Friday, February 10, 2012

The Macaulay Culkin Photo Everyone Is Talking About

For the past 24 hours, Entertainment Tonight has been preaching their gloom and doom for the health of Macaulay Culkin because of this photo of him above. Although he looks scary skinny so does everyone else in Hollywood. He does not look like he is really frail. I think after Mila Kunis dumped him he gave up smoking pot so he does not get the munchies anymore and has lost a bunch of weight. I don't think he is dying or anything. I just think he has that kind of body that says I have been in the business since I was 8 and have been on a diet since that time and have done a lot and seen a lot and have lived a very hard 31 years. But, I still look better than Lindsay Lohan and unlike Lindsay I will stop on the street and pose for a photo with fans because I am a really nice guy. Yeah, I like the guy and he is a really really good actor who will never be to shake the child actor he was, but to me has a chance to win an Academy Award at some point.


  1. He does look a little shocking in those photos but it's nice to read that he is a nice guy. I loved him as Thomas J....

  2. I don't doubt that he's a nice guy. Never did.

    I still think he looks unhealthy, and I hope he can get his health under control.

    Loved him in SAVED!

  3. He looks seriously skinny, but I'm not sure he looks sick either. It kinda looks like that's just the way he looks, if that makes sense.

  4. Um Enty? Are you looking at the same picture we are? He looks skeletal. Anorexic! Something is terribly wrong with him. Drugs, illness, something. That picture of him - he doesn't look normal. PERIOD.

    I do agree though...awesome actor!

  5. I love Mac! I have since we were kids (we are the same age, I don't know him personally, though! lol). He does look thin and not his best, but he can do no wrong in my eyes. And it makes me happy to know that he is kind to his fans.

  6. What ever it is, it's making him look years older than he is. Here's a young man that survived one of the most dysfunctional families pre dating the Lohans...
    Prayer's and fingers crossed that everything is o.k.,
    wish he was working he was wonderful.

  7. But how can you tell how skinny he really is by just his face? He always has had a pretty lean looking face. I don't know, I am not going to say he looks deathly just yet, need a photo of his whole body for me to make that judgement. I have people in my family that have really thin faces like this and are definitely NOT on their death bed.

  8. He reminds me of Willem Dafoe. I don't think he's ill looking, just very skinny and too much Red Bull.

  9. Mac is a great actor. I loved him in "Saved" and even better in "Party Monster". I knew the guy that Mac played in "Party Monster" (and the victim in that movie too) in real life. Mac played Michael Alig PERFECTLY. And that's not a easy character to play.

  10. Well, I wouldn't say he's at death's door, per se. I do think he looks really tired and stressed, along with thin, which I guess he HAS always been. His eyes just don't look right to me. Perhaps it's just overwork and too many late nights and Red Bull. But I still don't think he looks like the picture of health. Dude needs a good night's sleep and/or a tropical vacay! (Of course, right about now, don't we all?!)

  11. He doesn't look healthy. I hope he is ok. I'm glad to hear he is nice as I enjoy seeing his movies. Didn't he have a sister that died? If so, maybe he is grieving.

  12. I think he just doesn't care as much about himself since Mila left him and it shows. He's obviously hurting now. Love him, hope he eventually gets over her, and wish him the best always.

  13. He looks scary thin not the naturally thin guy he is.

  14. Anonymous7:35 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Anonymous7:36 AM

    His colouring doesn't help him. He's a very pale pink so bloodshot eyes look even worse on him.

    And there's no proof he's a nice guy, this is what Enty is taking away from it. Maybe he is but we don't know. Enty just didn't use proper punctuation so it's hard to read.

    I think he looks horrible. He's never really been good looking but he's looking especially bad now.

  16. His sister did die three years ago. Also, Bonnie Bedelia is his aunt! Kit Culkin and Bonnie are brother and sister...who knew?!

  17. I read he's working on a movie. I am hoping it's for a role.

  18. He looks like a tweaker in this pic.

  19. @JJ - I said the same thing to my husband

    I loved him in Saved and believe he is very talented but Enty, you are kidding yourself if you think he looks ok. I won't go so far as to say he looks like he is on deaths door, but he does look like shit. With that, I wish him well and hope he is able to pull it together soon.

  20. He's naturally thin, but living on cigarettes and Red Bull ain't helping.

  21. Home Alone: The Meth Years

  22. C'mon group. His hair and skin look very healthy. He's just a thin guy with pale skin. You Go, Kevin!

  23. He looks like an addict. Aside from the weight and sunken cheeks, his eyes don't look like he's altogether there. I'm sure he's a lovely man, though. He seems like a gentle soul. I think that's why it makes people so sad to see him look this haggard.

  24. Still---Rickety Cricket.

  25. Yikes. He is floating in his pants, which aren't that baggy to start with. I'm pretty sure he's skeletal-skinny beneath the clothes, just from seeing the sunken cheekbones (you can't see much of it from this angle) and the protruding chest clavicles... and you think he's fine Enty?!?

  26. I do really like him but he does really look like a drug addict/actually high at the time of this pic. Not just the weight etc but his eyes-- red, glassy, etc. Which he has seemed to be for a while. I don't think stopping smoking pot is the explanation for this loss.... unles that's a joke? I always assumed he and Mila were into more than just pot.

    Here's hoping he can get it together, he is very talented and seems like a nice person not an entitled brat (ahem LL).

