Friday, February 10, 2012

Incest Images Found On Josh Powell's Computer Two Years Ago

Now that Josh Powell has killed himself and his kids, news has come out that two years ago police in UTah found images on Josh's computer of incest. These were computer generated images but police found them so disturbing that they could only look at the for brief periods of time. Umm, don't you think at that point that perhaps that would have been a time to possibly make arrangements for someone else to watch the kids. The mom disappears, you find incest images on the computer, but you just go ahead and say that everything is just fine? I am sometimes amazed at what child protective services does not do for the children they are supposed to protect. I honestyl cannot even think about this story very much because it literally makes me sick to think about the kids and their f**ked up dad and grandfather and the way they had to die.


  1. Maybe that's why he murdered his wife, she found out what he was into and was going to take the boys and expose him.

  2. This story can't possibly get any sadder. Jesus.

    I think I'll stay away from the rest of the human race.

  3. This story just makes me want to vomit!! What the heck is WRONG with people?! Heart goes out to those poor boys and what they endured in their short time.

  4. Sleep little one else can hurt you anymore.

  5. It's a travesty that this man was permitted to have any interaction at all with those precious boys. If he was THE ONLY PERSON OF INTEREST in a woman's murder, what on the earth was the court thinking allowing him to be left alone with anybody, not just these boys??? Clearly he was a head case and there were major red flags. Horrible, horrible risk on CPS' part for allowing this to happen. And I do blame the system. They handed those kids over to a madman on a silver platter.

  6. Just going to say it. I wonder about the authorities in Utah.

  7. I just don't understand. Kill yourself if you want to. But leave your children alone. I have been crying about this all week. The news seems to be full of stories of parents killing their children every freaking week. My heart hurts. Take every opportunity to hug and love your children.

  8. @ SueRH--
    SAME thing I was thinking this whole time. Well, either the husband or the father-in-law got her out of their way...or both of them.

    And the husband looked weirdly like a large child himself to me. It's sadly very possible he was a victim of child abuse. NO EXCUSE for any of it but still...I have wondered.

    All eyes are looking at the father-in-law now, I hope!!!

    And they are full of crap trying to pin it on the 911 responder. You know how much shit they must sift through, 24/7? That is a HARD job on the very best of days.

  9. Aaaaannndddd...."they: are trying to make abortion (and readily-available, cheap birth control) harder, not easier. Go figure.

    Hello! Fewer unwanted children born means less of them abused. No talking me down on this one.

    (not that the poor wife had any clue what she was marrying into).

  10. Selena, in Freakonomics, the author actually makes a very compelling argument that Roe v. Wade was the reason crime went down steadily in the late 80s and early 90s.

    I totally agree with you.

  11. Some people are just pure EVIL.

  12. Then maybe you shouldn't post these type of entries. Stick to the gossip, man. Seriously. This shit is depressing, and it seems you like to delve into that type of stuff at least a few times a day. :::booooo:::

  13. Had a recent experience with DCFS. My 20 y/o step daughter threatened to kill her 6 month old baby. DCFS told us that they don't recognize verbal threats, but because she gave her 16 y/o sister a black eye, they would investigate that incident. Frightens us that if this escalates to the level DCFS will step it, it might be too late.

  14. I'm with Tempestuous Grape. I come here for frivolity, not the depravity of the human condition. Please, Enty, no more like this. I've been hurting all week from this story as it is; I don't want to come to my favorite gossip site and see it again.

  15. I love how the police are now going to investigate the 911 operator. Hey fuck head police force maybe if you would of arrested Josh like you promised his family months ago. The kids would still be alive and you wouldn't have to throw up a smoke screen and blame an operator who was following procedure.

  16. Kim Kardashian, Beyonce ...i choose to save my hatred for disgusting people like this...i hate that he killed himself. I wish bubba in prison could have showed him the justice he deserves.

    Hope he is burning !!!

  17. I saw part of the interview with the CPS worker this morning and it tore me up when she said that after Josh locked the door he told one of the boys he had a surprise for them.

    Chris Cuomo has a special 20/20 tonight if anyone is interested. I know I'll be watching.

  18. I thought I read online somewhere that the incest photos belonged to Josh's father?

    this is from ABC online:

    Steve Downing, the attorney representing Cox's parents, Chuck and Judy Cox, said if he had known the nature of the images that were found on Powell's computer, he would have asked the court to change the terms of custody.

    How could the attorney not know this? Was it suppressed?

    Also on that site was a recording of the 911 call the case worker made and the 911 operator was a real sarcastic SNOT.

