with JB Dean, the movie Enty is talking about is NOT part of the franchise, just a movie our A list actress (at the time) had signed for before becoming a star and had to shoot. Given that her paycheck took most of the budget, it isn't even a big budget action movie, in which stunts and SFX would be much more expensive than what the female star makes.

    And it isn't Sharon Stone and Basic Instinct 2. Basic Instinct was shot only because of a clause in Sharon Stone contract. The producers would have to pay more if the movie wasn't made than if there was a cheap sequel shot in a few weeks. So, they approved the cheapest project, so Sharon Stone could make some press about herself and do some commercials for Dior about their menopausal product line.
    However, fifteen years before, Sharon Stone was bound to do "Sliver". That's how she had won the part in Basic Instinct. She was told that Geena Davis was almost signed, so she agreed to do both Basic Instinct and Sliver. And she hated doing Sliver.

  99. Thanks Himmmm, been dragging my feet on the personal assistant thing. Probably time to get moving if this is what I really want to do. :) (I met Bryan long ago when he was still with Carrie, right after Billie was born. She was with them that day).

  100. I don't know if all CattyCat's guesses are right, but I'm on board with her suggestion of Sharon Stone in "The Muse." From IMDB: "What happens when a screenwriter (Brooks) loses his edge, he turns to anyone he can for help... even if it's the mythical Zeus's daughter (Stone)."

  101. I Know What You Did Last Summer is also a franchise.

  102. I was soooo trying to make Meg Ryan fit for this. Didn't work tho.

  103. Franchise: X-Men

    A-list actress: Halle Berry

    Old co-star: Robert Downey Jr. They were both in Gothika in 2003. He was recently out of rehab and trying to rebuild his career, so he was "still hanging on to his A list acting fame at the time."

    When RDJ met Halle on Gothika, he was “with his” now wife. He was dating Susan Levin. Susan was one of the producers of Gothika.

    When RDJ and Halle hooked up during X-Men: Last Stand, it was 2006 and RDJ was married (he and Susan married in 2005). "Marriage be damned"

    B-List alliteration actress: Sharon Stone. "They reunited after a few years apart" refers to SS and HB - they were both in Catwoman together in 2004.

    B-List actor: Hugh Dancy. He and Sharon Stone were in Basic Instinct 2 together in 2006, so he might have come around to visit her, but Halle ended up seducing him.

    B-List actress: Claire Danes.

    Halle’s “fair game” co-stars: Hugh Jackman, James Marsden, Aaron Stanford, Shawn Ashmore, Vinnie Jones, Patrick Stewart, Kelsey Grammer (?!) plus director Brett Ratner.

  104. Yes, Sharon Stone is alliteration. See below. Another possibility is Rebecca Romijn, who was also in X-Men. I think SS's roles were steamier than RR's, though.

    Alliteration occurs when a series of words in a row (or close to a row) have the same first consonant sound. For example, “She sells sea-shells down by the sea-shore” or “Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers”

  105. Long time reader, first time poster! For some reason Cuba Gooding Jr popped into my head as the Oscar winner clinging to fame. So I went from there.

    Actress: Renee Zellweger
    Film: New In Town (2009)
    Her Franchise: Briget Jones
    Past co-star she slept with: Cuba (Jerry Maguire came out in '96, he's been married since '94)

    My theory doesn't go much farther than that, but Renee would have had her huge ego on then.

    My second choice would be the Halle theory.

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  107. @LF -- "Alliteration occurs when a series of words in a row (or close to a row) have the same first consonant sound. For example, “She sells sea-shells down by the sea-shore” or “Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers'"

    ..which is exactly why "Sharon Stone" *isn't* alliterative. It's not Sharon Schone or Staron Stone.

    I think Halle is the A-list actress in question, BTW. And Rebecca Romijn (which *is* an alliterative name) is the B-lister.

  108. No one's mentioned Carrie Fisher so far, and bits and pieces jump out to me: the drugs and alcohol, for one. The "never had sex with a woman before" reminds me of her marriage to a gay man. She's definitely a "goddess" to hordes of nerds. She was in Blues Brothers, Under the Rainbow, and several other films after "Star Wars."

    I can't readily link the other clues, but just wanted to toss this out here...

  109. I'm not being argumentative about the definition of alliteration, but I majored in English. Oxford English Dictionary is the most respected and according to it, alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter OR sound -- at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected. Their example is ‘sweet birds sang’

    The reason I lean toward SS is because her roles were steamier than RR's, but either one works for the blind and they both have connections to the other people involved.