  27. I think the picture that was so "shocking" was actually the picture that went with the one above that you posted. It was a close-up of his face, and it was like a faces of Meth poster.
    The picture you posted here is not bad at all. He looks like a young Steve Buscemi (? spelling)

  28. lmao SelenaKyle - yes!!!!

    And I hate it when Enty plays favorites and tried to spin things like he's one of their "people". He is a very talented actor and by many a ccounts a very nice guy, especially condsidering the dysfunction that was his childhood! But he looks awful, if you look at the opening of his shirt you can see the bones in his chest. Collar bones are normal, those are not something that should be protruding like that on an adult male who is of a healthy weight.
    I think he looks like a meth head and it makes me so sad.


    This is the picture that got me worried. I wish him the best, whatever his situation

  30. So I was debating about this with another CDAN poster yesterday--- Hands down FOR SURE drugs (or some type of illness is happening)

    Uh, you can be a nice guy and still use drugs, they arent all assholes ya know, Enty.

    So at first I thought Meth, of course. BUT, as a few of you have pointed out, he does have healthy looking hair and from what I can tell no skin pocks or irritations/sores and someone correct me if Im wrong but I thought those went hand in hand with Meth. (but my scope of knowledge on the subject begins with Faces of Meth (shiver) and ends with Intervention.)

    So now I think it's meds, pills he's could be overabusing. I also think an over excess of coke could be happening as well, that'd produce the skinny thang while maintaining a good face.

    Remember that Blind Enty had awhile ago---I thought the general deduction was Mila left him for his over excess usage of drugs.

  31. Last year at about this time I was in NYC and out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. A bunch of filthy hipsters walked in and my first thought was "there has to be someone famous in that group" because normal people don't/can't/won't look like that ... at least not in that type of restaurant. By the way, they actually looked filthy ... I don't categorize all hipsters as being filthy. ;)

    It was Mack & his friends. They sat at the table directly behind ours and reeked so strongly of cigarettes that I felt like I was in a smoke shop.

    This is neither here nor there, except to say that while he looked like a dirty hipster that smoked too much, he looked healthy. He absolutely does NOT look like the same guy in these photos. I was shocked, actually. I'm glad he's a nice guy, but he clearly needs to get some help asap.

  32. oh wow, Lisa's comment is helpful, I figured this might just be how he looks these days.

    The only thing I can think is that MAYBE this is for a role.

    Otherwise yeah there's a problem here somewhere.

  33. its unfortunate that whoever took the photo betrayed him in that way. he is a naturally thin guy.

  34. He lives on Red Bull just like Demi Apparently. Isn't Red Bull loaded with sugar? Won't you gain weight from that? I was drinking a giant can of that stuff every day for a month. My stomach got real flabby.

    I don't think he's near death or anything but from that other photo of him yesterday he has that old man caved in face look. That's not good. He and Lindsay need sleep, water, nutrition and exercise. In her case she probably also needs an exorcist.

  35. My thirteen year old son took one, two second look at this picture and said, "Who is that, Mom? He's on meth." Sadly, my son has had a lot of Don't Do Meth training at school. We live in Oklahoma, Tweakerville U.S.A. And we're sad, because we love Kevin :-(.

  36. There is a sugar free red bull but that isn't what he is drinking.

  37. I was just kidding when I said "Meth" but he really looks unwell. Maybe he has anorexia.

  38. I've always thought he sort of looked like a shaved rat, it's just that being skinny doesn't help the way-too-pale skin and borderline albino coloring thing he's got happening there.

  39. His pale skins betrays his health, I am also crossing my fingers and hoping that's true. I love the kind words you have for him Enty.

  40. He looks like my mentally ill uncle. Some of it's the thinness, some of it is the eyes. Very sad looking. He didn't look like this when he and Mila were together.

  41. When i was an every day pot smoker, I was skinny as. When I gave it up I gained heaps of weight. Pot accelerates your metabolism which is why you get the munchies and eat entire contents of fridges.

    I have no clue what is going on with this kid, maybe he's on the ashley greene diet? he looks really healthy though - seriously, skin and hair are glowing.

    also, red bull is so disgusting, look up the ingredients and you will never drink it again. I now squeeze half a lemon into water or soda water (or lime if we can afford it) and that's my drink.

  42. It wasn't this picture that I saw, it was a closer picture, and my first thought was that he looked a lot like a friend of ours who had just returned from super secret work in a war. (No idea what, but it was incredibly intense, and he was in hospital for months before he came home)
    He had the same gaunt features and haunted looking, sunken eyes.
    I'm not a huge Mac fan, I'll have to take the word of those who are fans.

  43. It looks like heroin to me. He looks pretty stoned right now.

  44. He needs to check his sugar at once. My son looked like this the morning we rushed him into the emergency room. With type 1 diabetes the body can't absorb sugar because of the lack of insulin. The sugar starts to eat away at the body fat. Red Bull is pure sugar. If he is living on that and may be diabetic the more he drinks the more weight he will lose. Even though my son had lost about 25 pounds in a matter of weeks, which we didn't notice thinking he was a gangly teen, he looked like Macaulay in the days before he was diagnosed.

  45. I bet he has Gluten Allergy (Celiac) I looked the same way. Stopped eating gluten and I gained 60lbs. in a good way