  19. I'm with Tempe and AKM - these types of posts are coming up more and more and are such a downer. I come here to forget my worries and delve into a bit of gossip for sanities sake. This just upsets me more. Having said that, I also realize that the easiest remedy is to skip reading them, but the pictures are there and you know what they are about and it makes it hard to not see what your "internet friends" have to say about it.

    Oh, and I hope he rots in hell

  20. Just completely fucked up all the way around.
    On a side note, I have a friend who worked for child protective services and left because of the way the system worked AGAINST the children and not for them. So many stories I could go into, but won't. It makes you lose faith in humanity a little more each day.

  21. I like the way you put that, BigMama--"internet friends." Thank you! I work from home and have very little interaction with my "live" friends these days...everyone is off doin' their own thing so often.

    I love all of y'all! (and Enty of course)

  22. Sorry, I'm not a big fan of CPS - try googling "Nubia Barahona" - her body was found around a mile from my house - one of the worst cases of CPS screw ups I've ever heard of. A few years ago they "lost track of" a child in foster care, the family of which has disappeared. I'm beginning to think we were better off with orphanages.

  23. ^^ Florida (at least in 2000) took the most kids from their homes and had the worst track record on keeping tabs on them. Remember that baby girl they found in Missouri, (something Doe) and they thought she was a kid who had gone missing from Florida foster care (in the 1990's). It's mayhem. The whole system (legal on down) is out of order, and no one gives two damns until it personally effects them, or they're touched by a news story.

    On a side, we need to stop with all the PC. How could anyone not tell from this guy's face that he was off?? I'm going to begin to embrace my judgmentalisms (yup I made that word up, but I mean it). This with the school teachers molesting kids, it's as if this non-moralistic society had nothing to do with it. We've been pointing the finger at those who harm themselves for so long, as they are evident, patting ourselves on the back the whole time, meanwhile depravity wreaks havoc among us, and gets away with it because , hey, their not some drug addict. They're functioning members of society. Bullshit. Enough is enough.

  24. yes, that is a sad sad story. police botched it from the get go.

    may the two boys and their mom rest in peace.

  25. I'm sure there is a very special place in hell for this man and will be also for his despicable father.

  26. This story really really burns me up and breaks my heart. I've been following it all along, and this week, I keep catching up on it after I put my own baby to sleep, so then I read about it and lie awake in my bed until 1 in the morning thinking about this evil asshat and those precious boys helpless in that house getting hacked and burned to death. And it has literally brought me to tears. Fucking evil evil man.

    And, I'm not one to hate on police or the system or the courts. But fuck. Let's call a spade a spade here: They royally fucked up this one.

    Sorry, but why is the one person of interest in a murder case allowed to have children visit him in his home with a nice social worker monitoring the whole affair? Seriously, Utah and Washington??? Why the fuck is that allowed?

    I understand that it's hard to arrest someone based on circumstantial evidence and it's easy to Monday morning quarterback, but the police and judges involved in this need to be held accountable.

  27. Plain and simple this guy was a psychopath. CPS and the courts need to be required to have knowledge of this genetic brain disorder to even get their jobs now. It is becoming more and more prevalent. Not a day goes by where you don't read about something like this.

    Psychopaths destroy societies. They breed without conscience and abandon their kids. They are over burdening courts, hospitals, social services, schools, jails. They cannot be cured.

    (Only a few more weeks of me preaching this and then I will go away. Promise. Everyone should be warned and everyone needs to warn their friends, family, neighbors. Watch I am Fishead. Watch Shame. This is psychopathy and society needs to decide what to do with it.)

  28. Such a sad story. And so scary that so many kids are in the hands of the spouse whose spouse has mysteriously "disappeared." But with all of the information, certainly there should have been more done to protect these kids.

    The worker has vowed to keep working with children. What an amazing woman. And oh...she probably makes a near poverty level wage and works 80 hours per week, including evenings, weekends and holidays. And then to deal with this kind of thing. Please remember that it is a screwed up system, but some people working in that system do truly try to help the children. The workers themselves are given way too many cases to handle.

    If you want to make a difference, write to your local congressmen to get the laws changed. Laws need to put the child first (not the relationship of the child to the parent) and must have more funding to provide the types of services OUR children need. YES-they are OUR children, YOURS and MINE, when they are in the protective custody of the state...I mean...we're the state, right?

  29. I'm not defending CPS in any way however look how overworked And underpaid they are. The states have cut so much from their budget that it's inevitable kids are going to fall through the cracks. Just MHo

  30. Agree with all.

    Susan, in case you didn't see it, I thanked you in the other post for the info on NJ. Really appreciate you taking the time to respond.