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  111. Don't forget the lord of the rings franchise! Cate Blanchett? Liv Tyler?

  112. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Nicole Kidman in The Golden Compass, the first movie in the His Dark Materials franchise, which was never continued.

  113. So, it IS Halle Berry then. Not RDJ but Sharon Stone and Hugh Dancy are the others. How about Billy Bob for the actor then? Not sure if he is A-list. What other A-listers has she starred with in the past? But what movie was she in that she was the biggest star in?

    BTW is this blind saying that Halle and Sharon got together? LOL This sounds like a fun set to visit.

  114. Thanks IMDB. Halle was the biggest star in either Their Eyes are Watching God, and more recently Frankie and Alice. But TEWG was produced by Oprah Winfrey, so I could see A and B listers dropping by the set hoping to meet the big O.

    Still have no idea who the Oscar winner who dropped by is.

  115. What about Robin Wright?

  116. An out-of-the-box guess:

    Late 90s/early 2000s

    Hot, A-list at the time actress:
    Heather Graham

    Franchise: Austin Powers

    A-list, fading former co-star hanging on to fame that dropped by the set: Could be Burt Reynolds (Boogie Nights) or William Hurt (Lost in Space), maybe Oldman

    Alliteration actress: Courtney Cox (they were in Scream 2 togther)

    Film Heather didn't want to be in: Committed, which is why Enty says she is committed

    Not sure of the guy married to B-list actress

  117. I may be going out on a limb here, but somehow I just don't see RDJ hooking up w/Halle at any point in time--I get the distinct impression that anyone who's worked with her (as he did in Gothika) would understand all too well just how nutty she can be, and I really don't see him jeopardizing what is apparently a very happy marriage just for the sake of sticking it in crazy. Just. don't. see. it. (Not to mention that he's not--damn it--an Oscar winner.)

    Now, Warren Beatty on the other hand...that I could see, esp. since there's practically a photo of him in the OED next to the definition of "poonhound." Marriage may have made him more discreet, but I doubt Annette has been able to completely tame him.

    So, my guesses so far:

    Actress: Halle
    Franchise: X-Men
    Oscar winner: Beatty

    I'll have to hop over to IMDB to see what she's done in the past few years to see what else might click...

  118. OK, back from IMDB:

    If the actress is indeed Halle, the movie would most likely be Frankie and Alice; she's the biggest name in it by far, with Stellan Skarsgard and Phylicia Rashad as the next best-known co-stars. The only other movie that might work in terms of her being the biggest name would be Their Eyes Were Watching God, but I'm thinking the movie in question was shot more recently than 2005.

    B-list actress w/alliterative name who's done very steamy scenes: Gina Gershon could work for this one, seeing as guys are doubtless still fapping to her & Jennifer Tilly in Bound, and I think she may be bi in real life.

    Sorry, still don't have anyone for the B- actor who was a hetero virgin, or his B actress wife.

  119. Oh great - this is one of those blinds I'm going to be obsessing over. Damn you, Enty! I don't have a bloody clue. :(

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  121. @LF -- I also majored in English, with a concentration in Creative Writing. And nerds like us have gotta stick together, since hardly any of us are going to make any money, and no one gives a shit whether or not we can discern a Shakespearean sonnet from an Elizabethan one. It's sad, but true.

    That said, I still challenge whether "Sharon Stone" is alliterative. I still don't think it is.

  122. Did anyone else see on imdb that Sharon Stone is playing Aphrodite in a 2012 movie called Gods Behaving Badly?!?!?

  123. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Without disrespecting Enty to whom we are all grateful for his continued blinds.....does anyone seriously think he checked the OED for alliteration definitions pre-scribing this blind? Maybe he assumed much like my good self that it was the letter not the sound thus making Sharon Stone a possible......just saying

  124. I have an English degree, Masters in Literature, MFA, and am getting my PhD in literature. I also teach college Englsh. Hugh Hefner's oldest is one of my former students. LF is correct. Sharon Stone is an aliteration by letter, not by sound. It is a common mistake to think aliterations must only be by sound.

    Has anyone noticed Himmm is basically admitting to being RDJ? Not stating that he is though.

    I'm going with Halle Berry and Becky Romaine Lettuce.

