Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Kylie Bisutti Quits Victoria's Secret Modeling Because Of Her Beliefs

Three years ago Kylie Bisutti beat out 10,000 other women and became a Victoria's Secret Model in their televised search. Now she is calling it quits with the company. She told FOX News that her body is only for her husband and that although she loved the competing to win the spot as a model for the company that over the two years she realized that modeling lingerie does not fit into her Christian beliefs and that she wants to be a role model for girls and women and that her marriage is sacred and that she feels no one other than her husband should be able to see her body.

Interesting. You have to admire someone who walks away from potentially millions of dollars in earnings because they feel strongly about their beliefs. She says that she will continue to model, but just all covered up. She is just 21 now and was 18 when she won the show and when she got married. She actually got married right before she got on the show. Wow. 18 is young to get married.


  1. May be a jealous husband?

  2. ^that's what I was thinking.

  3. EXACTLY what I thought, too, Lindsey. Or a highly-controlling one. This doesn't bode well for a successful marriage, IMO.

    Don't most models need to be naked or half-so in front of many people on a regular basis, even if the resulting photos or runway walks show her fully-clothed?

    Why the eff would she have done it in the first place, then? Sucks for the other gals in the competition who would've very gladly taken the ball and RUN like hell with it if they'd won.

    I honestly feel sorry for her.

    (And I am NOT Christian-bashing here).

  4. If she's doing this because of her own beliefs, then good for her. But if this is her husband manipulating her, then I feel bad for her.

  5. Plus--please. Everyone has seen you half-nekkid already! Cat's outta the bag, dude.

  6. If she is truly doing this for her own beliefs, she wouldn't have done it to begin with. It's not like anyone on the planet does not know what Victoria Secret is all about. I believe this is a jealous husband.

  7. Sorry but it feels like a controlling husband to me as well. Years ago when I got married for the first time (18) my husband told me that he didn't want me to pursue a singing career. Even though I had an offer to sing with a Jazz Band, he said that he would not be able to be married to someone who was in "the spotlight". That was just the beginning.

    Having said that, I sincerely hope it is just how she feels about it. If it is, than more power to her for standing up for her beliefs.

  8. Honey, stick with your job and make money at it while you can.

    I don't think hubby is a keeper.

  9. @SaintsFan ... I agree with you!

  10. Hmmm, controlling husband, sure makes sense. I am thinking her church might have a hand in it as well.

  11. Ok, I'm seriously confused here... I understand belief systems evolve over time, however wouldn't the lingerie modeling have been at least a blip on the moral radar?
    I mean seriously... you're in a contest competing against 10k other women to be a model for Victoria's Secret. It's not like they're known for their flannel nightgowns after all.
    So suddenly you're aware that you're posing in lingerie and it's a personal morality issue, and you're walking away from your contract because of it?
    Oh there's serious backstory here.

  12. Really?! After 3 years it all of sudden became and issue... totally something fishy. I didn't think about jealousy issues and stuff until I read the comments but that would make a lot of sense. Or else her career was waning and she had to something to get some attention... She must have a book coming out or a reality show in the works.

  13. I immediately thought "jealous husband" too.

  14. Yes...and when her jealous controling husband finds something else to try and change about her...and eventually when they divorce and she kicks herself for losing out on all that $$$...she'll be too old to be a victoria secrets model. Models usually only have a life expectancy of 24/25 yrs old. Only the super famous ones can carry on later in life.

    Never ever give up on your dreams or goals for someone else. You will regret it one day or have resentment towards that person.

  15. She's certainly getting a lot more attention as a model now, isn't she?

  16. Well, judging by the cuffs on that atrociously shitty outfit, girlfriend's beliefs dont seem to include giving two shits about animals, now do they?

    And I actually co-sign half of the reason why she claims she wants to quit; being conscious that this isnt the best way to be a role model for little girls and women makes a lot of sense.

    BUT then saying her body is for her husband alone, eh, sounds like she is his property or something and Im not comfortable with the whole we married now Im his chattel vibe Im getting from this chick.

    Oh and Fox News reporting on this is SO apropos, it's practically redundant at this point~

  17. Controlling husband. She's only 21, regardless of her experience. Foolish girl. If it truly is her beliefs, fine. But it sure doesn't sound like it.

  18. According to IMDB she married a man "more than 15 years older than her". Sounds like a husband looking for someone they can control.

  19. I agree with you, seems like a case of the Seal. Her husband better be making a lot of money to justify it...

  20. Add me to the "controlling husband" believers. First thing in my mind, second only to "wow, eighteen IS really young to get married".

  21. My guess controlling husband she met going to some crazy cultish church.

    This marriage will not end well.

  22. BigMama, I hope you old him, good I'm no going to be married to you then.

  23. Well, good for her.

  24. Must be a controlling husband. Because it's assumed that a woman, rich or poor, cannot make up her own mind, much less change her mind. There must be a man to do that for her.

    See how that works?