  31. Agree that the social worker seems like an amazing person, and there are so many amazing people who do that kind of work. I'm sure they have to deal with a lot of bullshit from the government and powers that be.

    No problemo, feraltart.

  32. This makes me sick. Just sick.

  33. @OMAMA - Do you mean Precious Doe? That to me is one of the saddest stories of all time. How could anyone cut of the head of such an adorable little girl?

  34. I'm not going to argue that there was anything RIGHT about this guy, but tell me - what the hell are "pictures of incest?" I mean Luke kissing Leia in Star Wars was incest. Unless they're twins, how would you know they were related from pictures? Are you really talking child porn? Cos frankly, I don't see that pictures of two adults who may or may not be related having sex is all that much of a pearl clutcher, if you see what I'm saying.

    So you're either blowing this out of proportion (which is what happens all the time here now that the REAL ENTY has disappeared), or you're not actually giving us enough detail to make judgements.

    Just sayin' - "Pictures of Incest"? WTF is that supposed to mean?

    THIS guy is crazy and they never should had let him have the kids by himself. And I feel VERY sorry for the social worker.

    1. I think they mean he computer generated pictures of his own family...I don't even really want to type it out.

    2. Ok good I was wrong...just read online, the images were not of real people. Still can't believe this entire situation. It keeps getting worse.

      Obviously the justice system and law enforcement failed in a MAJOR way

  35. @ Fawn - "Pierce County Sheriff's Detective Ed Troyer said the images discovered by investigators were realistic, computer-generated depictions of incestuous parent-child relations."

    How fucked up is that? Actually,
    everything about Josh Powell is seriously fucked up.

  36. Geezus eff me. I don't want to read anything more about this awful man & his poor kids and wife.

  37. I just felt sick when I saw the headline on Sunday that he had blown the house up, and finding out he took an axe to the kids first has made it worse.

    I honestly think regular laws shouldn't apply to people who aren't human. This guy's dad is super messed up and probably messed him up too.

    I don't understand how the cops couldn't do something about the child porn on his computer before, that's what his dad is in jail for. I don't care if it's upsetting or if it's "not his files", the kids should have been removed immediately with no contact.

    I hope the authorities involved are haunted by this, and peace for the babies and their grandparents that loved them.

  38. The call to go back to orphanages is wrong my husband grew up in Foster Care and orphanages from 1937 (birth) till 1947, when his wonderful Mother returned for him. She wasn't made to give up her "parental rights" because it was done throught the Catholic Church. He had a life in foster care and the orphanages that would make your skin crawl, vomit, drink, tear your hair out. His father's brother tryed to adopt him couldn't, his single uncle brother to his mother got married just so he could try. He was in the Army and was sent to the Phillipines where he was on the
    Baton Death March and beheaded by a Japanese soldier for trying to get water for friends. At 16 my husband dropped out of HS and enlisted in the Army. He knew he would get 3 meals a day and a bed. He was sent to Korea and served in the Korean War. Came home at 18. We married in 1979. We had one child he was always overly protective of her. He died of Bone Cancer in 2009, the same day my daughter found out she was having a baby girl and told him. He died 2 hrs. later. We need to clean up Child Protective Services in every state and be pro-active when we suspect abuse or Child Protective Services and the Police of not doing there jobs.

    Getting off my Soap Box now.
    The boys should have been taken away when she first was reported missing and given to her parents.

  39. This story is horrible but I like that "Enty" posts real crime stories.

  40. I Am Fishead info - you can watch it online here: and the password is fhmovie.

    Thanks for the recommendation! I just got lost in the Psychopath forum...what a peculiar little community. And I thought WE were nuts. ;)

  41. All of us here in Washington state have been SCREAMING mad about how DSHS/CPS handled, actually, MIShandled this whole case. sad sad sad.

  42. I work with troubled youth and people who work with quite a bit more troubled youth and/or in CPS. I am not against the orphanage idea - my friends who are deep in wish they were an option all the time.

  43. This story gets sicker by the day... I'm so upset that there were so many signs out there and nothing was done to protect these kids... Unbelievable

  44. The supervised visits were court ordered, so I lay more of the blame on them. And the police, who obviously botched the case.

    Did anyone read where this guy has always been nutso? He threatened his mom with a knife when she asked him to do the dishes.

    This story is absolutely horrifying. I feel so sorry for the CPS worker and can't imagine the guilt that she and the 911 dispatcher must feel at this time.