  125. Yay! I’m not the only English major who’s posting here. I was feeling like the biggest dork. Which I am, but…

    Himmmm … Haven’t people on this site been wondering whether you’re RDJ? That would explain how you know with 100% total guaranteed personal knowledge that I’m incorrect about the male ;-) I will try again … and since you’ve said I’m on the right track and only need to pick another male, I will leave my guesses for the other players intact …

    @Robin the Mad Photographer – you make a great point that I hadn’t thought of until you said it -- about not seeing RDJ hooking up with Halle.

    I just realized something else. When I first read Enty’s blind, I interpreted, “he was with his now wife at the time” to mean that they were dating, but not married at the time, but they are married now. For me, this ruled out a number A-list actors, based on the years they dated and married their current wives – Pierce Brosnan, Nicholas Cage, Warren Beatty. They all fit the description of “hanging on to A-list at the time.” Maybe “he was with his now wife at the time” means they were married, especially since Enty followed with the statement, “Marriage be damned.” I thought there might be a clue in the statement “marriage be damned.” It sounds like something James Bond would say, but Pierce Brosnan doesn’t strike me as that type and Enty already revealed him as faithful to his wife and not particularly interested in sex. I can totally see Nicholas Cage wanting Halle, but I can’t see her wanting him (although you never know).

    I’m going with Warren Beatty.

  126. RDJ not hooking up with Halle? And you honestly see her craving to climb into bed with him? Sorry, don't see it. And he wasn't exactly always the most stable person in Hollywood.

    Frankie and Alice was a film she brought to the screen so it was a project of love, not one she was obliged contractually to do. Other than that, what other movie was she the biggest star in, not to mention, she doesn't come off as the drugging and random sex type at all.

  127. LF said 'the definition of [the OED] the occurrence of the same LETTER OR [emph. added] the beginning of, adjacent [to] or closely connected [words]....'

    [Not an English major or much of a writer so i freely admit i butchered the quote above; feel free to correct/frag it.]

    BUT before rereading it, i agreed w/Ida that *S*haron *S*tone did not have an alliterative name because i thought alliteration required the same sound as well as the same letter.

    Now i side w/LF and the ever sagacious and [frequently] omniscient HIMMMM: Sharon Stone and Warren Beatty as the final players in the orgy tableaux. And can't you see these two sliming/slumming about together?

    The players on CDAN continue to astound me! You guys/Y'all know your stuff, and if you don't, you know how to suss it out. Me, i'm a great nitpicker.

  128. I think it would be quicker if we work by elimination, so: Can anyone name a movie where the jaded miserable star did not take a bunch of drugs and sleep with everyone? If we can start naming the dozen films where this didn't happen, we can narrow things down quickly.

  129. A list at the time: Uma Thurman (named after a Hindu goddess)

    Franchise: Kill Bill

    Old Co-Star hanging on to A, Oscar winner: Ben Affleck (Him and Uma were in Paycheck)

    His now wife: Jennifer Garner

    B List movie actress: Lucy Liu

    B List actor now married: ?
    B List actress he's married to: ?

  130. You can't say SHaron STone isn't an alliteration, but SHe Sells is...

  131. @LF - nice work. Thanks @Himmmm for contributing.

    I hope ya'll don't let this go, I'm dying to hear who the rest of the players are. The blind is giving me a headache, more than I already have, can't think.

  132. It is Sharon Stone. She is currently cast as the goddess Aphrodite in the movie God Behaving Badly.

  133. LF: It's always possible that Himmmm = RDJ, but we'll never know definitively; it's also possible, however, that our mystery commenter is a close enough friend to know whether or not he'd be likely to schtup Halle. Either way, though, since he's not (yet) an Oscar winner, he wouldn't fit the blind.

    Now, Sharon Stone would probably also be a good guess for the A-list actress, but as I'm still getting over a nasty virus, my brain is too tired to try to figure that one out...

  134. Something I'd just like to point out to everyone: If you're reading & posting on a forum that is apt to discuss [PERSON], always, always, ALWAYS assume that [PERSON] is at the very least lurking, and could even be a regular poster, and tailor your comments accordingly. If you wouldn't say it to their face, don't say it online; on the other hand, if you don't give a rat's ass either way, then say whatever you want--just realize that it could potentially bite you in the butt someday.

    I learned this more than 15 years ago back on, when we suspected that Trent Reznor just might be lurking/posting, and indeed he was. ;-) Fortunately, while I posted plenty of silly-assed stuff back in the day, none of it was mean-spirited, so while I can certainly be embarrassed about some of the drivel I posted, at least I don't have to cringe over being outed as an asshole on Usenet. This is, in my estimation, a Very Good Thing.