  25. Hahaha, good point Amartel!

  26. Reminds me of the circumstances which led to Lacey Chabert being let go from the Early Family Guy seasons. She reportedly told Seth that she wasn't comfortable with the show and he said alright, see ya.

    I'm with everyone that's on the controlling husband train. Adriana Lima is very religious and she has no problem working for VS. Yep, Something else is going on.

  27. Typical for all religions, keep the women financialy dependable on the men and she'll do everything he says. Why do you think do those fanatics forbid education for girls in Afghanistan, why do they forbid them driving in Saudi Arabia. Any bit of freedom lessens the control of the men.

  28. good point Amartel

  29. Maja- though our comments were 3 minutes a part, this should STILL count as a jinx!

    Love when that happens darlin ;))

  30. Well of course a woman can make her own decisions. Please. Most of us on here do it on a DAILY basis, I am sure.

    But this really doesn't sound like she is making up her own mind. Come ON. All of a sudden she thinks being a lingerie model is off-limits? After competing for the damn job? Right.

    If she is just plain sick of doing it and wants out of her contract, why not just say so without bringing all the Christianity bull crap into it?


  31. Yeah, I believe Adriana Lima was even a virgin until she got married, and she's still humping down the runway. she even shilled for a "buy me flowers and I'll fuck you" super Bowl TV commercial.

  32. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Had she not said her body was only for her husband, I might have not even finished reading the post, let alone check out the comments. But that was my red flag that it's a controlling husband.

    Voice o'Reason, your pic is killing me.

  33. I'm with you guys. She was married at 18 to a 30 something guy. He is so manipulating her. I hope she gets some sense.

  34. What Selena Kyle said. Both times.

  35. @Gary - nope, sure didn't. I was young and stupid. Resent the hell out of him every day. I don't sing any more either. Dream lost

  36. Maybe she's just matured and strengthened her beliefs. I'm 22 and even looking back two years ago I've grown up and matured a lot. She's still young and figurin out what she wants in life.

  37. Married 18
    Quits modeling 21
    Divorced 25

  38. I salute her! Why assume its a controlling husband (passing judgment) and not respect her decision to respect her body? That's a major problem with youth and entertainers, they lack discretion! Good for her for doing her part for self and societal cultivation (morality and social responsibility)!

    On my soapbox now... Was this a blind? The one about a woman changing her ways because of learning about how women are objectified?

  39. Not buying it.
    She made up HER mind, and made HER choice when she competed for the job.

    I can't believe that her beliefs kicked in when she got married. It's a tad late to feel that no one but her husband should see her body.

    She's young, and it would be a terrible shame if her husband is a *you are mine* control freak. That type of man should be culled at birth.

  40. Feziq, yes, this MUST be an answer to that blind, because she suddenly realized, after competing for a job to be a piece of meat and doing it for several years, that wolves look at meat and don't think of the personality of the animal that it came from.

  41. "...she feels no one other than her husband should be able to see her body."

    Too late, we are all looking at it right now!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. The moral qualm thing is clearly just something she sprayed on for the moment. I suspect the real story is that she doesn't want to ho for her money in that vicious industry. A model making a few thousand dollars for a shoot is experiencing good luck. Only a few dozen models make significant money in that business. The wise ones partner up and marry money. I imagine her husband is not poor.

  44. A god that could turn their backs on starving children, rape, genocide and torture is not likely to give a rat's ass how much skin someone shows. Or which team wins a sports event. I mean, really. That being said, to each his own. I can't really bash others beliefs because if it comforts them and get's them through the day, then it can't be all bad. We all do what we gotta do to get through this life in one piece.

    1. Wow, turn his back or just allow what was prophecized to play out?

  45. Is she related to Shannon Stewart of ANTM "fame"???

  46. I also think this smells of a controlling husband, however, she was 18 when she started. It is totally possible that her beliefs evolved over time. Still it is her body and her choice. I do not understand her decision but I admire the fact that she has the courage to make it.

  47., she married young! good luck w/ that. i'm not going to jump on the controlling theory bandwagon tho. i hate the thought that a woman successful at a young age is not capable of thinking or making decisions for herself. i think she's probably just really conservative. i'm a christian and idg the dilema, honestly...but then, i come from a cool denomination where we wear bikinis, drink, dance and ordain & license gay clergy. no disrespect to her tho, if making that choice makes her happy, well, who am i to dog it...go her.

  48. SaintsFan said...
    "If she is truly doing this for her own beliefs, she wouldn't have done it to begin with."

    This was my thought as well.

  49. Personally If I had a wife that made much $$$$ doing that, I'd be more peeved if she waned to quit i for her "beliefs". As a NG soldier, I need a woman that makes more money than me, SO I will know she will no ROB me blind when on a deployment.

  50. It's a certain type of guy who goes after raging narcissists in the throes of adolescent conduct disorder. Good luck to them!

  51. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I'm betting her VS contract ended and wasn't renewed . As pretty as she is, she was a crowd-sourced model and to not be working more by 18 means that she's was passed over a few times. They let the marketing piece run its course and then booted her.

    This is spin.
