Thursday, February 09, 2012

Jersey City Says Yes To The Antics Of Snooki & Jwowww

Last week Hoboken said they did not want Snooki and Jwoww in their town filming because they did not believe the pair set a good example and thought they would cause too much disruption. Jersey City on the other hand would love to have the two drink their town dry and have issued permits to MTV to allow shooting. To make sure the police at least will be happy, Jersey City is requiring that MTV hire way more police than normally would be required at a film production. This way the unions are happy, the police are happy, MTV is happy and everyone gets to see the inside of every bar in Jersey City which makes all the bar owners happy.


  1. Of course someone has to take them on. Their behavior is not abnormal for the age group, and the orgasm of self-righteousness that greets every manifestation of Jersey Shore guarantees that they generate a buzz. I love reading the armies of people who are superior and indignant. It's kind of funny to think that this debased, fallen, directionless world is populated by people with such high moral standards, at least if you ask them directly.

  2. Part of the reason Hoboken doesn't want the show is that Hoboken is a tiny strip of a town on the Hudson River. It's streets are small. They had a tv show shooting there a number of years ago that created havoc with noise and traffic. They are just not big enough to accommodate the number of people and vehicles this show would bring. Jersey City, on the other hand, is the opposite. It is huge geographically, and has a new development on the water with high rises, a mall and lots of space.It has a great mix of old brownstone neighborhoods and high rises with great views of Manhattan, and it could use the economic boost, whereas Hoboken is cute and touristy and really doesn't need it.

  3. I want to start a band and call it ''The Orgasm of Self-Righteousness.'' That actually sounds like a Cake album title, come to think of it...

    These ''kids'' and their antics have really gotten tired. I thought they would have reached their expiration date ages ago.

  4. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Finally, a closer look at the inner workings of Jersey City. Screw you, National Geographic Channel, I got a new channel to educate me.

    Sigh, sadly, I'll watch this. Whenever I get self-righteous (often), I need my love of Jersey Shore slapped in my face.

    My only concern (oh God, I just wrote that, didn't I?) is Jenni doesn't do anything. Ever. She just rolls her eyes at everyone and takes care of drunk Deena.

  5. My 12 year old will not let us watch Jersey Shore..."it'll make you stupid."

    I know sound advice when I hear it!

  6. if you've ever been to jersey city, you know that in everywhere except the new developments, there is a bar on every corner. so, that's alot of booze.

    don't watch it, just waiting for them to go away.

  7. Patty, that's awesome.

  8. So glad this isn't in Hoboken.

    It's bad enough with the Cake Boss masses.

  9. I live in Hoboken...and it's bad enough having the cake boss there. First off, we don't need the publicity or the money. It's a wealthy town as it is. The town is only a Square Mile. The streets are tiny and get flooded and blocked off all the time. It's caos as it is...and the parking is horrible, worse than NYC. You can also hear everything from the street when people are walking by, because the streets are so small.

    Jersey City needs some publicity. It's a pit and some parts outright gross, except for the areas near the Financial District and near Hoboken. They've been trying to build up Jersey City's reputation for a long time, so send them there. I don't know where they're going to party though...or with who. I personally wouldn't party at the places in Jersey City. There's a few bars, but they're not really dance clubs that I know of, rowdy kinda places like the Jersey Shore. They're going to have to party in NYC.

    Why do they have to go to Jersey anyway? They're both from New York. Go there. Too many reality shows in Jersey already. We don't need anymore.

  10. @anita_mark - She also eats chips while laying about :)

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  12. Enty, you gotta stop using that picture of them. I don't know what's worse--Snooki's floppy side boob or JWOWW's frozen face.

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  15. The JC mayor was really happy on TV talking about this last night -- the city can really use the boost. And they have the infrastructure and diverse entertainment options to handle this crew.

  16. They would have been like turds out of the toilet bowl in Hoboken. They will fit right into Jersey City. Hell, they might even class it up a bit! (And yes, I have spent time there).

  17. Fuck this annoys me. I quit Jersey Shore cold turkey a few weeks ago. I feel so liberated. I just couldn't handle the skankiness, the misogyny, the contrived feeling of it all. So incredibly stupid. And, I hate what it represents. My state of New Jersey is fabulous, so fuck off, MTV.

    Patty - I hope your daughter is in enrichment because she's a freakin' genius.

    These tricks aren't even from New Jersey. And Snooki's an idiot. Jenny is so in it for the paycheck only. You can tell she's while watching Jersey Shore. But, I guess if MTV is paying, who can hate on them for taking the paycheck.

  18. OT, but hubby and I are going back to New York next year (my 3rd visit, his 2nd). This time we are starting off by driving around Long Island and New Jersey. We are doing the vineyards on Long Island and Atlantic City in New Jersey. Any suggestions for other places?
    Thanks in advance, and yes I am an anal retentive control freak who likes to plan things in advance.

  19. Anonymous12:36 PM

    @Lori, that killed me. She was just lying on the couch, staring into space, lazily snacking on chips. I thought I had made doing nothing an art form but wow, I step aside to her.

  20. feraltart - There are tons of wineries in New Jersey. This link should help you out:

    Restaurant recommendations in AC that are of the non-casino variety:

    Girasole, 3108 Pacific Ave., fabulous pizzas, pastas and unique Italian (Not your red and white checkered table cloth variety)

    Angelo's Fairmount Tavern - More of the typical Italian American popular in Jersey. An Atlantic City institution, really.

    More fancy pants - Knife and Fork Inn.

    My fave casinos are Caesars, but the Borgata is the newest and probably the swankiest (by Jersey standards, ha).

    If you come to any wineries in Hammonton, you should let me know. That's where I live.

  21. does MTV not realize that Jersey City is THE GHETTO?!

  22. Thanks Susan! Hubby and I are going to try and nut out an itinerary today. Brilliant. Really appreciate you going to the time to respond.
