Friday, February 03, 2012

Lady GaGa's Parents Open Restaurant - "Worst Food Of My Life"

It probably does not matter that the food sucks at the new restaurant just opened by Lady GaGa's parents. I don't think they were going for five star. What they are probably going for are fans who just want to get as close to GaGa as they can. It is like selling a t-shirt. The only difference is that someday your grandchild will wear the t-shirt and it will be vintage and cool and there is nothing cool about a bad meal.

The best quote from the NY Post reviewer is, "the shellfish pasta is similar to airline food." Oh, and he also said that some of the food was the worst food he has ever had in his life. Think about how many meals this guy has had and this food is the worst he has ever had? The place will probably still be rolling in money.


  1. They live 2 blocks away from the restaurant and there was a need for this type of menu in the vicinity.
    I think he saw it as an opportunity for more than just gaga stuff.
    It's a pity it's not good, but it could get better.
    Usually when a local opens up a business, the community does their best to support it. So that's what we're doing for now.

  2. "The shellfish pasta is similar to airline food."

    Oh Jesus! You shouldn't mess around with shellfish. If ill prepared, that shit can mess people up. I hope that they're at least being careful. Airline food reference implies that it's not fresh at all.

  3. They should have opened a bar and's hard to screw up a hamburger.

  4. I read this review on the Post. The critic was really hating.

  5. Her parents are really young-looking.

  6. Well it is like all those themed restuarants like Fashion Cafe and Hard Rock, you go to see who you see or be seen not necessarily the food.

  7. They need Gordon Ramsay in there, stat! Ooh, it's Friday! Kitchen Nightmares night, baby!

    Oh... oh my. I think I need to get a life (stat?).

  8. They ARE young-looking, and LG's mom is far more attractive than she is, IMHO.

  9. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Was it just one review? Just one guy said it sucked? One? Oh, well then it must suck.

    Yeah, sadly she looks like daddy instead of mommy.

  10. Fashion Cafe and Hard Rock, you go to see who you survival warehouse coupon see or be seen not necessarily the food.