    (In this vein: Himmmm, if you really are RDJ, congratulations to you and Susan on the new baby--I bet he's adorable! And yes, the offer of prime rib at Durgin Park still stands; just give me some lead time to get together enough money so I can feed both of you, OK? :-)

  135. I've completely changed my guess based on info and clues that other readers have posted.

    Franchise: Basic Instinct

    A list actress: Sharon Stone

    A list former co-star: Michael Douglas. Although he wasn't in Basic Instinct 2, it wouldn't have been odd for him to have spent some time on the set.

    B-list alliterative actress: Gina Gershon. She and Sharon Stone are distant cousins, so she came to visit her distant cousin on the set. GG filmed a number of movies the same year BI 2 was filmed and might have been working close-by.

    B-list actor: Hugh Dancy, who was also in Basic Instinct 2.

    B-list actress: Claire Danes.

  136. Sharon Stone played a goddess in The Muse with Albert Brooks.

  137. I'm a little late on this one, but I thought I read somewhere that Halle Berry doesn't drink alcohol or do any drugs because she is diabetic.

  138. well, it would appear I missed all the fun....and someone went to alot of trouble to remove all their posts. I think Enty should do a blind about who might be lurking. Of course, he might not know for sure himself.

  139. Oh, dear...I hope we didn't inadvertently chase Himmmm away; whoever he may be, he's a funny bastard and has lots of great stories. Come back, Himmmm...please? We like you and want you to stick around and tell us more funny stories... *sniff*

    Really, we can guess all we like, but in the end we have no idea who anyone is who posts here, so anyone could be, well, anyone...Himmmm could be RDJ, or Enty could be RDJ, or hell, I might be RDJ, and you'd never know it, because on the Internet, no one has to know you're a dog, or a celebrity. why do I suddenly have "I AM SPARTACUS!" on the brain?... ;-)

  140. It's true Robin, you never know. In fact....confession time....I am, in fact....not a big mama but a really really REALLY big mama....with a cookie addiction. I feel so much better now *whew*

    himmmm - you were fun, maybe you will return someday. In the meantime, knock yourself out and have fun lurking.

  141. Himmm.....come back! I missed it (story of my life). I didn't see the posts.. </3

  142. Did Himmmm remove his comments? I just got on this thread and don't see any posts that people are referring to.

  143. I think Kung fu Panda fits. Lucy Liu for alliteration name. B list actor could be David Cross...

  144. Alliteration actresses:
    Lindsey Lohan
    Laura Linney
    January Jones
    Sharon Stone
    Parker Posey
    Amy Adams
    Sherry Stringer
    Lucy Liu
    Sissy Spacek
    Janet Jackson
    Keira Knightley
    Doris Day
    Mary Tyler Moore
    Brenda Blethyn
    Helen Hunt
    Tina Turner
    Olive Oyl

    How I spent my Monday Afternoon.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Why are so many comments removed from this thread?
    I am stumped but it seems ti me the blind is referring to a movie that is not part of the franchise. Of course i was not an English major nor do i have any advanced degrees. Perhaps i am under qualified for this forum? ;)

    To whoever posted the question: Why would someone (i think in ref to Halle) want to sleep with RDJ, i pose the opposite: Why would someone not want to sleep with RDJ (if he were single, of course)? He actually seems like one of the few actors/ celebrities who might be fun and smart
    and as down to earth as possible living in that world.

  148. I am fairly certain of this:

    Godess: Carrie Fisher
    Franchise: Star Wars
    Orgy Movie: Hollywood Vice Squad

  149. This blind has stuck with me for some reason, so Im back to throw out Michelle Pfeiffer as a possibility. The franchise would be Batman and the alliteration actress is Susan Sarandon. The old A-list costar is Jeff Bridges.

    The movie is To Gillian on her 37th Birthday. Freddie Prinze, Jr. was in that movie and he is now married to Sarah Michelle Gellar. There's enough people in the cast to make it an interesting set (Peter Gallagher, Danes, Seth Green), but I could see her being annoyed being since it seems corny.

  150. Well, I have to scratch the last one. Pfeiffer married David Kelley in 1993.

  151. can only be sharon stone or angelina jolie, I think the former, that award movie called the muse she made:

  152. However Sharon would never say No … so it does not qualify. Who would refuse an Oscar winner?

    NICOLE KIDMAN when was single again?

    Aliteration: NAOMI WATTS?

    1. Naomi Watts is not an alliteration.

  153. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Hey, I found the picture. It is in fact of Sharon Stone. Much easier to go with the clue right in front of our face.

    So, What do I win? :)
