Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lily Allen Thinks Adele Being Cut Off Was Sexist

Apparently Lily Allen does not watch very much live television and has never seen an awards show. After Adele was cut off in mid-speech the other night, England has gone into a frenzy. People say they have written their member of Parliament and are outraged and it goes on and on. Lily Allen, who has not been heard from since she had her baby suddenly came out and said it was because Adele is a woman and they would never have done it to a man. Seriously? I know when you watch Golden Globes or Academy Awards that it does not matter who you are or what sex you are you are getting cut off if you go long. If the show starts running long then the people at the end have their time to talk cut. It is definitely not a sexist thing and it is definitely not politician calling worthy. It is a two minute thank you speech for an award that no one will remember she won five years from now. Get over it.


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I hate Twitter. It gives everyone the ability to shout their opinion and then it gets reported. Sigh....

  2. Completely agree Enty. I'm in London and was watching the Brits when it happened and it obviously wasn't nice for Adele but calling your MP? Come on! That is way over the top!

  3. I don't understand any of the furor here-- from Adele with her gesture, or from Lily with her twitter crusade. Sexism aside, where is it written that anyone is entitled to any acceptance speech at all, let alone to have as much time as they see fit to speak? Or that people are entitled to an award for that matter? Honestly its ridiculous. All this "but it interfered with her shining moment" stuff makes me vomit a little in my mouth. Anyone in her position should be psyched that they have such amazing talent, lots of cash, and now lots of recognition and awards, and f the 10 millionth speech. Seriously. If you really needed to say something and couldn't use the post-show press conference for that.

  4. In '94 they cut away from Frank Sinatra to go to a commercial for cryin' out loud, although, truth be told, he was rambling like a tipsy Italian grandfather offering a toast at a family reunion. It seems Adele is no exception, sad to say; but call/write your MP about something important, for Pete's sake!

  5. Lily is a nimrod. Using this as an excuse for attention. I agree - Twitter allows any asshole a forum.

  6. Thank you and good night should suffice.

    Halle Berry's rambling was one of the worst ever.

  7. Lily Allen is a c**t.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I feel like every few months or so Lily Allen, says something so people will know that she's still around. Stop it Lily ok thanks.

  10. If Sinatra gets played off, anybody gets played off.

  11. I disagree with Enty. Adele would have had plenty of time if the director would not have given the singer of Blur all the time in the world to blabber about his always unimportant band.

  12. I've worked on a couple of awards shows and time is incredibly crucial. When awards shows go over their limit (just like sports games) it plays havoc with the broadcasters. All of these shows (not the sports ones) are generally timed to end on time. But since there are so many people to coordinate. It sucks that Adele got cut off during her big moment, but they are all told how much time they can use and Adele used alot of her time just standing there smiling at everyone. She handled it well and probably doesn't hold any grudges (despite the middle finger) so this is a non-issue.

  13. Have to also disagree with Enty. The post itself says, "It is a two minute thank you speech". If she had gone on and on then I would agree that people getting pissy is uncalled for but she was only up there for Less then a minute before they cut her off and most of that was letting the applause die down. I think it's fair that people are upset about this.

  14. People need to pick their battles. That's something my parents taught me when I was a kid, and probably some of the best advice I've ever been given (that, and there's never an excuse for being an asshole). When people bitch and moan about the stupidest, most inconsequential stuff, when you actually have something of importance to say, no one cares. Seriously. Adele is talented, but give me a break. Bringing in the government? Uh huh. You're an idiot.

  15. Yeah, disagree with Enty on this one. Watch the "speech". The applause for her winning barely dies down, and she says all of "Thank you! I'm so proud to be here with all of you waving the British flag and -- " and BOOM. CUT OFF. She wasn't going long. Hell, she wasn't even started.

  16. I swear for all awards show they should figure out a way to handle this.

    There is always a screen behind the winner. Maybe everyone nominated should hand in a list of the staff they would like to thank if they win and then THAT could be projected nice and big. Then the person could limit their comments to loved ones or fans etc.

  17. Considering Adele SAVED the fkn music industry this year, let the biotch talk for a minute! She earned those stupid suits a LOT of money.

    Fack Blur, who needs to see Damon Albarn putz around for 11mins?

  18. She's Lily Cole now... took her hubbys surname

  19. SO agree with anita_mark.

  20. I think people need to find a hobby. I cant believe this is an issue.

  21. While I think it was a damn shame they cut her off so fast, writing your MP over it is just plain ridiculous!

  22. As others said, it wasn't that she went on too long, the producers chose Blur over her, and that's nuts, and yes, possibly sexist, in my opinion.

  23. Sorry, that was way too many commas for once sentence.

  24. I agree with you Moosh and I love you for your 2nd comment (you're so cute)

  25. whoa, that was a lot of variations of you.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Damon Albarn & Blur have been around a long time and have earned the right to both speak & perform. Obviously the length of their set was agreed on ahead of time. Adele will fade away soon anyway.

  28. Uh oh, Jasmine, sounds like I'm contagious! ♥

  29. Ehm...while they could have given her another minute, what does Lily or anyone else that seriously wrote a government official think they are going to do?
